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1-My hair is longer than your hair 11-Buses are longer than cars.
2-Oxford is more beautiful than Birmingham. 12-Carlos is taller than Sergio.
3-I’m taller than you. 13-London is bigger than Madrid.
4-People are more intelligent than animals. 14-Cats are more intelligent than rabbits.
5-Barcelona is bigger than Santander. 15-MP3 players are cheaper than laptops.
6-Bikes are cheaper than cars. 16-I’m more beautiful than you.
7-Pedro is taller than Maggie 17-The skateboard is worse than the mobile phone.
8-Antonia is noisier than Gemma. 18-The computer is quieter than the mobile phone.
9Laura is more beautiful than Jane. 19-The mobile phone is better than the skateboard.
10-Radios are cheaper than TVs. 20-The computer is bigger than the mobile phone.

1-The Nile is the longest river. 12-A “0” exam result is the worst result.
2-Cheetahs are the fastest animals. 13-Pau Gasol is the tallest Spanish player.
3-Sharks are the most dangerous animals. 14-Antartica is the windiest place in the world.
4-Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs. 15-Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
5-A “10” exam result is the best result. 16-Yakutsk, Russia is the coldest city in the world.
6-Madrid is the biggest city in Spain. 17-The Nile is the longest river in the world.
7-Dolphins are the most intelligent animals. 18-Bangkok, Thailand is the hottest city in the world.
8-The Rolls Royce is the most expensive car. 19-Río de la Plata is the widest river in the world.
9-The teacher is the oldest person in the class. 20-Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the
10Champagne is the most expensive drink. world
11-Russia is the biggest country.

I saw a beautiful sunset yesterday. He spoke fluent Spanish during the trip.
She gave me a thoughtful birthday present. They ate dinner at the fancy restaurant.
We went to the beach last summer. I took a lot of photos on vacation.
He thought the movie was fantastic. She had a wonderful time at the concert.
They won the championship last year. I wrote a letter to my friend yesterday.
I got a promotion at work. We watched a thrilling movie last night.
She made a delicious cake for the party. He worked late at the office yesterday.
It was a great concert; we were there. She studied for her exams all weekend.
I bought a new car last month. I listened to my favorite music on the way home.
He did his homework before going out. They walked in the park for hours.
She said she would come to the meeting. We talked for hours about life and dreams.
We drank coffee at the café downtown.

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