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\¡¡¿ Why does something

- �--
become popular?


,. • • <.'- ,
,. �·
A. Dlscuss these questlons wlth your classmates.
1. Do you and your fri,mds like the sarne 1hings? Do you wear rhe same
clothes? Whydoyou think that is?

l;. ,� , ;I ,..
2. l.ook al the pholo. Docribe 1ht: people in che prcrure and wha: 1hey
• -·· l'.. "\
are doing. What do you think makes a new product eimung?
,., -· • .., C, B. Listen to The O Classroom onllne. Then answer these questlons.

0 ' .
1 / '
l. Yuna thinks thm popularity gmws by word ofmouth. Do you think
1ha1 is true?
2. What is an enmpleof another reason that some\hing becomes

IQ PRACJICQ Go to the onllne discusslon board to dlscuss the
• .' i \ Unlt Questlon wlth your classmates. Proctlce > Unlt 1 > Act,vlty 1
¡'�-� ( ,


l 1
Marketing identif�•ng the main idea of
· � P•••K•aph
Read the ameles. Gathel'" lr,formation and ideas to wnte a
pul!ing idea s,nordN OBJECTIVE
descr,ptlve pa,a�ph about a current trend and why it Is popular.
word lnm,1,�,
writ1ng a descript,ve
pre�ent' ontmuou1

2 UNIT I Why don 1omethlng bo<:offll! popubor1 3

8. PREVIEW Read the tltle and look at the plctures In the artrde about
advertlslng. What do you thlnk the artlcle wllt say about advert�lng?
READING 1 Unusual Ideas to Make a Buzz
C. QUICK WRITE Why do you lhlnk lhat certaln Ideas or products become
OBJECTIVE ► You a,e going toread an Ol'l\inl! artkle iibOul how advertisers try to make th1ngs popular7 Wrlte three sentences. lnclude al leas! one eumple. Be sure to use
popular Use the readlng togatherlnlormation and ><leas loryour Un1tA$slgnment. thls sectlon for your Unit A55lgnment.


A. VOCABULARY Here are sorne words from Reading l. Read their (t A. INVESTIGATE Reitd the artide and gather information about why
defimtions. Then complete each sentence. somethlng becomes popular.

clear (odjtclil'E'J t o,u easy to see, hear, or understand

conne-ct (verb) 'C .,.. .. to ¡oin orto link to somethlngor SOrTl('(lne
contribute lverb! 'i: orA• togive orbe a part of something with other people
express (wrb) 'l orAl to sayor show how yoo th!nkor feel
lind out (verb phro�) to gel or discovef lnformation about somethlog
spread (verb) 'l to affect a large aiea orgroup of peo ple
trend (noon) 'C OIAl a general changeor developmerll
l. l don't know whac time the mall opens- 1'11 go online to _,ruorud�o,, <
2 M:my American$ are buying smallerears rhat use less gas They are pan of a
�------�1ha1 started a few rears ago.
3. A small firecan�------�quickly in a dry place. E\.'8fy yellf eompani&s Spend mltlions of @ new lrend ,n advertlslng, in which comparoes

4. Each should [======:::J,,ually

dallan; on advertlslng to creare buzz about the1r pay lor unusua! !Mll11s, hoping lhat customers
member oí lhe group to the projecl. producb-ln other words, to get people talklng w�I talk more aboot the<r products
about !hem. Companles know- lhat people hke to 3 Sorne other compenles choose 10 do
5. Thanks 10 tbe trucmcr.Jean can always �------�wíth her Iamrly, lalk about unusual. funny. and rema1kable lhlngs. somelhing S<.lrpnslng so that people WIII
even though they Hve far away. Nowadays. companles are uslng many creat1..-e remember lheil" produel and spn,ed thelr Idea.
ways to help products become more popular. A good example Is e company celled Blendtec"'
6. ik.'Cause Doug and l.iz don·1 speak Span!sh wcll, 1heycouldn'1
2 One Idea lhat can conlrlbule to popl.4arity Tom Oic;kson. Blerl(!tec''"'s owner, hlld an Idea
�------�thems,elws well when on vacation in Spain is to do somellung ,_-, ._.,usual, Red Bul',. to make his blenders ook more inleresbng. He
c,omp.-iy lhat makes ene,gy '"""· � made video$ show1ng rtls blenders mli<lng up
?. lt was very
�----� that Norikod1dn't ,!o herhorncwo,k. Is a
want people to teel¡¡etic 'ntleo1 they thlllk unusual lh,nps. He pul itams hke smerlphones,
She didn't know nny answcrs during the class discussion.
about Red Bull'"'- so lhey sp:mcnd an unusual rakes. or $portS equlpment lnto ol'le ot the
� 43�r-old Felix Saomg� jumped
1Q PRAOícd Go onllne for more practlce wlth ll"te vocabulary.
fn;m 39 kilomelers up In space to aet a MW
machines and asked, •w,1111 bleru:rr People _.e
IIIM"prisecl to - e bleonoer cut a smartphone lnto
Procr/ce > Urllt l > AcrMries Z-3
wor1d record lor skydMng. He tTa'leled more $/Tlal pieces. Everyooe talked about !he videos
!han 1,300 kllometer9 par hour In a spacesun and wanted to flnd out more about !he blend8f'S.
wilh Red Bull"''li name on lt Thls Is part of a Dlckson was lnv,ted to demonstrme hls products

4 UNIT I W1,y dOH somethlris becorne popula,1 AEAOINGI 5

@ O. EXPLAIN Answer the questions. Then clrcle the answer In the rudlng. �
@C, on TV ahows. H1a blenders became much more @) asked viewers to choose 1h11 ada that they �ked
l. What <loes the word bu:u mean7
popular, and he solcf a lot more of them. lhe best. Tha created buzz because people hke
• The cornpany that makes Oorrtos' .. , a snack to parlicipate and Hpress lhlllr own oplnlona.
food. hada dlfferent idea about creaung buzz. Anolher way to make a product popular la to 2. llow high was Felix Baumgannerwhen hejumped from space?
They oeelded to get thelr custorners lnvolved. connect ft In �e·s m!rids wlth somethlng that
So they llegan e CQl"Jlpetltlon They asked lhey see often. To lmp,,o-,,e sales, lhe maker of
customers to make lhelr OWT1 TV ads Then lhey Kit Kat',. chOCotata bars used adYeftJsaments 3. llow fost <lid Felix Baumgartner travel on his skydiving adventure?
lhat coeoectec Krt Kat'" bara wrlh collee. They
hoped that every tima people drarll<. cof!ee. they

�"''11 would th!ok of Kit Kat',. bara. They were light.

Sales lmp,oved by mora than 50 percent whoen
4. What items did Tom Dickson puc 111 his blerwlers?

people comectecl Kit Kat',. bers wrth cc;Jf/ee.

S. Whot method did Kil KJl - use to gci people co huy more candy?
e There are many ways that adVBl11sers hope
to make lhEJ,r prodl.l<:ts become pop1.1lar·
dolng somethlng surprislng or excfting, asklng 6. By how much did Kit Kat'" sales improve?
customers to gel involvecl. or connect1ng
the product wfth somethlng tnat people see
regular1y. Whataver method Is usad. the result 7. Whydo companies want tocrcatebuu. about their products?
IS clear: more buzz end more populanly.

E. EXPLAIN Complete each statement. Why dld ceccre talk about tbese

l. l'eopletalkedabou1 Red Bull'" because';=============:

B. IDENTIFY Match each product to the type of advert1sing used for ,t.
2 l'eople rnlked abouL Blendtec'" beca use
D L Red Bull� asked cuseomers lO make TV ads 3. l'eople thought about Doritos'" beca use';============='.

b. conntttL-d the product wah cofftt
,. 11� � skydlver
4. l'eople though1 abom Kit Km"' beca use�------------'
IQ J!RACTÍCd Go onllne for add,tlonal readlng and comprehension.
D•· Kil Km- bars d. uied the,rproducr 10 rut things to pitte.\ Practlce ) Unlt l ) Actlvity 4

C. IDENTIFY Wrlte the correct paragraph number nexl to each tdea from the
reading. Then underllne the sentence where you found the answer. [;I@) WRITE WHAT YOU THINK
D a. People Jike to panicipate and express their own opinions.
A. DISCUSS Dlscuss these questlons In a group.
D b. Some1imesoompnnie:s dosurprislng things 10 get people 1alkmg about
l. Which typeof adverti!-Íng from 1he readmgdoyou 1hi11k is most SIICl."etSÍlll?
a prcduct.
O c. Adver1isers tryto crea te buzz. about their producrs.
2. What is an ad,.... nisement that you can remember? Why doyou
rcmemher it7
O d. Advertisers use different ways to makf: their produru popular.
D e. Sorne companics like to hold unusual evenrs
D í. When people are surprised, they may talk 11bou1 wha1 they heve seeu.

6 UNIT 1 Why Ol>l1 so,net�lng be<oone J>Ol>WI,? AEAOINlil 7

8. EXTEND Choose one ques1!on from Actlvlly A and wrlte a response. Look 2. What Is thc main tdca ofp;1111grnph 3?
back at your 0ulck Wríte on page 5 as you thlnk about what you learned. [) People will sprcnd your idea if h is ,urprising.

=========: 'El Blentec'"'s blenders are vcry �rful: they cun chop up anything.
� I � Tom Dickson had n good idea.
Kcy senrertce-
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
@ Thc ccmpany that makcs Doritos'" stancd n compct!tion.
READING SKILL ldentify1ng the maln Idea of a paragraph
(liJ Peoplecould makc thetr own rveus.
A pamgmph isa group of scmencea about onc ropc. The main idea ofn � Dori1os� cus1omers participated, so they felt more involved.
pamgrnph i,¡ the most importam poim about the tapie. Vou can often find
the main idea in the lirst or second seruence ofa paragraph This is the 1opie Kcyscntcnce:L J
sentcrn:e. l'!x, otherscmenres hdp explain orfüpport tbe main idea. ldentifying 4. What is the main idea ofp,aragraph 5'
the main idea of a paragraph will help you to understand nnd rememberwhat
)OU read. ® The ocmpanyused advernsement 10 ronnect Kit Ka!'" bars wíth coffee.
@ 0.mnec:ting a pnxluct with �omcthing that pcople see ofscn can help make
it popular.
O iOlrti5iffl Go onllne to watch the Readlng Sklll Video.
gJ Thccompany hoped that sales would mcrease.
Res,:,urces > Video> Unlt J > Rer,ding Ski// Video
Key scnten<:e:L-------------------->
A. IDENTIFY Read the paragraphs. Then circle the ma,n Ideas.
iQ fficñaJ Go onllne for more practke wllh identifylng the maln Idea of a
l. �:Xperts o/ten influen<:e our Hl11ons and purc.·h--,,Jf"or e�ample. a d<.>ttm) paragraph. Practice > Unít l > Activíty 5
(on a TV\íeahh show may rerommend a med1cauonj§use the doctor!�)
(8n expcn in healthcare. we cx¡x,ct her to be vcry knowleilg,.,ab!e about what)
(mNhcrm,, are ksi.J@e are mure likd� 10 fonow her ;Íd\1aj. READING 2 How Do You Decide?
2. p1ht-1 consumen n!,o ini1uen<:e om purlhases)(Whrn D consumcr ll5eS a )
product, "' h,1en to h,. or her opmion JOn the Jmern�t. consume_rs edil "me)
OBJECTIVE ► You are going toread an arude lrom a business magazine about who influences our
shopping chmces. Use !he artideto gather inlormation and Ideas for your
(tht•u optmon, ,11>mu produn� hn example. on sorne tmvl.'! wcl>slll'"I� UnitAssignment.
(wntt"" rt.._l,..."� ofhorel� and ,,�}Pnh11e hooluiorn �h:ire 1"\'lew� frnm]
(ord1n.arv peopl,}.(llÍ"""w,·hsuesare '"'1' popular beca u, 1h,...� ,how 1ha1]
¡pí:,oí,lc- ;m: 1merestcd m consumers' op1mons) PREVIEW THE READING
8. IDENTIFY Read ttie questloris. Loolt back al Read!rig I on pages 5-6. A. VOCABULARY Here are some words from Reading 2. Read the sentencu.
Circle the correct answer for eacti quesuen. Then wnte the key sentence Cirde !he phrase that bes! matches the meaning of each underlined word.
from Reading l that helped vou find the enswer, l. Sometlmes 0IIJ friendscan � lhedttisions that we malle.
l. What is !he main idea of pamgraph 2? @ have an efíect m,
(!) Felix Baumganner set a new world rerord for skydiving from space. b. posrpcne ordelay
@ Drinking Red Bult'" muy gtve you moreenergy.
€) More eompanfes ore uslng un usual evems to make people excned abeut
rbeir prcducts.
Key sc:nrcnce:
B UNIT I Why 00>11 oometMng bt<t11ne _..11,,1
�--------------� RE-'01,,¡G 2 9
2 1 lovc 10 tnlk wi1h peoplc nnd solve theirproblcrns. 1 would hke 10 be a WORK WITH THE REAOING

@ u person 1<,ho knows what 01hcr people an: thlnkmg

C9 A. INVESTIGA.TE Read the artlcle ar1d gather lr1formatlor1 aboul why
somethlng becomes popular.
@ a pcrson who studies the human mind
3. When I gor. home from the mal!, J showed my new owtlJíw: to my brother.
something that J bought

4. 1 highlyrerommend 1hi$ book. h is a f11sdnating story. How do yau decide what clolhlng or book 10 � looked up et !he sky The passernby lhought the
buy or whk:h restaurant to eet a!? You may lhlnk tour peopla must koow somethlng s.pee1al. A
@ suy that wmething ,, good
lhat you decide lor yourself. But aecord1ng to group of peop!e mflueoces lhe t>ehavior of ot�.
@ say what sornething is about studles ol human betla�lof, people arO\.llld us s BU!line$$8$ ere very lnterested In understand,ng
S The researcher looked at howoften TV stationssi:hedulechildren's progrnms. graatly lr1fluence our chok:es and dec,�oos. social proof. They want to lnfluance us to buy
� Psychologislll sey lhat "SO(;ial proor their prodllCts. For \htlt reaaon, social p,oo!
@ person who srudles some1hing
lr1ffuences us Social prool Is how olher people's Is ver¡ lmportant In advertlsirig. Four g,oups
@ person who managessorncthing &ellons 1r1fluence U!I. When we are no! aure wt,at ol people glve SOC1al proof· expe¡ts'. other
10 do, we loolt at what otre-s are dong The conStJmers•. crowds, and frlends Flrst. experts
6. The � ofthe ncwTV show was very good.
&etlons of other people are the •proof'" of the often lnffuence our actlons and purch1111es. for
@ an amele thatJUdges a show and tells ifn is good right thing 10 do One eKample of thill is a sidewalk example, an exp&rt oo a TV health show may
@ an anide that reus the story oía show experi-'nent. lf you starld Sbll oo a busy sklewalk recommcod a medicine. Because tite expert
and look up lr1to the sky, no ooe w,11 copy yoor Is knowledgeable. we mey lollow the advce.
7. Alan ts verypopular a11d has an act.l\et2!.ll!I Life. actions As one cerscn, you probably woo·t Advertlsers use experts for social prool.
0 rdmed 10 bdng in sehool and s1udying culture; lnHuence other strange<"S. Bu! soc,at researchers Other oonsumers also nlluence our purchases
d1scovered somethlng lnterestng In New YOOI
@ rdated to mccung peo ple and spclldmg ume wi1h them and !lhow social proof. wt,eo a coosum&r
c,ty. Wher1 a group of tour people looked up al tha uses a producl, we listen lo his or her oplrlion
8. The sciem!sts did an 1,musual .lllld:l about the behavíor ot rnice. sky on a busy sidewalk, 80% of the passersby" Or1 tite Internet. consum&rs can express
@ col!ege course their opm1ons about prodl1Cl9. For 11J1.ample,
people wrrte revlews ol hotels alld restaurants
@ research J>mject
on travel websiles. Online bookslores have
IQ..lMCÍÜJI Go onlme for more practsce with the vocabulary. book r8VIIIWS !ron, ordlnary people. These
websrtes are very popolar because people
> Un/1 l > Activ/tles 6-7
a,e ln!arested In consumers· opimons.
6 The third type of SO(;ial proof comes from
8. PAEVIEW What do you think the artide w,11 say? Check (✓) your answer.
crowds McDoriald's, !he fast lood giant, has a
O peeple make their shoJ>J>!rl& chotees becauseofwhai. othu people buy slgn on every restaurarll, •B,lllons ar1d Biltloos
Servad." Toe crowds of people who ea\ al
O People make their sh0pping choi'1:'$ bernuseofwltat theylik.c them,el\-e,.
McDonald's are the social proof of McDonald's
poplllar1!�. In a recent eKperlment, a major hotel
C. QUICK WAITE Have you ever dor1e somethlr19 because all of your frler1d5 compar,y wanted to decrea� !he number of
were domg it, too? Whal dtd you do? Did you er1joy it? Write your respor1ses towets 11 waslled. The first hotel room s,gn sald
to the questlom; before you rnd the article. Be sure to use this secuen for
your Ur1lt Asslgnment.
'e•1)9<'1•: � who - • lo! lboul �
' con..,mero: -,i,lo -..t,g tiu1 lhr91 O< .,.. -vica

10 UN!T I Wt,y dDn .....,e,hll,¡; be<.o""' _..iar? REAOING2 U

J. Whydo people íollow the advic:e of experu? Paragrnph:0

to aay_ "Most guest.s In thlt room ret.ase their IRU\RXUNQRZOHGJHDEOH
towels. W1H you?• 33'16 reused thelr towels In 4. Why are 1rnl'el and book-review wcbsites popular? Paragraph: D

this case. \he actioos of a group influenced
whltn a !ll!ltaurant ma,ks certaill d,shes as 5. Whot Is probably the best adl'ernstng ofall? Paragraph;D

"Our most popular." aalea of those dlshes
lncrease by at least 13% The behavlor ol other 7KHEHVWRSWLRQLVWRXVHFURZGVDVDWRRO
people can lnfluence achonB and purchases.
a Flnally, thefe is the social pi-ool of friends.
Friends lnlluenc:e us the most-mora than Putting Ideas in order
ex peris crowds. or other coosumers. Our !nends Readin¡¡ passeges can beorganized in different ways, 5ometimes rhe mosl
a,a us1.1ally mora �ka us than olhar paopla. and importan\ ideas come fim. We uy that those passeges are orgamzed in order
we trust thelr recommendatiof1s. A qu1ck tezt ofimponance. Many readmg passages in Enghsh are organized in a linear
Q) "Help us help the environment. Please reuse ® message or smartphoroa photo can show a new sequence. That is, rhe ideas flow from one to the othcr in a regufarordcr.
your bath towet • Not many peopte did. The purchase. That Is pemaps the best advertising Somctimcs thc semences erare thc ordcr clcarly usmg signa! words hkc finr,
hotel changad the s,gn to say, "Most gl>O!lt!I ol all, and ror comparues, lt is ffee. lt is simpty ucond, 11ext, then, orfinol/y. SOmetimes the passagc doc:s nor use rhcse
In lhis hotel reuse theór towels. W1II you?" fnends talking aboul purchases The next tima words When you ere trying to remember � reading passage, put the ideas 1n
Twenty-slx percent ol the glleSts theo reused YoU buy something. thmk about how You decided ordcr as yoo read Use the s1gnal words to hclp )'OU.
thelr towels. Flnalty. they changad \he sign to buy lt. tt was probably a lrland's ITTfluer,cel L.ook at the signal words m these scntcnca from Reading 2.
first, experts often influence our actions afld purc.hases.
Othn consumers also influence our purcha- .
B. IDENTIFY Clrcle the correct answer for each questlon. Thethird typeofsocial proof comes from crowds.
l. WhmLSthemainideaoft�rl'ading? finally, the<e is the wdal proofol friends.

(!) Different groups ofpeople influence our pun::hases. O JQ P� Go online to watch the Critica! Thinklng Video and check
ffi) Advenisers want 10 influence oonsumers. your tomprehension. Proctlce > Unlt l > Actlv/ty B
[) One example of social proof is experts talking about medicines on lV.
2. What is rhe main idea ofparagraph 2? O. CATEGORIZE Accordmg to the artlcle, there are four groups of people
who glve social proof. Whlch groups do you thlnk lnfluence you the most7
0 The sidewalk experimem shows that people are not influen<-.-d by an Number them from 1 (most lmportant) to 4 (least Importan!), Then Dplaln
why you gave the answer lhat you did.
(h) "[11e acucns of other people w1ll iníluence a person's behavjcr. 2 �p<ru
(D Psycholog!st.s In New York Clry studied social proof.
4 otherronsumers
C. EXPLAIN Answer the questlons. Wr!te the paragraph number where you 3 crowds
found your answers.
1 friends
1. What is social proof1 Paragraph D Your eiplana1ion:
friends since they know us better then they are organized in
2. Why are buslncsses uuerened in social proof? Paragraph·D order of credibility

l2 UNIT 1 Why don IOlllt!lhln,g bocame papulat? READING 2 13
E. APPLY Complete the paragraph wl!h words from the boK.

0 A. PREVIEW Are coffee shops popular where you Hwe? Why do you thlnk
people go there: because they want lo drlnk coffee orlo sil and lalk
wlth frlends?

Soaal proof is how other people's actions influence

�--�---Jus. A group of cO<nbint tw.J tojo,n
or mb< rwo or more
people can Inñcence the�---�--J·ofothel"li.�consumers
--�---J thingl IOgt'tht-t-

can iníluena, ouracti0n$ and pun:ha:ll'S beca use cheyare knowledgeable. MrYke (n,) the WO<k
or the qual1ly ol worlc
V.e also sometimes buy things beca use oí other�
recommendations dOf>ID)'-whe,,
-- ---J�
M!Mng a <...CorMr
even ííwe don'r know them. Bu! the people who influence us most are our chaln (n.) • gr011p o!
stores, hotels, ett. lhal
friends experts
�--��--Jbecause we trust their� --��--JT1uu may be .,... owl\N D)' the """"'

1he bcs1[:===;:::==:::Jora11.
f!ffl0$ph,re (n.) the
mood or lttllng of a
F. IDENTIFY Accordlng to the magazine artlcle, whkh of the followlng are plKt O< sll\latlon
examples of social proof? Check (✓) the boxes.
Q l. doingsomethingbecauseotherpeoplearedoingit
O iQ J!ñQI@ Go onllne to watch the video about Starbucks coffee shops.
Q 2. buymg somethmg beca use ofa magazmead Resources > Video> Unit I > Unir Vrdeo
Q 3. srnying ata hotel bccause ofa re,iew on a travel \\'l'bsite
8. APPLY Watch the video two or three times. Choose the corred answers 10
O 4. sharing a tl!Kt message about a re-cent purchase
complete the paragraph.
O S. making a customer•produred videoof a produt1
S1arbuck$ was sterted by th""' 1 m1h�r mnd., (m ,,;¡ ---¡;; ,,pii) ne fir.n
O 6. following the advíce of an expen store opened m Seattle in 1 981 1971 198 Jloward Sdmltz, a fo=r
O 7. watching a skydiver break a world record � bough11heoompanyi111987. Schuhz hada great
idea; combine "(Jt;!/mn)l'(Broz,:,�,,�café culture with Starbucks
G. DISCUSS Dlscuss the questlons in a group. Look back at your Oulck Wrile roffee snd ��/ifrr�ndhj11ervice. h was an instam "(iuJ/u,.-)/(u,cu,,)/
on page 10 as you lhlnk about what vou learned. �. and the cho in grew quicklybetWttn 1990 and 2010. Bmsome peopk',
think that Starbucks is unfairlo '('.<rn<11/n1,@�ffee shops. Howard
l. Describe a time when you did somcthing bccause crsccet proof.
Schuhz agrees. The rompany's �is an imponant pan of
2. Why do you 1hmk social proofis effeciive? 1hc1r success: pcoplc enjoythe �_rq!_u6i)�mJ/� as well as thc
'"rn!J �'.".' :!!3
C. DISCUSS Dlscuss the questlons wllh a group.

l. There are many coffee shops. l rcw did Starbucks make itSelf differem
rhan mhers7
-i l1
2. Do you th!nk a blg comf)llny llke Sturbu<:ks b unfair to smnll coffee ihops7
3. Do you k11ow of oihcr sma!I companies that beca me much bigger? Why do yuu
think theywere succes.sful?
SYNTHESIZE Thlnk about Readlng 1, Readlng 2, and the unlt video as you
d1scuss these questlons. Then choose one question and wrlte a response.
8. IDENTIFY Read the sentencn. Wrlte N {noun)
j/_ 1. My brotbers �tudy in the kitchen every night.
o, V (verb) for each boh:I

l. In what ways do cornpanies use ilOC!al proof10 cncouragc you t0 buy ncw
D 2. Tbe study showed importam changes in trends.

products? D 3. S1L'Ven wamed to comment on Lllly's presemation.

2. How do new trends begln? Give an examplc oí a ncw trcnd. Whydid it beoomc
s- wood fo<nu lll!
D 4. l saw the comment Pennywroteon the website.
popular? mo�(ornm0<1 than DS My grnndpan:ms had nn importam lnfluencc on me.
otM"' "' •cademic
wrlt!ng. Fo, uampl<!, D 6. My friends often íuñuence mybook cholces.
l'UMr<h and �lllew
"'" moro common as D 7. Dr.'s research on wcathcr is vcry intcrcstlng.

tcurning atiout word familles can hclp you lmprovc your,ixabulary. Word
nouM than �,bs
D 6. Tom will research manyoolleges before making a dedslon,
fam,lles are groups of wurds that come from thc same root. lfyou know the
mcaning ofthe rwu11form oí II word, you may also recogni� the wrbfon11.
D 9. lt is helpful to review your notes before a test.
Dio. After l read the movie review, l didn't want Lo see the movie.
In sorne Vl"Qrd familics, the noun form and the verb fonn are rhe seme.

His reacber had � stronginfluen« on him.
P;mmts infü.11m« theirchi!d,en.
c. APPLY Complete each sentence wlth a noun ora verb from ActMty B.
=• - For verbs, use the correct form of the slmple present.

l. Do, rtvd,cs in me library ;u night.

To help '"" dHe<mlr,e
A. IDENTIFY Look at the paln of words. Decide lf each word Is a noun ora
verb. Then write the words in the correct 5ide of the chart. Use a dktionary
,. Fai,¡aJ usua!ly _______J books for the college newspaper.
�erb, remembe, lh;,t a
to help you. 3. The weather has a s1rong ------�º" Iormers' fruits anti
ncun Is Ip,.,.on, ptac,, vegeta bles.
o, objl'<t, anda vt'lb t�lloox di scuss/d• se ussion lnform{lnform�tion
uwal!y show• actlon.
conne<ct/(onnl"C:lion enjoy/enjoym,mt thought/think 4. Ramona always ------�º" myclothing.
contrib!.ltion/oontrlbute gift/glve 5. C.rol _______Jnews nenes for her )Oh ata magazme.

6. Allen's
Nouns I Verbs
::::::::-::---;:==�• ='= ": .: ' �from my teacheron myenay.
h�•�p,::'..;hology of teenage sOOpper,.

cnD,ct chccse 7. Thcn, are on!y a few L

8. TV commerctats oftcn _______0our dcc1sions about whrch

prooccc to buy.

iQ JÍRN:Í'ÍC(I Go onllne for more practice wlth word famllies.

Proctice > Unit J > ActMty 9

16 UHIT 1 Wl,y don .-hl"'IJ bicorne popular? AEA.DIHG 2 17
8. IDENTIFY Match uch part of the paragraph In ActMty A wlth lts purpose.

At the end ofthis unit, you wlll write a paragraph that describes a trencl and explalns
why 11 Is popular Thls paragraphwlll lnclude sp,ecofic inform.11ion from the readmgs
arid yourown ideas.
supporting semcnces
summarlzes youridcas
b. muodua, whm you w1II eescnee

WRITING SKILL Writmg a de5Criptive paragraph

º'· rondudlng semen ce
' hclp 1hc readcr understand 1hc 1opic

C. IDENTIFY Clrcle the toplc sentence In thls paragraph from Readlng 2.

when )'OU write a descrip1ive paragraph, you give tbe reader information about ,J·1n�lly lh(•rc 1, th1· wc1al proof� 1wnth 111flucnte u1 the most-
yoor ropc. The followmg are ¡mpor1a111 elcmcms in a descrJpti,� parag111ph. (morc than upc1ts. nowds or mhc•r consum,mjpur fn¡--nd� are usuallymore)
A topk senteoce +ntroduces whlll you are going to dHCribe. Tlie tapie sentence �,ke u, 1han mhl'r pcoplc. aíxl "e trus1 1heir rccoml11l""ll<1Mion,JV, qmck 1i:-x1)
introduu-s the top/e orsubjKt ofthe panigraph. 11 also g1vl'S the contro/1.ngideo, (mcssagc or =tphonc phom �an ��� a new pu�hase_Jlha1 is pc::rh.api!i 11\e)
which ,s what you want to uy about the topic. n- ddwn�m¡t of aU, and for romp,mi,,, ,!ISftt"e
t "Hmplv fnend, talkmg
[ toplc romrolllng ow, about urc ases J e next nme -ou bu. somethm . th1nk about how
1Exciting (dt-c1dW 111 bu} 11;Q1 w,n prohablya f11cnd s mflucn�·cl)
even'1 areone way for companies to gain intere5t in their products.
Word of mouth ,s a useful and inexp,ensive way to advertise.
D. DISCUSS Clrcle the best toplc sentence for each group of sentences.
In a descriptive paragraph, your supp,ortln¡untencH helpthe reader
undentand the to pie. They u$!?de<;<riptlvewordr., such as ad1e<tives and dct.ills, Discuss your enswers with a classmate. What Is the topic7 What is the
to create a dear pkture ol yaur topic controlllng ldea7 [;)

Felix 8aumgartner's jump lrom space was very ex<itlng l. 11. Foruample. toro jea ns were popularyears ego, but not now.
He traveled more than 1,300 kilometers �r hour ,na spacesult wlth Red 8!.lll'"'s @Thc most populardothing ls not a)ways popular the nc�t year.
c. 1 huy new cloc he,¡ everyyear to be fashionable.
the Blendtec'" video suddenly be<ame ex1remely popular online.
l'«lple were surp,ised to a blender cut a wiartphone mto wiall p,eces. 2. ti) The romputer lab is open from 9 00 umil 2 OO.
A conduding senlence summarlzes your Ideas. (E) Forexamplc, Bren docsn't ha,ce a oon1pu1cr a! home.
[ 8e(ause many people saw the vidw ol 8aumga,tner's jump, they connected (si Classroom rompUll'r$ are very helpful for studenu
Red 1!!.111'" with e,citement.
The company so!d more blenOl!rs beuuse people were talk,ng about their 3. � Manyolder aduhs necd a leswn on how to use a smartphone.
product. lli) My grandfather can't senda texi messege on his sman:phone.
@ My grandmothcr kceps forgctting how 10 down!ood apps.
A. WAITING MODEL Aead the model paragraph below. Label the circled parts
of the paragraph. Write TS (topk sentence), 55 (supportlng sentence), E. EVALUATE Read the paragraphs. Then choose the but toplc sentence.
or C5 (concludlng sentence). 1. People of o.ll agl'$ are affected by Litis trend. Sorne people 1hink 1ha1 every _job wlll
D (Í>sychologislS say duu "sooal prool" influt!l!Cl'S us)Sooal proof 15 how ot her require pi,ople m use some kind oi u.-chnology. Sorne people even think 1hm $0011
therewill beeomourers thm peopleactua!lywear as pan oftheirclothlng. Othcrs
people's acttons mñcence us. When wc are not sure what todo. wc look et what
01 hers are doíng. T1ie actions of oiher peopk: are thc "prool" of rhe right t hins thmk that these ideas will never happcn. But 1hcre ,snoquesuon that morearv.l
D 10 do.�le of this is a sidewall experime� lf you :.taml sull on a busy more 1echnology 15 11 l),lrl of evcryday lile.
sidcwalknnd loolt up, noone wm oopyyour 11etions. As one person, you probably ® lt doe�n'I n,aner wha! your11ge is.
won"t influellCf, oihen. But social researchers di5COVfft'CÍ something imeresting
(B Throughout the world, peoplc nre us,ng more and mol'e tcchnology.
D in New York Cit Whena rou off�le l<:IOked u at the skyon a busy
9 Tcchnology is geu111g smal!er 11\1 rhe time.
sidewalk, 80% of the pa:;.scrsby 1ooked up also Thc passenby thought tlw: four
D pcopk mus! know something �pcciol{i\ group of peopk lnflucn<:C!l lhe hchoi:!i}
18 UNIT 1 Wl,ydon _,. "ll boclllM popular? WRITl�G 19
2 llccauseofthis, people from Aínca 10 Australia nrc buying the samc clothcs, H. COMPOSE Take the Ideas from Actlvlty G and wrlte a descrlptlve paragraph
ea1ing 1he same íoods, and w111ching 1he s.imc tclcvision shows Sorne people about the topk. lnclude a topk sentence, supportlng sentences, and a
are w<>rried Lhm peoplc are losing parts oftheir history and tu hure nnd concludlng sentence.
becoming more like pecpie in other countries. In rraece. for example, rhere is
a group that tries to be sure 1hat there are enough TV shows that are made In l. EVALUATE Ask a classmate to read and comment on your wrltlng. Use the
l'Tance, not from ccher ccuumes. peer-review checkllu.

� Mos1 people hke the same thmgs.

� Through the power oftechllOlogy, people ue becoming more similar al! O Ooes the Pilfilgrilph have a topt< sentence wrth il citar controlllngidu?
around 1he world. O Do the ideas Tn the supportlng sentenccs relate clearly to the top1c?
(s) People are the same ali°'"' the world. O Do the supporting sentences use adJectives and details to help you
understand the toplc better?
f. WRITING MODEL Read a student's model paragraph. Then wrlle a loplc O Does the paragraph have a c�a• conclusk>n?
sentence for the paragraph. Compare your top le sentence wlth a partner's.
iQ .Jíííí,cñcEJ Go onllne for more practlce w,th descrlptlve paragraphs.
Proct/ce) Unlt J > Acti�1ty 10

First of ali, 1 usually don't !ike the new fashlon 1rends. 1 have myown styíe. GRAMMAR Present contmuous
l usually buy weU-made clothes, and [ wear them for many years. Someofmy Use the present contlnuous to talk about acuvmes In progress et the nme oí
dorhes are more than five �ars old. Buying new clothese"ery year is very writ!ng or that have staned but not finished.
expens,ve. For example, i:rendy �ans eost over $100. 1 buydOl�S that l like, [ Ramon is talkingon the pho�. He'lc findini out the arrj,,ill time (Kti,,;ties in
not rhe la test trends. progress)
We are leaming about how Ideas spread. (act,on naned but not f,mshed)
The newtrend is contributing to highercosts. (e han ge in progress)
G. CREATE Work wlth a partner. Complete the graphlc organlzer below. Wrlte Use the presem cominuous with words like today, 1h1.1 wttlc, ortime periods
a toplc sentence about somethlng that Is popular. Make sure your sentence around th<' presem.
contalns a controlllng Idea. Then wr1u two supporting Ideas In the boxes.
Your supporting Ideas will help to describe your toplc.
[ Ibis week, 1 am studylngforexams.
Tbtsedays, more guest,; are reusing 1heír towets ,n hotel$
To forro the pres,em oonrinuous, use the \'erb robt and then the -ing form ofthe
Topic sentence
lfchc verbends in e, delete rbe e and add-ing.
[ use➔ uslng change-, changlng lose -, loslng
Use the presem oomlnuous tornlk abouc changcs. Forexample, chonging.
btromi11g, growing, i11crca.s,ng,
1 [ T\' adsarc bccomlng hkeshon movies.
Tl>t Internet is changing 11,t waycompanies advertise
Supporting idea Supportin¡ idu
sorne verbs are not used wilh the IJTL'SCnl continuous. Por exarnpte. biow. Mrlll,
nted, umltnrn,rd, likt, /�, btlrt\'f', .Jtt, near
[ 1 want togo wilh you, but l'm studyingrlght now.

20 UNIT 1 Why don -,,e1hlng becom1 popul,,,1 WRITING 21

A. IDENTIFY Re.ld tbe p.lrc19r.lpll .lnd clrcle verbs In the present contlnuous. IQ :ijActíaJ Go onllne for more practlce wlth the present contlnuous.
Ttlen answer ttle questlons. Compue your answers wlttl I partner, Proctlce > Unlt l ) Act/vity ll
l. ,1d" m,m .,n mm, m n� ar, m,�m - wilvt>
IQJiírjjco Go onlme for the Grammar EKpansion: simple prnent.
� lhe rom nieiá'r usm mnn > Un/t l > ActMty 12
� cseanhe >d1<·v-e "' rno . l 1d1·a
�� ll �SO'�,¡;; otur JI \\ ll<IJI

�"� - hc,ll on socia UNIT ASSIGNMENT Write a descriptlve par.lgraph

imedi�'( , Jr� l\e'W'I u I w OBJECTIVE ► ln thls asslgnment, you wlll describe a trend that inte,ests you and expl.lin why
2. Why is the presem continuous used m t� first semence? this trend is popular. As y,:,u prei>are yourde�riptive paragraph, think about the
urut Question, "Why doessomething become popular?" Use information from
Nowmlays, """"' a11d 111,:,rt romp,rn,n Q[l makint odwrri.semenu 1/,ur inml...:
lleading l, lleading 1, the unot video, and you1 work in thls unlt to suppo1t your
rherr rwwmers.
paragraph. Refer to the Selí·Assessment checkhst on page 24.
(!) The aa.ion hl!ppen5 all the time.
(El 'rne acrion is mking place a1 the ume ofwming. IQ:,jw:ra.l Go online to the Writing Tutor to reac a model descript,ve
1magr.lph. Proctlce > Un/t 1 > Actlvlty 13
© The action Iscompleted.
3. Whyis the presem rominuDUs not u� m thii semene!!?
1/Lsearchers btllt•'t social proof is the idea bthind rhu trend. PLAN AND WRITE
(v The action is tlappening now. TIP FOR SUCCESS A. BRAINSTOAM Thínk about curren! trends. Write down as many Idus as
you can. For exemcre. you can list trends in cars, food, or technology.
[l The ecuon is taking place al the time ofwrlting Wken yoo braln<t<>rm
ldN< t>,fo,ewnting,
(si The \'Ctbbelievr is nOI u sed in the presenl cominuous. t/1,nk of u man� ,de,s
as )'OU un. Vou don't
nff<I ta "'e ali al th<em.
B. APPLY Complete eacb sentence with the present contlnuous of the word In Just use lht best ones.
parentheses. Remember to .ldd the correct form of the verb be.
l. COmpanies (use) new ways ofadveni1,mg ro their
B. PLAN Choo!óe one trend from your !tst in Activity A as your topic. Answer
, Youngpeople {follow) new trends in fash,on.
the questlons. Toen tell your partner about your tapie.
l. Wha1is1he1rend?Descn'beit.
3 Teen;igers {oopy) their friends and doing the same
4. They {buy) rhe same dorhing and the same devices.
2. Docs the trend help peoplc conne<.1 whh othcn? How?
s. Cus1omeu {complain) 1ha1 the adveni�ments are 100
6. Through online video6. Blendtec" �------�(spread) the word
abcur !IS producu. 3. Why is the trcnd 110pular? What is nL'W ami difforcnl about it?
7. The rompany (improve) ns reputauon by using
, 0
. �

8. This month our store 1sn'1 nd,'f:rtisingon the radio, sowe _

4. llow did th,s trend stan and spread or become popular?
;::;:;--:;:;:===� ==
l )�M=m.:;e customers.
9. l thinkyou �-----�(be) vcrysillyabout following new rrends.

IQ IIE5C)IIÍ(dJ Go onllne to download and complete the outllne for your
descrlpt!ve paragraph. Resourres > Wrltlng Tooli > Unlt 1 > Outl/ne

C. WAITE Use your plannlng notes to wrlte your descríptlve paragraph.

1. Wrnc 111op1c scurence for your paragraph. lndudc your topic and yoor
controlling idea in your semence. Toen use sorne ofyouranswers from
Ac11vi1y B 1a wrne your paragraph,
2 took m ihe SClf·AsSCMmem checkhsrrc guidc yourwrmng.

IQ.iücñtd Go online to the Wrltlng Tutor to wrlte your asslgnment.

Pro,tl,e > Un/t l > Activity 14


iQ)íijgíiRaiJ Go onllne to download the peer revlew worbheet.
Resources > Writmg Tools > Un,t l > Peer Review Worksheel

A. PEER REVIEW Read your partner's paragraph. Then use the Peer Revlew
worksheet. ütsccss the review wilh your partner.

B. AEWRITE 8ased on your partner's revlew, revise and rewrlte your


WllmNGTIP C. EDIT Complete the Self-Assessment checkllst as you prepare to wrlte the
Rud j"OUI p•r•g,•pt, final draft of your paragraph. Be prepared to hand in your work or dlscuss
more than once. For it In class.
e>;Jmple, ,ud Cl<lte lor
Ideas and to be ..,,e TRACK YOUR SUCCESS
you ,wpport you, roplc
Hntence �ad ap,n to Do al\ the sentences In the paragraph support your top le sentence? o o iO:Pv.cíícII (io onllne to check the words and phrases you have learned In
chKk rour verb ten ......
Do you have a concluding sentence that summariies your ideas� o o lllls unit. Proctlce > Unir l > Act,vlty 16
Underline ali lheverbs in lhe presentcontlnuous. Are theycorrect? o o Check(✓) the skills you learned. lf you need more work on a skill, refer to the
Does your paragraph lncludevocabulary from lhe unit1 o o page(s) In parentheses.

AEADING 01 can ldentif� the main Idea o! a paragraph. (p. 8)

O. AEFLECT Dlscuss these questlons wlth a partner or group.
CRITICAL THINKIN(i 01 can pul Ideas in order. (p.13)
l. Whac i5 scmeríung ncw you learncd in chis umt7 Q1 can use noun and ve,b forms in word families (p. 16)
2 l.ook back el thc Unit Qucstion-Whydocs somcthmg beccme popular? WRITIN(i Qi can weue a descriptive paragraph (p.18)
Js your answer differem now than wlten you srened the unit? lfyes, how !s 1t
GRAMMAR QI can use the present contlnuous (p 21)
d1fferem? Why7

IQ .PIIACrlCI Go to the onhne discusslon board to dlscuss the questlons. OBJE(TIVE ► Q1 can gatherlnlormatlon and Ideas to write a descrlptive paragraph about a
Proct/ce > Unlt J > Act/vity 15 current tre<id and why ,t is popular.

24 UNIT l Why don -,,e1hlng become pc,J11;L,,? WllnlHG 2S

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