MSWord Lesson Plan

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Creating Documents in Word

Lesson Plan

*NOTE: This lesson will likely take two days to complete. *

Objectives: Students will be able to create a simple document, place the cursor,
highlight text, and save and print documents

Required Materials
 Practice exercises 1-8
 Performance assessment

I. Introduction: Have some samples on hand of resumes, letters, holiday letters,

brochures, etc. Tell students that any of these types of documents can be created in
Microsoft Word. Brainstorm a list of documents students might need to create.

II. Opening Word: Teach students to use the start menu to open the program. Even if
there is a shortcut, this is an important skill to learn.

a. Open and close Word at least 3 times. Model it the first time using the
projector and then ask students to do it on their own.

b. Discuss how a new document opens and is like a blank sheet of paper. Go
over the margins on the top and the sides.

III. Getting Started

a. Using the projector, show students what the cursor looks like. Show them
how it can be moved with the mouse or the arrows. Explain that when
they type, the letters will insert wherever the cursor is placed.

b. Go over the Enter and Backspace keys on the keyboard. Demonstrate

what each one does.

c. Show students how to correct mistakes using the “undo” function

d. Complete Practice Exercises #1 and #2

IV. Selecting and Moving Text

a. Using the projector, show students how to select and deselect text. Have
them practice on the list of numbers they created in PE #2. Show them
how a click, double click and triple click changes what gets selected.
b. Once students can select accurately, begin with dragging and dropping
text and move on to cut and paste and copy and paste. Explain how these
skills are used across the Microsoft platform

c. Complete Practice Exercise #3. Advanced students may want to try the

V. Saving Your Work

a. The two main ideas with saving are WHERE it is saved and what it is
NAMED. Make sure to stress these two points. Use the projector to walk
students through saving their list of numbers. Before this step, you may
want to have students create a folder on the desktop with their name for

b. Complete Practice Exercise #4

VI. Opening Files

a. Students should have several documents saved at this point. Walk them
through opening these documents or use the practice exercises #5-8

b. For advanced students, show them that there are many ways to open

VII. Printing

a. If a printer is available, show students how to print. Review the settings

and print preview.

VIII. Performance Assessment: complete as a check for understanding

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