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Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Kode Mata Kuliah :
Pengajar : Irmawati, S.Pd.,M.Pd.
Semester : Genap 2022/2023
Kelas : 1B/D3
Hari Pertemuan/Jam :

1. Manfaat Mata Kuliah

This course is as supporting of the students’ skills in business English

communication and fulfill the four skills of English (Listening, speaking, reading, and
writing). This subject aims to empower students with the language and life skills they
need to carry out the career goals. It provides opportunities for students to build
awareness and practice the language in real-life scenarios. The integrated skills
approach develops the student’s self-confidence to survive and succeed in professional
and social encounters within an English-speaking global community.

2. Deskripsi Perkuliahan

This course is an intermediate English to improve the students’ learning outcomes

on English for specific purpose specifically English business. This subject is designed
with a core of seven units where the four skills of listening, reading, writing, and
speaking are developed throughout each unit within professional context. The seven
units in this subject are: introduction to business English, companies, corporate culture
and business meeting, giving presentation, and preparation for getting a job (writing a
cover letter, resume, and having a job interview).

Kontrak Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris Umum 1B D3 Akuntansi 1

3. Capaian Pembelajaran (CP)

The students are expected to be able to:

1. Exchange basic information of the business activities and the office routinities.
2. Describing the company include the job description of each division of the
company and the kinds of business report.
3. Understanding local and international business culture.
4. Handling the meeting and role-taking on arguing, giving opinion, interrupting,
clarifying, questioning, and negotiating.
5. Writing job application letter and curriculum vitae in English.
6. Simulating interview for the job.

Kontrak Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris Umum 1B D3 Akuntansi 2

4. Organisasi Materi

The students are able to know the business activity

in the company


M.5: The M.6: The M.7: The

students are students are students are
able to prepare able to write able to
and deliver an job application understand and
effective letter and practice to do
business curriculum the job
presentation. vitae. interview.
P1 P4, A2)


M.4:The students are able to understand and doing presentation of the local
and overseas business culture.

M.3:The students are able to participate actively in a business meeting by giving

argument, opinion, interruption, clarification, guestion, and negotiation

M.2:The students are able to write and present the company history, activities,
and job description of each department.

M.1: The students are able to exchange basic information of the company and
the main job at the office.

Entry Behavior:
Mampu memahami jenis-jenis Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Kontrak Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris Umum 1B D3 Akuntansi 3

5. Strategi Perkuliahan

The strategies used in this course are; lecturing, question-answer, individual task,
pair work (dialogue), group work (discussion, debating, and role play), collaborative
group work, project based learning, and presentation. Lecturing aims is to guide the
students of what they will do and then give question to the students related to the topic
discussed. Pair work, discussion and role play lead the students to practice their
speaking freely. Presentation will help the students to practice their English formally in
front of the audience.

6. Materi/Bacaan Perkuliahan

1. Adams, Keith and Dovale, Rafael. 1999. Global Links; English for International
Business. Longman. USA.
2. Goodale, Malcolin. 1995. Effective and Efficient in English Meeting. PT. Gramedia
Pusaka Utama. Jakarta.
3. Krey, Isabelle A and Wilson, Martin. 2002. Effective writing for business.
4. Murphy, Raymond. 1985. English Grammar in Use. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
5. Purwanto, Joko. 2002. Komunikasi Bisnis. Edisi Keempat. Penerbit Erlangga.
6. Thoifuri. 2005. Tata Bahasa Inggris Praktis. Jakarta: Puspa Swara.
7. David, Ngo. Free Ebook:75 interview questions and answers. http//
8. Mulyana, Yayang H. 1999. A Practical Guide: English for Public Speaking.
Visipro. Jakarta.

7. Tugas

Kind of Assignment Assessment

The students are required to find and browse all of the a. Role-taking class
materials via library, digital library, and internet b. Self-assessment
sites. The materials should be read and understood
by the students before coming to the class, therefore
the students already have an idea or opinion towards
the topic given.
The student must obligatory do individual homework a. honesty
or group work and submit in the beginning of the b. time appropriateness
course. It is not academically honest to misrepresent
another student work as your own when you are
expected to do individual homework independently
and the students must bring dictionary.
(Monolingual/Bilingual Dictionary or Electronic

Kontrak Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris Umum 1B D3 Akuntansi 4

Mid Test will be in Written Test Format and Final All assessment types
Test will be in Oral Test Format. (cognitive, skill, affective)
Participate actively in learning and teaching process a. role-taking
(on-going assessment) b. no phone during the
Come to the class timely (could be negotiated)

8. Kriteria Penilaian
Grades will be assigned to the criteria according to Politeknik Negeri Ujung
Pandang Academic Policy, Chapter 16, and Verse 4-5 namely:

Huruf Sebutan Mutu (SM) Angka Mutu Skala Angka

Mutu (AM) (SA)
A Unggul 4 ≥ 85
A- Kurang Unggul 3,75 80 ≤ A- <85
B+ Sangat Baik 3,25 75 ≤ A <80
B Baik 3 70 ≤ B+ <75
B- Kurang Baik 2,75 65 ≤ B <70
C+ Sangat Cukup 2,25 60 ≤ C+ <65
C Cukup 2 55 ≤ C <60
C- Kurang Cukup 1,75 50 ≤ C- <55
D Kurang 1 40 ≤ D <50
E Gagal (tidak lulus) 0 ≤ 40
K Kosong (tidak ada data)
T Tertunda (nilai tidak lengkap)

Course grades will be determined as follows:

No Komponen Penilaian Bobot (%)

1 Assignment 25%
2 Ongoing class/Quiz 20 %
3 Mid Test 25 %
4 Final Test 25 %
5 Attendence 5%

9. Aturan Tambahan

Kontrak Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris Umum 1B D3 Akuntansi 5

1. Mengikuti aturan tata tertib yang ditetapkan oleh Jurusan Akuntansi.
2. On time. Keterlambatan maksimal 15 menit. Jika terlambat lebih dari 15 menit,
tidak diizinkan mengikuti perkuliahan.
3. Menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai etika dan kejujuran.
4. Wajib membawa kamus bahasa Inggris

10. Jadwal Perkuliahan

Pert. Topik Pembahasan Bacaan/Bab

1 Orientasi Perkuliahan
 Penjelasan Umum Kontrak Perkuliahan
2 1. Introduction to Business English
1.1 Introduction in the business situation
1.2 Office routine

3-4 2. Company Profile

2.1 Describing company profile
2.2 Job description of each department

5-6 3. Business Communication

3.1 Overseas business culture
3.2 Local business ethic
7-8 4. Business Meeting
4.1 Getting to a meeting
4.2 Presenting argument
4.3 Opinions
4.4 Interrupting
4.5 Clarifying and questioning

Evaluasi Tengah Semester

10-11 5. Business presentation
5.1. Preparing presentation
5.2. Presentation technique
5.3. An effective presentation slides

Evaluasi Tengah Semester

12 6. Job Application Letter & Resume
5.1. Preparing presentation
5.2. Presentation technique
13-15 7. Job Interview
7.1 Tips and Trick before and in job interview

Kontrak Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris Umum 1B D3 Akuntansi 6

7.2 The possible question in the job interview
7.3 Mock-up interview
Ujian Akhir Semester

Divalidasi: Makassar, Maret 2023

Dosen Pengampuh Ketua Kelas 1B D3 Akuntansi

Irmawati, S.Pd.,M.Pd.
NIP. 19831220 200912 2 005

Ketua Program Studi D3 Akuntansi

Dr.Nasir, S.E, M.Si.

NIP. 19690814 199903 1 002

Kontrak Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris Umum 1B D3 Akuntansi 7

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