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Use our sense to identify experiences that give us pleasure and comfort, and
therefore improve our mood.

Sensory awareness is more than merely responding to senses; instead, it is

engaging with – being able to be still and pay attention to senses. Being mindful
this way about our sense… we can start to notice what sensory inputs we like…
and start using these more to improve our mood.

Make a list of sensory inputs (5 columns) we like and could use more around us.
And ones we don’t like.

We can also work out what sensory inputs wear us down. And try to lessen our
exposure. For me sometimes its doing things around home in silence.

Reflection Questions:

 Were you surprised by anything you thought to add to lists?

 Which of the items on your list do you experience every day?
 Do any experiences provide pleasure, comfort, or enjoyment in more than
one category?
 How can you increase the number of sensory experiences that give you
pleasure, comfort, and enjoyment?
 Can you commit to experiencing at least one source of sensual pleasure
from each sense every day?

Motivational Awareness exercise: think about throughout your day the things that
excite and motivate them to action, then write them down. After making list, reflect
upon the extent to which their motivation is self-determined. Think of the joy of
doing things self motivated… then think of doing for others. Reflection: Is it
possible to feel joy as much when we care for ourselves as we do when caring for


1. A pleasurable activity carried out alone (for example, reading or listening

to music)
2. A pleasurable activity completed with others (for example, playing cards
or meeting for lunch)
3. A meaningful or important act (for example, visiting an isolated relative).
Gratitude Journaling:

think about an event from the past that evokes positive emotions, visualize the
event in as much detail as possible, and focus on the pleasant feelings that were
experienced at the time. The focus should be on reliving the experience to increase
both the duration and intensity of positive emotions.

Writing about intensely positive experiences can enhance positive mood, reduce
anxiety, and reduce our perception of stress… while also positively contributing to
coping skills….
Every day for three days, choose a positive experience from their life, imagine
yourself in that moment, and think about the feelings and emotions that you
experienced. Write about your experiences in as much detail as possible, paying
particular attention to the positive feelings, thoughts, and emotions that were
present at the time.

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