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Page sof Certificate of Analysis 3M KNOXVILLE 3406 F PLEASANT ST KNOXVILLE IA 50138 UNIQUE INTASCO CAN INC (USD) 510 MCGREGOR AVE Nl 289 LONDON cA Date certificate is prepared: Deo-14-2022 ‘The 3M product listed effect atthe time of iow was produced in accordance with standard manfacturing processes forthe product in lufactue and is certified to mect the specifications displayed below. 3M DeliveryiTnvoice Number | Customer PO Number: ‘Customer Part Number 2019679904 33528 ITEM 10 aM Material Number 3M 's Legacy 11- Digit Stock, 7100262873 Number 70-0075.4903-6 Product Description 603SPC 1OIN X 180 YD LiCase Shelf Lite ‘Storage Condition for this Product 24 MONTHS FROM DATE OF MEG HUMIDITY CONTROLLED STORAGE (16Ci60F TO 27C/ROF & 40-60% RH) MATERIAL 7100262873 SHIPMENT DATE: DEC-14-2022, Lot Number: 22314 Date of ManufactureNov 10-2022 Tea Property Miner MiasSpee ae INOWEGT ] an TRERE ADFESTON TACRSIDE TE Da Toe "ADHESION FACESIDE 7 a aN Te [NERRELEASE » Ts aN Please contact your 3M Customer Service Representative if you have any questions. ‘Want net Limi Reidy Uolss sad oars M's rot eu ging nd! proses, ee ES SSNT rol’ ness the apveabe 3 speciemions a= tine *M ships the pec Unvidisl pits ay ave ‘dtiionl oc uifers’ warrants 4s sd on prodact eri, package ars oe promt paciages, 3M’ MAKES NO| OTHER WARIANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ‘OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR 4 PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY Of CONDINON sRISING OLT OF 4 COURSE OF DEALING, CUSIOM OR USAGE OF TRADE. Use “rman ‘SSaaer 3M pod sors pole pose amt uber ue’ apple. [fe 3M prod! s show o be roncoferng win Sees tebe yur eicunie nenety ans Sass sgnn wil he MANO apo, to eps nonconforming 3M produto fod Limiaon of bili cop wet bie yaw, 3M a ibe forany oso damage asin For se 3M pode thr Jplect special cdr! cONSeqUD reas oF ie cga Uo ase, Welding WAMAMYs contra opie or shit abit. INT Tow Fogging Adhesive Transfer Tape 6035 07105722 Regulatory Data Sheet Copyrigh.2022, 3M Company All rights reserved. Copying and/or downloading ofthis information allowed provided tha: (1) the information is copied in full with ne changes unless prior written agreement is obtain 3M, and (2) neither the eopy nor the original is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon 1 the purpose of properly utilizing 3M products is fom This Regulatory Data Sheet is provided as courtesy in response fo a customer request. 21-9269.8 Version Number 15.00 Issue Dat 07/05/22 Supereedes Date: 01282 M Tndustial Adhesives and Tapes Divisi 3M Center, St Paul, MN 55144-1000, USA 1-888-3M TIELPS (1-888-3 RDSs are available at www-3M.eorn Regulations and Industry Standards bs (US OSHA) This product isan article and therefore is not subject to the requiremt Administration's (OSITA) Hazardous Communications Standard 2 (sb). China RoHS This product or patt dees not exceed the maximum concentration values (MCVs) in China RoHS GBYT 26572-2011 (Requirements of Concentration limits for certain resrite substances in electrical and electronic products), which means that each of the homogeneous materials within this product is belaw the following MCV: (a) 0.1% (by weight) for lead and its compounds, mercury end its compounds, hexavalen: chromium anu its compounds, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethets, and (6) 0.01% (by weight) for cadmium and its compounds CONEG “This product complies with the US CONEG (Coalition of Northeastem Governors) Model Toxies in Packagine Li there is no intentionally added lead, easiium, hexavalent chromiues oF meveury, and the sum total concentra substances in the product daes not exceed 100 ppm by weight Contliet Minerals, Conflict Minerals, which the U.S. Securities and Exchange Coramission (*SEC") has d (Goltan), cassiteite, woltramite, or this derivatives (tn, tantalum, or tungsten), are not contained in oF the functionality oF necessary tothe production” of tae above-listed product, as the term “necessary tothe Funetional led under the SEC's Conflict Minerals Rule. 77 Fed. Reg. 56274 (Sept 12, 2012). ts of the US Occupational Safety and Health 910.1 200(bX4)) to provide a Safety Doia Sheet od 28 gold, columbite-tanalite production’ is det EU REACH ances Fisted in Annex XIV of Regulation No 1907/2006 of th ‘cation, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) are nol intentionally added to EACH Substances listed in Annex XVHl of Regulation No 1907/2006 of tre European Parlizment and the Council conceming the Registation, Evaluation, Authorizstion and Restriction af Chemicals (REACH) are not intentionally add to this product European Parliament and the Council eoncerning the is pret. Page 1 of 3 SMI™ Low Pogging Adhesive Transfer Tapeo0ssrc 07/05/22 EU REACI This product, Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) substance identified accord tive June 2022, eluding any article thatthe product is composed of, doesnot contain at preater than 0.1% by weight a 1o Antcle $9 of REACH. This declaration reflects the substaaces on the eandidate SVHC list, ef EU Rolls ‘This product does not exceed the maxionum concentration values (MCVs) set under EU Directive 201 /65/EU (RoHS secast/ROHS 2), as slated in Anmex Ul to that directive, This means that each of the homogenous materials within this product does not exceed the following MCVs: (a) 0.1% (hy weigh) for lead, mereury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethers; and (b) 0.01% (by weight) for caduuum. EU Rolls Phthalates Tihs product does not exceed the maximum concentration values (MCV) for phthalates set under FU Directive 2011/65/BU (RoHS rocast RoHS 2), as amended by EU 2015/863, which applies to finished ERE after July 22, 2019 for Category 1-7, 10- 11 prodiets and after July 22, 2021 for Category 8 and 9 products. This means that each of the homogeneous materials within, this product does not exceed the MCV of 0.1% (ay weight) for each of the following pluhalates: DEHP, BBP. DBP, ané DIBP. Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas [A Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas (or F-Gas) listed under Annex T and 1 of Regslation (EU) No 17/2014 of th Parlanient and of the Council of 16 April 2014 is not intentionally added to the product, GADSL “This product contains a Declarable or Prohibited substance(s) that is prese Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL). This declaration reflects the substances on thelist as ofthe da this corificate. 6035PC & 60SSPL » 3M(TM) Adhesive Transfer Tape is available in the public domain of IMDS as a Material Module entry with ID 1736839 Halal This product has not been certified Halal Kosher This product has noc been certified Kesher. Agreement ft does not contain Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) ator above applicable thresholds per Annexes A, Th and C of the Stockholm Convention, May 2004 and subsequent umendiea. Sustainability Advantage: Reeyeted content This product does not contain recycled content Sustainability Advantage: Solventless or water-based manufacturing process This product is made using a solventless or water-based masnufacturing process. TSCA Section 6 This product is not known to contain 2,46-Tritert-butylphenol (CAS 732-26-3), TSCA Seetion 6 ‘This product is not known to contain Decabromodiphenyl Ether (Decs-BDP) (CAS 1163-1955) TSCA Section 6 This product isnot known to contain Hexachlocobutadiene (HICBD) (CAS 87-68 TSCA Section 6 “This product is not knovin to contain TSCA Section 6 ‘This product is nat known fo contain Phenol, isopropylated phosphate (3:1) (PIP (3:1)) (CAS 68937-41-7) European 11or abave the reportable dheahold levels in the jsorathiophenol (PCTP) (CAS 133-49-3). Chemicals and/or Compounds of Interest Ashestos : Not intentionally added. Tale not intentionally ad Per- and polyfluoroalky! substances (PPAS) - Not intentionally added, Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) : Not intentionally added, Perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS) > Not intentionally added Perfiunroactanesulfonie Acid (PFOS) (CAS 1763-23-1) - Not intentionally added Perfluorooctanoie Acid (PFOA) (CAS 335-67-1) - Not intentionally edded. ‘ial: The fformstin provide inthis documert esd to mail conten: epetents 3Ms Knowledge an ele whic may Be ase ip whale oi Page 2 of 3 SNM Low Fogging Adhesive Transfer Tape603sre 07/05/22 rt norman provide by supplies to 3M, This inne Yo answer common asked gnestins abut 3M produ andi intended tobe 2 empaive isang oa brane that may be of nee th ay begs! iar ther 3M produc or it nen 0 Ges comgrebensive ‘Smut omy anal eglsions hat ay appt he reduc. Where wbances Used, thc ising doesnt in or consti a gent 50 hr Seo cntana reals inpct Tnerin i supe upon te eonton at tc pesos reeves wl rate heir nena ab SEREEay tr ther pups pre ase Caners ee encnaagedto const wi egal ad ceutory enero deserve apleable epi in Tt of ended eof he radu ition of Remedies a ibility Ia the event any Prods poven aa conf wi the information i is dune then to the exe emit bylaws 3M ene ability and Bayer exchinive remedy, will beat SNPs option cer: ()repleement of Product wih 2 eonorming producto (i) sefind at frcase pie pay Buyer fr cach non-conforming Produc, with 4 easerabl ine afer rin olifiation of sak non-conformance an ur \eaaidProgusb SNL3M all et nds any ieumaances be ible ordre, tatdenal, spear eonseqoentl damages (ing but wot 0 levso prof, revense, or buses) oleh or arin goats cei, Ilan hes, nsaeor mbit ase he Product Uns sated thew bs nvenig, he frepsng tanpage cant wale, died or uplewete any maner whatseve™ Page 3. of SATS Adhane Tranter Tapes GUESINT SPC, GUISPT, GOSSPLF, GTC, HOAIPL, STHEWT, STTSWE, STOWE, 97 1a Taand 12+ sia Article Information Sheet Copyright, 2022, 9M Company. All ights ceserved. Copying and/or downloading ofthis information forthe purpose of prope: unless prior written a ts is silizing 9M prod cement is abana from tllowed provided that: (2) the information is eapied in full wth no chan 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the criginal i resold or otherwise distributeé with the intention of earning a profit the ‘This Article Information Sheet is provid ‘ourtesy in sesponse to a customer request, A Safery Data Sheet (SDS) has not ‘bcon prepared for these product(s) because they are artiles, Articles are not subject to the Oceupatioual Sefety and Heal [Adrsinistation’s Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910,1200Kb)(6}(9)). As defined in this standard: “Article” ‘means @ manafactired item other than a fluid ot particle: (i) which is formed to @ specific shape or design during ii) which has end use function(s) dependent in whole or in part upos is shape or design during end us 4 {it which onder normal conditions of use does not release more than very snag ‘pose a plisical lizard or health risk to employees, hazards chemical, and docs n Document Group: 26-1255.4 Version Number: 10 Issue Date: os, Supercedes Dat r2wi6 SECTION 1: Identification 1.1, Product identifier 3M™M 3G0MP Adhesive Transfer Tepes 603SINT, S0BSPC, 6035PL, 6035PLF, 6038PC, 60SSPL, 97721, 9773WL, OTTAWL, 9TPSWE, L273, and L247 1.2, Recommended use and restrictions on use Lamination/Attachmest, Indy 1.3. Supplier's details MANUPACTURER: 2M DIVISION: Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Divisio ADDRESS: 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000, USA Telephone: S888-3M HELPS (1-888-364-3577) 6501 (24 hours) 1°800-3643577 oF (651) 7 SECTION 2: Hazard identification This peoduct is exempt Irom huizard classification according to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 19401200, SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients [Ingredient Paper or Film Liner ‘Applicable Page 1 of 5 1, SRW, SIWT, STTWL TTT, Sae* SOOM Aahesive Transfer Tapes OUSINT, GISEPC, GIISPT, GISSPLF, GISAPC, 65 L2eTRand 2 eTS ostuze [Rex AdhesiverResin Brent [rade Sec Tam ] centage (concentration) of tis composition has been withheld as a trade +The specific chemical identity andor exact SECTION 4: First aid measures 4.1, Description of first aid measures Inhalation: [No need for first aid is anticipate. Skin Contact: ‘No need for fist aid is anticipated, Eye Contact: ‘No need for first aid is anticipated. IrSwallowed: No nced for ftst ad is anticipated SECTION 5: Fire-fighting measures In case of fire: Use a tte fighting agent suitable for ordinary combustible material such as water or foam, SECTION 6: Accidental release measures 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Not applicable 6.2. Environmental precautions Not applicable 6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up Not applicable SE 7.1. Precautions for safe handl ‘This product is considered to be an article which dees not release or otherwise under normal use conditions. “TION 7: Handling and storage esult in exposure toa hazardous chemical 7.2. Conditions for safe storage including any incompatibilities No special stor SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection sn article which docs not release or otherwise result in exposure to a hazardous cl This product is considered to be tinder normal use concitions. No engineering controls or personal protective equipment (PPE) are necessary SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties Page 2 of 5 IM SOOM Adtcaive Transfer Tapes OUNSINT, GOSSPC, OUST, 6035PT Lae TRand 1207S wt SOORAPC, HIATT, TTIW, STEW, OTTAWE, STTWT jon on basic physical and chemical properties Appearance Physical state Solid Color Colorless Specific Physical Form: Roll of Tap Odor Slight Acrylate Odor threshold pil Melting point Boiling Point Not Appiieahle Flash Point Not Applica Evaporation rate Not Applicabl Flammability (Soild, gas) Not Classified ale Limits(EL) Not Appl smamable Limits(UEL) ot App ar Pressure’ Not Applicable Vapor Density Not Applicable Density Not Applicable Specific Gravity Not Applicable Solubitity ia Water Nil Solubility- non-water Not Ap Partition coefficient: n-octanol! water Autoignition temperature Decomposition temperature Viscosity Volatile Organic Compounds Percent volatile VOC Less H20 & Exempt Solvents Ne Data SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity This material is considered to be nos reactive under normal use conditions SECTION 11: Toxicological information Inhatation: ‘This product may havea chara no adverse health effects are anieipated Skin Contact: No health sxpected Bye Contact: No health effects are expected Ingestion: [No health effects are exp Additional Information: This product, wher used unk ssonable conditions and im aecerdance with the directions for use, should health hazard, However, use ot processing of the product in 8 manner notin accordance wit th mance of the procict and may presont potential health and satery hazards presenta e produt's directions for use may affect the per Page 3 of 5 SHEWSOOMT Adhesive Transfer Tapes OUSINT, SPC, GUSPT, OISSPLF, GRFC, GOSEPT., TEWL, OTTSWE, STTEWL, STEWS Las TRand 1207S onuLZE ECTION 12: Ecological information thet because use an disposal are unlikely Co zesuit in a ‘omponets that ray be released are expected to have significant relea or beeau e of components tothe envionm osignilicant environm SECTION 13: Disposal considerations: nationallntemational regulations. Dispose of contentscomtainer in accordance with the Locate ECTION 14: Transport Information Not regulated per U.S. DOT, IATA or IMO. jrvive, As the shipper VOU remain responsible for { packuging. 3M standing of applicable [These vansporiation clasifiontons are provided as a custome complying with all anplieable laws and regulations, including proper transportation classification \ransportation classifications are based on product formulation, packaging, 3M policies and 3M un ne aceuacy of thigclassification information. This information applies on mens. The original 9M package is certified applicable regulatory Jeurent regulations. 9M does not guarant Jcansportation classification and not the packaging, labeling, o: marking req for U.S. 2round shipment only, Ifyou are shipping by ait or ocean, tte packs requirements [SECTION 1 Regulatory information Chemical Inventories This product is an article as defined by TSCA regulations, and is exempt from TSCA Tayentory requirements For addtional regulatory information on this product, reer to wwss.3M.comiegs, Other information SECTION 1 NEPA Hazard Classification Health: 0 Flammability: | Instabilig: 0 Special Hazards: Nove National Fite Protection Association (NEPA) havard ratings are designed for use by emergency response personnel to address the hazards d by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fir, spl, oF sii emergencies. Hazard ratings are primarily based on the mherent physical and toxic properties of the material but also include the toxic properties of combustion of decomposition products that are known to be generated in nt quantities 26.1285-4 Version Number: 1.02 Issue Date ost Supercedes Date: To2W16 DISCLAIMER: The information inthis Article Information Sheet (AIS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF RMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE, User is responsible for determining whether the 3M products it fora se and suitable for user method of use or application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the wse and Eppligat on ofa 3M product, some of whics are uniquely within the ngee's knowledge and contol, itis essential thatthe use SM produc: to determine whether itis fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application mers, Due to the em 3M provides information in electeonie form asa service to its custo e possibility that electron Page 4 of TaWL, TTEWT, TISPL, GOSPLF, GOSAPC, GORPL, STFAWL, STTBWL TNINGOOMP Adhesive Transfer Tapes OISSINT, GORSFC, Lis T3andL2eTSostu2s may have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations inthis information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness fF accuracy. In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current ss the information in the ATS available directly fom 3M 3M USA AISs ate available at www Page 5 of

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