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Flight Crew Ground School Regulations Paper 3 1. What does the SAR signal “LL” on the ground mean? a. Weneed help. b. We have foundall personnel c. We need medical assistance. d. We have gone away. 2. When sightinga distress flare during daytime, you should: a. drcle once. b. flash landing lights or navigation lights. .fly orbitsabovethe place d. send the letter ‘R’in Morse by lights to the downed aircraft 3. Who is responsible for the organization of an efficient SAR service? a. FiCand RCC. b. RCCand rescue sub-centres. FIC, RCC and ACC. d. ICAO through regional navigation plans. 4, What colour are runway end lights? a. Unidirectionalred b. Unidirectional white ¢. Omni-directional red d. Omni-directionalwhite 5. What is the colour of threshold lighting? a. Omni-directional green b. Unidirectional green, showingin the direction of the approach c. Unidirectional white, showing in the direction of the approach d. Red unidirectional 6. What colour is an aerodrome beacon for a land aerodrome? a. Flashinggreen b. Flashing green and white «. Steady green d. Flashing red 7. What is the colour of threshold lights? a. Steady white b. Flashingwhite c Steady green d. Flashing green 8, Whats a barrette? a. 3 or moresingle lights close together which appear at a distance to be a short bar b. Frangible approach lights c.Lead-in lights d, Frangiblelights, 9. What are the characteristics of runway threshold identification lights? a. Unidirectional lashing green b. Omni-directional fashing alternate green and red Unidirectional flashing white 4. Omni-directionaltfiashing white 10. Onthe PAPI system the pilot can see, during. the approach, two white lights furthest from the runway and two red lights closest tothe runway. The aircraft is: ‘a, underthe approach glide path b. abovethe approach glide path c. precisely on the glide path d. onor close to the approach glide path 111. Runway threshold marking consists of a number of stripes. How many stripes are there fora runway width of 60 metres? a6 bs 12 4.16 112, Which of the following concerning, aerodromesigns is correct? a, Mandatory signs: Black background with red inscription. b. Information signs: Black or yellow background with black or yellow inscription. ¢. Mandatory signs: Red background with black inscription. d. Information signs: Orangebackground with black inscription, 13, Where fixed distance marking is provided, this shall commence: Page 1 of 5 | Flight Crew Ground School | Regulations a. at 100 mfrom the far end threshold. , at 150m from the far end threshold, c. at 300 m from the far end threshold, 500m from the far end threshold. 14, Inwhich section of the AIP would you find information on holding, approach and departing procedures? a. GEN. b.ENR ©. SAT. d. AD. 15. A check list for NOTAMis issued: a. every Sdays b. every 28 days. c. every 18 days d. at intervals of not more than one month, 16. AIP approach charts do not give information for Instrument Approach Procedures for: a. OCNH b. visibility minima, c. obstacles protruding abovethe obstacle free zone, d. DME frequencies. 17. AIP supplements with extensive text and graphics cover a short period. What is a long period in this respect? a.tyr. b. 2months. ©. 3 months. d. 6months. 18. AIRAC is: a. a breakdown service. b. operationally significant changes to the AIP, c. a medical evacuation fight. d. an Army Air Corps publication. 19, What information is not on an aerodrome approach plate? a. DME frequency. b.0CA. ¢. Dominant obstacles d. Operating minimaif the aerodrome is being used as an alternative. 20. inwhat part of the AlP are the details of SIGMET found? a. GEN b. ENR, AD. d. AIRAC, 21. Anotice containinginformation concerning, flight safety, air navigation, administration or legislative matters and originated at the AIS of a state is called: a, Aeronautical Information Publication (ap). b. Aeronautical Information Circular (aio. ©. AIRAC. d. NOTAM. 22. An aircraft has been cleared to land and fails to doso within 5 minutes of the ETA of landing and communications havenot been re- established with the aircraft. What phase ofthe Alerting Service will be declared? a, DETRESFA. b, INCERFA. © ALERFA, d. EMERGEA. 23, When must QNH be passed to an aircraft prior to take-off? a, Inthe taxi clearance. b. Onengine start-up request c. On first contact with ATC. d. Just prior to take-off 24. For IFR departures, 1 minute separation can be applied if the aircraft fly on diverging tracks immediately after take-off of at least: a 45" bis’, ©.30" 4.2", 25. What defines a controlled aerodrome? a, It must be located within a CTR, b, It must have a control tower giving an ATC service. Page 2 of 5 | Flight Crew Ground School | Regulations c. It musthavea control tower and be in actR. d. Itmust be in controlledairspace. 26. Whatis the acceptable tolerance for Mode “C altitude indication (not in RVSM airspace)? a. 100ft b.£150ft. c.£300ft. d. £2008, 27. What types of separation does ATC apply? a. Horizontal, longitudinal and timing, b. Horizontal, vertical and longitudinal ¢ Horizontal, vertical and composite. d. Horizontal, vertical and lateral. 28. If you want to descend through the level of anotheraircraft on the same track, the minimum separation is: a. 20 minutes, b. 10 minutes. ©. 5 minutes, d. 15 minutes. 29, Whatis the minimum longitudinal separation standard required for RNAV routes? a. 80NM. b.60NM. c.SONM, d.20NM, 30, Whatis the vertical separation minimum below FL290? a. 500ft b. 1000. c. 20008. d. Itdepends whether or not RVSMis applied. 31. Whatis the minimum vertical separation between IFR aircraft flying in the same direction above FL290 in non-RVSM airspace? a. 1000f. b. 500ft ¢. 2000, d. 40008. 32, Whattis essential traffic? a Flights engaged in priority fights ie. VIP, hospitalor police flights b. Any conflicting traffic ¢. Traffic which should be separated but which isn’t. d. Unidentified traffic on radar 33. Two aircraft are on crossing tracks at the same level where the navigation aids donot permit frequent update of speed and position ‘What is the minimum separation applied? a, 3 minutes. b, Sminutes. 10 minutes 4. 15 minutes 34, Separation between departing aircraft may be reduced to 2 minutes when: a. the preceding aircraftis 30 kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft. b, the preceding aircraft is 20 kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft. c.the preceding aircraft is 10 ktor more faster than the succeeding aircraft. d, the preceding aircraft is 40 kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft. 35.To meet wake turbulence separation criteria foraircraft using timed approaches, whatis the minimum applied to aircraft landing behind a heavy or medium aircraft? a, Medium behind heavy = 2 minutes. b, Medium behind medium = 2 minutes ¢ Light behind medium =4 minutes, d, Medium behind heavy = 3 minutes. 36. FISis provided to aircraft concerning collision hazards n the following classes of airspace: a. C, DE, Fand6. b. FandG only. CF. d.A,B,C, DE FandG. 37. For VER flight in class E airspace: a. ATC clearance and two way radio are required b. two-way radio not required. Page 3 of 5 | Flight Crew Ground School | Regulations ¢.ATC clearance and/ortwo way radio are required. d. ATC clearance is required 38. What type of airspace extends from the surface to a specified upper limit? a. Contralarea b. Air Traffic Zone. c. Controlzone, d. TMA. 39, Whats the upperlimit of a CTA? a. 2000ft. b. 30008. ©. 5000 ft d. AVER Flight Level. 40. Whois responsible for designating the RNP foran airway? a. The State. b, TheState + ICAO, c.ICAO, d. ATC. 41. An aircraft flying in the visual circuit at an aerodrome sees a series of red flashes from the control tower. What does this mean? a. Do notland. b. Donot land becausethe aerodrome is unusable. c. Give way toother aircraft. d. Return for landing and await clearance toland, 42. An aircraft has light visibility of 3 km, andis heading 355°T in anarea where the variation is 6° west. There is no appreciable wind. Which of the followings the appropriate fight level? a. FL60, b. FL6S. c.FL70. d. FLTS. 43, An aircraft is converging from the left. Which light will you see first? a. Red b. Green c. Blue. d. White 44, What letter goes in item 8 of a fight plan for a flight starting under IFRthen changing to VFR? az by cl av, 45. Youhave been intercepted in the airspace of a foreign contracting state. What is the signal for ‘clear to proceed’ from the intercepting aircraft? a, Rocking wings. b. Flashinglights. ¢. Cut across track d. Breakingturn up and left. 46. Which of the following is the privilege of the holder of a CPL(A)? a. To act as PICof any aeroplane engaged in operations otherthan commercial air transportation b, To act as PICof any aeroplane ‘engaged in commercial air ‘transportation €.To act as PIC of any aircraft certificated for single-pilot operation other than ‘commercial air transportation d. To act as co-pilot of any aircraft ‘engaged in commercial air transport operations. 47. What letters are prohibited for registration marks? a. 4 letter international codes, b, Setter international codes. c.4 letter codes preceded by Q. d. Any numberreferring to an ICAO document. 48. When a Contracting State first enters on its. register an aircraft and issuesor validates a Certificate of Airworthiness, it shall inform: a, The State of Registry b, The State of Manufacture c. The State of Design d, The State of the Operator 49, Which annex contains information concerning Air Traffic Services? 2. Annex 11 Page 4 of 5 | Flight Crew Ground School | Regulations b. Annex 10 c.Annex 14 d. Annex 15 50, The second freedom of the airis the: a. ight to cabotagetraffic b. rightto operate a commercial passenger flight with passengers on board between two states right to land in a foreign state for a technical stop d. rightto over fy a foreign state without landing Page 5 of 5 | Flight Crew Ground School | Regulations

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