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CHAPTER | CONCEPT OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Today, our current juvenile justice system ensures that juveniles are dealt with accordingly. It focuses more on rehabilitating juveniles by working with them in their home, the community and school. Prior to the 1800s, if a juvenile committed a crime, they were punished the same way in which an adult would be punished. The ideology of treating juveniles the same as adults all stemmed from the English Common Law . Under the English Common Law, juveniles were forced into working and were often trained into agricultural or domestic work. Further, many juveniles were apprenticed into adulthood. The same practices under the English Common Law quickly made its way into America and continued until the early nineteenth century. Saving Our Children The 1800s was the beginning of the Child Saving Movement. With the creation of this movement, the child Savers focus was to create programs that focused on reforming juveniles. To accomplish this, the New York House of Refuge Was instituted in 1825. The idea behind this institution was to take those juveniles who were considered at risk on the CamScanner 2 them into a setting that was conducive areal an is usually in a family like setting. to em, the youths who were admitted into the House o Most Oates offenders or children whom their Parents Refuge able to monitor their behaviors. In many Cases, they Were ordered by court to be placed into this institution, The House of Refuge opened its doors caring for under 10 youths nd within a decade of its operation, they had over 1609 youths in which they were working with. As the years went on tnd seeing the success of it, several other states constructeq similar institutions. While there were, several institutions focused on reforming delinquent youths, there began to be _ growing concerns as to the treatment of these youths in these institutions. The same issues that we Currently face today in many of our correctional facilities, the same was occurring within the House of Refuge. The institution began to see an overcrowding of youth, poor conditions in caring for them and issues with administration. Because of this, the child savers petitioned for there to be a juvenile court and the first one was established in 1899 in Illinois. ~Juvenile Court (0. 1899, the first juvenile court was established in Mlinois. The development of the Juvenile court was to allow for it to have jurisdiction over any child under the age of 16 who was Quilty of violating the law, providing care to those Children who we i oo ce system was to allow youths to throu unica and focus on rehabilitating the juveniles not Of the youth woent but rather by identifying what the needs iS and finding a solution for their problem. | iD the lat the juvenile uct? 1900s, there were major changes _to how N° lustice system handled these cases in Cathécanner 2 supreme Court decided juveniles should have the right to due process. This would mean they would have the same rights as that of an adult offender to include, the right to confront their witness, the right to counsel and formal notice of the charges against them. Delinquency in General Delinquency refers to any action; course or conduct that deviates from acts approved by the majority of people. It is a description of those act that do not conform to the accepted rules, norms and mores of the society (sociological definition). Delinquency, therefore, is a general term for any misconduct or misbehavior that is tantamount to felony or offense. It is, however distinct from crime in the sense that the former maybe In the form of violation of law, ordinance or rule but it is punishable only by a small fine or short term imprisonment or both. Legally speaking, delinquency means the failure to perform an act required by law, or the non-performance of a duty or obligation that is mandated by existing law or rule. The word ‘juvenile’ refers to an age-related status that has legal ramifications and is applied to those who are not yet adults. While the noun juvenile refers to someone not physically or emotionally mature, the word is often used as an adjective to refer to anything specifically for young people. A juvenile or child is any person who is below the age of 18 years. ye 6 “ In law, term denoting various offences committed by children or youths under the age of 18. Such acts are sometimes referred to asvjuvenile delinquency. Children’s offenses typically include delinquent acts, which would be considered crimes if committed by adults, and status offences, which are less serious misbehavior problems such as truancy and parental disobedience. Both are within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court; more serious offences committed by es may be tried in criminal court and be subject to prison nces. oe CamScanner 3 . aividual Who repeated) individu’ cute by law a based on the crime a juvenile may be tate’s law. i tis an A juvenile dling iy are Not P a. crime or crime: , \ com due to their minor yD 7 the crime, committed and the seve Y nding on the § prosecuted as an adil is used to describe g term juvenile delinquency ofa children oryouthe rn er of disapproved behaviors fhe youth does which [2"Frese sense almost anything Te tN uency. However “do not like is called j > f jue others do 00 gested the following factors of juvenile crim| delinquency. ; / 4 offending” Lr ee a har as Mino he act of participating in ul ; individual younger than the statutory age of maturity i i ths who Juvenile delinquency also includes those you , violate rules that pertain only to youths and wouldn't be considered an offense if committed by an adult. These are status offenses. The study of juvenile delinquency includes children who are neglected, dependent, physically or Psychologically abused, or caught between warring parents. Factors of Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile delinquency includes the behavior specificall defined as delinquent according to the various existing laws and ordinances concerning children or youth. The definition of juvenile deli account the social reali ly that reflect Books, movies and i realty res an television help People to define a particular . While 's in violation of juy gage in behavior that ultimately, juvenieevenile codes and VIO been success delinquents refers Wy Sowa believe that ¥ defi delinquents in arte pate CamScanner acts of juvenile delinquency include violation of laws view, 5 those defined by juvenile codes and laws. such a JA delinquent person is one who repeatedly commits an act that is against the norms or mores observed by the society. When a person habitually commits an act that is not in accordance with the rules or policies of a community where he belongs, he is considered a delinquent. Juveniles are young people who are regarded as immature or one whose mental as well as emotional faculties are not fully developed thus making them in\capable of taking full responsibility of their actions. In legal points, the term juvenile is a person subject to juvenile court proceedings because of a statutorily defined even or condition caused by or affecting that person and was alleged to have occurred while his or her age was below the specified age limit.“A juvenile delinquent is a juvenile who has violated the law. Childhood and Delinquency The concept of the social construction of childhood, and the issues surrounding the successful transition of a child to alaw-abiding adult includes the concept of parens patriae as well as the idea of the juvenile justice system as a system of last resort. The chapter also covers how delinquency and crime are measured, with an emphasis on the Uniform Crime Reports, self-report studies, and victimization surveys. The Measure of youths as victims and as delinquents is also discussed, as is a typology of juvenile delinquents. “Social Construction of Childhood discrinn is an ascribed characteristic, and society asis for t es according to age. Many criteria are used as a physical ingeting Juveniles differently than adults because of ranstion ellectual, and emotional development. Making the Changes, inet, child to adult is difficult in any society, involving Status, rights, responsibilities, and self-concept. . The jor ‘1 Vatieg acs coumey from childhood to adulthood not onl Next, Thee fultures, but differs from one generation t 2 Problems of growing up differ across geograsaicamScanner i hological it me social and psychologica| a well 26 mt to attempts to display adulthood om from adult control, displays of masculinity, e, and willingness to take risks. locations, themes that c: include autonomy economic independenc: The concept of parens patriae can be Tee atone England. Parens patriae provides. the tego ator for the ntervene in families to pre t . sae gully susceptible to becoming delinquents. VThe five levels of concern that represent shortcomings in the lives of delinquents are: 1. childhoed family school peer group community wR wen vTIwo aspects must be considered separately when considering the idea of generation. 1. adolescence is a period in the life course 2. generation is a cohort One method being used to help young people make wise decisions is to give them responsibility for their own affairs on a graduated basis. Graduated driving responsibilities for teenagers is one example. /Measuring Delinquency Not all undesirable behavior is cri imi t eb iS Crime. Cri are, Violations of the criminal law and occupy tha erin of social control. Violations of norms and rules aren't Supported by the justice have developed numerous fechmiga sot nyt ee measure the incidence and effects Ofer ng ite The legislative brani n V ch of orgnses: the executive branch is chante dwt oment cane Judicial branch determines by th uit Fd organ oth guilt and pupj eT ee etonner ifferences between reported ang . he oan je can’t know for sure the nchorod crime are Streported crime. This is the “dark figure” Of ot incidence of The context, of a behavior can de vior is defined an measured as a crim bet might not report a crime because he or she morta linderstand an offense has been committed, lack faith in the eyste™, wish to protect the offender, or be guilty also Other methods of crime measurement try to reveal the dark figure of crime. Self-report studies use anonymous questionnaires to Sek participants what offenses they ve committed. Victimization surveys ask respondents about their experiences as crime victims. Adults commit more offenses than youths. The ages of adult offenders are clustered around the lower end of the scale, and their offenses seem to be an extension of juvenile crime. The victimization of children is a major concern for several reasons: Y children don’t precipitate their victimization Y they might not be aware of their victimization ¥ they might suffer life-long mental and physical harm Y they might harbor guilt for being victims termine whether a Sf A typology of juvenile offenders includes status prenders, drug users and abusers, gang members, and chronic and violent juveniles. of D ency: Choice and Trait Choice theo intai . . * and cay ry maintains that delinquency is rational and ceria Prevented by punishment that ie sufficiently severe sharacteristiog ep quents who choose crime must evaluate the opilties theo; of a target to determine its suitability. Routine avamOtivated "y suagests that delinquent acts are a function Allabilty of supe cers: lack of capable guardians, and uitable tar, gets. e CamScanner iminali be an atavistic phenomenon, a biological t! eee ince: the somatological characteristics of Criminal resemble those of primitive man. But Lombroso’s theory had been severely criticized by the modern criminologists Sayin, that there was no scientific base of relation of atavism with criminal behaviors. Lombroso failed to appreciate that Criminal as well as non- criminal behaviors were the result of the same process operating on the basis of various social and Physical factors. hrow. However, Lombroso has been praised while he was also criticized for his theory to explain the criminal behavior, Attempts have been made by Goring and Johannes Large (1930) to demonstrate the physical characteristics which being the identifiable marks on the body of individuals with having criminality as the prime behavioral feature among such person. Adolf Lenz contends that family histories and anti-social tendencies or traits of the criminal should be investigated since they may indicate an inheritance of reduced ability to make social adjustment. The presence of mental disease, ailments, hysterical, epilepsy, alcoholism, neurotic traits and suicide in the familial and ancestral backgrounds is an indication of Present generation will have difficulty in making adjustment. Such a background often leads to mental disorder, crime, Prostitution and drug addiction. A number of studies (Hooton, 1939, Sheldon, 1949, Sheldon and Gluck 1959, Cortes and Gatti, 1972) have attempted to explore the constitutional characteristics of criminals. William H.Sheldonmadea study of 200 youth in which he attempted to differentiate the criminal from non-criminal on the basis of three components i.e. endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph. Endomorph means predominance of vegetative function and they tend to be Soft, fat and sociable in nature. Mesomorph represents the predominance of muscle, and they have athletic Physique and they are active, assertive vigorous. Ectomorphs are skinny, flat, and fragile people. Psycho-Analytical Approach The psycho-analytical school of criminology deals with Personality structure which is Product of interaction between is] CamScanner 10 e General deterrence models are based on the fear of punishment. If punishments are severe, swift, and certain then would-be delinquents would choose not to risk breaking the law. Specific deterrence aims at reducing crime through the application of severe punishments. Once offenders experience these punishments they will be unwilling to repeat their delinquent activities. Situational crime prevention efforts are designed to reduce or redirect crime by making it more difficult to profit from illegal acts. ‘ & Trait Theories: Biosocial and Psychological Views According to psychodynamic theory, unconscious motivations developed early in childhood propel some people into destructive or illegal behavior. Behaviorists view aggression as a learned behavior. Some learning is direct and experiential while other types are observational, such as watching TV and movies. A link between media and violence has not been proven. Cognitive theory stresses knowing and perception. Some adolescents have a warped view of the world. There is evidence that kids with abnormal or antisocial personalities are delinquency-prone. Although some experts find a link between intelligence and delinquency, others dispute any linkage between IQ level and law-violating behaviors. Choice Theory It suggests that juvenile offenders are rational decision makers who choose to engage in antisocial activity because they believe their actions will be beneficial. The first formal explanation of crime held that human behavior was a matter of personal choice and free will. Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham argued that people weigh the consequences of their actions before deciding on a course of behavior which is called the classical theory. So in order to deter crime, the pain of punishment must outweigh the benefit of illegal gain. TO RoSsmMOONR holm DHORMASUAUH e CamScanner according to this view, law violators ari © Motivated by of needs and objectives, such ng, anger, frustration, and survival nec revenge, ne motives the decision to commit crime and ‘delingter what matter of personal choice. quency is a f Criminal Behavi listic Th’ The development of modern criminological thinki is preceded by the classical school represented by aninking and Bentham, who entrapped with their query on why certain itted by only certain category of people. In this contexts the book ‘Essay on crime and Punishment written by Bonesane and Beccaria receive extreme attention of experts working in this area of knowledge. Jeremy Bentham influenced by Beccaria’s writings and other classical expositions on the issueS connected to the phenomena, the great English legal philosopher, carried on the work in the same direction which influenced the legal and social philosophers to take into cognizance of the causation of crime and delinquency in their thought process. Lombroso, the father of mo attempted to understand the perso physical terms. He is considered to have been the prominent member of the Italian positive school, which dealt with the personality of criminals. The other thinkers who contributed to Ca development Of this school were Enrico Ferri and Raffaele o en ae and several others. The followers of this school tried citactors the crime committed by person primarily in terms aoe ee criminals i.e. physical, biological, mental, altogether or’ either ignored external or environmental factors , or treated them secondary. dern criminology first nality of offender in t in their physical savages and inferior animals like low head, too Li Physical canegS9 found that criminals were differen tetactrstca ition from normal persons. They had lead. é Many fing receding chin, ears standi anding out from the Of the hoger: abundance of wrinkles a typical size Of shape , iminals e With peed ns f "th these alavispecular ities of eyes. He called the cr! qualities as born criminal. So he dectcamscanner iblit i i a siblings and child. Sigmund Freud pi O nic school of thinking which considers Genes the ld a result of weak restraining forces whier ent urb the pressure of anti-social impulses The rent pa chogel behavior as unable 1 food the same line of argument were Friedland, onan, Gluck and Gulect, levy Jenkins and Aichorn. While Ppajander (1949) claimed that anti-social character formation Fri fe to fault character development or weak ego and pment. Aichorn (1955) asserted that there is is 10 develo| / | supe ing in the child himself which the environment brings out in the form of delinquency. Delinquents behave as they 9 because they are in some way maladjusted persons. A psychiatric explanation of delinquent behavior was developed by Gluck and Gulect (1950) who maintained that physically a delinquent is mesomorphic but in attitude he is hostile, defiant, resentful, suspicious, stubborn, adventurous, unconventional and non-submissive to authority. The psychologists like Gibbons and Krohan (1986) attemptedto revolve around personality problem and emotional disturbance with particular emphasis on the parent's child and other primary group relations. The relationship between delinquency and emotional disturbance cannot be ruled out as psychologists maintain. Juvenile aggression is considered to be most commonly encountered pattern of delinquency involving psychologically deviant youngest. Mal- adaptive behavior in child leads to frustration and which further leads ‘o delinquent behavior as maintained by Jenkins (1950). According to him, behavior is of two types, adaptive goal oriented and maladapted which leads to frustration as it is not goal oriented. The Eyeseniknian Theoretical Approach The individual bs ior i: ji i in te behavior is explained by Eyesenik Ms of extraversion neuroticism and psychotics and Genetic it ‘i ‘cally inherited characteristics of nervous system. Th rn © Eyeseniknian theory claims that Crimi Fae | inal behavior is determined by genetic causes: Criminal behavior ; personality nor is a an expression of one’s ner Personality variables e hem: i determined by genetic causa ® are In pan __ As per Eyesenik, for previous learning experiences, “crerent wh ral oat and hereditary predisposition are very much nooo stimu score of three dimension of personality i.e. extrove fo} iGfence, true frequency of offending in Particular sogi settings and the child rearing methods are the main Variables in e § udies concerning the acquiring of criminal behavior ine of the fundamental elements of this theory is thal people respond differently to the same bearing experiences according to the position they have on the three dimensions ol personality, regarding consistency they expect the same person to behave rather consistently in different situations and at different time. The Eyesenikian Theory maintains further that the human behavior is predictable from the knowledge of, individual's learning history and of the current situational stimuli which make an impression on the individual. ssary. The ersion type Eyesenik pointed that: 1. The tendency/propensity to crime universal, but it can be checked in most cases by given person's conscience during childhood/adolescence. The conscience is a conditional response which make an individual to behave in a moral and socially acceptable manner; 2. This conscience might be expected to be under development either due to failure of family and social conditions to provide proper means of developing it or though innate weakness in the person concern of the mechanism involved in the elaboration of conditioned responses; 3, Extroverted people tended under certain stated conditions to less well than introverted one. This making them ceterisparibus (other thing being equal) more likely to behave in anti-social fashion; _ Rein forming the extroverted or introverted tendencies ‘ favoring and disfavoring anti-social conduct, particularly crime would be found more frequently in people wy ° placed in high extroversion neuroticism and psychotic regarding environmental factor. 12 oe CamScanner esenik holds that all human behavior to be i duced by the interplay of genetic and environmental neo prochim different personality conditions and combinations 7 psychoaticism, neuroticism and type of crime conduct To om up that the psycho-analytical theories hold that Criminal su avior is a byproduct of personality factors. Social factor, vi f beraion, and or hereditary, all have a part to play in the ausation of crime. They are complementary but mutually exclusive. Delinquency Approach There is a positive correlation between delinquency J mental deficiency which is empirically established. The e intelligence quotient of delinquent boys is considered slightly less than that of non-delinquent boys. But otherwise it is criticized for having regarded |.Q the only measurable instrument of delinquency because intelligence some extent depends on the social environment. XYY Chromosomal Abnormality Approach The X chromosome is of female and the Y of male. Male have X Y and female X X chromosomes. The XY Y theory is concerned about the male who has an extra Y chromosome, a super male with aggressive tendencies in the possible criminal behavior. It is indicated that the XY Y male is more introverted and has more a social attitude than that of the rest of the population. He has tendency towards homosexuality and aggressiveness. But the casual relationship between in the Presence of XY Y syndrome and criminal behavior gong boys is still needs to be experimentally established. i : Raciologists argue that behavior is not inherited rather heon med and is conditioned by the environment. All the a commit the dualistic fallacy assuming that there are and those groups of people, criminal and non-criminals is istinguignete exclusive groups commit behavior that non-criminal al ‘se One commits criminal acts and the other havior in the Sut Since criminal behavior is like any other No theory that cnmS!¢ elements or components of behavior, that cone fl i Successfully explainas mae on traits that cause behavior can an averag CamScanner 13 ch ronmental APPFO? roblem of juveni, sis have studied N° Brg cultural point’ ¢ SociolneSthe socio ev eaned behavior acquired jn delinquency Ion anavior is learning of delinquen view. Delinquency Pion and the toes. This approan the process ximized in cri he interaction betweg pattern is mé 5 The chief Proponents The Social-Envil 7 0 rr siders delinquency as @ F eS. D co tructure and social Proce rohhn (1986), Enrico Fer Sf this approach like inttave considered the youth offenders a rapi eee rere cisorganization produced! 9) “SP Soci change, brought about due to 7 due to industrialization silected traditional living arrangements ¢ formation, poverr ‘and urbanization coupled with _slul i ing economic inequalities t, alcoholism, growing | i ore the other related developments in the newly emerging kind of a situation is found ieti: his 7 capitalistic societies. Perhaps tl ditional societies have also world today as the trad 1 ! aenan tne with the new economic developments, including the societies which had once adopted socialistic pattern of economy. Differential Association Approach Sutherland is the main mover and promoter of the idea of differential association. The basic assumption on which this approach based upon is that criminal behavior is learned in interaction by normal social processes of common to all learning. In other words, criminal behavior is learned from other persons especially within intimate ike friends and associates. Personal groups Ik Difterenti a : rarrantil association approach can be explained by the 1. Criminal behavior is | i : int eal especially in intimate personal grout. other. Reset 2. Techniqu iti Ts nig ves of Committing crimes are learned as well sjalionalization motives and derive. The avorable and y rhe infavi rach derives is learnedtrom (oe Glrection of motives oF ™: of obeying the legal nox ee tPortance or unimportance 14 CamScanner erson becomes delinquents becaus of definition favorable to violation of aw © of an excess unfavorable to violation of law; T definitions pifferential association behavior in association ig * game as learning any other kind of behavion is the arning criminal behavior in association is the same 5: te learning any other kind of behavior; siminal behavior is not explainable by gene; 6 or values because noncriminal behavior is-alserss expression of the same general needs and values. The like-mindedness among the individuals having a goals which bring them together to behave the way they Soin order to achieve. Unfortunately the innocent young boys become victims of this kind of socio-psychological situations learn 24 the tendencies of remaining outside the which they 2 r i formal social situations to indulge themselves in delinquent activities. Theory of Anomie The concept of Anomie was first used by Durkheim to refer to a state of normlessness. But Robert k Merton was the first to develop the Theory of Anomie scientifically. The basic premise on which this theory is based is that the people’s aspirations and expectations and un-matching sources to achieve them well within the culturally derived framework of the society creates a situation in which people find reason to break over. The urban-industrial societies emphasize more on patel achievement in the form of acquisition of wealth. All b Same time society provides a limited institutional means havior the goal by legitimate means. The delinquent institution, pears when the individual do not internalizes the ‘there re ned means of obtaining them. Anomie is a situation membership ope a, principles normally provided by group f aracter and absent. When they are his own resources rtiminal oF dein strength, he become anomic and eventually CAS 0 achiane poe, oS the individual resorts to illegitimate oohen (1955) to the goals. As an extension of Merlon’s work, *Xplainin juventecuiated @ new theoretical frame work for Inquency called “delinquent subculture”. a CamScanner » i i institut i school is the primary institution According 10 cone status but the schoo! has miq dle where children can out sco not have expose® il wer cl lass culture. The children of lo oy are cat i middle class socialization process. So they ight y i inner ai in the game in which others are typically te wetus fra the are the loser. This cause in lower class bc » borhood and en drives the boys back to their own class nelg tled deli ere they set up their own competitive system th delinquent sub- culture. The contention ot Cohen is that tne one wee n working class families. status, She Broblem of status can be effectively solved especially of those who reject middle class society. Opportunities to win the desires are not uniformly available to all and more so the people of lower economic status. In order to achieve the desires the illegitimate means are explored. As Cloward and Ohlin (1960) have pointed out in their Differential Illegitimate Opportunity theory that delinquency is a solution to problem arising out of thwarted aspirations. The delinquency allows an opportunity illegitimately due to differential access. This theory attempts to fuse together four interrelated components: 1. Two differential opportunity system (Legal and Illegal); 2. Blocked aspirations within available legitimate means to ends that leads to frustration; 3. The generation of delinquency subculture as a collective solution of lower class; and 4. Withdrawal of legitimacy from the conventional and attribution of legitimacy to illegal means to ends. It is emphasized b these i i S people lack inthe opportnit theorists that while low clas toe i iti IS but they do not have the same oe in egitimate mean 16 CamScanner Containment Approach World famous Criminologist, Walter Reckless proposition of a theoretical approach for explaining deviance is a combination of psycho-social aspects of delinquency. This is also known as control approach. While explaining this Reckless maintained that this approach can be applied only to one-psychotic, non-symptomatic, non-faulty character structure form of behavior which represent a normal range of interaction between the person and his situation and normal transgression of dominant prevailing norms and law. This theorist assumed that there are two types of forces, ‘inner’ and outer’ that push a person towards deviant behavior, The psychological forces’ are inner forces and the ‘Sociological forces’ are outer forces. This approach assumes that social control ensures conformity while absence of control leads to deviance. The argument of Reckless is that people get trapped in these inner and outer forces which lead to violation of social norms. The inner containment involves, self-control, high sense of responsibility, self-image, frustration, tolerance, strong super ego etc, while the outer containment includes persons environment, consistent moral code, norms, expectation, supervision and discipline-when an individual has strong forces, both inner and outer he will then have conforming behavior. But when outer containment is weak but inner containment is strong there is very small chance of committing delinquency and this is so in modern mobile urban society. When inner containment is relatively weak, the likelihood of getting into criminal of delinquent activity is higher than the Previous combination of containment. Social Learning Approach This approach is useful in explaining different pattern of behavior as related to parental behavior in child rearing situation Deprivation of adequate human needs in the early environment of individual has_its marked impact on social and personality development. The pervasive emotional tone of early family environment is considered to have greater Consequences for subsequent development of children. a CamScanner ‘oach . rir nomic factors in the Causato ic crimes in P' 2S all jonomic cri ind establi of crimes in. gener armed by criminolog’s ‘great extent red the while Deer vert) been contributing to grgainquent 2c directly of indi the cor ime causation with i indirectly, to to crime wih qreen all the theories connectite to aeqian understandings . ased On © ined by econony economic factors are basee = 1. determi 8 ich is primary e | a human behavior venice which itself is influenced by one's factor al ings. economic experience and surrounding Economic Facto’ The importance of ec Family and Delinquency i i ily is the most important itis always viewed that ‘ery individual behavior soci society, ake Sinple reason that the formation of jowards socie! simy i : basic personality of a child is completed in the first 10 or 1 years of his life and itis pertinent a fact that the family impact in this period is almost exclusive. Twenty seven inadequate affection, either actual or as perceived by the c } 1 | regarded as an important contributory factor in developing antisocial attitude. Also it is considered that lack of affection may be due to various reasons like disharmonious relationship between parents and other members of family, so to say the broken homes. In fact in one of the earliest studies followed by Gluck’s in 1950 found that incidence of broken homes is more among delinquents rather than non-delinquents and the delinquent boys are deprived of affection by their parents, father, mother and siblings. Sometimes there may be lack of affection of its perception by the child even in families which cannot be termed as broken such as those families where the parents, due to some reasons, hav Widen either due to too much involy ‘no time for their chil aaa ment in occupation or too muC Pre gee pation with so called social activities, Often the size it wan te 's stfongly linked with the poverty and overcrowding: twice in con at the size of the families of delinquent was Itleads to bath physica: families of having no delinquen's- the members. Nd psychological deprivation amon ® CamScanner Mass Media and Delinquency In the modern industrial urban society mass media have assumed much significance. Media serve the various positive purposes. Among the means of mass media, the vision media like television and cinema have the potential for the maximum impact on the viewers because of audio-visual components in the system. The access to this media has increased all over the world. The young and old, either together or independently watch T.V programs carrying the message, including modus operandi of delinquent acts a chance the practice in the real social world too. Perhaps the increasing incidents of crime and delinquency are often indicated at being the influence of mass media which exposes every form of behavior of people in a direct or indirect way. The impact of media cannot be obliterated when it comes to the causation of delinquency. In the foregoing section an attempt has been made to take into cognizance the various approaches the criminologists and other social scientists have followed in their analytical understandings of delinquency which have served as basis for various researchers to probe into the phenomenon. The causation of delinquency is not due to one 28 single dominant factor but due to multitude of factors. While the causation of delinquency is taken into account, it needs to the understood as to varying how and why aspects of the phenomenon serve a basis in establishing the emerging trends and patterns of it and an attempt is made in the present study 19 e CamScanner

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