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For and since

For and since are the most common words we use when we want to say how long
the period of time has been.

1. We use for with a period of time:

For one second, three minutes, two hours, five days, seven weeks, two months,
three years, a long time, the whole of my life, ages.
We don't use for in expressions beginning with all, all my life, all morning, all day.
We just use the time expression without since or for:
It has rained all day.

2. We use since with a specific time:

Since last week, two years ago, my birthday, 1945, June, the beginning of the
summer, the day I arrived, I started in this job.
Present perfect VS Simple past
Zero and first conditionals

Defining relative clauses

Past perfect

Passive voice (Simple present and past)

Used to

Reported speech (present and past)

Say VS Tell
Indefinite pronouns

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