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Social Issues

Gender Inequality
Gender Inequality
“Legal, social and cultural situation in which sex and/or gender
determine different rights and dignity for women and men,
which are reflected in their unequal access to or enjoyment of
rights, as well as the assumption of stereotyped social and
cultural roles” (European Institute for Gender Equality, n.d.).
Who’s affected?
Gender inequality affects everyone, including men. Stereotypes or ‘rules’
about how women and men, girls and boys should be begin in childhood
and follow us through to adulthood.

Not everyone experiences inequality the same way. The situation is worse,
and often different, for people who face more than one type of
Different situations

01 02 03 04

Children Men Women

Women living outside
Young people
Many workplaces don’t
are at greater risk of poor
Boys receive 8 times more offer men extended Youth are largely excluded
health and family
attention in the classroom parental leave or flexible from formal political
violence, as well as less
than girls. hours unlike women. processes and continue to be
availability of public
services. subject to age-based systems
of authority.
Different situations

05 06 07 08

Indigenous women Women with Culturally diverse Trans and gender

One of the most disabilities communities diverse people
marginalized groups ever.
Gender inequality + Gender, race and Greater risk of mental
Their lack of education is ableism. culture illness, abuse and
taken advantage of. intersectionality. social exclusion.
Human trafficking.

Trans Non-binary
flag. flag.
Important date

Month Year

December 1948

Gender Equality was made part of

international human rights law by the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
“A gender-equal society
would be one where the
word 'gender' does not
exist: where everyone can
be themselves.”
—Gloria Steinem


● Victorian Government. (2021). Gender inequality affects everyone.
Retrieved from:

● The current. (2017). Gloria Steinem Simulcast. Retrieved from:

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