Unit 41 Digital Virtual Heritage

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1 Digital/Virtual Heritage
Whose heritage and how do we represent it? For the first week of our unit on digital
and virtual heritage, we'll be looking at some of the opportunities and challenges related to
digital heritage.

 Tasks to complete:
 Complete the King, Stark and Cooke (2016) reading, available here on Moodle
as a PDF or through the online link.

 Complete the Kidd (2018) reading, available online through the link here on
Moodle. Also be sure to view the accompanying video discussing one of the
projects featured in the article.

 Review the online content module - Introduction to Digital Heritage

 Complete the UNIT 4.1 Content Quiz

You must complete all the tasks in this module by Sunday, March 17, 11:59pm.

 Unit 4.1 Materials

 Assigned Reading - King, Stark, and Cooke 2016

Laura King, James F. Stark & Paul Cooke (2016) Experiencing the Digital World: The
Cultural Value of Digital Engagement with Heritage, Heritage & Society,

 King, Stark, and Cooke 2016 - Copy (ATTACHED)

 Assigned Reading: Kidd 2018

Kidd, Jenny. 2018. "Immersive" heritage encounters. The Museum Review, Vol. 3(1),
Available online at http://articles.themuseumreview.org/tmr_vol3no1_kidd
This scholarly article discusses one of the many types of digital heritage projects,
what the author terms "immersive heritage." These are project to blend real-world
and digital experiences at cultural heritage sites, such as outdoor museums.
Here is a video of a conference presentation discussing one of the case studies in
this article - Traces/Olion, with a short video trailer to help you better visualize what
the project is all about. The trailer begins at about the 9:30 mark.
Smithsonian Open Access 3D Voyager

This link takes you to the Smithsonian's growing library of 3D models of cultural objects in
their collections.


Introduction to Digital Heritage (Readings ATTACHED)

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