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The South Indian Bank Lt4

Fegiorrl Omce.Delhi
5iijloor, Plot No.2l, 2ll1, Pr$a Z?flsafr,^,
ar9atraiaa La naax tal.rll
Road, Karot BaglL New Delhi -
I l0005,Phone: 0l I 4233 166,/,l
0ll 4512 8661/ 7982865660
e-mail ro
: ir/
qc I 008@sib. co. in

Reft DEL/CRD/SARI 45 12023-24 Datet 14.02.2024


E-Auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitisation and
Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2fi)2 read with
proviso to Rule 8(6) and 9(l) ofthe Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules,2002.

WHEREAS, the Authorised Offrcer of the Bank had issued Demand Notice dated 10.04.2018, calling
upon the borrorver/s lll M/s. Savemax Wholesale Club Private Limited, 401 'D' Mall, Netaj i
Subhash Place. New Delhi - I10034 also at 806-807, Udyog Vihar, Phase V, Gurgaon, Haryana -
122001 and Guarantor(s) [2] Mr. Vaibhav Singhal, S/o Sh. Gan Chand Singhal, 25175 Shalli
Nagar, Delhi - 110007, [3] Ms. Seema Gupta, Wo Sh. Gian Chand Singhal, 25175 ShaLti Nagar,
Delhi - 110007 under section l3(2) ofthe Securitisation and Recorstruction ofFinancial Assets and
Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (hereinafter referred to as 'The Act') and has taken
ph.vsical possession of the immovable propertv/ies, more fully described in the schedule hereunder
under Section l3(4) ofthe Act read with Rule 8 of the Securit_v Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.

AND WHEREAS, the borrower/guarantor have failed to pay the amount, Notice is hereby given to
the public in general and in particular to the Borrower(s) and Guarantor(s) that the immovable
property/ies mortgaged to the Secured Creditor more full1, described in the Schedule hereunder will
be sold on "as is where is" basis, "as is what is" and "whalever there is" condition, on the dde and at
the place mentioned herein below for realization of a sum of Rs. 27,44,70517.95 (Rupees Twenty
Seven Crores Forty Four Lakhs Seventy Thousand Five Hundred Seventeen and Paisa Ninety
Five Only) as on 13.02.2024 with future interest, costs and expenses etc. thereon in the account/s
lWs. Savemax Wholesale Club Private Limited of Karol Bagh Branch of the Banl, subject to the
follouing terms and condilions: -

Name of Property Owner NVs Savema:i Wholesale Club Private Limited

Description of property All that part and parcel of commercial unit no.A-42, admeasuring
super zuea 2806 sq. ft on Atrium Floor of commercial complex
known as '?arker Mall" situated at G.T. Road, N.H. l, Sector-62,
Kundli, Sonepal, Haryana moref,rlly described in conveyance deed
bearing no. 2853 dared 2l . I 1.2016 registered with Sub - Registrar-
\ Rai, Sonepat Haryan4 owned and possessed by M/s. Savemax

The South lndian Bank Ltd., Regd Office. Thrbsur. Kerala
ttu Head Ofiice S.l B House, T B Road, P.B Nor 28, Thrssur - 680001, Kerala
(fel) 0487-2420 020, tFax) 91 487"244 2021 e-mail : sibcorporate@sb co in,
ClN L65191KL 1929P1C001017, TollFree (lndia) 1800-102-9408. 1800{211809 (BSNL)
alta{l<a t Irr{ax a^r.ftt-

Wholesale Club Private Limited -bounded on the North: Passage &

Unit No. A-37, South: Side Set Back /Drive wa-v, Easl: Unit No. A-
41, West: Unit No. A-43.

Naturrc of possession Phvsical

Reserve Price Rs. I,f3,64, (Rupees One Crore Tlurteen Lakhs Si\ty Four
Thousand Three Hundred Only)

Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 11n37,fi[/- (Rupees Eleven Lakhs Thirty Seven Thousand
(EMD) Only)

Mode ofsubmission of All amouns payable regarding EMD and sale shall be paid by way
EMD/ Sale amount of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "The Authorised Offrcer, The
South Indian Bank Ltd." payable at New Delhi or through RTGS/
NEFT to Account No: 0l 17073000004456 held by "The
Authorised OIIicer" in The Soulh Indian Bank Ltd, Brarch Karol
Bagh (FSC Code: SIBL0000l l7)
Last date and fime for on or before 08.03.2024 by 05.00 PM
submission of Bid along
with EMD
Property Inspection Bet*,een 12 Noon 10 03.00 PM on 23.02.2024
Bid incremental amount Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only)
Date and time of E-auction ll.O3.2OA from I 1.00 AM to I 1.30 AM (with 5 m.inute unlimited
auto extensions till sale is concluded)
E-auction service provider Name: M/s 4 Closure
contact: 8 142000066/ 95 15 160064
E-mail:; adesh@bankauctions. in


l. The secured asset will be sold by e-auction through Bank's approved service provider i.e. IWs 4
Closure n'ho are assisting the Authorised Officer in conductingthe online auction.

2. The intending purchasers shall submit the EMD amount mentioned herein above via Demand
Draft in favour of 'The Authonsed Ofticer, The South Indian Bank Ltd." payable at New Delhi at
the address mentioned above or through RTGS to Accounl No: 0117073fi)fiXX456 held by "The

The South lndian Bank Ltd., Regd. Office: --hrbsur. Kerala

Head Office: S LB House. T.B Road, P.B No; 28 Thrbsur - 680001. Kerala
(Tel\ 0487-2420 020. ( Fax\ 91 487-244 2021 e-mail

*x','* 165191Kl 1929P1C001017, Toll Free (lndia) 180G1t 2-9408, 18004211809 (BSNL)
arxarar<a t axr{t€

Authorised Olficer" in The South Indian Bank Ltd, Branch Karol Bagh (IFSC Code
SIBL0000I l7) latest by 05.00 p.m. on or before 08,03.202.

3. The intending purchaser shall submit duly filled in bid form in original (format available with
Authorised offrcer and in website https://bankauctions. in) along with self-attested copies ofProof
of identification/Address proof (KYC) to the Authorised offrcer and should carry the original for
verificalion. Bids submiued otherwise than in the format prescribed shall not be eligible for
consideratron and will be liable for rejection.

4. In case ofjoint bidders, an authorization letter signed by all the bidders authorizing a bidder (one
among them who is holding a valid ID) is to be submitted along with bid form. In case the bidder
is a corporate/Parhrership firrq a copy ofthe resolution passed by the Board of Directors/Partners
authorizing the actual bidder, n'ho is holding a valid ID, needs to be submitted along rvith the bid

5. Bidders should have active mobile number and valid e-mail address for participating in E-Auction
and register their names at the e-auction portal and get User ID and Password free ofcosl from E-
auction service provider whereupon they would be allowed to participate in the online-E-auction.

6. Please note that interested purchasers shall be permitted to participate and bid in the e-auction only
if EMD amount has been received by the Bank along with the documents and in the manner
mentioned in point 3 herein above.

7. Eligible Bidders who have duly complied with the above requirements in point no.2, 3 & 4
hereinabove will be provided with User ID and Password through Banli's approved service
provider for participating in e-auction portal.

8. After the submission of EMD, the bidders shall not be allowed to withdraw the Bid forms/EMD.
The amount of EMD paid by interested bidders shall not carry any interest.

9. Online bidding will cornmence from Reserve price or from the highest bid quoted whichever is

10. The Bank / service provider for e-Auction shall not have any liability towards bidders for any
interruption or delay in access to the site inespectrve ofthe causes.

I l. The bid once submitted by the bidder, cannot be cancelled./withdrawn and the bidder shall be
bourd to buy the property at the final bid price. The failure on the part ofbidder to comply with
any of the terms and conditions of e-Auction, mentioned herein will result in forfeiture of the
arnount paid by the defaulting bidder.

The South lndian Bank Ltd. Regd. Ofice. Thrbsur. Kerala

@ Head Ofrcer S l.B House. T.B Road, P B No: 28, Thrbsur - 680001, Kerala
(Tel) 0487-2420 020, (Fax.| 91 447-244 ?021 e-mail .
CIN . L65191KL 1929P1C001017, Toll Free (lndia) 180O 102-9408, 1800-42t1809 (BSNI)
Zjsgax-^*aritarat ratisr aartort

12. Decision of the Authorised Officer regarding declaration of successful bidder shall be final and
binding on all the bidders.

13. The Authorised Offrcer shall be at liberty to cancel the e-Auction proc€ss al any time, before
declaring the successful bidder, without assigring any reason.

14. The bid submitted without the EMD shall be summarily rejected. The property shall not be sold
below the reserve price.

15. The conditional bids may be treated as invalid. Please note that after submission of the bid/s, no
correspondence regarding any change in the bid shall be entertained.

16. The Authorised Officer is not bound lo accept the highest offer and the Authorised officer has
absolute right to accept or reject any or all offe(s) or adjoum / postpone/ cancel the e-Auction
without assigning anv reason lhereof. The sale is subject to confirmation by the secured creditor.

17. In case of forfeiture ofthe amount deposited by the defaulting bidder, he shall neither have claim
on the property nor on any part ofthe sum for which may it be subsequently sold.

18. In case any dispute anses as to the validiry* of the bid(s), amount of bid, EMD or as to the eligibility
ofthe bidder, authority ofthe person representing the bidder, the interpretation and decision ofthe
Authorised Oflicer shall be final. In such an eventuality, the Banli shall in its sole discretion be
entitled to call offthe sale and put the property to sale once again on any date and at such time as
may be decided by the Bank.

19. The property will be sold on "as is rvhere" basis, "as is what is" and "whatever there is" condition
and the Banli is not responsible for titlg condition or any other fact affecting the property.

20. It is the responsibility of the Bidders to inspect and satisll themselves about the Secured Asset,
including its specifications, the legality of the title deeds and other documents pertaining to the
said Secured Asset before participating in the" E-auction" and The South Indian Bank Ltd will not
liable for any issues pertaining 1o the Secured Asset afler the completion ofthe E-auction.

21. The Successful bidder shall pay 25 % (including EMD of l0%) of the bid amount immediately on
the same day or not later than next working day, as the case may be, on confirmation of Sale in
his/her favour. Balance 75% ofbid amount shall be paid to the Authorised Offtcer within l5 days
of the sale, failing which the entire deposit made by the Bidder towards eamest money deposit
and/or other such amounts shall be forfeited rvithout any notice by the Authorized ofiicer and the
sale will be cancelled and the properw wrll be brought Io sale again. However, in desirable cases
the time may be extended at the sole discretion ofthe Authorised Ofticer.

The South lndian Bank Ltd., Regd. Oltice: TTssur, Kerala
Head offce: S.l.B House. T.B Road, P.B No: 28. ThrEsur - 680001. Kerala
flx (Tel) 0487-2420 020, ( Fed.) 91 487-244 2021 e-mail sibcorpor?te@-slbrsrn
elN:165191K1 1929P1C001017, TollFree (lndia) 180G10:2-9408. 180042t1809 (BSNL)
arxxrar<a t arr-(ar al,.IrLo

22. On lhe sale being confirmed and on receipt of the entire sale proceeds by the Authorised Offrcer,
the successful bidder will be issued with a Sale Certificate as per lhe terms and conditions of the
Bank and the SARFAESI Act. The sale certificate shall be issued in the name of the successful
bidder. No request for change ofname in the sale certificate other than the person who submiued
the bid /participated in the e-Auction will be entertained.

23. The successful bidder should pay all the existing dues etc., to the GovemmenV Local Authoriues
and bear all the necessary expenses like applicable stamp duties / additional stamp duty / transfer
charges, Registration expenses, fees etc. for transfer of the propertv in his/her name.

24. The South Indian Bank Ltd is not liable to pay any interest/ refund EMD or any such amounts in
case of any delay in issue of conlirmation of sale/ Sale Certificate by virtue of any Court Order
received after e-auction is complete or any other reasons whalsoever.

25. The Authorised Officer or Bank will not be held responsible for any charge, lien, encumbrance,
property t,Lx or any dues to the Governrnent or anybody in respect of the properties under sale.

26. The successful bidder shall pay all Tares/ Electricity/ Water/ Sewerage Charges or any other
charges demanded by any authority afler the acceptance ofthe bid, even if it pertains to previous

27. Bidder shall ensure palment of TDS on sa.le in compliance with provision of Income Ta:i Act as
applicable and necessary proofofthe same to be submitted to Authorised Officer before issuance
of Sale Certificate.

28. The Successful bidder shall, at his/her cost, get the Electricity/ Water/ Sewerage connection etc
and any other common services transfened in his name.

29. The propertv is situated inside Parker Mall and is a large hall admeasuring 50.585 sq. ft.
comprising of 8 integrated units, out of rvhich one unit A- 42 admeasuring super area 2806 sq. ft.
is exclusively mortgaged to The South Indian Bank Ltd.

30. To the best of Lnowledge and information of the Authorized Offrcer, there is no encumbrance
with respect to the mortgaged property The Bank however shall not be responsible for any
outstanding statutory dues/ encumbrances/ Municipal Corporation dueV maintenance charges/
electricitv dues etc. if any and it will be the sole liabilit-v of the intending buyer. The intending
bidders should malie their own independent inqurries regarding the encumbrances, maintenance
charge, land use, statutory dues, electricity charges etc. and title of property and should inspect
and satisry themselves prior to submission of bid. Once bid is submitted, it will be presumed that
the intended bidder has satisfied himselfl herself from all aspects with respect to the property.

The South lndian Bank Ltd , Regd. Ofice: Thrbsur. Kerala

Head Offce; S.l.B House. T B Road, P.B No: 28. ThrEsur - 680001. Kerala

w gIN
(rel) 0487-2420 02O. ( Fa\J 91 48i -244 2021 e-mail,in
165191Kl 1929P1C001017, Toll Free (lndia) 180G102-9408, 180042',1809 (BSNL)
artrt*r-a Lndx aral}ro

31. For any further information and for inspection ofproperS, the intended bidders may contact the
Authonsed Offrcer or The South Indian Bank Ltd., Branch Karol Bagh during working hours or
ma!, contact Mr. Alan C George (Mob: 7982865660) at the South Indian Bank Ltd.

For detailed terms and conditions of the sale, please refer to the link provided in and (website/Link of E Auction Service

For The Sout dian Ban Lrd.

Auth 0 se d lficer


The South lndian Bank Ltd., Regd. office:.fhrbsur

Thrbsur, Kerala
Head offce: S.l.B House, T.B Road, P.B No: 28, - 680001. Ksrala
(Tel) 0487-2420 020 , (F d\ 9't 487 -244 2021 e marl : 9!b9!&9l3E(29bigt!,
CIN : 165191K1 1929P1C001017, TollFree (lndia) 180S-02-9408, 1800-42t1809 (BSNL)
w\a&v.south indhnbank. com

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