10.21 Social Movements in Our Times

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10thClass Unit-21

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The first half of the 20th century was dominated
by wars, revolutions, emergence of German
Nazism, Soviet Socialism, Western Liberalism,
National Liberation Movements etc.

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A major issue of the 20th century was
the end of the Second World War.

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The first half of the 20th century colonies and semi-colonies like
India, China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Egypt etc got the independence.

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The American Civil Rights
Movement was one of the
most important Civil Rights
movements. In American
Civil Rights Movement
people fought for equal
treatment of Afro-
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‘Civil disobedience'
means violating
discriminatory laws
In American Civil
Rights Movement the
boycott of buses by
blacks led by Dr. Dr. Martin Luther
Martin Luther King for King Jr.
one year. gurudeva.weebly.com 8
Dr. King who made
his historic speech,
“I have a dream..”

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No woman was allowed
to speak in the famous
Washington March.
The woman felt that
they needed to assert
themselves for equality.

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Discriminating services means buses which
segregated blacks and whites.
The American court banned segregation in buses
in 1956.

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On 28th August 1963, more than two lakh people
marched to Washington demanding the passage
of Civil Rights Act.

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The laws were subsequently passed and after long
struggle many of them got effectively implemented.

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Malcom X viewed
that blacks were a
separate nation
and should fight
for independence
from white rule.
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The countries
of Eastern
Europe and
USSR did not
allow free
elections, free
press, or even
freedom of
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In Countries like
Arcitic ocean
Czechoslovakia and
Poland this Movement RUSSIA
took the form of North
Estonia Moscow

demand for sea Lithuania

Berlin Poland
freedom from English Channel
Germany Warsaw
Versailles Ukraine
the control France Bay of
Paris Jeneva

of USSR Bulgaria BLACK SEA
over them. SARDDINIA
Sicily 17
GIBRALTAR STRAIT Mediterrian Sea Montenegro Macedonea
The USSR under
President Gorbachev
who initiated a
process of reform
called Glasnost, tried
to bring in greater
freedom for the
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The 1970s and 1980s
saw a new kind of
movement against
war and nuclear
arms. The horrors of
nuclear bombing on
Hiroshima and
Nagasaki occurred in
August 1945.
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In the Vietnam conflict 8, 00,000 to 30, 00,000
Vietnamese military and civilians were killed,
apart from Cambodians and Laotians.

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Vietnam was a
forested and
poor nation
in comparison
with their
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Vietnamese use guerrilla warfare techniques
to fight the war. The US government decided
to end the war and leave Vietnam in 1975.

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Nuclear arms race intensified after the end of
Vietnam War. Companies which produced nuclear
arms called the military-industrial complexes.

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SALT means
Strategic Arms
Limitation Talks.

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START means Strategic Arms
Reduction Treaty - signed on
July31, 1991.

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The largest and most complex arms control
treaty in history was START - resulted in the
removal of about 80% of all strategic
nuclear weapons.

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During the last phase of the USSR a
major accident took place in its
nuclear plant in Chernobyl.

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In 1971 the Greenpeace Movement initially
started as a protest against USA for conducting
nuclear tests under water near Alaska.


(USA) gurudeva.weebly.com 30
The Greenpeace Movement volunteers set
out in a small ship called Greenpeace to
the test area. “Greenpeace” eventually
became the name of the movement.

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Today Greenpeace is
spread over 40
countries with its
headquarters in
Amsterdam (Holland)
and has become an
important international
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Global climate change will affect those countries
whose population particularly depends upon
agriculture. Greenpeace has taken up the
impact of climate change across many countries.

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Greenpeace aims are “ensuring the ability of the Earth to nurture
life in all its diversity”, and 'Sustainable Development'.
Greenpeace website:

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The great tragedy of Bhopal Gas
Disaster happened in Bhopal in 1984.

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Bhopal Gas Disaster people
have been fighting for 4
1. Proper medical treatment.
2. Adequate compensation.
3. Fixing criminal
4. Steps to prevent.
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When the company sponsored
Olympics in London people across the
globe signed petition against it.

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The initial
started in India in
the 1970s were
for the protection
of the forests.
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Building of large dams displaced
thousands of trees and animals and
acres of fertile field and people.

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The questions came up when the government
proposed to build a series of major and minor
dams across the Narmada river.

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Baba Mahariya was a part of the Narmada Bachao
Andolan that organised peoples' movement in the
Narmada Valley against the dam.

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Initially the SSP was expected to be built
with money borrowed from World Bank.

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SSP means Sardar Sarovar

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NBA means Narmada
Bachao Anodolan.

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After intense protests World Bank decided to
withdraw its funding. NBA succeeded in forcing
everyone to think about the nature of development, -
‘development induced displacement’ of people.

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The NBA combines many strands: 1. The
movement of people 2. Movement against
policies 3. Struggle of farmers 4. Urbanisation
5. Industries 6. Mines 7. Forests.

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Medha Patkar is one of
the leaders of the NBA.

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CSE means Centre for Science and Environment.
CSE was founded by Anil Agarwal in 1980.

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CSE began with the publication of its famous
series, Citizen’s Report of State of India’s
Environment in 1982.
CSE website: http://www.cseindia.org/

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Silent Valley Movement took place in1973-85 - against
the building of a dam in Western Ghats in Kerala.

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Silent Valley is famous for Lion
Tailed Macaque (a kind of
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Silent Valley was declared as
a National Park in 1985.

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1. The anti arrack 2. The movement of
movement of Manipuri women
Andhra Pradesh against special
powers of the armed
forces which had
been misused against
people of the North
Eastern states.
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In 1992 - Dubagunta - women studied
in an evening school - money is
spent on toddy and arrack – told
the Sarpanch - throw away the
liquor - warned the owner - no one
dared participate in the arrack
auction - topped a cart of toddy -
The Collector cancelled the auction-
shopkeepers who refused to close -
women shaved the moustaches -
arrack was officially banned in
October 1993 and total prohibition
was - imposed in 1995.61
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Manipur today is
composed of
two distinctive
terrains; the
valley and the
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Before independence, the valley was
under princely rule in Manipur. The hill
areas were autonomous, inhabited by
the tribal in Manipur. In 1891 the British
established their control over the region.

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The kingdom of Manipur signed a merger agreement
with India in 1949. This agreement was disputed by
many tribes. In response to those opposing the
accession with India, the government has deployed
the Army.

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One of the laws that have been imposed to maintain
law and order is called the AFSPA (1958).
AFSPA means Armed Forces Special Powers Act.

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The Act gives to the security forces the right to
arrest or shoot people simply under suspicion
of being involved in anti-national activities.

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Widespread attention was the protest against the
custodial death of a 32 years-Thangjam

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Meira Paibi (in Meitei
language) literally can
be translated as ‘torch
bearers’. Meira Paibi
originated as a
movement to prevent
public disorder due to
alcohol abuse in the
late 1970s.
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Meira Paibi Woman
on a rally

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But, it soon became a movement for
human rights in the early 1980s.

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Manipur state was
declared a ‘disturbed
area’. Sweeping powers
in the name of AFSPA
were given to the
Indian armed forces.

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AFSPA act resulted military operations
and human rights violations.

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The Meira Paibi women took to patrolling
the streets at night against the military

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One among from Sharmila of Manipur has
been on hunger strike for more than 15
years and is under house arrest.

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