Dystopian Literature Circles Notes

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Dystopian Lit.

Circle Notes
Name: Class:

Novel: Chapter/Page(s):

Your job is to prepare a summary
of the day’s reading. Don’t tell
the whole story, just focus on the
major event(s).

Your summary should have

relevant supporting details, and a
final concluding sentence.

Remember, the other members of

your group will be counting on
you to give them a concise
summary paragraph that helps to
unfold the story, they do not need
an entire re-telling of the

Discussion Director:
Your job is to write 5
questions based upon the
section of the day’s reading.
You need to facilitate a group
discussion around these
questions, where everyone takes
part, so make your questions
OPEN-ENDED. An open-ended
question means it cannot be
answered with one word, and is
open to multiple correct
responses. The best questions will
come from your ow thoughts,
feelings, and ideas about this
section of the book.
Literary Luminary:
This task is to choose a
“Noteworthy” section or event
from the story to discuss with
your group. Your purpose is to
help other students by
spotlighting something
interesting, powerful,
funny, puzzling, or
important from the text.
Please record the page

Your job is to find FIVE
connections between the
events/characters from your
reading and your world. This
means connecting what you
read with your life.

These connections may include

events which happen at school,
in your community, things you
have experienced in your past,
or to other people in your life.
You can also make connections
between the characters/events
in the story to another medium
(movies, literature, art,
theatre, T.V., music... )

Most importantly, you must

briefly describe the part in the
book to which you are
referring, and then explain
your connection.

Final Thoughts: How is this story Dystopian?

For example, is there (1) A Totalitarian Regime (2) A catastrophic EVENT, (3) A Setting in the ‘not too distant future’ (4) An Insurgent,
(5) A False Utopia, and/or (6) Technological Advances? Etc…

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