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Force-free precession of a
spinning plate

J C Martinez
Mathematics and Science Centre, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, 535 Clementi Road, Singapore 2159

Received 4 October 1991

Abstract. The dynamics of a farce-free spinning plate Resumen. Las consideraciones dinamicas de una placa
with a small wobble angle is formulated exclusively in que esta girando con un poco de bamboleo estan
terms of forces. I1 is shown that the wobbling can be formulado solo con el cnncepto de fuerza. Demonstramos
understood as the interplay between rotations about the que el bamboleo se puede comprende come el juego entre
two principal axes of inertia lying on the plate. las vueltas sobre 10s dos ejes principales de inercia de la

1. introduction 2. The problem and its solutlon

The analysis of problems on rotational dynamics is We start with Newton's second law,
commonly and efficiently carried out by having
recourse to torque and angular-momentum con- d
-p =F
siderations. Nevertheless, it is well known that an df
understanding of the physics of such problems does
not readily emerge even after a satisfactory solution which holds in any inertial coordinate system. Herep
has been found. The effect of a force couple acting on is the total momentum of the body in question and F
the axle of a spinning gyroscope is a familiar example. the total force acting on it. As is well known, the
It might be pointed out that one of the best known derivative in equation ( I ) should be computed in an
efforts to trace the origins of rotational phenomena to inertial system, hereinafter taken to be the laboratory.
their most basic source is surely that of Feynman On the other hand, a rotating (body) system, whose
(Feynman e l al 1965). axes coincidc with the principal axes of inertia of
That the physics of rotating mechanical systems is the body, allows us to conveniently interrelate the
intriguing even now may be epitomized by Feynman's kinematical variables describing the instantaneous
own amusing story about the wobbling motion of a motion. The relation between the two frames is easily
plate spinning in the air (Phua 1989) (see figure I). He obtained. By recognizing that the rate of change of a
studied the motion for small wobble angles and, in his vector viewed in the laboratory frame is the sum of its
own words, 'worked out what the motion of the rate of change in the body frame plus its rate of
mass particles was and how all the accelerations change due solely to the rotation of the body frame
balanced. . .'. Feynman implies that he solved the itself, we may replace ( I ) by
problem using the more fundamental concept of force ;d'i i p t R x p = F
instead of torque. Unfortunately, his solution never
seems to have appeared in print, although the
problem has been solved under different guises by where the prime denotes differentiation in the rotating
several authors (Landau and Lifshitz 1976, Kleppner system and R is the angular velocity of this same
and Kolenkow 1973, Synge and Griffith 1960). This system as viewed in the laboratory. In fact, the
article examines what we believe was Feynman's ver- prescription d/dl- d/dr + S2 x holds for any vector.
sion of it and emphasizes, as he was known to do, the The problem we are interested in is the precession
physical understanding of the wobbling motion of the motion of a plate spinning in the air and subject to no
spinning plate. We will find that the wobbling motion forces. Without loss of generality, we may replace the
results from the interplay between rotations about the plate with a thin spinning hoop of radius R which
two principal axes ofinertia lying on the plate. For the wobbles about its symmetry axis (figure 2). All the
sake of completeness the solution is described in some essential features of the problem are found in this
detail. simpler system. Let us assume for convenience that
Farce-tree precession 01 a spinning plate 143

where Cl' = 8,;+ ; 0 From the definition (3), the

rotation about the z axis is already accounted for by
the time derivative in (6). We will use (6) as our new
prescription for calculating the rate of change of
momentum in the laboratory frame, given the
kinematic relation (3). In fact (6) is the correct time
derivative operator relating quantities in the 'hoop'
Figure 1. A spinning plate wobbling Slightly about the frame with their corresponding equivalents in the
vertical direction. laboratory frame, and we will use it to write down
. 9.1 '-^_ L,
,*cw1011 5 raw 101 our y,""lsl,r.
To first order in 8, and d,, we find
inirialty the hoop lies flat on the xy plane and rotates
with arbitrary angular velocity R. This can always be Cl' x U = Ro(0,cosa + 8,sina)R
done. Then any point on the hoop is given initially, in d'
the 'hoop' frame, by -U
= - w'r(a) + Rei( - sin&+ cos ai)
<a) = R(cosiu'+ Sinai) (3) + cosa(o0, - OV)& + sin u(w8, + #,)&. (7)
a being the angle measured from the x axis fixed on In the laboratory frame the force equation on a mass
the hoop frame. Although the hoop is flat on the xy element of mass m at r(a) is then
plane, its angular velocity is not wholly along the z
axis. We will then write the angular velocity as f l R m = -w'P-ciPx &+cosa(2o4,-~,)&
= U&+ B,i+ 0,; (4) + sin ~(200, + Ox)& (8)
where w = da/dt, the spin velocity and 8, and 0, a r e where Pis the unit radius vector in the xy plane and
velocity components in the instantaneous i and j f is the total force, including constraints, acting on m.
directions. Weassumed, and 8, to be small compared Since the hoop is a rigid body, the centrifugal force
with w , so that the small angle approximation may be -mRo'P will cancel when the entire hoop is con-
used. The instantaneous velocity of the point <a) as sidered. Moreover, the sum of all other terms in (8)
observed in the laboratory frame is for allelements of the hoop must vanish for force-free
"(E) = n x r(a)
motion. Then ci = 0 so that the spin rate is constant
in time. Finally we have from (8) the coupled system
.P :--.
"L squa,ru,r>.
= R[m(- sin&+ cosai)
200, - gY = n 2d, + #, = n. (9)
+(8,sina -&cosa)Q. (5)
If we refer to our prescription (2) above for calculat-
ing the rate of change of a vector in the laboratory 3. Discussion
frame, we see that u(a) may be cast as
Before proceeding to give !hp solution of (I)), !e? us
trace its physical origin. We simplify matters further
by replacing the hoop by four equal masses m mounted
at the ends of a cross-shaped frame of negligible mass
Figure 2. Kinematics 01 a rotating hoop 01 radius R. (figure 3). The essential features of the analysis above
are retained by this system. Initially, we assume that
z the frame is spinning without wobbling. Thus let us,
for the moment, choose II to be along the z axis. We
consider the effect of two forces F and - F acting for
a short time interval on masses 1 and 3. As the
diagram shows, these masses have instantaneous
velocities in the x direction. The application of F and
- Fintroduces a component of velocity along z which
leads to the rotation of thecross about they axis. This
is, the couple F and - F introduce a rotation 8, as
shown in i'ne figure. Ey ihe same ioken, a coipie

.I acting on masses 2 and 4 would induce a rotation 0,.
about the x axis. As emphasized by Edwards (1977),
this reasoning leads to aphysical understanding of the

gyroscope effect.
Suppose now that R is no longer along the z axis.
X Let R have a small component on the xy plane as
144 JC Martinez

z similar analysis may be carried out for the rest. (The

I contribution arising from N x v, or more correctly
fl x v, isjust the centrifugal force and the resultant of
I this force for the entire system vanishes as noted
Closer examination of (8) reveals an interplay of
rotations along the x and y axes. Thus an angular
acceleration (B,) must be supplemented, because of
+%---y spin, by an angular velocity 6, (4,). This introduces a
kind of feedback behaviour between the rotations
about these axes. Hence, it comes as no surprise that
the solutions of (9) are oscillatory in nature. We can
also see that this interplay is absent for a rod, so there
is no wobbling for this case.
x Finally the system (9) is easily solved by differen-
tiating both equations and eliminating variables.
Flour0 3. Fourequal masses mounted on across- Choosing for our initial conditions 9, = 9, and 0, = 0
shaped frame of negligible mass and rotating about the when f = 0, we find
I axis.
9, = 0,cos20l
9, = O0sin2ot.
before. With the same couple F and - F on masses I
and 3, we already noted a rotation about they axis. In Thus the wobble rate is twice the spin rate. Further
the rotating frame this F is just the product of m and discussion about this solution may be found in a
the acceleration of mass 2, which is in the z direction. number of texts (e.g. Kleppner and Kolenkow 1973).
Transforming to the laboratory frame this force is just
Edwards P L 1977 Am. J . Phys. 45 194
according to our prescription and, on taking the 2- Feynman R P, Leighton R and Sands M 1965, The
component of this expression, we have Feynmon Leerures on Physics, (Reading, M A Addison-
Kleppner D and Kolenkow R 1973 An lnlroduction lo
Mechanics (New York McGraw-Hill) p 317
Landau L D and Lifshitz E M 1976 Mechanics (New
since mass 2 has velocity -Rwi(to first order in 8, York Pergamon) p I I5
and 6 y ) . One recognizes here the coefficient of the Phua K K 1989 A LiJe of Physics (Singapore: World
term containing Gcos a in equation (7). Thus equation Scientific)
(IO) gives the z component of the force transmitted to Synge I and Griffith B 1960 Principles OJMechOnics (New
mass 2 due to a force couple on masses I and 3. A York: McGraw-Hill) ch 14

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