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WINGS Membership Policy 2022

WINGS – Who we are

WINGS is the only global network of philanthropy support and development organisations. We
are a community of thought leaders and changemakers who are committed to growing and
strengthening philanthropy to ensure that it reaches its fullest potential as a catalyst for social
progress. We are committed to end inertia, break down silos, challenge conventional wisdom
and create an enabling environment for philanthropy to flourish. Our goal is to encourage
collaboration and ignite potential – to rally philanthropic actors everywhere to build a more just,
equitable and healthy world.

We believe that by ensuring philanthropic actors around the world have the knowledge, tools
and enabling environment to do their work, and by weaving their passion, experiences, and
ideas together, we can build a strong collective voice globally. This will help us achieve our
shared vision in which philanthropy creates the transformative change needed to build a more
just, equitable and sustainable society.

WINGS membership

Our diverse and interconnected community of more than 190 philanthropic associations,
networks, support organisations, academics and funders in over 50+countries represent a
unique community of practice and a global platform to elevate the voice, visibility and value of

Members of WINGS are united by a vision – a world in which philanthropic action in all its
varied forms achieves its highest potential as a catalyst for the transformative social change
necessary to build a more just, equitable and sustainable world.

The evolution of WINGS membership

The power of networking and shared commitment: In early 1998, an important gathering of
people involved in grantmaker associations was held in Oaxaca, Mexico. It was a meeting
called IMAG (International Meeting of Associations of Grantmakers) and was seen as a
networking and learning opportunity. The participants agreed to keep on networking and the
outcome, after a couple of years’ preparation, was WINGS, which was set up in 2000 with the
first WINGSForum held in 2002.
WINGS Membership Policy 2022

The power of diversification: In the 2000s the network diversified slowly from a focus on
grantmaker associations, including community philanthropy, to philanthropy support
organisations focused mainly on institutional philanthropy. Starting in 2012, WINGS began to
formalise into a global network of member associations. Since then the network has evolved
progressively to include the broader spectrum of private resources for the common good,
following a democratic and inclusive vision of philanthropy.

The WINGS membership policy was last reviewed in 2019 to reflect the diverse and evolving
range of actors who make up and support the philanthropy support ecosystem. It reaffirmed a
broader definition of philanthropy- including individual giving, institutional philanthropy,
corporate giving, and community philanthropy; be it money, volunteering, taking to the streets,
or gifts in kind. We also broadened our focus from infrastructure to taking an ecosystem
approach to acknowledge the wider field of Philanthropy Support Ecosystems which includes
traditional grantmaking associations, PSOs, academia, and B-corps. WINGS membership aims
at reflecting the different sizes, structures, origins and evolving nature of the field. WINGS is
cause universal and at the same time is starting to elevate specific global sectoral issues when
relevant. We currently define these as issues that pose an existential threat to humanity, such
as climate change, relevant to all philanthropic actors given its impact and ramifications on
other issues.

From 98 members in 2017, the membership has grown to 193 in 2021, with our ambitions to
continue to grow the network strategically, increasing and strengthening the depth and
diversity of the membership.

Why become a member of WINGS?

By joining WINGS, you:

● Become part of a unique diverse global community of practice for philanthropy

developers - all committed to ensuring the field of philanthropy reaches its fullest
potential. Members of the WINGS network have unique opportunities to expand their
networks, break down silos, explore new strategies and utilise concrete tools to improve
the impact of their work.
● Magnify the visibility, voice and value of philanthropy - WINGS is both a forum for
members and a vital source of information for decision-makers engaged in social
impact and civil society work around the world. Our members contribute to important
dialogues that are driving the priorities, strategies and tactics of philanthropic actors at
every level. By doing so our members greatly enhance their own voice and influence
within – and well beyond – the sphere’s in which they operate.
● Work collaboratively with peers to innovate and strengthen philanthropic impact -
WINGS members are activists and explorers who are committed to innovation, and who
see the WINGS network as the perfect “petri dish” to test new ways of building a
stronger, more accountable and more impactful philanthropic community.

WINGS Membership Policy 2022

Member benefits:

WINGS works to build a stronger and diverse membership network by focusing on

strengthening member experience, engagement and realising the collective action potential,
across three levels.

Our benefits and approach are set up to help achieve the following outcomes at each level:

1. Individual: as individuals within a member organisation, we aim to help you increase

networking and connections; build insights and expertise.
2. Member organisation – as a member organisation, we aim to help you increase
collaborations/partnerships; strengthen your influence and build expertise
3. Network – as a collective, we work to increase the profile and visibility of philanthropy
globally, and grow collective action and thought leadership through the skills and expertise
of our members

Feedback from our members continues to help us understand where the network adds value.
Our benefits aim to reflect this.

Making the most of your WINGS membership:

1. Network and connect

a. Connect with 300+ philanthropy experts through our Global Philanthropy Directory.
b. Personalised introduction to our fantastic board and WINGS members.
c. A custom profile on the WINGS Members Area and WINGS Network Map.
d. Discounts on events such as the WINGSForum, our flagship members forum.

2. Gain global visibility

a. Get global visibility of your publications through our social media channels (Twitter,
LinkedIn and Facebook), WINGS newsletter and WINGS Events Calendar.
b. Share your work on the WINGS Knowledge Hub.
c. Contribute thought leadership articles and best practices to the WINGS blog -
Philanthropy in Focus.
d. Co-host a WINGS event or a network side event.

3. Access global knowledge, expertise and insights

a. Access tools, frameworks, and cutting edge research on the largest online repository of
information for and from PSOs – WINGS Knowledge Hub.
b. Receive global data and knowledge on philanthropy trends, strengthening and building
c. Get free subscriptions for your team to Alliance Magazine.
d. Access pro-bono legal advice from TrustLaw – Thomson Reuters Foundation.
e. Receive grants/scholarships to attend key events and for specific initiatives.

WINGS Membership Policy 2022

4. Share and collaborate

a. Participate, learn and share your expertise through WINGS Working Groups, task
forces, and committees on relevant issues for philanthropy.
b. Contribute to the development and strengthening of philanthropic ecosystems.
c. Contribute to joint proposals and work.
d. Share best practices, innovations and impact stories of your work and that of your
members through different WINGS hosted events such as WINGSForum.

5. Influence to action
a. Be part of a collective voice and representation on key global platforms such as the UN,
OECD, World Economic Forum, Global Partnership for Effective Development
Co-operation (GPEDC) and the NPO Coalition on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
to promote multi-stakeholder collaboration.
b. Leverage campaigns and movements led by WINGS such as #LiftUpPhilanthropy and
the International Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change.
c. Learn the most effective strategies and tactics to promote an enabling environment for

Please Note:

- For WINGS collaborating on member initiatives and campaigns - contact the

Network/Comms team.
- Members can invite their members to represent them at some WINGS events by
informing and agreeing with WINGS staff beforehand.
- Members of members can only access all member benefits by becoming WINGS
members themselves

Becoming a WINGS member

WINGS members are independent organisations, networks and platforms that share our vision
and mission, and demonstrate their commitment to strengthening and growing philanthropy.

Code of conduct / Member commitment

The code of conduct reflects the shared commitment amongst members and our ways of
engaging with each other. As a member of WINGS, my organisation is committed to:

● Sharing the WINGS’ vision and mission as reflected in the WINGS Manifesto.
● Working with organisations in a collective, collaborative, and inclusive manner towards
achieving philanthropy’s potential as a catalyst for transformative change at an individual,
local and global level.
● Maintaining and exercising principles of honesty, professionalism, integrity, and fairness
which are fundamental building blocks of trust in all relationships.

WINGS Membership Policy 2022

● Upholding the principles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

● Sharing WINGS’ approach to change: ensuring diverse voices and perspectives,
contextualising what needs to change and how, working together across organisations to
drive that change and supporting each other to scale effective work happening across the

Who should join/ Who we are looking for:

There are a range of diverse actors who make up and support the evolving philanthropy
support ecosystem. This includes philanthropic associations, academia, funders, for-profit
organisations, think tanks, giving platforms and more.

Our growing membership must represent this diversity across organisation types, sizes,
geographies, and sectors whilst ensuring our focussed commitment towards a shared purpose
– growing and strengthening philanthropy to build a more just, equitable and sustainable

Membership criteria

WINGS membership is open to any organisation meeting all of the following criteria:

(1) Working in the field of philanthropy and/or contributing to the development of the field.

(2) Can demonstrate their positive contribution to strengthening and supporting the
Philanthropy Support Ecosystem (directly or indirectly).

(3) Has insights and capacity to contribute to the membership such as expertise, evidence,
connections, experience or resources.

(4) Shares our mission and vision.

Membership categories (current)

Member: Regular members are recognised as legitimate organisations whose primary focus is
to develop, strengthen and promote the field of philanthropy and giving. They must
demonstrate a direct link to philanthropy. Organisations can be for-profit but must contribute to
building the field such as developing publicly available research.

This category can include philanthropy support organisations (PSOs) that focus on
philanthropy • Academic institutions and think-tanks • Advocacy platforms and experts •
Citizen engagement organisations • Consulting, advisory and M&E firms • Donor-advised
funds • Funding, implementation and learning groups and collectives • Fundraising and online

WINGS Membership Policy 2022

giving platforms • Giving movements • Information and technology solution providers •

Intermediary, joint and community funds • Media, knowledge and data sharing platforms •
Geographic networks and associations • Standards, certification, accreditation and
benchmarking agencies • Thematic networks and associations

Recommended Membership annual dues:

● USD 500 - Up to $200k annual budget

● USD $750 - Up to $500k annual budget
● USD $1,500 - Up to $1M annual budget
● USD $3000 - Up to $3M annual budget
● USD $5000 - Up to $5M annual budget

Supporting member: Supporting members must demonstrate a commitment, investment

(financial or non-financial such as human resources) and/or interest in developing the field of
philanthropy, local resource mobilisation, and strengthening civil society. They can include
Private institutional funders • Multilateral and bilateral development finance agencies and other
development funders, INGOs. This category of supporting members have access to the
Funders Working Group, a funder peer community.

This category currently also includes organisations that enable philanthropy as a subset of their
main functions • Audit firms • Banks/wealth management firms • Data analytics organisations •
Fellowships and talent management organisations • Incubators and accelerators • Law firms •
Mainstream consulting firms • Marketing and PR Firms • Non-profit organisations • Social
media and technology platforms.

Recommended Membership annual dues:

● USD $5000 (base scale)

● USD $7,500 and up to USD $9,999 will have special acknowledgement on the WINGS
● USD $10,000 will be acknowledged on WINGS’ website, publications and events.

Membership cycle

Membership is on a calendar year basis (1st January– 31st December), with renewals at the start
of each calendar year. We accept membership on a rolling basis all year round. Organisations
joining in December will receive complimentary membership until the end of the year of joining
and up until December the following year.

Application process

A typical application process includes the following steps:

WINGS Membership Policy 2022

Step 1 Complete the online application form. Should you have any questions, email You will receive confirmation of an application receipt once the application
is submitted.

Step 2 We assess membership fit based on the application form and our own due diligence.
We may contact you for further information via email or have a call with the Network and
Alliances team to better understand your work and interest in WINGS. The application review
process can take approximately 3 weeks.

Step 3 You will receive notification of the membership decision. If accepted as a member,
please pay the relevant membership fee.

Step 4 You will then receive your membership confirmation email and onboarding information
for your organisation and team. Your organisation is now a WINGS member!

Possible reasons for an unsuccessful application:

● Conflict with WINGS’ vision, mission and core activities

● Not meeting all the membership criteria

Member best practices:

● Use the WINGS logo on your website to show your membership of WINGS, and share
information about WINGS’ strategic priorities and activities (see our branding guidelines
and logo here).
● Promote your membership of WINGS and our collective work within your organisation,
particularly to senior leaders, and within your wider networks by sharing with them our
membership benefits.
● Ensure the WINGS Network and Alliances team has up-to-date contact details and logo for
your organisation, and to complete the membership survey. In the case of any changes
relevant to your WINGS membership, please contact
● Ensure someone from your organisation receives and reviews the monthly newsletter to
stay up-to-date with opportunities for engagement.
● Sign up to the Members Area to connect with other members and for early access to a
variety of important information.
● Take opportunities to support members and the network where applicable e.g. through
sharing resources, expertise and staff time (please contact
● Share updates with WINGS Network and Alliances Team on important organisational news,
developments and press mentions both positive and negative, so that we can help to
celebrate successes and offer support where needed.

WINGS Membership Policy 2022

Membership suspension and termination

Membership can be suspended or terminated in the following ways:

● Unpaid membership fees. We understand that members might face financial difficulties.
Members should reach out to in the Network and Alliance team to
discuss the situation.
● Written notice from a member asking to discontinue the membership. We value feedback
and exiting members will be requested to have a short exit interview/ complete a quick
survey, whichever option is most feasible for the member.
● Dissolution of the member organisation.
● Evidence that the member has not abided by the code of conduct, member best practices
or no longer fulfils the membership criteria such as legal factors where an organisation
appears on sanctions and exclusions lists; is later found to be engaged in, or suspected to
be, involved in illegal activities, tax evasion, etc.
● Omission of information during the application process that would have made the member
ineligible for membership with WINGS.

We recognise that some situations can be complex. WINGS will undertake a case-by-case
approach, engaging the WINGS Board in exceptional circumstances, in line with our vision and
values, to ensure the process is fair, consistent and sensitive to challenging circumstances.

We value your feedback

We aim to provide great member experience and your feedback is important in helping us
improve our activities and strengthen the community. We run an annual survey and collect
feedback intermittently from members engaged in different initiatives and forums.

In addition to this, we encourage members to contact when they have

any questions and/or concerns/complaints. This includes appealing membership decisions.

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