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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

DETAILED School Malinao National High School Grade Level Grade 10

LESSON Student Teacher Mark Louie B. Celamor Learning Area Science
PLAN Date February 27, 2024 Quarter 3Rd Quarter
Time 12:05-12:50 Checked by Crystal C. Bornilla
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the images formed by the
different types of mirrors and lenses
B. Performance The learners should be able to make an improvised optical device using
Standard lenses.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to predict the qualitative
Competencies characteristics (orientation, type, and magnification) of images formed by
plane and curved mirrors and lenses. S10FE-IIg-50
Topic Refraction
Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to:
• define what is refraction
• compare reflection and refraction
• demonstrate an understanding of how light behaves when it encounters
different surfaces
Teacher’s Guide
Learner’s Material Pages Pages: 194 - 202
Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
Other Learning Resources Science and Technology 4. Physics Book. Chapter 4

Students Activity Teachers Activity
Preliminaries A. Greetings

Good morning, Class! Good morning, Sir!

B. Classroom Management (The students will check under their

Before you take your seats, please chairs if there are pieces of trash.
look under your chairs if there is any Throw it and align their chairs
piece of trash and throw it properly at properly.)
the garbage bin. Also, please align
your chairs.

C. Checking of Attendance

D. Checking of Assignments

Do we have any assignments? None, Sir!

A. ELICIT Before we continue with our new

(3 mins) lesson let us first recall what is

What can you recall on your previous Sir, reflection is the bouncing back of
lesson on reflection? light on a smooth surface.

(Use the index card to randomly Sir, the two types of reflection
choose students to share their idea) namely: regular and irregular.

Sir, the types of mirrors (plain,

concave and convex mirrors).

Excellent answer! Now can you give Possible Answer:

me examples on reflection that you Sir, calm water, smooth surfaces, and
encounter in your everyday life. plain mirrors are examples of
reflection that I encountered.
Very good! Now class, when a ray of
light approaches a smooth polished
surface and the light ray bounces
back, it is called the reflection of light.
The incident light ray that land on the
surface is reflected off the surface.
The ray that bounces back is called
the reflected ray.

(The teacher will draw a diagram on

the board showing the reflection of


you have any questions?

None sir.
B. ENGAGE Before we continue with the lesson, I (Students will observe and describe
(6 mins) have here a glass of water and I want what they observe)
you to observe what will happen if I
put a pencil inside of it.

Now class, what have you observed?

What do you think happened to the
pencil inside the glass?

(the teacher will call students to share Possible Answer:

their ideas) Sir, the pencil looks bent

Sir, the size of the pencil changes as

it enters the water.

Now class, how does the pencil Sir, the property of light that we
appear bent on inside the glass where observed is refraction. It is refraction
if we take it out of the water it is still because light travels in different
the same? What property of light did speed as it passes through different
you observe and why is it so? mediums such as air to water. Like
the pencil on the glass.

Very good! Class The refraction of

light (or change in the direction of
path of light in other medium) occurs
because light travels with different
speeds in different media. When a ray
of light passes from one medium to
another, its direction because of the
change in its speed.

The pencil appears to be 𝗯𝗲𝗻𝘁 when
it is kept in glass full of water because
of 𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗻. When
light enters water, it cannot move as
fast as it does in air. As light enters
water at an angle, it bends away from
its original path, and this makes the
image look bent.

Another example is mirage, as

motorist observe on hot days where
there is water on the road.

Does everyone understand Yes sir!

C. EXPLORE Very Good Observation! To further
(8 mins) understand what is refraction we will
do an activity titled “the reappearing
coin” you will understand more on
what is the role of refraction on the

Clear glass

1. Stick the coin to the bottom of the
empty mug
2. Step back, or move your head, until
you can no longer see the coin in the
3. While you stay in position, get your
friend to slowly pour water into the

(The teacher will group the students

and guide them on the activity.)
Can you please read the instructions The student reads the instructions:
Mr./Ms. *random student* for your
classmate to understand what we are INSTRUCTIONS:
going to do.” 1. Stick the coin to the bottom of the
empty mug
2. Step back, or move your head,
until you can no longer see the coin
in the mug
3. While you stay in position, get your
friend to slowly pour water into the
(Students will do the activity by
(Students doing the activity)

“Very good everyone! A job well done

indeed. You have done well in the
activity we will elaborate more on *The students will respond “I AM
that later on our discussion. But READY!”.
before we move on to the next
chapter of our lesson do you have any
questions? If none, please respond
with I am READY.
D. EXPLAIN Let us now dig deeper and explore
(10 mins) the activity on how light moves on
different medium.
Possible Answer:
But before that, I want to ask you a Sir, when we move away from the
question class; what do you think glass, we cannot see the coin but as
happened on the activity done? we pour water the coin reappeared
and we can see it clearly.
“Okay Mr./Ms. *student* you are
raising your hand?” “Let us hear your Sir, the coin reappears because the
answer/s” water bends, or refracts, the light
travelling from the coin so that it can
“That is very good *student” “Wow, I now reach our eye.
applaud you all.

All of your answers are correct.”

“Now let us observe the image below.
It shows what really happens to the
coin in the glass.”

(The teacher will show a picture on

the refraction of light rays)

Do you think that what happened to Possible Answers:

the pencil inside the glass also Yes sir, both the pencil and the coin
happened in the coin? Why do you had become refracted. In the pencil
think so? refraction happens when light passed
through the glass with water but the
speed changes as water is denser
than air. In the coin activity, the coin
reappeared as we put water in the
Very good! Now the bending of light
happens when it travels from air to
water is due to the different speeds of
light in the two media (air and water).
Light travels faster in air than in water
because water is much denser than
air. So, light slows down when it goes
from air to water and thus changes

When incident light rays in air hit the

air-water boundary at an angle to the
normal. The normal is the line drawn
perpendicular to the water surface at
the point of incidence. The
transmitted rays are the refracted
rays. Take the first incident ray, the
first refracted ray and the normal to
the boundary at the point of
incidence. The angle between the
incident ray and the normal is called
the angle of incidence i. The angle
between the first refracted ray and
the normal is called the angle of
refraction r.

E. ELABORATE To summarize the lesson let me ask

(5 mins) you some questions about what we
had tackled.
Possible answer:
What have you learned on reflection? Sir, reflection is the bouncing of light,
What are the two types of reflection sound, heat, or another object back
and explain. to the source, without absorbing it.

Regular reflection: Regular reflection

is also termed as specular reflection,
which occurs when the beam of light
falls on a regular, polished, and
smooth plane.

Irregular reflection: Irregular

reflection also termed as diffuse
reflection, which occurs when the
beam of light falls on the rough
surface and reflects light in various

Very good! Now what have you Refraction is the phenomenon of

learned about refraction? light, in which the wave is diverted
What happens to its speed when when it passes diagonally through
entering a denser medium? the interface between two media of
different densities. It refers to the
shift in direction and speed of the
beam of light waves, because of the
change in the medium.
Sir, the denser the medium the slow
is the speed of light, and vice versa.
F. EVALUATE Directions: Choose the letter of the ANSWER KEY:
(10 mins) correct answer from the given 1. b
choices. 2. d
3. b
1. What is refraction of light? 4. a
a. Reflection of light 5. b
b. Bending of light
c. Absorption of light
d. Scattering of light

2. When does refraction occur?

a. Only in solids
b. Only in liquids
c. Only in gases
d. When light travels from one
medium to another with a different
refractive index

3. What happens to the speed of light

when it enters a medium with a
higher refractive index?
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains the same
d. Becomes zero

4. In which medium does light travel

a. Air
b. Water
c. Glass
d. Diamond

5. When light passes from air to

water, it generally:
a. Speeds up
b. Slows down
c. Remains unchanged
d. Changes direction randomly
G. EXTEND Assignment:
Advanced reading and study on
lenses and its two types (concave and
convex lenses).
A. No. of students
who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners
who required 80%
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did this
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help resolve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:

Mark Louie B. Celamor

Student Teacher

Checked by:

Mrs. Crystal C. Bornilla

Cooperating Teacher

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