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The cold salty wind flew across my face as I stood, mouth

open, watching the sunset from the orphange. The warm gentle
colours of violet purple, hot pink and bright orange made me feel all
warm inside. I let my hands fly open and let the wind take to me a
happy place where my family and I where together again.
It has been almost two years now, since my family died. My beautiful
mother Theresa, with her gentle pale skin and her colourful attitude,
she always had a big welcoming smile on her face. My encouraging
father, he always was determined to make our life amazing, he
always was encouraging to my sisters and I about everything, he
always had a positive attitude. My older sister Mila was very excited
about life, she had just graduated from high school and was eager to
start university. Mila was very kind to my little sister and I. I was very
proud of her. Finally my baby sister Bee was delightful, every time I
looked at her she gave me a positive attitude. Bee had powers to
make people smile. On a bad day I would go and see her and cuddle
her and my bad memories would just dissapear.
They all died on November 5th, two years ago. It was a boring day,
The sun was shy and the clouds where powerful. We where on our
way to a park, It was Bee’s 1st birthday. The thunder was deafening
and the lightning was wild. The rain poured down like a waterfall. It
was hard to see out the windows, Dad was panicky and mum was
nervous, Bee was crying and Mila was sick. I was trying to stay
Suddenly, I heard a loud crash. Everyone went flying forwards, Mum
and day went flying into the windscreen making an awful sound and
Bee and Mila were on the floor, covered in blood. I started screaming
for help, Blood pouring out of my mouth.
I closed my eyes slowly. When I woke up I was in a hospital, I was
scared, A young nurse stood over me taking my temperature.
“You are going to live” she kept telling me, I couldn’t reply I was
The only way to forget that horrible day is to watch the sunset,
everyday after an easy dinner my family and I would sit together on
the roof and watch the sunset. I watch the sunset everyday, at the
exact same time, but it isn’t at home, It is at an orphanage and it isn't
with my family, It is by myself.
I want my home back, I want my freedom back, I want my family
back. My life isn’t the same without my family.
Just when I thought everything was getting worse I made a friend
named Callie. I guess when live turns bad, Look at a beautiful

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