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Differentiate of aerobic from

anaerobic respiration

What is New
Let me ask to you these questions.
Differentiate of aerobic from an aerobic respiration

Maximum yield of 36 to 38 ATP molecules Maximum yield of 2 ATP molecules per
per glucose glucose for obligate anaerobes
Complete breakdown of glucose to carbon Partial degradation of glucose without the
dioxide and water with the use of use of oxygen (obligate anaerobes)
Multiple metabolic pathways Single metabolic pathway (in fermentation)
Pyruvate proceeds to acetyl formation in the Pyruvate is broken down to ethanol and
mitochondrion carbon dioxide or lactate (in fermentation)
The presence of enough oxygen in the cell Cause burning sensation in the muscle
makes the cell perform its job during strenuous exercise
smoothly without burning sensation (in fermentation)
More efficient in harvesting energy from Less efficient in harvesting energy from
glucose with estimated 39% energy glucose with 2% energy efficiency
(for obligate anaerobes)
efficiency (36-38 ATP) in eukaryotic
organisms but much higher ATP production
(38 to 40 ATP) in prokaryotic organisms
Outputs are carbon dioxide, water and ATP Outputs are lactate, alcohol and carbon
dioxide (in fermentation); but reduced
inorganic compound in anaerobic
Products produce are for biochemical Produce numerous products with economic
cycling and for the cellular processes that and industrial importance through
require energy fermentation
Slow glucose breakdown Rapid breakdown of glucose
Electrons in NADH are transferred to Electrons in NADH are transferred to
electron transport chain electron transport chain; but in
fermentation electrons in NADH are
transferred to organic molecule
Mechanism of ATP synthesis is by Mechanism of ATP synthesis is by
substrate-level and oxidative substrate-level and oxidative
phosphorylation/chemiosmosis phosphorylation/chemiosmosis; but in
fermentation substrate-level
phosphorylation only during glycolysis
O2 is the final electron acceptor of the In anaerobic respiration, inorganic
electron transport system substances like NO3- or SO42- are the final
acceptor of the electron transport system;
but in fermentation, there is no electron
acceptor because it has no electron transport

What is It
Aerobic respiration takes place in all plants, animals, birds humans except for
some primitive prokaryotes

In aerobic respiration, oxygen acts as an electron acceptor which helps produce

ATPs more effectively and more quickly

The double bond in the oxygen has higher energy than other bonds which aids to
produce ATPs. It is the preferred method degradation of pyruvate after glycolysis where
the pyruvate then enters in the mitochondria to be fully oxidized during the kreb’s cycle.

The process of aerobic respiration is utilized for the oxidation of carbohydrates,

but products from fats and proteins are also used as reactants. Carbon dioxide gas and
water are two products of aerobic respiration along with the energy that is used to add a
third phosphate group to ADP and form ATP.

Other energy-rich molecules like NADH and FADH2 are converted into ATP via
electron transport chain with oxygen and protons
During aerobic respiration, most ATPs are produced during oxidative
phosphorylation where the energy of oxygen molecule is used to pump proton out of the
membrane. The passage of protons creates a potential that is then used to initiate ATP
synthase and produce ATP from ADP and phosphate group. Ideally, a total of 38 ATPs
are produced at the end of the aerobic respiration. However, some energy is lost due to
leaking of the membrane or the cost of moving pyruvate through the cell, as a result of
which about 29-30 ATPs are only produced. Aerobic respiration results in complete
oxidation of carbohydrate molecules which take place in mitochondria of eukaryotic cells
as the enzymes for the process are present there.

In aerobic respiration, the electron acceptor can be sulfate ion (SO4-) or nitrate
ion (NO3-) or variety of other molecules. Some archaea, called methanogens, are known
to use carbon dioxide as the electron acceptor, producing methane as a by-product.
Similarly, another group of purple sulfur bacteria uses sulfate as an electron acceptor,
thus producing hydrogen sulfide as a by-product. These organisms reside in low oxygen
environments and thus opt for anaerobic pathways to break down the chemical fuels.

Anaerobic respiration is similar to aerobic respiration in that the molecules enter

the electron transport chain to pass electrons to the final electron acceptor. The final
electron acceptors involved in anaerobic respiration have a smaller reduction potential
than oxygen molecules which results in less energy production.

Anaerobic respiration, however, is essential for biogeochemical cycles of carbon,

nitrogen, and sulfur. The nitrate that acts as an electron acceptor in anaerobic
respiration produces nitrogen gas as a by-product, and this process is the only route for
fixed nitrogen to reach the atmosphere.

Fermentation is another pathway for anaerobic respiration, where the only energy
extraction pathway is glycolysis, and the pyruvate is not further oxidized via the citric
acid cycle. The energy-rich molecule, NADH, is also not utilized during fermentation.
Anaerobic respiration takes place in many environment like freshwater, soil deep-see
surfaces. Some microbes in oxygenated environments also utilize anaerobic respiration
because oxygen cannot readily diffuse through their surface.

Anaerobic respiration and fermentation, both take place in the cytoplasm of the
prokaryotic cell. Anaerobic respiration and fermentation process take place in the muscle
cells during immediate contraction and relaxation. Fermentation results in a total gain
of only two ATPs per glucose molecule.
What’s More
Activity 2: Describe me!
Directions: I. Use the words inside the box to identify the term that is being described in each item
Aerobic Anaerobic

___________1. Requires oxygen

___________2. occurs in the mitochondria

___________3. Produces a lot of ATP per glucose molecule

___________4. Occurs in the cytoplasm

___________5. Doesn’t require oxygen

___________6. Used when the heart rate and breathing rise

___________7. Used during the first 1-2 minutes of exercise

___________8 . Produces less ATP per glucose molecule

___________9. Using electron Acceptors other than molecular oxygen

___________10. Multiple metabolic pathways

What I have Learned

1. Aerobic respiration can be described as the chain of reactions catalyzed by
enzymes. The mechanism involves the transfer of electrons from the molecules
acting as the source of fuel like glucose to the oxygen which works as the final
electron acceptor.
2. Anaerobic respiration can be distinguished from that of aerobic respiration
regarding the involvement of oxygen while converting the given resources such as
glucose into energy.
3. The breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen to produce more amount of
energy is called as aerobic respiration; whereas the breakdown of glucose in the
absence of oxygen to produce energy is called as anaerobic respiration.
4. Anaerobic respiration is similar to aerobic respiration in that the molecules enter
the electron transport chain to pass electrons to the final electron acceptor. The
final electron acceptors involved in anaerobic respiration have a smaller reduction
potential than oxygen molecules which results in less energy production.
5. During aerobic respiration, most ATPs are produced during oxidative
phosphorylation where the energy of oxygen molecule is used to pump proton out
of the membrane. The passage of protons creates a potential that is then used to
initiate ATP synthase and produce ATP from ADP and phosphate group. Both
alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation pathways change pyruvate in order to
continue producing ATP by glycolysis.
6. Chemical equation of aerobic respiration is glucose + oxygen gives carbon dioxide
+ water + energy whereas the equation of anaerobic respiration is glucose gives
lactic acid + energy
7. The high amount of energy is produced and 38 ATP released at a time in aerobic
respiration; less amount of energy is produced and 2 ATP are released at a time
anaerobic respiration.
8. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and glucose to produce energy whereas in
anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen but uses glucose to produce energy.

What I Can Do
Activity 3: fill me in!

Directions: Fill in the Venn Diagram below by listing the similarities and differences between
aerobic and anaerobic respiration

Distinguish major features
of glycolysis, Krebs cycle,
electron transport system,
and chemiosmosis
What’s In
Direction: Answer the following questions in your activity notebook.

Go over the reactants and products of cellular respiration.

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 -----> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy

Answer the following questions:

1. How many molecules of ADP as reactant are needed to produce about 38
molecules of ATP for eukaryotic organisms?
2. Which groups in the cellular respiration equation go in?
3. Which groups are released?

What’s New
To establish a healthy academic atmosphere and camaraderie, ask the learner
if they know one who is a friend of theirs. Then ask the following questions:

1. If one of the students who ate would pay the cashier a bill in US dollars,
would the cashier accept the money as a form of payment for the food
2. If one of the students ate a combo meal and the amount of the food eaten
is P49.00 and he gave out a 1000-peso money cheque to the cashier, what
do you think the cashier would ask the student? (Assuming that the
student is the first customer of the day).
3. What should the students do (one with a US dollar bill and one with a 1000-
peso money cheque) to make their money more functional?
4. Just like the US dollar bill and the 1000-peso money cheque, the glucose
(carbohydrate) in the food that we eat is a principal high-energy molecule
that has to be digested into smaller molecules in order to release the high
energy molecule that is highly recognized by the cell. What do you call this
molecule that serves as the “energy currency of the cell”?
5. After this group of students ate the food at their school canteen, how do
they obtain energy from these food (protein, carbohydrate, fat) molecules?
What is It
Let’s know more about Glycolysis,
Krebs Cycle, Electron transport
System and Chemiosmosis

Glycolysis can be defined simply as the lysis, or splitting of sugar. More
particularly, it is the controlled breakdown of glucose, 6-carbon carbohydrate,
into pyruvate, a 3-carbon carbohydrate.

Two features of glycolysis suggest that it has an ancient evolutionary origin.

First, the same series of reactions occur in virtually all cells, including bacteria,
plants, fungi, and animals. Second, glycolysis does not require oxygen, making it
appropriate for primeval cells which had to live in a world with very little
atmospheric oxygen.
Glycolysis has several important features:
1. It breaks down one molecule of glucose, a 6-carbon molecule, into two
molecules of pyruvate, a 3-carbon molecule, in a controlled manner by ten
or more enzymatic reactions. The oxidation of glucose is controlled so that
the energy in this molecule can be used to manufacture other high energy
2. It makes a small amount of ATP, a process known as substrate-level
phosphorylation. For each glucose molecule that is broken down by
glycolysis, there is a net gain of two molecules of ATP
3. It makes NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a high energy
molecule which can be used to make ATP in the electron transfer chain. For
each glucose molecule that is broken down by glycolysis, there is a net gain
of two molecules of NADH.
4. It makes compounds which can be used to synthesize fatty acids. In
particular, some of the carbohydrates intermediates of glycolysis are used
by other enzymatic reactions to synthesize fatty acids, the major
constituent of lipids, important energy storage molecules.

Krebs Cycle
Citric Acid Cycle, also known as Krebs cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle,
is at the center of cellular metabolism, playing a starring role in both the process
of energy production and biosynthesis. It finishes the sugar breaking job started
in glycolysis and fuels the production of ATP in the process. It is also a central
hub in biosynthetic reactions, providing intermediates that are used to build
amino acids and other molecules. The citric acid cycle enzymes are found in the
cells that use oxygen, and even in some cells that don’t.
The eight reactions of the citric acid cycle use a small molecule—
oxaloacetate—as a catalyst. The cycle starts by addition of an acetyl group to
oxaloacetate, then, in eight steps, the acetyl group is completely broken apart,
restoring the oxaloacetate molecule for another round. In a typically biological
twist, it’s not quite this simple. You might imagine that the enzymes could just
pop off the two carbon atoms of the acetyl group, using oxaloacetate as a
convenient carrier. However, by carefully labeling particular carbon atoms in
these molecules, scientists have found out that things get shuffled around a bit,
and two carbon atoms in the original oxaloacetate are the parts that are actually
released as carbon dioxide. Then, at the end of the cycle, the original acetate
atoms are shuffled around to recreate the oxaloacetate.

Electron Transport Chain

The electron transport chain is the portion of aerobic respiration that uses
free oxygen as the final electron acceptor of the electrons removed from the
intermediate compounds in glucose catabolism. The electron transport is
composed of four large, multiprotein complexes embedded in the inner
mitochondrial membrane and to small diffusible electron carriers shuttling
electrons between them. The electrons are passed through a series of redox
reactions, with a small amount of free energy used at three points to transport
hydrogen ions across a membrane. This process contributes to the gradient used
in chemiosmosis. The electrons passing through the electron transport chain
gradually lose energy, high-energy electrons donated to the chain by either NADH
or FADH2 complete the chain, as low-energy electrons reduce oxygen molecules
and form water. The level of free energy of the electrons drops from about 60
kcal/mol in NADH or 45 kcal/mol in FADH2 to about 0 kcal/mol in water. The
end products of the electrons transport chain are water and ATP. A number of
intermediate compounds of the citric acid cycle can be diverted into the anabolism
of other biochemical molecules, such as non-essential amino acids, sugars, and
lipids. These same molecules can serve as energy sources for the glucose

Chemiosmosis is used to generate 90% of the ATP made during aerobic
glucose catabolism; it is also the method used in the light reactions of
photosynthesis to harness the energy of sunlight in the process of
photophosphorylation. Recall that the production of ATP using the process of
chemiosmosis in mitochondria is called oxidative phosphorylation. The overall
result of these reactions is the production of ATP from the energy of the electrons
removed from hydrogen atoms. These atoms were originally part of a glucose
molecule. At the end of the pathway, the electrons are used to reduce an oxygen
molecule to oxygen ions. The extra electrons on the oxygen attract hydrogen ions
(protons) from the surrounding medium, and water is formed.

What’s More
Direction: Complete the tables below by filling-in the necessary information for
aerobic respiration.
Table 1: Inputs and Outputs of Glycosis
Inputs Outputs
1. Glucose 1.
2. 2 NAD+ 2.
3. 2 ATP 3.
4. 4 ADP + 4 P 4.

Table 2. Inputs and Outputs of Citric Acid Cycle

Citric Acid Cycle
Inputs Outputs
1. 1. 4 CO2
2. 2. 6 NADH
3. 3. 2 FADH2
4. 4. 2 ATP

Table 3: ATP Harvest from Aerobic Respiration

Phases in ATP produced High- ATP produced Sub-total
Aerobic by Substrate- energy by Oxidative
Respiration Level Electron Phosphorylation
Phosphorylation Acceptors
Preparatory ----
Krebs cycle
Total -----

Table 4: Starting Materials and End Products of Aerobic Respiration

Stage Starting Materials End Products
Glycolysis (in cytosol)
Formation of Acetyl CoA -----
(in mitochondria)
Krebs cycle (in
Electron Transport ------
Chain and
Chemiosmosis (in
What I have learned

Direction: Narrate major events of cellular respiration. Write your answer in your
activity notebook.
Stage 1: Glycolysis Stage 2: Formation of Acetyl coenzyme A

Stage 3: Citric Acid Cycle Stage 4: ETC and Chemiosmosis

What I can do
Directions: Write a brief essay using the following questions in your activity notebook.

1. How can you relate cellular respiration into real life situations specifically
at the present situation/condition?

2. What happens in our life if one of the stages in cellular respiration will not

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