Week 13 - 15 The Social Group in Industry

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This unit will define and differentiate the kinds of industrial organization and
describe the bureaucracy and role in managing the labor. And to understand the
significant of management in the Industry.

Pre-test. The purpose of this test is to determine your baseline knowledge or
preparedness in this unit.

Define the following terms:

1. Define Group
2. Types/Kinds of Group
3. Elaborate the advantages and disadvantages Industrial organization

A. To access the following resources, please click the link below

LR1: Slides Presentation in PDF format TBA


1. Riggio, (2013) Introduction to Industrial Organizational

Psychology, Pearson Education Inc.
2. Narendar Singh, Industrial Sociology (2012), Tata Mcgraw-
Hill, New Delhi, India
3. Hill,Hal (2003) Industry. The Philippine Economy
Development, Policies and Challenges, Ateneo Press down
4. Schwalbenberg and Hatcher, (1991) Philippine Studies; Trade,
Industrialization and Economic Growth in the Philippine,,
5. Broom and Selznick, Sociology. A Text with Adapted Reading.
➢ Collection of two or more person who are social interaction, who are guided by similar
norms, values and expectation and who maintain a stable pattern of relation over a
period of time (HOMANS, 1950)
➢ Unit of interacting personalities with interdependence of roles and statuses existing
between the members (COLE, 1963)
➢ A set of individuals who identify and interact with another in a structured way based on
the shared values and goals, (DONALD LIGHT. 1985)
➢ Organization of people where individual member is aware that they belong to it.
(SALCEDO. 2002)
➢ The organization of groups help to realize on organizational goal such as function
include the working on a complex and independent task, that is too complex for a
person to perform (Wikipedia 2017)
1. PRIMARY GROUP – are clusters of people like families or close friends circle where
there is close face to face and interdependence between members.
Primary group is also the key means of socialization is the society. The main places
where the attitude, values and orientations are developed and sustain.
2. SECONDARY GROUP – are those in which members are rarely in direct contact, they
are often a large group and usually formally organize.
1. Similarities of Attitude and
2. Size of the Group
3. Time
4. Location
5. Status
refers to the process by which
members of newly form work
teams learn. Learns about
their teammates establish
their roles and responsibilities
and acquire task. Work and team work capabilities required to coordinates their efforts
to performed effectively as a team.
1. Forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing
5. Adjourning

1. Formal Group – is a designated work group, one that is defined by an organization
based on hierarchical structure with designated task related to its function.


a. Defined rules and regulations

b. Organizational Structure
c. Objectives and Policies

2. Informal Group – the group that are created spontaneously as soon as individual start
interacting with each other.


1. Conformity – is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs and behavior to group norms,
politics are implicit, specific rules are shared by group of individuals that guide their
interactions with others

Types of Conformity
a. Compliance
b. Identification
c. Internalization

2. Group Dynamics – is a system of behavior and psychological process accounting within

a social group or between social group.

Types of Group Dynamics

a. Resource investigators
b. Team work
c. Evaluation
d. Implements

3. Group Think – the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that
discourage creativity or individual responsibility.
- It is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of individual reaches a consensus without
critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternative. It is
- also, the desire creates a dynamic within a group where by creativity and individually
tend to be stifled in order to avoid conflict
Categories of Group Think
a. Rationalization
b. Peer Pressure
c. Complacency
d. Moral High Group
e. Stereo typing
f. Censorship
g. Illusion of Unanimity

4. Social Loafing – Is the

phenomenon of a person exerting less
effort to achieve a goal when they work in
a group to achieve a goal when they work
than working alone. It is seeming the
reason, groups are some times less productive than the combine performance of their
members working as individual.

5. Focus Group – Is the thinking skills that allow people to begin a task without
procrastination and then maintain their attention and effort until the task is complete.
FOCUS – Help people pay attention in the midst of distraction and set back and to
sustain the efforts and energy needed to reach the goal.

6. Team – a group is a collection of individual who coordinate their individual efforts, on

the other hand a team is a group of people who share a common purpose and number
of challenging goal, member of the team are mutually committed to the goal and to
each other- Without purpose and goal, team cannot be build.

Four Types of Team

a. Project Team
b. Self-managed team
c. Virtual Team
d. Operational Team
7. Committee in Industry – is entrusted with the task of providing secretarial assistance to
the department related to.

Role of Committee – Monitor on going governmental operations, identify issues

concern, review, gather information and recommended courses of action to clients.

Different types of Committees

a. Standing Committee
b. Sub committee
c. Select committee
d. Join committee
e. Committee of the Whole
Industry refers to manufacturing
productive enterprises collectively,
especially as distinguished from
agriculture. Industry means ‘any
large-scale business activity’, such
as the steel industry.
Organization are social entities that
are goal directed are designed as
deliberately structured and
coordinated activity systems, and
are linked to the external
An organization exists when people interact with each other to perform
essential functions that help attain goals.
a) Organization have specific goals or vision.
b) Generally designed to outlive the participation of any individual who participates
at any one time
c) Having a more or less well-developed set of formal rules;
d) A relatively fixed structure of authority, roles and responsibilities that is
independent of the personal characteristics of those filling the roles at any
particular time.

Organizing involves translating the planned steps into reality.
Johannsen and Roberson (1968) have defined the organizing as “the process of
determining the necessary activities and positions within an enterprise, department or
group, arranging them into the most effective functional relationships; defining the
authority, responsibility and duties of each and assigning them to individuals so that
efforts is coordinated towards a common end,”
The definition has given out certain characteristics:
a) ‘Organizing the structure’, which determines the various positions within as
b) Coordination: Functions of each position be coordinated to attain the objective
coordination can be stated as; “various activities and roles of men are adjusted
and integrated with each other not only in their social but also in their technical
c) ‘Departmentalization’ of the activity or grouping of similar activities to form an
organizational unit. The basis of departmentalization is the ‘function’ performed;
‘type of product’ manufactured; ‘territory’ in which the product is produced or
marketed; ‘customers’ as classified in accordance with the type of goods
served; ‘process’ involved in making and type of equipment used.



In an organization, the authority
is differentiated between line and staff.
‘Authority’ can be defined as ‘the right
to make decisions, to direct the work of
others, and to give orders’.
It is the line manager who
directly responsible for meeting the
targets and accomplishes the
organizational goals and objectives,
and is always someone’s superior.
They are authorized to direct the work
of subordinates.
The major responsibilities of line managers towards human resource could be listed
a) Placing the right person on the right job.
b) Orienting and absorbing the new employees in the organization
c) Training and upgrading the employee on the skill required to perform in the
organization and at the position employed for. Also, training employees to meet
the future requirements of the organization.
d) Improving performance
e) Controlling cost of labour
f) Developing abilities of each employee.

The ‘staff’ advises and assists the line managers in accomplishing the goals
and objectives. In small enterprises employing few people, the line manager may
perform all the functions. But as the organization grows there is a need to have
specialized people with knowledge and skills to perform the finance, marketing, human
resource functions and a separate staff is appointed to carry out this function.
Staff in large or medium organization performs three main functions:
a) Line Function: The Human Resource Manager perform the line function in
his/her department by exerting the line authority. He/she does not usually
exercise the line authority outside the department but exerts an ‘implied
b) A coordinative function: Human Resource Managers also carry out coordination
of all personnel activities. This also known as functional control in which the
Human Resource Managers implement the organizations personnel policies.
c) Staff (assist and advice) functions: The main function of a Human Resource
Manager is that of a staff. In this, the Human Resource Manager assists in
strategy design and execution by helping the Chief Executive Officers to better
understand the personnel aspects of the company’s strategic options. Human
Resource Managers assist in recruiting, orienting, training, evaluating,
counselling, etc of the employees. The size of Human Resource Department
and the number of Human Resource specialists employed reflects the size of
the company.

It is defined by Randall Collins as
“organizational control achieved
by explicit rules and regulations
and by specifying responsibilities
for action in written records.
Rational-legal authority provides
a basis for bureaucracy.
1. A hierarchy with
assignments flowing downward
and accountability flowing
2. A division of labor: Each member of a bureaucracy has specific task to fulfill
and all of the tasks are then coordinated to accomplish the purpose of the
3. Written rules: There is continuous rule-bound conduct of all official business. In
their attempt to become efficient, bureaucracies stress on written procedures.
The rules of some bureaucracies cover just about every imaginable situation.
The guiding principle generally becomes. “If there isn’t a written rule covering
it, it is allowed’.
4. Written Communications and Records: Records are kept of most of what
occurs in a bureaucracy. Consequently, workers in bureaucracies spend a fair
amount of time sending memos back and forth. They also produce written
reports detailing their activities.
5. Impersonality: It is the office that is important, not the individual who holds the
office. You work for the organization, not the replaceable person who heads
some post in the organization. Consequently, members of a bureaucracy owe
allegiance to the office, not to particular people. If you work in a bureaucracy,
you become a small cog in a large machine. Each worker is a replaceable unit,
for many others are available to fulfill each particular function.
6. Conduct: The rules that regulate the conduct of an office may be technical rules
or norms.


Principles of management encompasses activities connected with organizing,

planning and controlling of basic aspects or an organization, like materials, people,
methods, machines as well as financial resources.

It engages in coordinating and directing human efforts with a common objective of

meeting established goals.

Significance of Principles of Management

The significance of Principles of Management is twofold.

Firstly, adoption of management principles equips managers to handle numerous

situations. They will have the necessary understanding of practical situations. With
proper policy implementation, managers may enhance their managerial capabilities.

Secondly, implementing management principles also helps in optimally utilizing

resources which is likely to lead to efficient management. Human resources, as well
as other material resources, are available in a limited manner with an organization.
Hence, to minimize cost and maximize profit, resources should be effectively utilized.
Management principles enable managers for influencing and predicting the outcome
of activities and choices.

Importance of Principles of Management

The very nature of principles of management contributes to its importance.

• Scientific Nature of Decision-Making

Adoption of management principles equips managers to take objective decisions

with more realistic considerations that are bias free. Such decisions may be
subsequently subjected to objective evaluation.

• Adhering to Social Responsibility

Managers are able to observe their commitment not only towards their subordinates
but also the society at large. Organizational goals are also achieved efficiently. It can
be understood in the context of fair remuneration principle. An organization becomes
not only compliant to government regulations but also ensures social justice for its
• Adapting to Ever-Changing Business Environment

Due to the dynamic nature of management principles, the broad guidelines are
subject to modification consistent with changes in the business environment. With
such modification, an organization may continue to retain its efficiency.

• Training and Development

The principles will have to be clearly understood to initiate proper training and
development. Managers need to undergo training programs in order to stay updated
with due knowledge and expertise. It will help them to engage in proper decision-
making and carrying out of their duties responsibly.
Organization behavior is all about how human beings are behaving and interacting with
each other in an organization to complete their work. The study is no doubt beneficial
for the managers as it helps them to make accurate predictions about behavior, but it
is equally essential for the employees as it helps to clarify their personal goals and
understand the factors that are affecting them.
The various types of organizational behavior models are

• Autocratic – This type of organizational

behavior model is used to describe a
workplace where the power rests entirely at
the top. As the name suggests in an
Autocratic model, the authority at the
higher level is everything, and
it demands complete obedience from the
employees. There is a full dependency on
the higher power for directions and
guidance related to work as the employees
do not have the authority to take
independent decisions. The job offers only
the paycheck, and there is no job
satisfaction for the employees.
• Supportive – This type of organizational behavior model encourages people in
leadership positions to inspire the workers in an organization. Here, the assumption is
that the employees are already self-motivated, and the work of a leader is to boost that
motivation to another level. In the supportive organizational behavior model, the job of a
manager is to offer support to the goals, interests and talents of the employees and
foster their motivational level on the belief that the right support and encouragement will
induce the employees to increase their performances by themselves.
• Custodial – This type of organization behavior model acts as a custodian to their
employees. The framework of the custodian model tries to provide a sense of security
to the employees and show that the organization cares for their welfare. The focus of
Custodial organizational behavior model is on giving the
employees economic resources and incentives in the form of robust benefits packages
so that it will ultimately lead to employee loyalty and commitment towards the
• Collegial – This type of organizational behavior model accepts the fact that social
factors play an essential role in employee satisfaction. The framework of a collegial
model is based on the fact that colleagues are working as a team to help to foster a
sense of camaraderie. The power within the organization is shared in this model to
encourage a flattened hierarchy, where there are no direct directions from the top.
• System – It is one of the newest organizational behavior models on the block that has
been created to encourage commitment towards the goals and objectives of an
organization. The idea is to provide the employees with a sense of meaning and
belonging that will promote a higher level of performance and satisfaction amongst
them. In the System organizational behavior model, the manager is expected to show
care and compassion towards the employees to establish a positive work culture at the

▪ Students are required to explore the materials provided that contains discussion on the
topics covered in this unit.
▪ Students can watch the lecture-video using the link provided



Virtual Classroom Activities

The following questions serve as guide that enable collaboration or group discussions
through or either the following platforms: 1. CBSUA Learning Portal. 2. Google Meet,
3. Zoom Application, 4. Facebook Messenger.

1.How significant the role of group dynamic in a social group:

2. Is social grouping greatly affected by this pandemic period? How?
3. Explain the join committee vs selection committee.

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