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5/10/22, 10:05 FYR Stage2: Dimension 3.


FYR Stage2: Dimension 3. Analysis 

* Obligatorio

Read each question carefully, and answer correctly

4. Use the properties of logarithms to develop or condense the following logarithmic

expression:⁣* (1 Punto)
log 𝑥2 𝑦
2 log 𝑥 − log 𝑦
2 log 𝑥 + log 𝑦
log 𝑥2 + log 𝑦
log 𝑥2 − log 𝑦

5. Use the properties of logarithms to develop or condense the following logarithmic

expression:⁣* (1 Punto)
6 log4 𝑥 + log4 𝑦 − 12 log4 𝑧
log4 𝑥𝑧6𝑦
log4 𝑥√6𝑧𝑦
log4 6𝑥𝑦
log4 6𝑥𝑦𝑧

6. Use the properties of logarithms to develop or condense the following logarithmic

expression:⁣* (6 puntos)

𝑥 2 𝑦3
2 𝑧5… 1/6
5/10/22, 10:05 FYR Stage2: Dimension 3. Analysis

2 log2 𝑥 + 3 log2 𝑦 − 5 log2 𝑧

2 log2 𝑥 − 3 log2 𝑦 − 5 log2 𝑧
log2 𝑥2 + log2 𝑦3 − log2 𝑧5
log2 𝑥2 + log2 𝑦3 + log2 𝑧5

7. Use the properties of logarithms to develop or condense the following logarithmic

expression:⁣* (1 Punto)
3 log3 2 − 25 log3 32 + log3 2
log3 (2) + 2
log3 √5 10248 +2
log3 23 √5 −32−−−2 + 2
log3 23 (2)
√5 322

8. Solve the following exponential equation:⁣* (1 Punto)

5𝑥−2 = 216
𝑥 = 3.34
𝑥 = 5.34
𝑥 = 1.34
𝑥 = 4.34

9. Solve the following exponential equation:⁣* (1 Punto)

5(4)2𝑥 = 286
𝑥 = 2.92… 2/6
5/10/22, 10:05 FYR Stage2: Dimension 3. Analysis

𝑥 = 1.46
𝑥 = 1.89
𝑥 = 0.944

10. Solve the following exponential equation:⁣* (7 puntos)

42𝑥 2𝑥 = 476
𝑥 = 2.22
𝑥 = 0.78
𝑥 = 1.78
𝑥 = 1.48

11. Solve the following exponential equation:⁣* (1 Punto)

2 3 = 18
𝑥 = 1.32
𝑥 = 5.26
𝑥 = 2.63
𝑥 = 0.76

12. Solve the following exponential equation: *

2𝑥 3𝑥 = 198
𝑥 = 2.19
𝑥 = 2.95
𝑥 = 2.93
𝑥 = 2.12… 3/6
5/10/22, 10:05 FYR Stage2: Dimension 3. Analysis

13. Solve the following exponential equation:⁣* (1 Punto)

(3) 9𝑥+3 = 542
𝑥 = 5.37
𝑥 = 4.91
𝑥 = −0.64
𝑥 = −1.09

14. Solve the following logarithmic equation:⁣* (1 Punto)

log2 (𝑥 + 1) + log2 (𝑥 − 1) = 1
𝑥 = √−3
𝑥 = 0.41
𝑥 = 2.41

15. Solve the following logarithmic equation: * (1 Punto)

log5 (𝑥 − 7) = 0.043
𝑥 = 5.93
𝑥 = −5.93
𝑥 = 8.104
𝑥 = 8.072

16. Solve the following logarithmic equation: * (1 Punto)

log (𝑥 + 4) = 2.5… 4/6
5/10/22, 10:05 FYR Stage2: Dimension 3. Analysis

𝑥 = 31.22
𝑥 = 312.23
𝑥 = 320.23
𝑥 = 32.02

17. Solve the following logarithmic equation: * (1 Punto)

log3 (2𝑥 + 5) = 2
𝑥 = 52.5
𝑥 = 47.5

18. Solve the following logarithmic equation: * (1 Punto)

log3 (𝑥) + log3 (𝑥 + 6) = 3
𝑥 = 28.76

19. Solve the following logarithmic equation:⁣* (1 Punto)

log9 𝑥 = 2.45
𝑥 = 81
𝑥 = 251.19
𝑥 = 281.84… 5/6
5/10/22, 10:05 FYR Stage2: Dimension 3. Analysis

𝑥 = 217.72

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