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Training Module

1. Assessments to identify children's learning styles:

 VARK questionnaire (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic).

(Validated for use in Indian Populations.

 Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Inventory.

(Validated for use in Indian Populations.


2. Scales to identify children with specific learning disabilities:

 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)

 Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJ-III)

 Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC-II).

3. Module to identify children's study skills, study habits, and time management:

 Teach effective note-taking techniques, such as summarizing main ideas, using

visual aids, and organizing information.

 Provide guidance on active reading strategies, such as previewing the material,

asking questions, and making connections.

 Teach time management skills, including creating schedules, setting priorities,

and avoiding procrastination.

 Encourage effective study habits, such as creating a designated study space,

breaking tasks into manageable chunks, and utilizing mnemonic devices.

4. Common interventions for children with special needs:

 Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 Plans: These are

personalized plans developed for students with special needs, outlining

specific accommodations, modifications, and goals.

 Assistive technology: Utilizing tools and devices like text-to-speech software,

graphic organizers, or adaptive keyboards can support learning and


 Multisensory instruction: Incorporating multiple senses during learning

activities can be beneficial, such as using visual aids, hands-on manipulatives,

or incorporating movement into lessons.

 Behavior management strategies: Implementing positive behavior support

plans, reward systems, and clear expectations can help address behavioral

challenges and promote a positive learning environment.

 Collaborating with specialists: Working closely with special education

teachers, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, or other

professionals can provide valuable insights and support for students with

special needs.

Obstacles in college students life to approach counsellors

Efficacy of self-referrals in college.

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