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Oleh : Fitria Ratnawati, S.Pd., Gr

NIP. 19811213 202121 2 001


Multiple choice

1. What is the significance of the Declaration of Independence in the history

of the United States?
a. It declared the end of World War II
b. It marked the beginning of the American Revolution
c. It established the first American colonies
d. It proclaimed the abolition of slavery

Jawaban: b. It marked the beginning of the American Revolution

Pembahasan: The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4,

1776, and it marked the formal beginning of the American Revolution,
declaring the thirteen American colonies as independent states.

2. When did Christopher Columbus reach the Americas?

a. 1400
b. 1492
c. 1600
d. 1776

Jawaban: b. 1492

Pembahasan: Christopher Columbus reached the Americas in 1492, opening

the age of exploration and connecting the Old World with the New World.

3. What ancient civilization is known for building the pyramids?

a. Greek
b. Roman
c. Egyptian
d. Mesopotamian

Jawaban: c. Egyptian

Pembahasan: The ancient Egyptians are known for building the famous
pyramids, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza.

4. Who was the first President of the United States?

a. Thomas Jefferson
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. George Washington
d. John Adams

Jawaban: c. George Washington

Pembahasan: George Washington was the first President of the United
States, serving from April 30, 1789, to March 4, 1797.

5. Which war is also known as the Great War?

a. World War I
b. World War II
c. Korean War
d. Vietnam War

Jawaban: a. World War I

Pembahasan: World War I is also known as the Great War, lasting from
1914 to 1918.

6. Who wrote the "I Have a Dream" speech during the American Civil Rights
a. Malcolm X
b. Martin Luther King Jr.
c. Nelson Mandela
d. Rosa Parks

Jawaban: b. Martin Luther King Jr.

Pembahasan: Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the famous "I Have a Dream"
speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.

7. What event marked the beginning of World War II?

a. Bombing of Pearl Harbor
b. Invasion of Poland
c. Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
d. Battle of Stalingrad

Jawaban: b. Invasion of Poland

Pembahasan: The invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 marked the

beginning of World War II.

8. What is the ancient name for the region known as Iraq?

a. Babylon
b. Persia
c. Sumer
d. Assyria

Jawaban: c. Sumer
Pembahasan: Sumer is an ancient name for the region that is now part of
Iraq, known for being one of the earliest civilizations.

9. Which famous explorer sailed around the world in the 16th century?
a. Ferdinand Magellan
b. Marco Polo
c. Vasco da Gama
d. James Cook

Jawaban: a. Ferdinand Magellan

Pembahasan: Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer, is known for

leading the first expedition to circumnavigate the Earth.

10. The ancient city of Rome was known for its:

a. Pyramids
b. Colosseum
c. Great Wall
d. Parthenon

Jawaban: b. Colosseum

Pembahasan: The Colosseum is an iconic ancient amphitheater in Rome,

known for gladiator contests and public spectacles.

1. Who was Indonesia's first president?

a. Ir. Sukarno
b. Suharto
c. B.J. Habibie
d. Megawati Soekarnoputri

Answer: a. Ir. Sukarno

Discussion: Ir. Soekarno was the first President of Indonesia to serve since
the proclamation of independence on August 17 1945.

2. What happened on August 17, 1945?

a. Indonesian independence
b. Bombing of Hiroshima
c. Renville Agreement
d. Round Table Conference

Answer: a. Indonesian independence

Discussion: On August 17 1945, Indonesia proclaimed its independence.

3. Who is the figure known as the Father of National Education in
a. Ki Hajar Dewantara
b. Mohammad Hatta
c. Sutan Sjahrir
d. Tan Malaka

Answer: a. Ki Hajar Dewantara

Discussion: Ki Hajar Dewantara is a figure known as the Father of National

Education in Indonesia.

4. What is a Round Table Conference?

a. Formation of BPUPKI
b. Talks between Indonesia and the Netherlands
c. First general election
d. Declaration of Independence

Answer: b. Talks between Indonesia and the Netherlands

Discussion: The Round Table Conference was a meeting between

representatives of Indonesia and the Netherlands which aimed to discuss
Indonesian independence.

5. What was the cause of the war of independence in Indonesia?

a. Japanese attack on Indonesia
b. Dutch Military Aggression I
c. Linggarjati negotiations
d. Events of 10 November 1945

Answer: b. Dutch Military Aggression I

Discussion: Dutch Military Aggression I was the first Dutch military attack
on Indonesia which aimed to reclaim its colonial territory.

6. What is meant by the Roem-Roijen Treaty?

a. Determination of Indonesia's territory
b. Recognition of Indonesian sovereignty
c. Peace agreement
d. Release of prisoners of war

Answer: a. Determination of Indonesia's territory

Discussion: The Roem-Roijen Treaty is an agreement that determines
Indonesia's territorial boundaries after independence.

7. Who is the figure who became the proclaimer of the Republic of

a. B.J. Habibie
b. Mohammad Hatta
c. Sukarno
d. Megawati Soekarnoputri

Answer: c. Sukarno

Discussion: Soekarno, together with Mohammad Hatta, became the

proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17 1945.

8. What is meant by the Events of 10 November 1945?

a. Dissolution of BPUPKI
b. Japanese attack on Indonesia
c. Dutch attack on Surabaya
d. the proclamation of independence

Answer: c. Dutch attack on Surabaya

Discussion: The events of 10 November 1945 were the Dutch attack on

Surabaya, which was the beginning of the Indonesian war of independence.

9. What resulted from the Asia-Africa Conference in 1955?

a. Formation of ASEAN
b. Basics of Indonesian foreign policy
c. Jakarta Charter
d. Round Table Conference

Answer: c. Jakarta Charter

Discussion: The Asia-Africa Conference in 1955 produced the Jakarta

Charter, which contains the basic principles of international cooperation.

10. What is meant by Operation Trikora?

a. Military operations against Malaysia
b. PKI crushing operation
c. Cultural rescue operations
d. Search operation for missing fishermen

Answer: a. Military operations against Malaysia

Discussion: Operation Trikora was an Indonesian military operation to seize
West Irian from the Dutch and face the Malaysian threat.

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