Spring Rod Johnson

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October 2007

Since I last revised this article in May, 2005, the Spring Framework has continued to
grow in popularity, and has become the de facto standard for enterprise Java
development. It has progressed from version 1.2 to the present 2.5, and has been adopted
in an even wider range of industries and projects. In this article, I'll try to explain what
Spring sets out to achieve, and how I believe it can help you to develop enterprise Java

Why Spring?
I believe that Spring is unique, for several reasons:

• It addresses important areas that other popular frameworks don't. Spring

focuses around providing a way to manage your business objects.
• Spring is comprehensive and modular. Spring has a layered architecture,
meaning that you can choose to use just about any part of it in isolation, yet its
architecture is internally consistent. So you get maximum value from your
learning curve. You might choose to use Spring only to simplify use of JDBC, for
example, or you might choose to use Spring to manage all your business objects.
And it's easy to introduce Spring incrementally into existing projects.
• Spring is designed from the ground up to help you write code that's easy to
test. Spring is an ideal framework for test driven projects.
• Spring is an increasingly important integration technology, its role recognized
by vendors large and small.
• The Spring Framework is the core of the Spring Portfolio , an increasingly
complete solution for enterprise Java development, exhibiting the same
consistency of approach developed in the Spring Framework itself.

Spring addresses most infrastructure concerns of typical applications. It also goes places
other frameworks don't.

An open source project since February 2003, Spring has a long heritage. The open source
project started from infrastructure code published with my book, Expert One-on-One
J2EE Design and Development, in late 2002. Expert One-on-One J2EE laid out the basic
architectural thinking behind Spring. However, the core architectural concepts go back to
early 2000, and reflect my experience in developing infrastructure for a series of
successful commercial projects.
There are now almost 40 developers, with the leading contributors devoted full-time to
Spring development and support at Interface21. The flourishing open source community
has helped it evolve into far more than could have been achieved by any individual.

Architectural benefits of Spring

Before we get down to specifics, let's look at some of the benefits Spring can bring to a

• Spring can effectively organize your middle tier objects. Spring takes care of
plumbing that would be left up to you if you use only Struts or other frameworks
geared to particular J2EE APIs. And Spring's configuration management services
can be used in any architectural layer, in whatever runtime environment.
• Spring can eliminate the proliferation of Singletons seen on many projects. In
my experience, this is a major problem, reducing testability and object orientation.
• Spring eliminates the need to use a variety of custom properties file formats,
by handling configuration in a consistent way throughout applications and
projects. Ever wondered what magic property keys or system properties a
particular class looks for, and had to read the Javadoc or even source code? With
Spring you simply look at the class's JavaBean properties or constructor
arguments. The use of Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
(discussed below) helps achieve this simplification.
• Spring facilitates good programming practice by reducing the cost of
programming to interfaces, rather than classes, almost to zero.
• Spring is designed so that applications built with it depend on as few of its
APIs as possible. Most business objects in Spring applications have no
dependency on Spring.
• Applications built using Spring are very easy to test. For certain unit testing
scenarios, the Spring Framework provides mock objects and testing support
classes. Spring also provides unique “integration testing” functionality in the form
of the Spring TestContext Framework and legacy JUnit 3.8 support classes that
enable you to test your code quickly and easily, even while accessing a staging
• Spring helps you solve problems with the most lightweight possible
infrastructure. Spring provides an alternative to EJB that's appropriate for many
applications. For example, Spring can use AOP to deliver declarative transaction
management without using an EJB container; even without a JTA implementation,
if you only need to work with a single database, or want to avoid two phase
• Spring provides a consistent framework for data access, whether using JDBC
or an O/R mapping product such as TopLink, Hibernate or a JPA or JDO
• Spring provides a consistent, simple programming model in many areas,
making it ideal architectural "glue." You can see this consistency in the Spring
approach to JDBC, JMS, JavaMail, JNDI and many other important APIs.
Spring is essentially a technology dedicated to enabling you to build applications
using Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs). It enables you to develop components as
POJOs containing only your business logic, while the framework takes care of the many
value adds you need to build enterprise applications — even in areas that you may not
have considered when initially authoring the application. This goal requires a
sophisticated framework, which conceals much complexity from the developer. Because
your business logic is abstracted from infrastructure concerns, it’s also likely to enjoy a
longer life, improving the return on investment of writing it. Business logic should
change at the pace of your business; only if it is abstracted from infrastructure concerns
can the impact on your code base of inevitable infrastructure change (such as choice of
application server) be minimized.

Thus Spring can enable you to implement the simplest possible solution to your
problems. And that's worth a lot.

What does Spring do?

Spring provides a lot of functionality. So I'll quickly review each major area in turn.

Mission statement

Spring's main aim is to make enterprise Java easier to use and promote good
programming practice. It does this by enabling a POJO-based programming model that is
applicable in a wide range of environments. We believe that Spring provides the ultimate
programming model for modern enterprise Java.

Spring does not reinvent the wheel. Thus you'll find no logging packages in Spring, no
connection pools, no distributed transaction coordinator. All these things are provided by
open source projects (such as Commons Logging, which we use for all our log output, or
Commons DBCP), or by your application server or web container. For the same reason,
we don't provide an O/R mapping layer. There are good solutions to this problem such as
TopLink, Hibernate, JPA and JDO.

Spring does aim to make existing technologies easier to use and does aim to provide a
unified, simple yet powerful programming model. For example, although we are not in
the business of low-level transaction coordination, we provide an abstraction layer over
JTA or any other transaction strategy that is more portable, easier to use and makes code
easier to test.

Spring benefits from internal consistency. All the developers are singing from the same
hymn sheet, whose fundamental ideas remain faithful to those of Expert One-on-One
J2EE Design and Development. And we've been able to use some central concepts, such
as Inversion of Control, across multiple areas.

Spring is portable between application servers and web containers. (Indeed, its core
functionality does not require another container.) Of course ensuring portability is always
a challenge, but we avoid anything platform-specific or non-standard in the developer's
view, and support users on WebLogic, Tomcat, Resin, JBoss, Jetty, Geronimo,
WebSphere and other application servers. Spring's non-invasive, POJO approach enables
us to take advantage of environment-specific features without sacrificing portability, as in
the case of enhanced WebLogic, WebSphere and OC4J transaction management
functionality that uses BEA and IBM proprietary APIs under the covers.

Inversion of control container

The core of Spring is the org.springframework.beans package, designed for working with
POJOs. This package typically isn't used directly by users, but underpins much Spring

The next higher layer of abstraction is the bean factory. A Spring bean factory is a
generic factory that enables configured objects to be retrieved by name, and which can
manage relationships between objects.

A word on the term “bean”: very early versions of Spring were intended to configure
only JavaBean objects. Since 1.0, Spring has been able to configure just about any Java
object, regardless of whether it uses accessor and mutator methods, and in 2.5 it has
become still more flexible. Nevertheless the term “Spring Bean” has remained common
parlance. “Spring-managed object” is a more accurate term, conveying also the fact that
Spring does not merely configure objects, but often continues to manage them at runtime
-- for example, to apply enterprise services on every invocation.

Bean factories support three modes of object lifecycle:

• Singleton: in this case, there's one shared instance of the object with a particular
name, which will be retrieved on lookup. This is the default, and most often used,
mode. It's ideal for stateless service objects.
• Prototype or non-singleton: in this case, each retrieval will result in the creation
of an independent object. For example, this could be used to allow each caller to
have a distinct object reference.
• Custom object “scopes”, which typically interact with a store outside the control
of the container. Some of these come out of the box, such as request and session
(for web applications). Others come with third party products, such as clustered
caches. It is easy to define custom scopes in the event that none of those provided
out of the box is sufficient, through implementing a simple interface.

Because the Spring container manages relationships between objects, it can add value
where necessary through services such as transparent pooling for managed POJOs, and
support for hot swapping, where the container introduces a level of indirection that allows
the target of a reference to be swapped at runtime without affecting callers and without
loss of thread safety. One of the beauties of Dependency Injection (discussed shortly) is
that all this is possible transparently, with no API involved.
As org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory is a simple interface, it can be
implemented in different ways. The BeanDefinitionReader interface separates the
metadata format from BeanFactory implementations themselves, so the generic
BeanFactory implementations Spring provides can be used with different types of
metadata. You could easily implement your own BeanFactory or BeanDefinitionReader,
although few users find a need to. The most commonly used BeanFactory definitions are:

• XmlBeanFactory. This parses a simple, intuitive XML structure defining the

classes and properties of named objects.
• DefaultListableBeanFactory: This provides the ability to parse bean definitions in
properties files, and create BeanFactories programmatically.

Each bean definition can be a POJO (defined by class name and JavaBean initialization
properties or constructor arguments), or a FactoryBean. The FactoryBean interface adds a
level of indirection. Typically this is used to create proxied objects using AOP or other
approaches: for example, proxies that add declarative transaction management. This is
conceptually similar to EJB interception, but works out much simpler in practice, and is
more powerful.

BeanFactories can optionally participate in a hierarchy, "inheriting" definitions from their

ancestors. This enables the sharing of common configuration across a whole application,
while individual resources such as controller Servlets also have their own independent set
of objects.

This motivation for the use of JavaBeans is described in Chapter 4 of Expert One-on-One
J2EE Design and Development, which is available on the ServerSide as a free PDF.

Through its bean factory concept, Spring is an Inversion of Control container. (I don't
much like the term container, as it conjures up visions of heavyweight containers such as
EJB containers. A Spring BeanFactory is a container that can be created in a single line of
code, and requires no special deployment steps.) Spring is most closely identified with a
flavor of Inversion of Control known as Dependency Injection – a name coined by
Martin Fowler, Rod Johnson and the PicoContainer team in late 2003.

The concept behind Inversion of Control is often expressed in the Hollywood Principle:
"Don't call me, I'll call you." IoC moves the responsibility for making things happen into
the framework, and away from application code. Whereas your code calls a traditional
class library, an IoC framework calls your code. Lifecycle callbacks in many APIs, such
as the setSessionContext() method for session EJBs, demonstrate this approach.

Dependency Injection is a form of IoC that removes explicit dependence on container

APIs. Ordinary Java methods are used to inject dependencies such as collaborating
objects or configuration values into application object instances. Where configuration is
concerned this means that while in traditional container architectures such as EJB, a
component might call the container to say "where's object X, which I need to do my
work", with Dependency Injection the container figures out that the component needs an
X object, and provides it to it at runtime. The container does this figuring out based on
method signatures (usually JavaBean properties or constructors) and, possibly,
configuration data such as XML.

The two major flavors of Dependency Injection are Setter Injection (injection via
JavaBean setters); and Constructor Injection (injection via constructor arguments).
Spring provides sophisticated support for both, and even allows you to mix the two when
configuring the one object.

As well as supporting all forms of Dependency Injection, Spring also provides a range of
callback events, and an API for traditional lookup where necessary. However, we
recommend a pure Dependency Injection approach in general.

Dependency Injection has important benefits. For example:

• Because components don't need to look up collaborators at runtime, they're much

simpler to write and maintain. In Spring's version of IoC, components express
their dependency on other components via exposing JavaBean setter methods or
through constructor arguments. For example, there is no need for JNDI lookups,
which require the developer to write code that makes environmental assumptions.
• For the same reasons, application code is much easier to test. For example,
JavaBean properties are simple, core Java and easy to test: simply write a self-
contained JUnit or TestNG test method that creates the object and sets the relevant
• A good IoC implementation preserves strong typing. If you need to use a generic
factory to look up collaborators, you have to cast the results to the desired type.
This isn't a major problem, but it is inelegant. With IoC you express strongly
typed dependencies in your code and the framework is responsible for type casts.
This means that type mismatches will be raised as errors when the framework
configures the application; you don't have to worry about class cast exceptions in
your code.
• Dependencies are explicit. For example, if an application class tries to load a
properties file or connect to a database on instantiation, the environmental
assumptions may not be obvious without reading the code (complicating testing
and reducing deployment flexibility). With a Dependency Injection approach,
dependencies are explicit, and evident in constructors or JavaBean properties.
• Most business objects don't depend on IoC container APIs. This makes it easy to
use legacy code, and easy to use objects either inside or outside the IoC container.
For example, Spring users often configure the Jakarta Commons DBCP
DataSource as a Spring bean: there's no need to write any custom code to do this.
We say that an IoC container isn't invasive: using it won't invade your code with
dependency on its APIs. Almost any POJO can become a component in a Spring
bean factory. Existing JavaBeans or objects with multi-argument constructors
work particularly well, but Spring also provides unique support for instantiating
objects from static factory methods or even methods on other objects managed by
the IoC container.
This last point deserves emphasis. Dependency Injection is unlike traditional container
architectures, such as EJB, in this minimization of dependency of application code on a
container. This means that your business objects can potentially be run in different
Dependency Injection frameworks - or outside any framework - without code changes.

In my experience and that of Spring users, it's hard to overemphasize the benefits that
IoC -- and, especially, Dependency Injection -- brings to application code.

Spring BeanFactories are very lightweight. Users have successfully used them inside
applets, as well as standalone Swing applications. There are no special deployment steps
and no detectable startup time associated with the container itself (although certain
objects configured by the container may of course take time to initialize). This ability to
instantiate a container almost instantly in any tier of an application can be very valuable.

The Spring BeanFactory concept is used throughout Spring, and is a key reason that
Spring is so internally consistent. Spring is also unique among IoC containers in that it
uses IoC as a basic concept throughout a full-featured framework.

Most importantly for application developers, one or more BeanFactories provide a well-
defined layer of business objects. This is analogous to, but simpler (yet more powerful),
than a layer of local session beans. Having a well-defined layer of business objects is
very important to a successful architecture.

A Spring ApplicationContext is a subinterface of BeanFactory, which provides support


• Message lookup, supporting internationalization

• An event mechanism, allowing application objects to publish and optionally
register to be notified of events
• Automatic recognition of special application-specific or generic bean definitions
that customize container behavior
• Portable file and resource access

XmlBeanFactory example

Spring users traditionally configure their applications in XML "bean definition" files,
although other forms of configuration, including source-level annotations, properties files
and Java code, can also be used, and Spring will merge the results of the different
configuration sources.

The root of a Spring XML bean definition document is a <beans> element. The <beans>
element contains one or more <bean> definitions. We normally specify the class and
properties of each bean definition. We normally also specify the id, which will be the
name that we'll use this bean with in our code.
Let's look at a simple example, which configures three application objects with
relationships commonly seen in enterprise Java applications:

• A DataSource used to connect to a relational database

• A data access object (DAO) that uses the DataSource
• A business object that uses the DAO in the course of its work

In the following example, we use a BasicDataSource from the Jakarta Commons DBCP
project. ComboPooledDataSource from the C3PO project is also an excellent option.
BasicDataSource, like many other existing classes, can easily be used in a Spring bean
factory, as it offers JavaBean-style configuration. The close() method that needs to be
called on shutdown can be registered via Spring's "destroy-method" attribute, to avoid the
need for BasicDataSource to implement any Spring interface.


<bean id="myDataSource"

All the properties of BasicDataSource we're interested in are Strings, so we specify their
values using the "p:" attribute prefix, a special, non-validated Spring namespace that
allows the use of bean property names as XML attributes. This shortcut was introduced in
Spring 2.0 as a convenient alternative to the "value" attribute or <value> subelement,
which is usable even for values that are problematic in XML attributes. Spring uses the
standard JavaBean PropertyEditor mechanism to convert String representations to other
types if necessary.

Now we define the DAO, which has a bean reference to the DataSource. Relationships
between beans are specified using a combination of the "p:" prefix and "-ref" suffix, the
"ref" attribute, or the <ref> element:

<bean id="exampleDataAccessObject"

The business object has a reference to the DAO, and an int property (exampleParam):

<bean id="exampleBusinessObject"

Relationships between objects are normally set explicitly in configuration, as in this
example. We consider this to be a Good Thing in most cases. However, Spring also
provides two kinds of what we call "autowire" support, where it figures out the
dependencies between beans: autowire by type, and autowire by name

The limitation with autowiring by type is that if there are multiple beans of a particular
type it's impossible to work out which instance a dependency of that type should be
resolved to. Unsatisfied dependencies are caught when the factory is initialized. (Spring
also offers an optional dependency check for explicit configuration, which verifies that all
properties have been set.)

This limitation in autowiring by type can often be overcome by autowiring by name.

When using autowire by name, property names are used instead of types. For example, if
a bean expresses a dependency by defining a setMaster method, Spring will try to find a
bean with the name "master" within the BeanFactory and inject that bean to satisfy the
dependency. While autowire by type works with either constructors or setter methods,
autowire by name works automatically only with setter methods: a result of the fact that
Java reflection does not expose the names of constructor or other method arguments.
Spring 2.5 allows autowiring by name to be used for constructors via the @Qualifier
parameter annotation. See the “Beyond XML” section below for further details.

We could use the autowire by type feature as follows in the above example, if we didn't
want to code these relationships explicitly:

<bean id="exampleBusinessObject"

<property name="exampleParam" value="10" />


With this usage, Spring will work out that the dataSource property of
exampleBusinessObject should be set to the implementation of DataSource it finds in the
present BeanFactory. It's an error if there is none, or more than one bean of the required
type in the present BeanFactory. We still need to set the exampleParam property, as it's
not a reference.

Autowire support has the advantage of reducing the volume of configuration, especially
when used as an optional attribute on the root <beans> element, which activates
autowiring for all beans managed by Spring. It also means that the container learns about
application structure using reflection, so if you add an additional constructor argument of
JavaBean property, it may be successfully populated without any need to change
configuration. The tradeoffs around autowiring should be evaluated carefully.

Externalizing relationships from Java code often has great benefit over hard coding them,
as it's possible to change XML files without changing a line of Java code. For example,
we could simply change the myDataSource bean definition to refer to a different bean
class to use an alternative connection pool, or a test data source. We could use JNDI to
get a data source from an application server in a single alternative XML stanza, as
follows. There would be no impact on Java code or any other bean definitions.

<jee:jndi-lookup id="myDataSource" jndiName="jdbc/myDataSource" />

Now let's look at the Java code for the example business object. Note that there are no
Spring dependencies in the code listing below. A Spring IoC container is not invasive:
you don't normally need to code awareness of it into application objects.

public class ExampleBusinessObject implements MyBusinessObject {

private ExampleDataAccessObject dao;

private int exampleParam;

public void setDataAccessObject(ExampleDataAccessObject dao) {

this.dao = dao;

public void setExampleParam(int exampleParam) {

this.exampleParam = exampleParam;

public void myBusinessMethod() {

// do stuff using dao

Note the property setters, which correspond to the XML references in the bean definition
document. These are invoked by Spring before the object is used.

Such application beans do not need to depend on Spring. They don't need to implement
any Spring interfaces or extend Spring classes: they just need to observe JavaBeans
naming conventions. Reusing one outside of a Spring application context is easy, for
example in a test environment. Just instantiate it with its default constructor, and set its
properties manually, via setDataSource() and setExampleParam() calls. So long as you
have a no-args constructor, you're free to define other constructors taking multiple
properties if you want to support programmatic construction in a single line of code.

Note that the JavaBean properties are not declared on the business interface callers will
work with. They're an implementation detail. We can easily "plug in" different
implementing classes that have different bean properties without affecting connected
objects or calling code.

Of course Spring bean factories have many more capabilities than described here, but this
should give you a feel for the basic approach. As well as simple properties, and properties
for which you have a JavaBeans PropertyEditor, Spring can handle lists, maps and
java.util.Properties. Other advanced container capabilities include:
• Inner beans, in which a property element contains an anonymous bean definition
not visible at top-level scope
• Post processors: special bean definitions that customize container runtime
behavior. These are simple to implement and provide an easy way of extending
what Spring does out of the box.
• Method Injection, a form of IoC in which the container implements an abstract
method or overrides a concrete method to inject a dependency. This is a more
rarely used form of Dependency Injection than Setter or Constructor Injection.
However, it can be useful to avoid an explicit container dependency when looking
up a new object instance for each invocation, or to allow configuration to vary
over time--for example, with the method implementation being backed by a SQL
query in one environment and a file system read in another.

Bean factories and application contexts are often associated with a scope defined by an
application server or web container, such as:

• A Servlet context. In the Spring MVC framework, an application context is

defined for each web application containing common objects. Spring provides the
ability to instantiate such a context through a listener or Servlet without
dependence on the Spring MVC framework, so it can also be used in Struts,
WebWork or other web frameworks.
• A Servlet: Each controller Servlet in the Spring MVC framework has its own
application context, derived from the root (application-wide) application context.
It's also easy to accomplish this with Struts or another MVC framework.

These hooks provided by the Java EE specifications generally avoid the need to use a
Singleton to bootstrap a bean factory.

However, Spring can be used standalone, and it's trivial to instantiate a BeanFactory
programmatically. For example, we could create the bean factory and get a reference to
the business object defined above in the following two statements:

XmlBeanFactory bf =
new XmlBeanFactory(
new ClassPathResource("myFile.xml", getClass()));
MyBusinessObject mbo =
(MyBusinessObject) bf.getBean("exampleBusinessObject");

This code will work outside an application server: it doesn't even depend on Java EE, as
the Spring IoC container is pure Java. The Spring Rich Client project (a framework for
simplifying the development of Swing applications using Spring) demonstrates how
Spring can be used outside a Java EE environment, as do Spring's integration testing
features, discussed later in this article. Dependency Injection and the related functionality
are too general and valuable to be confined to a Java EE, or server-side, environment. In
fact, most of Spring's core concepts aren't even specific to Java and are also available in
.NET environments with Spring.NET (http://www.springframework.net), an application
framework for the .NET platform.
Custom XML

Spring's XML configuration syntax is highly customizable. The spring-beans schema

(http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd) is the most basic
syntax and has traditionally been the most widely used. However, there are several
common application artifacts whose configurations are largely identical, like JNDI object
lookups. In these cases, Spring provides XML configuration extensions to enable
essentially a domain-specific language (DSL) for configuration. This both reduces the
amount of configuration and makes its intent much clearer.

Let's take a look at an example of configuring a DataSource obtained via JNDI lookup.
Using the generic spring-beans schema, the bean declaration is as follows:

<bean id="dataSource"
<property name="jndiName" value="jdbc/jpetsore" />

While this is much better than the Service Locator pattern, it still requires the user to
know the name of the Spring class used for JNDI object lookups as well as its required
properties. Further, this bean definition will be largely the same for all JNDI lookups,
regardless of the type of the stored JNDI object.

One of the custom XML configuration extensions Spring provides out of the box is
bound to the "jee" namespace, which allows us to express common tasks like JNDI
lookups much more concisely:

<jee:jndi-lookup id="dataSource" jndi-name="jdbc/jpetstore"/>

As you can see, the number of lines of configuration is less, there is less prior framework
knowledge required, and the intent of the declaration is much clearer. Given that each of
these XML configuration extensions is backed by an XML schema, modern IDEs with
XML completion support make it immediately evident which attributes and elements are
required versus optional.

Spring provides several namespaces out of the box including "jee" for Java EE-related
configuration, "aop" for aspect-oriented configuration, and "tx" for transaction-related
configuration. As mentioned previously, however, this is extensible; developers can
define their own XML schemas to provide their own configuration DSLs. The XML
configuration extensions that Spring provides out of the box are based on the same
extension mechanism that developers can use themselves, and so provide good examples.

By providing a custom XML schema, an implementation of Spring's NamespaceHandler

interface, and some simple Spring configuration in the form of two Java properties files
(to register the custom namespace), Spring allows developers to create their own
configuration DSLs that can create a single bean or any number of beans. Let's look at a
simple example that will create a java.text.SimpleDateFormat bean.
The XML schema, provided by the developer, defines the structure of the custom XML
configuration elements that are to be supported. Here it is for our example:

<xsd:schema xmlns="http://www.mycompany.com/schema/myns"

<xsd:import namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"/>

<xsd:element name="dateformat">
<xsd:extension base="beans:identifiedType">
<xsd:attribute name="lenient" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<xsd:attribute name="pattern" type="xsd:string"

This is regular XML schema usage, serving to define the grammar for the custom element
or elements.

Note the use of a convenient Spring base type called identifiedType (in bold) which
means simply that the element will have an id attribute that will be used as the bean
identifier in the container. This schema will allow us to use the following XML element
in our Spring configuration:

<myns:dateformat id="dateFormat"
pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"

Remember, we're only defining a shorter, more intention-revealing way of declaring a

bean (or set of beans). We could still define this particular bean using conventional
<bean> elements thus:

<bean id="dateFormat" class="java.text.SimpleDateFormat">

<constructor-arg value="yyyy-HH-dd HH:mm"/>
<property name="lenient" value="true"/>

The difference is that the former is clearer and more intuitive to use than the latter,
especially when using schema-aware editors. Now that our schema is done, let's take a
look at implementing the NamespaceHandler interface.
The NamespaceHandler interface, implemented by the developer for each custom XML
namespace, has just three methods.

• init(), which allows for initialization of the NamespaceHandler and will be called
by Spring before the handler is used.
• BeanDefinition parse(Element, ParserContext), which is called when Spring
encounters a top-level element (not nested inside a bean definition or a different
namespace). This method can register bean definitions itself and/or return a bean
• BeanDefinitionHolder decorate(Node, BeanDefinitionHolder, ParserContext),
which is called when Spring encounters an attribute or nested element of a
different namespace.

Often a custom namespace element will generate a single bean definition. In this simple
case, the developer can simply subclass AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser and override
two methods, getBeanClass(Element) and doParse(Element, BeanDefinitionBuilder) to
provide the custom behavior. Here is how we would implement the example:

public class SimpleDateFormatBeanDefinitionParser

extends AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser {

protected Class getBeanClass(Element element) {

return SimpleDateFormat.class;

protected void doParse(

Element element, BeanDefinitionBuilder bean) {
// never null since the schema requires a value
String pattern = element.getAttribute("pattern");

// this is an optional property

String lenient = element.getAttribute("lenient");
if (StringUtils.hasText(lenient)) {
bean.addPropertyValue("lenient", Boolean.valueOf(lenient));

That's all. The creation of our single BeanDefinition is handled by the

AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser superclass, as is the extraction and setting of the
bean definition's unique identifier.

Lastly, the namespace handler must be registered so that Spring knows about it while it's
parsing the XML configuration. This is done by simply adding two Java properties files
to the classpath, either in your application's jar or elsewhere. The first, called META-
INF/spring.handlers, maps XML namespace URIs to namespace handler classes. The first
part (the key) of each key-value pair is the URI associated with your custom namespace
extension, and needs to match exactly the value of the 'targetNamespace' attribute as
specified in your custom XSD schema:
# file META-INF/spring.handlers

Note that the colon character (':') is a valid delimiter in the Java properties format, and so
needs to be escaped with a backslash.

The second Java properties file that needs to be added is called META-
INF/spring.schemas, and it maps the XML namespace URI to the actual schema
document, which must be placed on the classpath, again either in your application's jar or
elsewhere. In our example, it would look thus:

# file META-INF/spring.schemas

At this point, we've enabled our own application-specific syntax that makes it easier and
clearer to express what would otherwise be much more verbose.

Spring’s generic configuration serves most needs out of the box. Define your own custom
namespaces only when one or more of the following applies:

• You are defining beans of the same class repeatedly, and they typically have the
same properties set each time.
• A group of beans must be defined together to work correctly, and hence
configuration is naturally at a higher level of abstraction than bean by bean.
• You want to create a configuration DSL that will be reused widely across a project
or company.
• You want the contribution of additional bean definitions to be conditional on
existing bean definitions. A <bean> element defines exactly one bean definition; a
NamespaceHandler can define zero or more bean definitions.
• You want to create an abstraction between configuration file and implementing
class. A custom namespace conceals the class names of bean definitions, so if
these change, configuration will not be broken. It is also possible to generate
different class names in different runtime environments.

Beyond XML

Spring aims to provide the ultimate configuration solution. Thus configuration does not
need to be expressed in XML; Spring has its own powerful internal metadata format that
is decoupled from any particular representation.

Since Spring 2.5, you can use Spring annotations or Java common annotations, defined
by JSR-250 to configure your beans. By simply including a <context:annotation-config/>
element in your application context's configuration, you can use these annotations not
only on your property setter methods, but also on constructors, fields, and arbitrary
methods and method parameters.
Here's an example using Spring's @Autowired annotation to configure a service bean that
depends on a repository:

// In file OrderServiceImpl.java:

public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService {

private OrderRepository orderRepository;

public JdbcOrderServiceImpl(OrderRepository orderRepo) {
this.orderRepository = orderRepo;

// ...

// In file JdbcOrderRepositoryImpl.java:

public class JdbcOrderRepositoryImpl implements OrderRepository {

private DataSource orderDataSource;

// ...

In the first class above, OrderServiceImpl, the @Autowired annotation indicates to

Spring that this dependency should be injected by type via the constructor. In class
JdbcOrderRepositoryImpl, the DataSource is injected by name; that is, as there may be
multiple resources of type DataSource, the one with the bean name "myDataSource" will
be the one provided.

In order to use JSR-250 common annotations in the example, simply replace

@Autowired annotations with their @Resource equivalents:

// In file JdbcOrderRepositoryImpl.java:

public class JdbcOrderRepositoryImpl implements OrderRepository {

private DataSource orderDataSource;

// ...

@Resource always takes a value, and by default Spring will interpret that value as the
bean name to be autowired. In other words, it follows by name semantics. The name
provided with the annotation will be resolved as a bean name by the BeanFactory of
which the CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor is aware. The names may be resolved
via JNDI if Spring's SimpleJndiBeanFactory is configured explicitly; however, we
recommend relying on the default behavior and simply using Spring's JNDI lookup
capabilities to preserve the level of indirection. Thus, in the above example, the
DataSource will be provided via a regular ApplicationContext lookup according to the
name provided.

The @Autowired annotation can also be applied to arbitrary methods with any number of
parameters, and Spring will treat such a method in a manner similar to constructor
injection, supplying beans that match the method's parameters by type, and possibly by
name via the @Qualifier annotation. For example:

public class JdbcOrderRepositoryImpl implements OrderRepository {

public void init(
@Qualifier("myDataSource") orderDataSource,
@Qualifier("otherDataSource") inventoryDataSource,
MyHelper autowiredByType) {

// ...

The method name is not significant. Multiple methods can be used in the one class (with
the order of calling not guaranteed). “Qualifiers” can be associated with bean definitions
like this:

<bean id="myDataSource" class="...">

<qualifier value="order"/>

<bean id="otherDataSource" class="...">

<qualifier value="inventory"/>

Guice-style resolution by annotation is also fully supported, as in the following example:

public class JdbcOrderRepositoryImpl implements OrderRepository {

public void setOrderServices(
@Emea OrderService emea,
@Apac OrderService apac) {

// ...

The annotations are associated with specific bean definitions through adding annotation
qualifiers in the bean definitions, or through the use of the annotation on the target type
This approach can lead to a profusion of annotation definitions, which are relatively
verbose. However, it may be useful in some scenarios. Spring aims to provide a single
container implementation that allows for any style of configuration (or a mix of styles)
that the programmer prefers.

While this use of annotation-based autowiring is effective in reducing the amount of

XML configuration, it still requires that each candidate bean be defined explicitly. To
further reduce the required amount of XML configuration, you can make use of Spring's
support for classpath scanning as a means to identify candidate beans. Spring provides
@Component and @Repository "stereotyping" annotations that you can place on your
candidate bean classes. By using the <context:component-scan base-package="…">
configuration element, you tell Spring to automatically scan for and load as beans those
classes in a given base package or its subpackages. This way, you won't have to declare
each bean in your configuration – they will automatically be detected:

package org.example.movies;

public class JpaMovieFinder implements MovieFinder {
// ...

<context:component-scan base-package="org.example"/>

You can filter candidate class scanning at a more detailed level. The types of filter
expressions that Spring supports include named annotations, classes that can be assigned
to particular interfaces or superclasses, regular expressions, and AspectJ pointcut
expressions. Further, you can specify including patterns, excluding patterns, or both.

For example, in a test environment, the following configuration tells Spring to scan the
classpath for any stub repositories in org.example and its subpackages, ignoring any
classes found therein annotated with @Repository:

<beans ...>
<context:component-scan base-package="org.example">
<context:include-filter type="regex"
<context:exclude-filter type="annotation"
Annotations and classpath scanning make for an effective way to eliminate substantial
XML configuration.

As a developer, Spring allows you the choice of the perfect configuration option for each
task – notably:

• Annotations in Java code, when you don’t anticipate wiring changing frequently
• XML configuration files, when wiring is likely to change without recompilation,
or you want to use the power of custom namespaces
• Properties files, to move simple configuration properties into the simplest
possible format.

Don’t forget that you can also use the new operator to create objects in Java code: just
because you have an IoC container doesn’t mean that the new operator no longer works!

JDBC abstraction and data access exception hierarchy

Data access is another area in which Spring shines.

JDBC offers fairly good abstraction from the underlying database, but is a painful API to
use. Some of the problems include:

• The need for verbose error handling to ensure that ResultSets, Statements and
(most importantly) Connections are closed after use. This means that correct use
of JDBC can quickly result in a lot of code. It's also a common source of errors.
Connection leaks can quickly bring applications down under load.
• The relatively uninformative SQLException. Traditionally JDBC does not offer
an exception hierarchy, but throws an SQLException in response to all errors.
Finding out what actually went wrong - for example, was the problem a deadlock
or invalid SQL? - involves examining the SQLState value and error code. The
meaning of these values varies between databases.

Spring addresses these problems in two ways:

• By providing APIs that move tedious and error-prone exception handling out of
application code into the framework. The framework takes care of all exception
handling; application code can concentrate on issuing the appropriate SQL and
extracting results.
• By providing a meaningful exception hierarchy for your application code to work
with in place of SQLException. When Spring first obtains a connection from a
DataSource it examines the metadata to determine the database product. It uses
this knowledge to map SQLExceptions to the correct exception in its own
hierarchy descended from org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException. Thus
your code can work with meaningful exceptions, and need not worry about
proprietary SQLState or error codes. Spring's data access exceptions are not
JDBC-specific, so your DAOs are not necessarily tied to JDBC because of the
exceptions they may throw.

The following UML class diagram illustrates a part of this data access exception
hierarchy, indicating its sophistication. Note that none of the exceptions shown here is
JDBC-specific. There are JDBC-specific subclasses of some of these exceptions, but
calling code is generally abstracted wholly away from dependence on JDBC: an essential
if you wish to use truly API-agnostic DAO interfaces to hide your persistence strategy.

The Spring JDBC core org.springframework.jdbc.core package uses callbacks to move

control - and hence error handling and connection acquisition and release - from
application code to inside the framework. This is a different type of Inversion of Control,
but equally valuable to that used for configuration management.

Spring uses a similar callback approach to address several other APIs that involve special
steps to acquire and cleanup resources, such as JDO (acquiring and relinquishing a
PersistenceManager), JPA (same but for EntityManager), transaction management (using
JTA) and JNDI. Spring classes that perform such callbacks are called templates.

For example, the Spring SimpleJdbcTemplate object can be used to perform a SQL query
and save the results in a list as follows:

SimpleJdbcTemplate template = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(dataSource);

List names = template.query("SELECT USER.NAME FROM USER",
new ParameterizedRowMapper() {
public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws
return rs.getString(1);

The mapRow callback method will be invoked for each row of the ResultSet.

Application code within the callback is free to throw SQLException: Spring will catch
any exceptions and rethrow them in its own hierarchy. The application developer can
choose which exceptions, if any, to catch and handle.

The SimpleJdbcTemplate provides many methods to support different scenarios including

prepared statements and batch updates. Simple tasks like running SQL functions can be
accomplished without a callback, as follows. The example also illustrates the use of bind

int youngUserCount = template.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(0) FROM USER

WHERE USER.AGE < ?", 25);

The Spring JDBC abstraction has a very low performance overhead beyond standard
JDBC, even when working with huge result sets. (In one project in 2004, we profiled the
performance of a financial application performing up to 1.2 million inserts per
transaction. The overhead of Spring JDBC was minimal, and the use of Spring facilitated
the tuning of batch sizes and other parameters. This application now powers all interbank
transfers in the world’s fourth largest economy.)

The org.springframework.jdbc.object package contains the StoredProcedure class. By

extending this class, Spring enables a stored procedure to be proxied by a Java class with
a single business method. If you like, you can even define an interface that the stored
procedure implements, meaning that you can free your application code from depending
on the use of a stored procedure at all.

For example, if there were a stored procedure called "AllTitles" in a movie database to
get all of the titles currently available, we would create a StoredProcedure subclass that
implements an application-specific interface for use by clients.

public class AllTitleSproc

extends StoredProcedure
implements AllTitleLister {

private static final String STORED_PROCEDURE_NAME = "AllTitles";

private static final String RESULT_SET_NAME = "titles";

public AllTitleSproc(DataSource dataSource) {

new SqlReturnResultSet(
RESULT_SET_NAME, new TitleMapper()));

public List<Title> listAllTitles() {

Map result = execute(new HashMap()); // no input params
return (List<Title>) result.get(RESULT_SET_NAME);

private static class TitleMapper

implements ParameterizedRowMapper<Title> {
public Title mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i)
throws SQLException {

Title t = new Title(resultSet.getLong(1));

return t;

Notice first that we can achieve portability with stored procedures across databases; all
that is required is that the stored procedure name be the same (although we could make
this configurable if we wanted in order to further increase portability). Second, notice that
the class AllTitleSproc implements an application-specific interface, AllTitleLister:

public interface AllTitleLister {

List<Title> listAllTitles();

This allows code that uses this functionality to be completely independent of how movie
titles are obtained:

public class AllTitleListerClient {

private AllTitleLister allTitleLister;

public void setAllTitleLister(AllTitleLister allTitleLister) {

this.allTitleLister = allTitleLister;

public void useLister() {

List<Title> titles = allTitleLister.listAllTitles();
for (Title t : titles) {
System.out.println(t.getId() + ":" + t.getName());

Since the allTitleLister property is provided via dependency injection, this client code
only depends upon the interface and none of its implementation details.

The Spring data access exception hierarchy is based on unchecked (runtime) exceptions.
Although controversial at first, time has shown that this was the right decision.
Data access exceptions not usually recoverable. For example, if we can't connect to the
database, a particular business object is unlikely to be able to work around the problem.
One potential exception is optimistic locking violations, but not all applications use
optimistic locking. It's usually bad to be forced to write code to catch fatal exceptions that
can't be sensibly handled. Letting them propagate to a top-level handler like a Servlet
container is usually more appropriate. All Spring data access exceptions are subclasses of
DataAccessException, so if we do choose to catch all Spring data access exceptions, we
can easily do so.

If we do want to recover from an unchecked data access exception, we can still do so. We
can write code to handle only the recoverable condition. For example, if we consider that
only an optimistic locking violation is recoverable, we can write code in a Spring DAO as

try {
// do work
catch (OptimisticLockingFailureException ex) {
// I'm interested in this

If Spring data access exceptions were checked, we'd need to write the following code.
Note that we could choose to write this anyway:

try {
// do work
catch (OptimisticLockingFailureException ex) {
// I'm interested in this
catch (DataAccessException ex) {
// Fatal; just rethrow it

One potential objection to the first example - that the compiler can't enforce handling the
potentially recoverable exception - applies also to the second. Because we're forced to
catch the base exception ( DataAccessException), the compiler won't enforce a check for
a subclass ( OptimisticLockingFailureException). So the compiler would force us to write
code to handle an unrecoverable problem, but provide no help in forcing us to deal with
the recoverable problem.

Spring's use of unchecked data access exceptions is consistent with that of many -
probably most - successful persistence frameworks. (Indeed, it was partly inspired by
JDO, and has in turn influenced several other products.) JDBC is one of the few data
access APIs to use checked exceptions. TopLink and JDO, for example, use unchecked
exceptions exclusively. Hibernate switched from checked to unchecked exceptions in
version 3.

Spring JDBC can help you in several ways:

• You'll never need to write a finally block again to use JDBC
• Connection leaks will be a thing of the past
• You'll need to write less code overall, and that code will be clearly focused on the
necessary SQL
• You'll never need to dig through your RDBMS documentation to work out what
obscure error code it returns for a bad column name. Your application won't be
dependent on RDBMS-specific error handling code.
• Whatever persistence technology use, you'll find it easy to implement the DAO
pattern without business logic depending on any particular data access API.
• You'll benefit from improved portability (compared to raw JDBC) in advanced
areas such as BLOB handling and invoking stored procedures that return result

All this amounts to substantial productivity gains and fewer bugs. I used to loathe writing
JDBC code; now I find that I can focus on the SQL I want to execute, rather than the
incidentals of JDBC resource management.

Spring's JDBC abstraction can be used standalone if desired - you are not forced to use
the other parts of Spring.

O/R mapping integration

Of course often you want to use O/R mapping (ORM), rather than use relational data
access. Your overall application framework must support this also. Thus, Spring
integrates out of the box with the JPA 1 and JDO 1 and 2 specifications, as well as
Hibernate (versions 2 and 3), TopLink, iBatis and other ORM products. Its data access
architecture allows it to integrate with any underlying data access technology.

Why would you use an ORM product plus Spring, instead of the ORM product directly?
Spring adds significant value in the following areas:

• Session management. Spring offers efficient, easy, and safe handling of units of
work such as JPA EntityManagers, in any runtime environment. Related code
using the ORM tool alone generally needs to use the same EntityManager for
efficiency and proper transaction handling. Spring can transparently create and
bind one to the current thread, using either a declarative, AOP method interceptor
approach, or by using an explicit, "template" wrapper class at the Java code level.
Thus Spring solves many of the usage issues that affect many users of ORM
• Resource management. Spring application contexts can handle the location and
configuration of JPA EntityManagerFactories, JDBC datasources, and other
related resources. This makes these values easy to manage and change.
• Integrated transaction management. Spring allows you to wrap your ORM
code with either a declarative, AOP method interceptor, or an explicit 'template'
wrapper class at the Java code level. In either case, transaction semantics are
handled for you, and proper transaction handling (rollback, etc.) in case of
exceptions is taken care of. As we discuss later, you also get the benefit of being
able to use and swap various transaction managers, without your ORM-related
code being affected. As an added benefit, JDBC-related code can fully integrate
transactionally with ORM code, in the case of most supported ORM tools. This is
useful for handling functionality not amenable to ORM.
• Exception wrapping, as described above. Spring can wrap exceptions from the
ORM layer, converting them from proprietary (possibly checked) exceptions, to a
set of abstracted runtime exceptions. This allows you to handle most persistence
exceptions, which are non-recoverable, only in the appropriate layers, without
annoying boilerplate catch-throw blocks and exception declarations. You can still
trap and handle exceptions anywhere you need to. Remember that JDBC
exceptions (including DB specific dialects) are also converted to the same
hierarchy, meaning that you can perform some operations with JDBC within a
consistent programming model.
• To avoid vendor lock-in. ORM solutions have different performance and other
characteristics, and there is no perfect one size fits all solution. Alternatively, you
may find that certain functionality is just not suited to an implementation using
your ORM tool. Thus it makes sense to decouple your architecture from the tool-
specific implementations of your data access object interfaces. If you ever need to
switch to another implementation for reasons of functionality, performance, or
any other concerns, using Spring now can make the eventual switch much easier.
Spring's abstraction of your ORM tool's Transactions and Exceptions, along with
its IoC approach which allow you to easily swap in mapper/DAO objects
implementing data-access functionality, make it easy to isolate all ORM-specific
code in one area of your application, without sacrificing any of the power of your
ORM tool. The PetClinic sample application shipped with Spring demonstrates
the portability benefits that Spring offers by providing variants that use JDBC,
Hibernate, TopLink and Apache OJB to implement the persistence layer.
• Ease of testing. Spring's inversion of control approach makes it easy to swap the
implementations and locations of resources such as JPA EntityManagerFactories,
datasources, transaction managers, and mapper object implementations (if
needed). This makes it much easier to isolate and test each piece of persistence-
related code in isolation.

Above all, Spring facilitates a mix-and-match approach to data access. ORM is not the
solution to all problems, although it is a valuable productivity win in many cases. Spring
enables a consistent architecture, and transaction strategy, even if you mix and match
persistence approaches, with or without JTA.

In cases where ORM is not ideally suited, Spring's simplified JDBC is not the only
option: the "mapped statement" approach provided by iBATIS SQL Maps is worth a look.
It provides a high level of control over SQL, while still automating the creation of
mapped objects from query results. Spring integrates with SQL Maps out of the box.
Spring's PetStore sample application illustrates iBATIS integration.

Transaction management
Abstracting a data access API is not enough; we also need to consider transaction
management. JTA is the obvious solution, but it's a cumbersome API to use directly, and
as a result many J2EE developers used to feel that EJB CMT is the only rational option
for transaction management. Spring has changed that.

Spring provides its own abstraction for transaction management. Spring uses this to

• Programmatic transaction management via a callback template analogous to the

SimpleJdbcTemplate, which is much easier to use than straight JTA
• Declarative transaction management analogous to EJB CMT, but without the need
for an EJB container. Actually, as we'll see, Spring's declarative transaction
management capability is a semantically compatible superset of EJB CMT, with
some unique and important benefits.

Spring's transaction abstraction is unique in that it's not tied to JTA or any other
transaction management technology. Spring uses the concept of a transaction strategy
that decouples application code from the underlying transaction infrastructure (such as
JDBC). It offers a superset of the capabilities of JTA, supporting simulation of nested
transactions using savepoints in savepoint-capable resources, and allowing control over
isolation level.

Why should you care about this? Isn't JTA the best answer for all transaction
management? If you're writing an application that uses only a single database, you don't
need the complexity of JTA. You're not interested in XA transactions or two phase
commit. You may not even need a high-end application server that provides these things.
But, on the other hand, you don't want to have to rewrite your code should you ever have
to work with multiple data sources.

Imagine you decide to avoid the overhead of JTA by using JDBC or JPA
EntityTransactions directly. If you ever need to work with multiple data sources, you'll
have to rip out all that transaction management code and replace it with JTA transactions.
This isn't very attractive and led most authors on Java EE to recommend using global JTA
transactions exclusively, effectively ruling out using a web container such as Tomcat for
transactional applications. Using the Spring transaction abstraction, however, you only
have to reconfigure Spring to use a JTA, rather than JDBC or JPA, transaction strategy
and you're done. This is a configuration change, not a code change. Thus, Spring enables
you to write applications that can scale down as well as up.


Among other things, AOP provides a proven, flexible solution to addressing cross-cutting
enterprise concerns, such as transaction management, which were traditionally addressed
by EJB.
The first goal of Spring's AOP support is to provide J2EE services to POJOs. Spring AOP
is portable between application servers, so there's no risk of vendor lock in. It works in
either web or EJB containers, and has been used successfully in WebLogic, Tomcat,
JBoss, Resin, Jetty, Orion and many other application servers and web containers.

Spring AOP supports method interception. Key AOP concepts supported include:

• Interception: Custom behavior can be inserted before or after method invocations

against any interface or class. This equates to “before”, “after” and "around
advice" in AspectJ terminology.
• Introduction: Specifying that an advice should cause an object to implement
additional interfaces. This can amount to mixin inheritance.
• Static and dynamic pointcuts: Specifying the points in program execution at
which interception should take place. Static pointcuts concern method signatures;
dynamic pointcuts may also consider method arguments at the point where they
are evaluated. Pointcuts can be reused.

Spring implements AOP using dynamic proxies (where an interface exists) or CGLIB
byte code generation at runtime (which enables proxying of classes). Both approaches
work in any application server, or in a standalone environment.

Spring integrates with AspectJ, providing the ability to seamlessly include AspectJ
aspects into Spring applications . Since Spring 1.1 it has been possible to dependency
inject AspectJ aspects using the Spring IoC container, just like any Java class. Thus
AspectJ aspects can depend on any Spring-managed objects. The integration with the
AspectJ 5 is exciting, as AspectJ provides the ability to dependency inject any non
Spring-managed POJO using Spring, based on XML or annotation-driven pointcuts.

Since Spring 2.0, Spring can also use the AspectJ pointcut expression language to specify
pointcuts or matching rules. This is very beneficial, as AspectJ offers much richer
semantics, and greater type safety, than simplistic pure interception solutions. It also
means that the same aspects can be written for use in Spring and AspectJ: two different
runtime choices--one simple, powerful, programming model.

Because Spring advises objects at instance, rather than class loader, level, it is possible to
use multiple instances of the same class with different advice, or use unadvised instances
along with advised instances.

Perhaps the commonest use of Spring AOP is for declarative transaction management.
This builds on the transaction abstraction described above, and can deliver declarative
transaction management on any POJO. Depending on the transaction strategy, the
underlying mechanism can be JTA, JDBC, Hibernate or any other API offering
transaction management.

The following are the key differences from EJB CMT:

• Transaction management can be applied to any POJO. We recommend that
business objects implement interfaces, but this is a matter of good programming
practice, and is not enforced by the framework.
• Programmatic rollback can be achieved within a transactional POJO through
using the Spring transaction API. We provide static methods for this, using
ThreadLocal variables, so you don't need to propagate a context object such as an
EJBContext to ensure rollback.
• You can define rollback rules declaratively. Whereas EJB 2.1 and earlier will not
automatically roll back a transaction on an uncaught application exception (only
on unchecked exceptions, other types of Throwable and "system" exceptions),
application developers often want a transaction to roll back on any exception.
Spring transaction management allows you to specify declaratively which
exceptions and subclasses should cause automatic rollback—at a per method (or
use case) level, rather than the more coarse grained per exception level offered by
EJB 3.0. Default behavior is as with EJB, but you can specify automatic rollback
on checked, as well as unchecked exceptions. This has the important benefit of
minimizing the need for programmatic rollback, which creates a dependence on
the Spring transaction API.
• Because the underlying Spring transaction abstraction supports savepoints if they
are supported by the underlying transaction infrastructure, Spring's declarative
transaction management can support nested transactions, in addition to the
propagation modes specified by EJB CMT (which Spring supports with identical
semantics). Thus, for example, if you are performing JDBC operations on Oracle,
you can use declarative nested transactions using Spring.
• Transaction management is not tied to JTA. As explained above, Spring
transaction management can work with different transaction strategies.

It's also possible to use Spring AOP to implement application-specific aspects. Whether
or not you choose to do this depends on your level of comfort with AOP concepts, rather
than Spring's capabilities, but it can be very useful. Successful examples we've seen

• Custom security checks, where the complexity of security checks required is

beyond the capability of the standard JEE security infrastructure. Of course,
before rolling your own security infrastructure, you should check the capabilities
of Spring Security (formerly Acegi Security for Spring), a powerful, flexible
security framework that integrates with Spring using AOP, and reflects Spring's
architectural approach.
• Debugging and profiling aspects for use during development
• Aspects that apply consistent exception handling policies in a single place
• Interceptors that send emails to alert administrators or users of unusual scenarios

Application-specific aspects can be a powerful way of removing the need for boilerplate
code across many methods.
Spring AOP integrates transparently with the Spring IoC container. Code obtaining an
object from a Spring BeanFactory doesn't need to know whether or not it is “advised”—
that is, whether any aspects apply to it (or “advise” it). As with any object, the contract
will be defined by the interfaces the object implements.

Performance monitoring, auditing or tracing is one of the many areas where Spring AOP
can be used along with AspectJ 5's pointcut expression language. To monitor invocations
of service methods, we can use the following style of configuration:

<bean id="performanceMonitor" class="com.example.PerformanceMonitor"/>

<aop:aspect ref="performanceMonitor">
pointcut="execution(public * com.example.Service+.*(..))"
method="monitor" />

The above declaration causes the POJO class com.example.PerformanceMonitor's

"monitor" method to be called wherever any public method in the class
com.example.Service or its subclasses would have been called. The monitor method can
start a timer, allow execution to proceed as normally (via proceed() on
org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint), then stop the timer after proceed() returns, record
the time taken, then return the proxied method's return value:

public Object monitor(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {

long start = System.nanoTime();
try {
return pjp.proceed();
} finally {
long time = System.nanoTime() - start;
// do something with time...

We can also use the “@AspectJ “ style of programming introduced in AspectJ 5, where
the annotation is included in the aspect class itself, as follows, This is appropriate and
elegant when the matching rule (or pointcut) is closely linked to the aspect

@Around("execution(public * com.example.Service+.*(..))")
public Object monitor(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
long start = System.nanoTime();
try {
return pjp.proceed();
} finally {
long time = System.nanoTime() - start;
// do something with time...
Automatic application of such aspects (when defined as Spring beans) is enabled through
the following XML tag:

<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />

There are a number of ways to set up proxying concisely, if you don't need the full power
of the AOP framework, such as using Java 5.0 annotations to drive transactional proxying
without XML metadata.

The following example illustrates the simplest way to use Spring AOP to perform
transaction management for a POJO. First, define a business interface:

public interface AccountService {

Account createAccount(String name);

The transaction management-related portion of the Spring configuration is now reduced

to the following (assuming JPA is used with DataSource "myDataSource"):

<bean id="transactionManager"


Given the above example, any invocations to the service's "createAccount" method will
actually be on a Spring transaction manager that implements the AccountService
interface. The proxy will begin or join a transaction (since the default transaction
propagation setting is REQUIRED), will allow execution to proceed through the
JpaAccountServiceImpl's "createAccount" method implementation, and the transaction
will commit or rollback appropriately based on the exit of the method. The
@Transactional attribute can be used on types or methods.

Spring also automatically supports EJB’s @TransactionAttribute: however, note that the
semantics of this are less rich than @Transactional.

While it's also possible to construct AOP proxies programmatically without using a
BeanFactory, although this is more rarely used. We believe that it's generally best to
externalize the wiring of applications from Java code, and AOP is no exception.

MVC web framework

Spring includes a powerful and highly configurable MVC web framework.

Spring's MVC model is most similar to that of Struts, although it is not derived from
Struts. A Spring Controller is similar to a Struts Action in that it is a multithreaded service
object, with a single instance executing on behalf of all clients. However, we believe that
Spring MVC has some significant advantages over Struts. For example:
• Spring provides a clean division between controllers, JavaBean models, and
• Spring's MVC is very flexible. Unlike Struts, which forces your Action and Form
objects into concrete inheritance (thus taking away your single shot at concrete
inheritance in Java), Spring MVC is entirely based on interfaces. Furthermore,
just about every part of the Spring MVC framework is configurable via plugging
in your own interface. Of course we also provide convenience classes as an
implementation option.
• Spring provides interceptors as well as controllers, making it easy to factor out
behavior common to the handling of many requests.
• Spring MVC is truly view-agnostic. You don't get pushed to use JSP if you don't
want to; you can use Velocity, XLST or other view technologies. If you want to
use a custom view mechanism - for example, your own templating language - you
can easily implement the Spring View interface to integrate it.
• Spring Controllers are configured via IoC like any other objects. This makes them
easy to test, and beautifully integrated with other objects managed by Spring.
• Spring MVC web tiers are typically easier to test than Struts web tiers, due to the
avoidance of forced concrete inheritance and explicit dependence of controllers
on the dispatcher servlet.
• The web tier becomes a thin layer on top of a business object layer. This
encourages good practice. Struts and other dedicated web frameworks leave you
on your own in implementing your business objects; Spring provides an
integrated framework for all tiers of your application.

As in Struts 1.1 and above, you can have as many dispatcher servlets as you need in a
Spring MVC application.

The following example shows how a simple Spring Controller can access business
objects defined in the same application context. This controller looks up an Order and
returns it in its handleRequest() method:

public class OrderController

implements Controller {

private OrderRepository repo;

public OrderController(OrderRepository orderRepository) {
repo = orderRepository;

public ModelAndView handleRequest(

HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException
String id = request.getParameter("id");
Order order = repo.getOrderById(id);
return new ModelAndView("orderView", "order", order);

Spring IoC isolates this controller from the underlying OrderRepository; it could be based
on JDBC just as much as it could be a web service. The interface could equally be
implemented by a plain Java object, test stub, mock object, or proxy to a remote object.
This controller contains no resource lookup; nothing except code necessary to support its
web interaction.

Spring MVC also provides support for data binding, forms, wizards and more complex
workflow. However, if you require sophisticated conversation management, you should
consider Spring Web Flow, a powerful framework that provides a higher level of
abstraction for web flows than any traditional web MVC framework.

A good introduction to the Spring MVC framework is Thomas Risberg's Spring MVC
tutorial (http://www.springframework.org/docs/MVC-step-by-step/Spring-MVC-step-by-
step.html). See also "Web MVC with the Spring Framework"

If you're happy with your favorite web framework, Spring's layered infrastructure allows
you to use the rest of Spring without our MVC layer. We have Spring users who use
Spring for middle tier management and data access but use Struts, WebWork, Tapestry or
JSF in the web tier.


As you've probably gathered, I and the other Spring developers are firm believers in the
importance of comprehensive unit and integration testing. We believe that it's essential
that frameworks are thoroughly unit tested, and that a prime goal of framework design
should be to make applications built on the framework easy to unit test.

Spring itself has an excellent unit test suite. We've found the benefits of test first
development to be very real on this project. For example, it has made working as an
internationally distributed team extremely efficient, and users comment that CVS
snapshots tend to be stable and safe to use.

Applications built on Spring are very easy to test, for the following reasons:

• IoC facilitates unit testing

• Applications don't contain plumbing code directly using Java EE services such as
JNDI, which is typically hard to test
• Spring bean factories or contexts can be set up outside a container

The ability to set up a Spring bean factory outside a container offers interesting options
for the development process. Work can begin by defining business interfaces and
integration testing their implementation outside a web container. Only after business
functionality is substantially complete is a thin layer added to provide a web interface.
Spring provides powerful and unique support for a form of integration testing outside the
deployed environment. This is not intended as a substitute for unit testing or testing
against the deployed environment. However, it can significantly improve productivity.

The Spring Framework provides first class support for integration testing in the form of
the classes packaged in the spring-test.jar library. In this library, you will find the
org.springframework.test package which contains valuable classes for integration testing
using a Spring container, which do not require an application server or other deployment
environment. Such tests can run in JUnit or TestNG – even in an IDE – without any
special deployment step. They will be slower to run than unit tests but much faster to run
than the equivalent Cactus tests or remote tests relying on deployment to an application
server. Typically it is possible to run hundreds of tests hitting a development database –
usually not an embedded database, but the product used in production – within seconds,
rather than minutes or hours. Such tests can very quickly verify correct wiring of your
Spring contexts, and data access using JDBC or ORM tool, such as correctness of SQL
statements. For example, you can test your DAO implementation classes.

Prior to the 2.5 release of the framework, Spring provided integration testing support
specific to JUnit 3.8. As of the 2.5 release, Spring offers support for unit and integration
testing in the form of the Spring TestContext Framework, which is agnostic of the actual
testing framework in use, thus allowing instrumentation of tests in various environments
including JUnit 3.8, JUnit 4.4, TestNG, etc. The Spring TestContext Framework requires
Java 5 or higher.

The Spring team recommends using the Spring TestContext Framework for all new
integration testing involving ApplicationContexts or requiring transactional test fixtures;
however, if you are developing in a pre-Java 5 environment, you will need to continue to
use the JUnit 3.8 legacy support.

The Spring integration testing support frameworks share several common goals,

• The ability to cache container configuration between test cases, which greatly
increases performance where slow-to-initialize resources such as JDBC
connection pools or Hibernate SessionFactories are concerned.
• The ability to populate test fixture instances via Dependency Injection. This
makes it possible to reuse Spring XML configuration when testing and eliminates
the need for custom setup code for tests.
• Infrastructure to create a transaction around each test method and roll it back
at the conclusion of the test by default. This makes it possible for tests to perform
any kind of data access without worrying about the effect on the environments of
other tests. In my experience across several complex projects using this
functionality, the productivity and speed gain of such a rollback-based approach is
very significant.
• Spring-specific support classes that are really useful when writing integration
For details outlining each of these goals, please consult the revised "Testing"

chapter of the Spring reference manual.

For example, in the following revised PetClinic example (which is based on the example
included in the Spring distribution in samples/petclinic), we define integration tests in an
abstract class that is configured with annotations provided by the Spring TestContext
Framework. This class – which is essentially a POJO, thanks to the use of
SpringJUnit4ClassRunner – is configured to provide some extremely convenient features,
like automatically injecting dependencies, rolling back transactions at the end of each
test, and reusing the configuration bootstrapped via Spring during the test setup (thanks to
the fact that we're rolling back after each test, restoring the environment to the same
initial state).

public abstract class AbstractClinicTests {

// dependency injected by Spring

protected Clinic clinic;

// test that runs in transactional context with rollback

public void testFindOwners() {
Collection<?> owners = this.clinic.findOwners("Davis");
assertEquals(2, owners.size());
owners = this.clinic.findOwners("Daviss");
assertEquals(0, owners.size());

// more tests...

Now that we've defined our abstract tests, we can simply subclass it for use with specific
technologies and run them as simple JUnit 4.4 tests. Here's the first one, using straight

public class JdbcClinicTests extends AbstractClinicTests {}

Note that for this example, JdbcClinicTests does not contain a single line of code: we
only need to supply the correct locations to @ContextConfiguration, and the tests are
inherited from AbstractClinicTests. The relevant portions of the Spring configuration file,
applicationContext-jdbc.xml, are shown here (the bean named " dataSource" is defined in
<bean id="transactionManager"

<bean class="...samples.petclinic.jdbc.HsqlJdbcClinic"

All that we need to in this configuration file is define our "transactionManager" bean as a
simple Spring DataSourceTransactionManager, our Clinic implementation bean as our
own HsqlJdbcClinic, and Spring takes care of the rest. We can simply execute
JdbcClinicTests as a regular JUnit 4.4 test class, and Spring will configure our
environment, run each test method in its own transaction, and roll back the transaction
after each test!

To test a different implementation of Clinic that uses Hibernate, we simply change our
configuration to use a HibernateTransactionManager and our own HibernateClinic.

Here is the Hibernate-based JUnit 4.4. test class:

public class HibernateClinicTests extends AbstractClinicTests {}

And the relevant the configuration file " applicationContext-hibernate.xml":

Hibernate "sessionFactory" bean defined here for use
with the HSQL "dataSource" bean and HSQL dialect

<bean id="transactionManager"

<bean class="...samples.petclinic.hibernate.HibernateClinic"

The above examples could just as easily have been implemented with JUnit 3.8 or
TestNG. The Spring TestContext Framework thus allows developers to leverage the unit
testing framework most suitable to their project and team.

As you can see, the benefits of using Spring at testing time are significant.

Who's using Spring?

There are thousands of production applications using Spring. Users include investment
and retail banking organizations, well-known dotcoms, global consultancies, academic
institutions, government departments, defense contractors, several airlines, and scientific
research organizations (including CERN). Some examples:
• Voca, Europe's largest processor of direct debit & credit transactions, uses Spring
heavily in a system that processes billions of payments per year. The introduction
to Spring helped drive a significant gain in developer productivity, and Spring
plays an important role in processing each of over 80 million payment instructions
daily. Interface21's expertise was instrumental in the architecture of Voca’s core
payment engine.
• eSpaceNet, the European patent office's online patent database, is responsible for
managing all patents across the continent of Europe. Spring's web application
development solutions have improved productivity, enhanced performance, and
reduced maintenance costs.
• Sabre Airlines Solutions, the leading provider of airline information systems, uses
Spring throughout their next-generation aircraft control system.
• Accenture, one of the world’s leading SIs, uses Spring extensively in client
engagements and best practice solutions. Accenture has also contributed to the
Spring Portfolio through collaborating with Interface21 to create the Spring Batch
• Nine out of the top 10 global banks use Spring extensively in Java applications.
Several have standardized on Spring to structure their applications.

Interestingly, although the first version of this article was published six months before the
release of Spring 1.0 final, almost all the code and configuration examples would still
work unchanged in today's 2.5 release. We are proud of our excellent record on backward
compatibility. This demonstrates the ability of Dependency Injection and AOP to deliver
a non-invasive API, and also indicates the seriousness with which we take our
responsibility to the community to provide a stable framework to run vital applications.

Spring is a powerful framework that solves many common problems in enterprise Java.
Most Spring features are also usable in a wide range of Java environments, beyond
classic Java EE.

Spring provides a consistent way of managing business objects and encourages good
practices such as programming to interfaces, rather than classes. The architectural basis
of Spring is an Inversion of Control container designed to configure any POJO. However,
this is only part of the overall picture: Spring is unique in that it uses its IoC container as
the basic building block in a comprehensive solution that addresses all architectural tiers.

Spring provides a unique data access abstraction, including a simple and productive
JDBC framework that greatly improves productivity and reduces the likelihood of errors.
Spring's data access architecture also integrates with TopLink, Hibernate, JDO, JPA and
other O/R mapping solutions.

Spring also provides a unique transaction management abstraction, which enables a

consistent programming model over a variety of underlying transaction technologies,
such as JTA or JDBC.
Spring provides an AOP framework written in standard Java, which provides declarative
transaction management and other enterprise services to be applied to POJOs or - if you
wish - the ability to implement your own custom aspects. This framework is powerful
enough to enable many applications to dispense with the complexity of EJB, while
enjoying key services traditionally associated with EJB.

Spring also provides a powerful and flexible MVC web framework that is integrated into
the overall IoC container. Numerous other enterprise services, such as remoting and JMX
integration, are offered out of the box, but are beyond the scope of this article.

Spring and Java versions

While many new features (such as annotation-based programming styles) require Java
features introduced in version 5.0, as of Spring 2.5, all core functionality is still available
in applications using Java 1.4. This is important to users of older application servers, who
do not need to upgrade their production environments to take advantage of a productive
modern programming model.

New Java 6-specific features include:

• JDBC 4.0: Jdbc4NativeJdbcExtractor, support for extended DataSource interface

• JMX MXBean support: server-side export and client-side proxying of MXBeans
• ServiceLoader API: making services discovered via META-INF/services available
for dependency injection
• JAX-WS support: including support for service exposure via the built-in web
server in JDK 1.6

The future

One of the key benefits of Dependency Injection is that your code can not merely be
configured in an environment it does not depend on explicitly, but can benefit from
services that were not envisaged at its time of authoring. Thus Spring offers a flexible
component model that can offer a variety of value adds for little or no effort. For

• You can “export” any Spring-managed object as a JMX MBean without writing
Java code
• Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi™ Service Platforms allows Spring to take
advantage of the powerful modularization capabilities of OSGi, without business
objects needing to depend on OSGi APIs or an OSGi runtime.
• Spring’s compatibility with the SCA SOA standard makes Spring managed
objects “SCA ready”. SCA specifies a Spring binding for Java.
• Spring integrates with a range of clustering and grid solutions such as
GigaSpaces, Oracle Coherence and Terracotta.
• Your code can take advantage of Spring’s rich and deepening range of platform
integrations, while remaining free of proprietary extensions. For example, in a
WebLogic environment, you gain sophisticated transaction monitoring
functionality due to the fact that Spring ties into BEA APIs, without writing a line
of WebLogic-specific code in your application.

Spring moves forward rapidly, and development activity is further accelerating, so the
range of value adds available continues to grow.

More information

See the following resources for more information about Spring:

• Interface21 offers Spring training courses worldwide -

• Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (Rod Johnson, Wrox, 2002).
Although Spring has evolved and improved significantly since the book's
publication, it's still an excellent place to go to understand Spring's motivation.
• J2EE without EJB (Rod Johnson with Juergen Hoeller, Wrox, 2004). Sequel to
J2EE Design and Development that discusses the rationale for Spring and the
lightweight container architecture it enables.
• The Spring Reference Manual. The printable form is over 500 pages as of Spring
2.5. Spring also ships with several sample applications that illustrate best
practices and can be used as templates for your own applications.
• Pro Spring: In-depth Spring coverage by core developer Rob Harrop.
• Spring Framework home page: http://www.springframework.org/. This includes
Javadoc and several tutorials.
• User forums
• Spring-developer mailing list.
• Interface21 offers production and development support for Spring:

We pride ourselves on excellent response rates and a helpful attitude to queries on the
forums and mailing lists. We hope to welcome you into our community soon!

About the Author

Rod Johnson , the founder of Spring, has over ten years experience as a Java developer
and architect and has worked with J2EE since the platform emerged. He is the author of
the best-selling Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (Wrox, 2002), and
J2EE without EJB (Wrox, 2004, with Juergen Hoeller) and has contributed to several
other books on J2EE. Rod serves on several Java specification committees including Java
EE 6, and is a regular conference speaker. Rod is CEO of Interface21, the company that
leads and sustains Spring. Interface21 provides production and development support,
training and consultancy for Spring.

Thanks also to Matthew Adams and Sam Brannen of Interface21.


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