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SCOTT NN eye meee Sh CATALOGUE VOLUME 3 | Gl COUNTRIES mea ieee} Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions t Ri G78 Lies gS CEE When choosing an auction house, you should also consider the things they don't sell. Knowledge. Experience. Integrity. Things that cannot be bought, bartered or sold. Yet they're responsible for realizing the highest prices for your stamps. At Rumsey Auctions, we've built our reputation on these qualities as much as on the impressive financial results we achieve for our clients. Please call or email us and let us show you how much we can do for you. 415 781 5127 visit us at SCOT 2017 STANDARD POSTAGE STAMP CATALOGUE ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THIRD EDITION IN SIX VOLUMES VOLUME 3 COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD G-I EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR EDITOR EMERITUS SENIOR EDITOR /NEW ISSUES & VALUING SENIOR VALUING ANALYST ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTICATALOGUE LAYOUT PRINTING AND IMAGE COORDINATOR ‘SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER ADVERTISING /SALES ~ EAST ADYERTISING/SALES ~ MIDWEST ADVERTISING/SALES - WEST ® FL. Donna Houseman Charles Snee James E. Kloetzel ‘Martin J. Frankevicz Steven R. Myers Exic Wiessinger Stacey Mahan Cinda McAlexcmder Stephanie Campana David Pistello Mike Mandozzi Enic Roth Victoria Hardy Released June 2016 Includes New Stamp Listings through the April 2016 Linn’s Siamp News Monthly Catalogue Update Copyright 2018 by AMOS MEDIA 911 Vandemark Road, Sidney, OH 45965-0628 Publishers of lin's Stamp News, Linn's Stamp News Monthly, Cola World «nd Coin World Monthly 2A INTRODUCTION Table of Copare Letter from the Ealitr .. Acknowledgments Information on Philatelic Societies Services .. Information on Catalogue Values, Grade and Condition Grading Tustrations . Gum Chart ‘Understanding the Catalogue Listing Policy Spocial Notices Abbreviations Basic Stamp Information ‘orminology Pronunciation Symbols Currency Conversion ‘Common Design Types. ‘The Bniish Commonwealih of Nations. Colonies, Former Colonies, Otfices, Terttorios Dies of British Colonial Stamps Referred to in the Catalogue British Colonial end Crown Agents Watermarks Countries of the World G-1 Mlustrated Identifier. Index and Identifier 2017 Volume 3 Catalogue Number Additions, Deletions & Changes Index to Advertisers. Dealer Directory Yellow Pages... =e Soe Volume 1 for United States, United Nations ond Countries of the World A-B ‘See Volume 24 through 6 for Countries of the World, CE JZ Volume 2: CF Volume &: -M Volume 5: N-Som Volume 6: San-Z Scott Catalogue Mission Statement ‘he Seat Cataogue Teom exci o sere the recreational cucatonal and commerccl bobby needs of samp collectors and dealers, ‘Wi ave ose the industry standard for piltlc infomation and products by developing and pros goods th! help collectors ident. valve, onganie and presen! lw colleen etme svc andl otis obo ou highest Pin eet Gri wand cling Ul concertos Copyright Notice Ts anes othe beak wg orsed exis by Ass aig Ca and al ge vs ‘Bo cau nas Po Reto ed Une Copyght Conetons. ‘Copia @20\6by Ace Meio Co, Sidney OU Pedic USA. een wes eco cee ie ea hee ts beech ra Fela etek taigty teeters een ee ue ae ma cil peed geste Syed set cond apne re “Sanpsnct offered for ale or purus: and a pe en a os ae Bis mete meet Spain RTE oon oe ere terres eee ee wie ao ole a sto wich dosnt etl tho hdr Sn pni o eeaESE t Trademark Notice SCOT SCOTS, SCOTT CAAIGGTE WIMEEING STSTE_ SCOTT Gage MOMBER SCOTT MUNEER and cRtercom nt oe tener egos pec i fled wadeors oe Be path wed er bod cy oom or yay means elas of menial elas i persona witg Won Anos Neds Cox to ida Sener Gd Libor Cease Cad No 25501 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR, 3A AMOS MEDIA Ti VAIEENOC REDO, TENE ONG ES BT UE ‘Grootings, Fellow Scott Catalog User: Almost 3,000 value changes recorded lor Jersey ‘More than 8,100 value changes aro rocorded in Volumo 8 of the 2017 ‘Scot Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. which spans countries of the world Gl. We continue to sae f sofoning in tho market for modem stampa, pariculacly for those lasted between 1960 and 1990, The values tor stamps issued during this period are affected by currency fluctuations, and because these issues were issued in such abundance, the market was oversaturated, bringing down valuoe. A total of 2,490 value changes are found in the Channel island of Jersey, which underwent @ massive review. Most value changes are decreases, rellecting @ weakening of the Baitish pound. Tho Jersay Wildife Prosorvation Trust sot (Scott 48:52) drops from $15.50 mint to $6.25. The £10 Millennium ‘stamp (Scot! 999) dropped from $40 both mint and used to $25 ‘mint and $22 used. The 2001 £1 New Year (Year of the Snake) stamp, No. 974 takes @ downward turn, from $4.25 mint amd ‘used to $3.25. No, 1296, the £2 stamp commemorating the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth Il and Prince Philip, fel rom $12.50 mint and tized to $8, Gibraltar received a full line byline review for the 2017 ecdon ofthe eatalog, resulting in slight increases in the early {sues Decreases are found from the 1890s through 2005. Values for stamps from 2006 to date show many increasos. The 1895 Silver Jubilee issue (Scot 100-103) slides from $34.25 tunused to $31.50. The £1 denomination (122) ofthe 1848 Silver Wodding issue drops from $70 mint to $65, and from $97.50, used to $80. The value ofthe 1868 sheet of sx featuring puppies (702) was lowered slighty from $6.50 mint and used to $8. Aroviow of Iran yolded almost 700 value changes. Many cof the modem issues saw increases, Stamps issued fom 2012 fo present can be dificult to find. Among the early ieouee, the value for the 1907-09 a ‘et pi ‘Mohammed-Al, Shah Qojar (Nos. 434-445) soared from $844 unusod to $976. ‘The teed value for the eot remains unchanged at S2l,80. The 1815 surcharged stamps, Nos. 54-542, jumped (rom S60 and 580 unused, respectively, to $75 and $110. Tho footnote below this set cautions that counterfeit surcharges on reprints abound, ‘Tho 1918 Zkrans ovoeprint (601), previously valued ct $125, is ‘now valiod at SI7S. Tho 1950 sot commemorating the rebural ‘of Reza Shah Pahicvi (Nos. $38.994) rose irom $48 unused to 580, and from $25 used to $25. The vertical paix, imperforate horizontally othe 1985 2riel Middle Fast Rover Moot (Hoy Scout assembly), Scott 19284, soars from $150 to $200. rar's 2012 souvenir sheet isgued for Sacred Defense Week and World Post Day shows @ subslantiol increase for a relatively inexpensive stamp, fom SSe both mint and used to $2.25. A complete vetting of Guyana resulted im more than 1,400 value changes. Stamps issued prior to 1986 conlinue the dowmvweaid trond. The $1 (Scot 925) of the 1967-68 sot ‘comprising locally averprinted stamps of British Cuicma dope fom $4.75 mint to $3.50, The $2 rellects a similar decline, going from $5 mint to $9.80. A decrease in mint values also {shown in the value for the sx of 1878-80 Butterflies stamps (279-289), which drops from $56.25 to $36. Tho 1980 shoet ef 12 G17) issued for tho London 1980 International Stamp Exhibition falls from $6 mint and used to $4.75. Slight Increases are reflected in the values for the surcharged and ‘overprinted stamps issued toward the end of 1985. The 200e surcharge on No. 192 (1500) goss up from $10 mint and $8 tuted fo $11 and $4, The 30c sheet of 12 overprinted. "1985" fon No. 325 (1518) rose from $25 mint and used to $27.50 both ‘ways, and the $15 on $3.50 (1504) increased slighty from 545 ‘mint gnd S20 used to $47.50 mint and $22.50 used. The 1888 Balish Guiana Post Office 125th Anniversary sheet of 25 25¢ stampe (1873) jumpod from $82.50 mint to $40 used. “total of 271 value charges were amang the stampa issued {or Middle East Foros in tho Groat Britain Oices Abroad section of the ecialog. Regular stamps and postage due stamps of ‘Great Brin from 1997-42 were overprinted for use in Elopia, (Cyrenaica, Erion, the Dedecanese, and Somalia. Tho review fof this section of Great Britain resulted in increases in both the London printings and the Cairo printings. Stamps overpinted {or use in Enirea include the 19449 surcharges on the 1897-22 ‘of Groot Britain. Nox. I-13 mover from $58.25 mint to $88.50. Tho usod value for tho sot romaine at $75.70. Tho 1951 set (Nos. 27-39) jumps fro 862.50 mint to 575, and the value for the get ssod increases from $00.50 to $100, Among the stamps surchasged for uae in Tpolitania, Scott 1426 soars from $81.20 ‘int Yo $162.50, and the used value increases from $145.55 to $$298.8, Increases also are rellacted in the values for postage ‘dues of Tipoltania Nos, J6-J10 jump from $97.50 mintto $114.80: the set used rsos from $992.50 to $465, ‘Scattered increases are found throughout Guatemala, resulting in 963 value changes. The 2005 America issue featuring flora and fauna (Scot $28-532) jumps from $10 mint fand used to $18.40. The souvenie sheet from this set (532) Increases from $8.50 mint and used to $11. The 2008 I-quetzel National Marine Defense S0th Annivorsary stamp (601) movos from &0¢ both mint and used to $2. Editorial enhancements for Iran Numerous changes and additions appear among the Abmad Shah Qajar issues of tan. The reorganization began inthe 2016 Scot Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps and (Covers 1840-1840 and has been further expanded in this Val. 8. The stampe are reorganized by tell portrait (29 milimoters) ‘and short porteait 224mm and by perforation, resulting in 160 now listings. Vanetios were added to German East Africa overprinte Issued under Belgian Congo occupation. An inverted overprint ig now listed az Scott N18a for the 1916 15-contimo stamp. It i valued ot $225 in unused condition. A double overprint has boon added as N23q for the T-franc stamp of the same set. No value has been assigned, ‘A newr note has been added to the Isle of Mem listings for Scott 16a stating that “the booldet panes wore printed in ‘tips of three panes: No. 1464 (4p stamps in the middle) separated by a gutter from No. 146a (4p stamps on top); and separated by arother gutter from a pane of four 4p. The “unsovered strips were available from the Philatelic Bure.” ‘As always, wo encourage you to pay special attention to the ‘Number Additions, Deletions & Changes found on page 1593 in this volume, ‘While you sete in with your stamp album and Scot catalog, relax and enjoy the world's greatest hobby. Brora Haatsmane Donna Houseman(Catalogue Eitor 4A INTRODUCTION Acknowledgments ur appreciation and gratitude go tothe fllowing individuals who have assisted us in prepar- ing information included inthis year’s Scott Catalogues. Some helpers prefer anonymity. These {nviduals have generously shaved their stamp knowledge with others through the medium of the Scott Catalogu ‘Those who follow provided information that is in adition to the hundreds of dealer price lists ‘and advertisements and scores of auction catalogues and realizations that were used in produc- Jng the catalogue values Its from those noted here that we have been able to obtain information fn items not nommally seen in published lists and advertisements. Support from these people {gpes beyond data loading to catalogue values, for thoy also are koy to editorial changes. Roland Austin Robert Ausubel (Great Britain Collectors, Club) James K Beck (Latin American Philatelic Society) Viedimir BerrioLemm Jobn Birkinbine Il Keith & Margio Broven Josh Buchsbayew (Cherrystone Auctions) Peter Bylen ‘ina & John Carlson (JET Stamps) Richard A Champagne (Richard A. Champagne, Lid.) Henry Chlanda Bank D. Coreel Chuistopher Dahle Charles Deaton Ubalde Del Toro Bob & Rita Dumaine (Sam Houston Duck Co.) Sister Theresa Durand Mark Eastzer (Markest Stamp Co.) Paul G. Eckman Craig A. Eggleston George Epstein (Allkor Stamp Co) George Eveleth (Spink USA) Teffroy M. Forster mest E. Fricks (France & Colonies Philatolic Society) ‘Michael Fuchs Frank Geiger ( Bob Genisol (Sultan Stamp Center) Allan Grant (Rushstamps, Lid) Daniel E. Grau Fred E Gregory Jan E. Gronwall Grosvenor Auctions Chris Harmer (Harmer-Schau Auctions) Brice Hecht (Bruce I. Hecht Co.) Petar Hoffman ‘Armen Hovsepian (Armenstamp) Philip J. Hughes Doug Jams Eric Jackson John Jamieson (Saskatoon Stamp and Coin) N.M. Janoowalla Poter Joannopoulos Stephen Joe (International Stamp Service) William A. Jones Sheikh Shafiqul Islam Allan Katz (Ventura Stamp Co.) Stanford M. Katz Lewis Kaufmam (The Philatelic Foundation) Patricia A. Kaufmann (Confederate ‘Stamp Alliance) William V. Kriebel (Brazil Philatelic Association) George Krieger Fredorick P Lawrence Kon Lawrence John R, Lewis (The William Henry ‘Stamp Co) Ui Linda Ignacio Llach (Fietelia Llach SL) Marilyn B. Mattke Williams K. MeDaniel Gary Mortis Pacific Midwest Co.) Peter Mosionde, J. Bruce M. Moyer (Moyer Stamps & Collectibles) Richard H. Muller Scott Murphy (Professional Stamp Experts) Robert P Odenweller | Nik & Lisa Oguist Dz. Everett Parker John Pearson (Pittwater Philatelic Service) Donald J. Peterson (International Philippine Philatelic Society) Stanley M. Piller (Stenley M. Piller & Associates) Virgil Pirvulescu ‘Todor Drumev Popov Petar W. W. Powell Ken Pugh Siddique Mahmudur Rahman Ghassan D. Riachi Andrew Sader Mehrdad Sadzi (Persiphila) ‘Theodosios Sampson PhD ‘Alexander Schauss (Schauss Philatelics) Jacques C. Schif, J. Gacques C. Schill, J, Ine) (Chuck & Joyce Schmidt Michael Schreiber Guy Shaw Jel Siddiqui Sergio & Liane Sismondo (The Classic A special acinowledgment to Liane ‘and Sergio Sismondo of The Classic Collector for their assistance and Jmowledge sharing that have cided in the preparation ofthis year’s Standard «and Classic Specialized Catalogues. Collector) Jay Smith Frank J. Stanley, Il James F Taff Peter Thy Scott R. Trepel (Siegel Auction Gallrios) ‘Dan Undorsander United Postal ‘Stationery Society) Herbert R. Volin Philip T. Wall Giana Wayman William R. Weiss, J. (Weiss Expertizing) Don White (Dunedin Stamp Centre) Ralph Yorio Val Zabijaka (Zabijckea Auctions) ‘Michal Zier Steven Zirinsky (Zirinsky Stamps) INTRODUCTION Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Web Sites, E-Mail Addresses of General & Specialized Philatelic Societies Collectors can contact the following groups for information about the philately ofthe arecs within the scope of these societies, or inquire about membership in these groups. Acide from the general societies, ‘we limit this ist to groups that specialize in particular fields of phila- ely, paticular areas covered by the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, and topical groups. Many more specialized philatelie soc ‘ty exit than thoee listed below. These addresoee are updated year, cand they are tothe best of our knowledge, correct and current. Groups should inform the editors of address changes whenever they occur. The ccditors also want to hoar from other such specialized groups net listed. Unless there acted all website dresses begin with i) aaienPhitle Soiety {usu or Anat! Philly oe. Tet cer Pe PO. Bor es Belt P 663-1957 olin Ezz 2005 Phe ho 3 0) Reeib so ‘Eel pbtsaag oy Erna nc@enaelpaiear, ‘Auercen Simp Decors Astin, le. | The WestrePhitti Larry Baayen Mewes eB eas Lesa A 19553 a Fei fo 8007 le 0? wee gnerenntemplercon Hina PLP coated | ols sen Sn Tn Aon | Groups focusing on els Habet Kew Peet or gapects world: {G0 Southern fe Wide philately (some might ewe ht ea Ss cover U.S. area only) rnc Sows Ki Me Sy Erma edad og | Sapte Raber Pave 0 Internation! Sct of Warde Stamp) Missi NY 11501 Caleta ie. care Lee rentar ee Ae ou Se | enoutvedrcac iwc. Bobet ae svt Et eee ienaiaces bie i 0 a “American Revenue Association = Pao rcegrctann | nes as isk mena aera ia asta aas oe a evn Janel. s Ph: 9 EIU 4 Beha acca r i ercere Resources BONS (he Son fis xcoarge ny wditin- | wre city reser oganseteae saat aa” | Eve jonune@redruner com i fg a a Jevgattaienner ey | STR i Bie age Eero Sues al aaa rae spovetl Ea aple@imporg Tere care ae Erna seroryDisisesoy a . Ene Benoa) Th Jin Sam so Se iitigestecs ilar erupts Erne ard inmerenmn@elsb- tree otal Dace Sly acer Scity Aan | Noni Po Bm ele ast 202 Erpats aber ndssorg Ye ole ented ab ‘ln Semen! {eth Rope Berard es Pos Ecco SiS sr Le 4230 Fane mal lin eily@irn.niy nate Tehatcs Denes niet ce sacs ee, aaa ie eel a Te tangae Cheated com By ‘UNITED KINGDOM Eval ohn cawine? @ukelioe ok Pot Merk Calectrs Cb Baa 78s Mops 1 135¢ Parsi 356278 drops oa Eats bobligen@gmaat in f E Et Sedna. scare Eval: gels nye ex Precencal Simp Sohy ‘Bek Podrel PO. Boxes Far Gove PA 1721 Beinn si7aa0? Erpal: pspomacee@eomestaet Unt Ps! Stoner Se Sau Te POber dit Seats 5A Denil Ring PO Bor ts ‘Wd 5088 Ee ding @hnine com focusing on US. Scop ciehas covered ix tna Tan Breaghem en EE Epa eagsrry goal on erent gh ty imu ae avin FREER eine nh Sp es fete Se Tait ie aes ee servers Erna ba coment Pet s2L-s21 Pl Mame a Calc Cab oie {Btls W Ds Wn act Serpe AZ PRG S818 End geln@oncad rly Pile Sci Sty Etc Ekman Se Pirie rT? Chor NE 280-017 Pe Gi se perry Egat seer erabyampscg ‘Unit Nations Pits Bis Cent fe PO Ba NornavileP (067-015 Ea Boen@pehoncoa uted See Sa Sty PO tert Katy TAPE 631 ‘pustamgs Erna weboser@ustamps org ‘US, Cnelatin Cub fete Erna ensy@emnet 2515 Fal 8. yee Wa e073 weapon Prat: mentorhipehirnanDuspesarg ie iTRODUCTION te |Get Gas Oa ae Pee [een shai of to ‘Arnold Sorensen rt bal ‘regions sm eae rea eee ae See Aes Swain suey tmp | Reta Avi ar PoP ae te ney i hoe Eat phn. @yaailcom eM ino InlernatioelSocky of Gstemala act Remar ees eens Cs 1 E-mail: chn96I@optushomecom.ou | Michael Whit Fal jerald 449 St. Froncis Blvd, Be js ee cou a Clarence Rood ey City CA 94015-2138 Anion yarns | KESTER ras a Ct eee at rake cara FED KINGDON Exal ‘membership @guotamelastmps. oe ¢ ey ificecauk | wewentcarguk ies FLIGeag plea |p Sees Gap a Sua Cee mene Bs i Say mae Bae er fe Mur Marble Arch» Feder hn Cr bee eared Sra el ey en i ‘London, SE1S 4PY ‘www haitiphilatelyorg Pee Die i, aie ae eet ‘Sepia, SEIS UE oa Sty Circle ‘ret uebush Nor American Agent it eee, (CEES [een ee a a he agai anus | tt nae ee ae pene Pate Eley tin@teakek | Rineas Epa Natenps yt cem 17st ‘Channel Islands Specialists Society ‘Pelham NY 10803 Prahran ey NSM, 201 ee Peg rr eee Henrie Phe Sees jan Philatolic Societ scomare Road Sateen sce 7 aie e Tea Regs Ch ze are ware te lc Pein 64005 cue He Peery pci FE mettmnsin | Eos oeeaee Freire Ero hndll opens Sid Cl a ten Ematnaimnoneteie | ESRI ny Pere een Bares ear eetes | Eee 4 teteae Peet nay [Leo ict Pires = 8 | Wigmsown A 0167-2045 ee 1 au Cigar Paes | TEER Foch Sos sate. EEE onetime | ena er Bnew 2 ie — iand 29 Patermoster Close Siero Srearanl elie ye fay Oo uo i Kes MEY Ean tpapal@hctmatlean {0 ees od, Von's Cress UNITED KINebOMt oe Keeton carts | Sacha eee au aero elimi rosestsre | A ScreryOiadonecnchdptieom en ESeitiedoraenr East ewe | sy edlade ie Pats scare, Eppeyeeseoieen | gegrtoieeneE Fries | Baas Sn ene es ae Baton Hage LA 7008 Father" Email: ontenien vero Ae Pee hacen es i Walon V Ertl Erm hrmenn’@oacom Emo sereaice Delia org ep Pilati Stuy Gre Friern Eocene | peacanerteneseey | Bia Re Eiefasecaneny | BR a pone aacether rac Scyimy | gab 2) aera Pe aon ae ental ie a a EEE ape k Bie Pi Asn dd cea peatieeis HERE os erecta | eee ae Eat itener@edcon Eel 161655 EL a Poa Taking Gee apa ey | FTG Sennrmanplewnoey, Boat sx Sum | Spel i Pets pe tne Cop dy ae Psi Man 21k Manso Pein of Wales Dive | Syren Std Geren sist Eva it ‘re oe ere Ooms Tee 100 Lark Court, ‘Northfield OH 44087 ‘it can Seng ga Ea pratense FES enangsennana emerge | detstrnetat | Fal Sek pm Daa etn | Fal in Sie hfe Os a Ceechoslovak Philatel LR. Stirrups, lick fath % atic aoe ae ue gob ens in Rnd Bo ain Cambri ee Tein a ime Pentffian ee ere wmston | Eat Seo es om ‘ear INTRODUCTION 7A again | ETANNGoe | naar ome | ga agence oe ae a ile fuer 1020 covingon Rood PO Box D438 TR Spring end eee rer Sete wea ‘yard OF S781 Ph 60) 962-463 Poel a103115 Eat BOSS, sae Ce | eae Ea tae iporg Ernallcaintoypr@homnaicouk | Emel: Spi Petey ae An Sey tends Py | ingen Sey Pore ne WE Blawe ae BacelrieP 1608 meee eae oe m3 Bowie 9 ‘E-mail: oberbponn43@guailcom merges |G veal Erott Hrener@usenet E mi glee t Saarsee oP eens | ere ao at i | an eect SU Los Par MN 5526-3551 $l Lenin Bond 3 16a OL Be 163 ae nen naa San Frans CA 94115 Eni shSE4@htba om eer ae sk aes cies Eeenctam | FSrinietwiien | sogiemarneaeso = os ees Baie rece at ow tesasettewn Peer | goa noe tergre reo ene Eni tockrd(@zoomnet net gir SW ith St, 1506 Cnty Lae Drive ‘Robe Neda 9-052 Pe ale ‘Champaige IL 6821-6428 “www swiss. am pe |e ce ares Seta ares ‘Dundee OR 97115 - ‘St Helena, Ascension & Tristan Da Cunbe | Ken R Simao. ea eighaetoe asia | REE rake Enns ci ee aaa wall study org ‘Aime CA ar ear ET te genet (E [RAERET Fhe Bree hire iat peel creantan | ee ‘Bur dg 60527 Pan Ey Se elt ore Pek - Pete com/pe 24 a rer Ga Seper | BEN a as ropomocnt, | Baas oe tem | Begala are ‘seborg Cllrs hb es caiiad Temsrod Sindy Crd aaa eee enge > | pape [pes ‘Sechelt, BC, VON SAB John ee ‘London, SE1S 2A as a femme estan ee ee a caeeapes | SUMS Esai: gory@laxcentral com, ‘UNITED! Era ‘State College PA IE ‘Exmnil: choard( Haley Sy Gp ‘Erne tobe pacorgak Eni: hein @ymall com ‘Oteman and Noor Exst Philatelic Socioty Boba Paki Pili Sty Circle Flown of Somon Specialists ae REE RE FoI cous | Bets as esta rere rpm asc | rae Pere uommn ree Capariatinbapataine | Pesta Eton (arene Peak 8 Bay mee ay eet anes wereeiee ereagpeae iy «| MU ‘Sutton, Surrey, SM2 60B tad 0823-02748 3 Schuman ‘Aulington WA 22205-1201 ae aoe nacre Ene ECUMEDLUG aon [Pact roiia@yaalon | EIU a a ee Eiht Pi St ‘Popucn Pile Socity Eom: sch m a Sena = he rei Metron | taeimooaos | Lee aes oe a oo etl car temm cian | ARNE eae ices tt crete | Diet lin potmnpeetl peti ea pee ne a aie teen pn ty ones ‘Jose Marin Rio, 128, Cal. Del Valle ‘Donald J, Peterson ‘Slovakia Stamp Society ‘St. Thomas VI 00801-0007 cess ae frre Se te ‘ea Lolnes one inherent ear arene ae Giese eaten EE TEacayenom | gsi ette nto | Sr i Piteaire Islands Study Group ‘Alan Hanks ie wz tite eee real ae aS Leia, eu FETE Mowgens —— Ernaldurer @bugbeset Ena in benksympatco ce oA INTRODUCTION srs Sa Chg Sty Sua Cea Md oar Sdy at) Pn Pai td Bema ep, id C. Alexis =o ‘Mrs. Gilberts Protecu_ ‘Dr. Chris Coggins, Biats aes ee Pio ea ha a ea bce sage aati sich Sere tloeten | Ea | bie Sy ee POE WEE aint EEEEEETanson | orgeemansecns Canlaon | “on MENON er a siete id Coup elt Cain | EEE Hy te Pe Ast Reyne tat msec Cee ao, Seeing (tats hee ater Tare etcay | Mba Cea Tee eh ae ee) Sela Bea osien CiinsPoatesasay | Fok Rigest inom | na ewOminnla AONE | Sage rs Son Se oe Ben pre, tes 8 Prt, | How Topical Groups Ensim fe Wingo! pcos wa nae Eset incre focreee Fou Sa ee ee Pee emad meee emcee fee Se Feeanionss eee octied a Supe Sew Ua ELITE eamay | fee a es isa Forel een (eee eat Sciam Aap a foe Haast eats Ce a ‘E-mail: crveee( Ereemtonesemeecet on SOF son 06 om my Sy aoe : React Cie ii ae a depsia8 ine Eien ese ae Freee 2 Satan Dave usr, ON LAG 21 cal TAL Ph (05) 77-6903 Bid Sp Sty, SRW Chen Scion ihn otf Ge Re etl Beton 257 rita raf wh pres EtnathonstieS cen alin Cast Soy Hd se Secon C212 ‘Porempanectncencom Enno UScoesancdiorey on The CusPite et Salers BER Snir 6, #005, Geneve 18 a2 peepee Erba rar Smspmstmpeorg ny Jens ond Unit {ty Meine HD EO Boe Taek RS a5 BOE Era myaennlS@pmailom {elon Samp Say Us Sabet Nerve 2751 Ten Lane eng 4 S858 pets Ett bonert Secon Chis & Psi on Stomp Sey Unit vente 2458 te aot Lane Graton 2074 Ea hind @qssuerg ‘Aigo Prat gens Reso "3 ‘iat Set BNC SAT ‘UNITED xNGDOAT severly at Eni neler 100@goemailcom Dogs on Sarps Std Unit Morr Rake ‘HA Never! Ro ‘onze Tewap NI 0831, Pre (os) 8-71 srdomsorg Ell mreséin@oorancom ‘pa elaymed ne hany Sect of Phi ents and deen, ne. (can-Aercan toils) Mantel Gyard nO Hers vive, Sut New Tr WY 1008-1112 Presper Ent giver set te es SE Beton ae ine &Paroriog Bri Dubro Weshiaglen, S'S Jeli Blvd, #7 - North Cieao 63 Erma balay @ssmeartnt Chekwage HY 47072058 Preis) oe S50 Ea enrenek@rondrunnetcom, Sey & Leshan History on Sums Cb a Lash istry on Ss 0 aw 1042 Dal 19752180812 seinderabeokcom/gise ‘Erle gihse@eoleom Lions Intratonal Samp Cab bn es {27 Bare ona Miia Ee VR cana Peco nosree Netto Gn tmp Say Cc Prano Seep Mares, 13101 denende lana nea Stanley Longenetar a0 Wood St ‘Mount 17582-1906, P77) 58 08h Ernall nese @usaet Matbusoticl Shady Unit Meaty Skause ‘ae bist abies 1 70429-20 vwrnetitenpsory ease cues, Eedeeoer 80) ES ae ey Fe gyrase 1S Moka Drie, Suite 3500 (hig a8 very org Email duneeomesa nt geo ‘eer Ser Po Berta oe EEL ae sere he ieee sara tent segues freee EE mm Eval direDowessog Enalt bemihtl0@sboxos 0 Unt Toni PO Boe Tana asp WY 11378 ee in er stergteusacam stomps! E'palk cera @nyerceam 224 Care Foe Son Digs CA821224110 vere sporsampsay Ena: predent@sporsompsorg ‘erent E0196, sevntampscstamgs org Enel garda! @maaeseooa Wine Sindy ait War | alien SIT Per St ‘tans ena NY 1891-1055 Br: Go gz 00 Ema whlien @eartiket Wise Stags Std Vat Dar iserterer aches fie Be SCs MO ela ase Pu G10 sas Epa: dwn awbel net omen on Samp: Siady Unit Tah Gad Bnet Seat Macca CA, 045.1902 Erna bgtiied Dosptiaat INTRODUCTION Expertizing Services ‘The following organizations wil, for « fee, provide expert opinions about stamps submited to them. Collectors should contact thes oA cxganizations to find out about ther foes and requirements belore submiting philatelic material to them. The listing ofthese groups here {s not intended as an endorsement by Amos Medic Co. General Expertizing ‘Services ‘Anercm Pillai Expertizing Serv (a savin lhe [nroen Pitlie Sei) IUD Watch Factory Pee BalfnePA 1603-1387 Pe @10 297-9903 Fax (G1) 2576128 ewes E-mail: enbrste@ sips org ‘Areas ol Expats: Wlevide BPA Bgerising Li, PO.Bac IIL (Galler Sore, US OR, UNITED KINGDOM. Ennai ec@bpungerising rg ‘Areal Expertise: Bish Cariconweh Get Btn, Class of Burope, South [Enesoa nthe Fer Exe, Pll Foundation MLAB Stele Nw Yack HY 0018 (12) 21-585 Fee @12 72-5008 ‘erephtiondaton oy mal: pilafendaon reson ne ‘rss ol Expertise US. & Wed Plt Stamp Buthetcatin od (edge Po, Ber4-o800 ‘alboaree FL 3241-0890 Casiome Serie (305) 35-9868 wwrpginccom Ena ine@pgincoom Aras ol Expert: US, Col Zs Have Phippnes, Cone Provinsos Prolsienl Stamp Beets 0. Borst70 Newport Bech CA 2858, Pa (7 STANP.&8 Fe (5) 653.7855 serene come Erna pilo@ealeeurscon ‘resol Exes: Somps ond over of US, US. Pasion, BalshCommonveclt Feyal Plate Socity Exper Center 4 Devon Pee ‘Lond, WINE ‘WuITED acnon, evga urpersnd Esa: expers@rpl org. ‘Areas of Expertise: Weide Expertizing Services Covering Specific Fields Or Countries: Ohne Ssity Eger 1080 0 Bue Fg Bl Kaneos Cy MO6416S Ph: (81 92-610, Email hneq@eolcom ‘Area of Exper Chon Generate Stamp Aline ‘alhatctin Servic Gen Fan Creve, ie POBox 276 Capshaw AL 35757-355 Ph (300 420-2858 oe oN) 424-1980, sr zlonearg Evmalksoes@kzlgent ‘Ares el Experts: Colac stomps ond pst history Errors, Frais ond Oates Callers Chub Epeisig Service 138 est aloe! Deve Kinglnd GX 21588 Pre (8a) 728-1573 ‘ren of Expertise: US, eros reas and dies stonin Plat Soity Esqertig Service ‘Clad Lane Melee NY 11707 (6) 21-2078 E-naleiot@enleom ‘Arcs el Exper Eseala Hwa Pitti Solty Expeiig Service PO. Bee 0115 eas HS66-015 ‘reso Experi: Howe ng Hong Stamp Scely xgerizing Service OB 208 aside PR 1928 | sa) se 650 ‘Baus of Experi: Hong Kong Interaatiznal Asoc ‘hitele Experts Unie Slats Aseciete members: aol Bachsbeyew HaW.s7hSt New York NY 1018 Phe (21) 97-7794 Fee (22 77-2859, ‘rons of Experi: ass, Soviet Unis ‘Wiliea T Crowe Bex 280 Daniury CT 0601-2090 Ennai werove@oeLoan ‘Ares Experise: Unie Stes Joho iersoy (Gv Keren Pit Exgring Survie en Pio ouneten) ‘reno Experi: rece abet W.Lymon PO Boe 8 Irving oa Hudson HY 10588 Phen Fs (S14) S8-5997 ‘oes of Experi: British Nord, ‘Rowers, New Zealand ‘bart Oder O,Bax4Ol ‘Bernardi 0784-001 Ph and Fa (308) 158-5450 Bresso Epes: Hew Zaina, Soa 1800 Suga Ssmanio ‘The ageey Tove, Sut 1108 ‘70 James Sree, Spruce HY 13203 Ph: Gs) 22-291 a 5) 42-288 ‘ens of Experi: Bish East ‘lin, Cameron, i Gnd Hope Canad, Bish oth Area Toteroatisnel Soi fr Japanese ‘Philly Exertisng Commies 12 Nor in Trees, Soe snd RY 0812-4052 Ph: 16) 273008 ‘Arcs of Experts: Jpan ond aad reas. xp WWII Jopaest Ocapatien suet Internal Scie fo Portaguese Pity Epertzig Service PO, Bax saleb Philaephia PA 191239146, Ph and Fi: (215) 819-2108, mal ssared@ eile ‘Arua of Experise: Patoga nd Conic Masco Etahar Pit Socity Inlerooeael Expr Camier 0. Box 1133 Wes Corian CA 81783 Ares ol Experts Mexico ‘issnin Phil & Nuit Sait Eperizing Service ssse Dal La ‘Ween 882-1952 ‘Arar f Expertise: race, Wstrn Ursin 16 Growne Pilate Reeorch Frondaen Po. Box 20, Saion 0 uaa, MAT CANADA, Ph: (Ue) 1-2079 Foe (45) 21-120 ‘wregreneimniotonce Ema vpgioundton@onatbncon ‘Aon Experi: ria Herts Ae 108, INTRODUCTION Information on Catalogue Values, Grade and Condition Catalogue Value The Scott Catclogue value is ¢ retail value; that is, an amount ‘you could expect to pay fora stamp in the grade of Very Fine with no fouls, Any exceptions fo the grade valued will be noted in the text. ‘The general introduction on the following pages and the individual section introductions further explain the type of material that is val ued. The value listed for any given stamp isa reference that reflects recent actual dealer selling prices for that item. Decier retail price lists, public cucion results, published prices in advertising and individual solicitation of retal prices from dealers, collecors end specially organizations have been used in estab: lishing the values found in this catalogue. Amos Media Co. valuos ‘somps, but Amos Media is not a company engaged in the business: ‘of buying and selling stamps as a dealer. Use this exialogue as a guide for buying «nd selling. The actual price you pay for@ stamp may be higher or lower than the catalogue value because of many diferent factors, including the amount of ‘personal service a dealer offers, or increased or decreased interest in the county or topic represented by a stamp or sot, An item may oscasionally he offered at lower price as "loss leades” of as pat of a special sae. You also may obtain an item inexpensively at public ‘ausion because of ite interest at that ime or as part of «lange lot Stamps that are of a lesser grade than Very Fine, or those with condition problems, generally trade at lower prices than those given in this caiclogue. Stamps of exceptional quality in both grade and condition often command higher prices than those listed. Values fr pre-1900 unused isues cre for stamps wih approximately Ibif or more oftheir original gum. Stamps with mest oral of thir orig ‘al gum may be expected to sell for more, and stampe with less than bait oftheir original gum may be expected o sel for somewhat less than the vals listed. On rarer stamps, it may be expected thatthe orginal gum wil be somewhat more disturbed than it wil be on mere comman ‘eves, Pos. 1900 unused use are assumed to have ful orginal gum. rom breckpoints in most couneslistings, stamps are valued as newer hinged, due tothe wide avoilabilty of stamps in that condition. These ‘notations are prominently planed inthe listings and in the country infor: ‘mation the listings. Some countries clso feature listings with ‘dual values for hinged and never-hinged stamps. Grade A stamp's grade and condition are crucial to its value. The ‘accompanying illustrations show examples of Very Fine stamps from Giferent ime periods, clong with examples of stamps in Fine to Very Fine and Extremely Fine grades as points of reference. When stamp sallor offers a stamp in any grade from fine to superb without further ualifying statements, that stamp should not only have the centering grade os defined, but it also should be free of faulis or other cond on probloms. FINE stomps (ilustrations not shown) have designs that are quite off contr, with tho perforations on ono or two sides very close to fhe design but not quite touching it. There is white space between the perforctions and the design thot is minimal but evident to the unaided eye. Imperforate stamps may have small margins, and ecr- lier issues may show the design just touching one edge of the stamp design. Very early perforated issues normally will have the perior- ‘Sons slightly cutting into the design. Used stamps may have heavier than weal cancellations, FINEYVERY FINE stamps will be somewhat off center on one side, or slightly off center on two sides. Imperforate stamps will have two margins of ot least normal size, and the design wil not touch any edge. For perforated stamps, the perfs are well clear ofthe design, but ave sill noticeably off center. However, early issues of « country ‘may be printed in such a way thatthe design noturally fe very close to the edges. In these cases, the perforations may cut into the design very slightly. Used stamps will not have a cancellation that detracts from the design, ‘VERY FINE stamps willbe just slightly off center on one or two sides, ‘bu the design wil be well clear of the edge. The stamp will present a nice, balanced appearance. Imperforate stamps will be well centered ‘within nomal-sized margins. However, early sues of many countries ‘may be printed in such @ way that tho perforations may touch the design on oneor more sides. Where this isthe ease, hored note will be {ound defining the centering and margins of the stamps being valued. Used stamps will have igh or otherwise nect cancellations. This i the ‘grade used to establish Scott Catalogue values, ‘EXTREMELY FINE stamps are close to being perfectly centered. Imperforate stamps will have even margins that are slighty larger than normal. Even the earliest perforated issues will have perfor tions clear ofthe design on all sides. ‘Amos Media Co, recognizes that there is no formally enforced grading scheme for postage stamps, and that the final price you ay of obtain for q stamp will be determined by individual agree ent atthe time of transaction. Condition Grade addresses only cortering and (lor used stamps) cancella. tion, Condition relers to factors other than grade that affect a stamp's desirability Factors that can increase the value ofa stamp include exceptionally wide margins, partculaly fresh color, the presence of selvage, and plate or die varieties. Unusual cancels on used stamps (parilanly those ofthe 19th century) can greatly enhance their value as wel, Factors other than fauls thet decrease the value of a stamp incude Joss of original gum, regumming, « hinge remnant or foreign abject ‘adhering fo the gum, natural inclusions, suaight edges, and matings ‘or notations applied by collectors or dealers. Faults include missing pieces, tears, pin or other holes, surface souffs, thin spots, erecses, toning, short or pulled perforations, clipped oxidation or other forms of color changelings, soling,ctaing, and such man-made changes as roportorations or the chemical removal or lightening of « eancellation. Grading Illustrations the following two pages ar illustrations of various stamps fom countries appearing in this volume. These stamps are arranged by ‘country, and they represent early or important issues that are offen found in widely diflerent grades in the marketplace. Tho editors believe the ‘lustrations wail-prove useful in showing the margin size «and centering that will be seen on the various issues, In addition to the matters of margin size and centering, collectors are reminded thatthe very fine stamps valued in the Scot catalogues also will possess fresh color and intact perforations, and they wil be free from defects ‘Examples chown are computer-manipulated images made from single digitized master ilutrations. Stamp Hustrations Used in the Catalogue TEs important to note thatthe stamp images used for Mentification purposes in this catlaogue may not be indicative of the grade of stamp being valued. Refer to the writen discussion of grades on this page cand tothe grading lustrations on the following two pages for grading information, INTRODUCTION Fine-Very Fine scort GatLoaues Extremely Flne-Very Fine 1A 22a, INTRODUCTION For purposes of helping to determine the gum condition ond value of an unused stamp, Scott presents the following chart which details different qum conditions and indicates how the conditions ‘conelate withthe Scott values for unused stamps. Used together, the fed Lightly Hinged Faint impression ‘of a removed hinge over a ‘small area INTRODUCTION Sree) Hinge Mark or Heranant Prominent hinged spot with part oral of the 413A Ilustrated Grading Chart on the previous pages and this llustrated Gum Chart should allow catalogue users to better understand the grade and gum condition of stamps valued in the Seott catalogues. fe No gum Only if issued with gum Approximately half or more of the gum intact | the gum intact binge remaining aaa listings for selected unused classic stamps Pro-1900 Iesues (PrelB8i kr US) trade at « premium over Scott value From 1900 to break points for listings of neverhinged stamps cilsced, by the From breakpoints noted for many counties Scott Value for "Unused! Never Hinged (NH; 4): A noverhinged stamp will have full criginal gum that will have no hinge mark or disturbance. The pres- fence of an expertizer's mark does not diequally @ stamp lzor this dosignation, Original Gum (OG; #): Pro-1900 stamps should have approxt- ‘mately half or more oftheir original gum. On rarer stamps, t may ‘be expected that the original gum will be Somewhat more disturbed than it will be on more common issues. Post-1900 stamps should ‘have full original gum. Original gum will show some disturbance ‘caused by a previous hinge(s) which may be present or entirely removed. The actual value of a post-1900 stamp willbe affected by the degree of hinging ofthe full original gum. Disturbed Original Gum: Gum showing noticeable olfects of humidity, climate or hinging over more thon half of the gum. The significance of gum disturbance in valuing « stamp in any of the (Onginal Gum categories depends on the degree of disturbance, the rarity and normal gum condition of the issue and other variables calfecting quality. Regummed (RG; (4): Aregummed stamp is a samp without gum that has had some type of gum privately applied at a time after it ‘was issued. This normally is done to deceive collectors and/or deal- fs into thinking thatthe stamp bas original gum cd therefore has a higher value, A regummed stamp is considered the same asa stamp with none ofits orginal gum for purposes of grading. Yery fine pre-1900 stamps in these categories Scott Value for “Unused” ‘Scott Value for "Unused (Actual value will be degree of hinging ofthe full og.) 14a INTRODUCTION Understanding the Listings ‘On the opposite page isan enlarged “typioal” listing fom this eat- logue. Below are detailed explanations of each of tha highlighted ‘pars of the isting. =o ees ee Seas ee ee Seer gear aes 2 gee eect ee eee eee Speier sees eee pera caeeeray ease Tee icra een reuse aaa cy epee eee are ve ieee ioe tee ieee oe ean eer sreyeaa toes eee Saeco San aaa Si che peceeeas cats ees 2a aa arene at eraeeeeci am Sonate ae eee ae eee aes ais ers soree gaan Se ee ee a ae ea —aseae ee Stacie yl al see re ee ee ee ieee teatro ae ian eecaeee ee iicter agate ares ovo ee St on enya ay ata ees oe rae cm Sere aa eee eens eee ee ae eee ae bees ere Si ae Set eneeeeas = fee Smeets Saeed oe Saas aieeee monk Se ces remot esc ey ns ams ets Ses SS cateptzwsinne eee Sree seanecoriee ati eorrareges Sones eee Siesta eens = aie me speanyen inna Oreceecctiss ie age re mer po ae feign ee a a er ean Soe es Se a SE veer She aaa ‘ay show onl the lotr. These listings dont a variety ofthe major item, Examples include peioraon and shade dileenees, mul (come souveis sheets, booket panes and seenan! combinations), Gnd singles of mulipies Eccmples of major number listings include 16, 28A, B97, C138, 10N5, and TONGA. ‘of minor numbers ere 16a and C1SAb. (9% information about a stamp or set — Introducing each stamp issue is a smal secon (usally «line iting) of base Information about « stamp or set. This section normally inchides the date of iesue, method of printing, perforation, watermark and, same: times, some cddtional infomation of note Printing method. prfora: tion ana watermark apply othe folowing sts nti change ented. Slamps created by overpristing or surcharging previous Issues aro cssuned io have te some perortion, watermark, pring matiod Gnd other production charaersis asthe ovina Dates ftasue ore Gs precise as Scot is able to confi and often zellet the dates on frstday covers, rather than the actual date of release. Denomination — This normally refers to the face value of ‘the stamp; that i, the cost of the unused stamp atthe pos fice at tho time of iscue. When @ denomination is shown in parentheses, \tdoes not appear on the stamp. This includes the non-denominated stamps ofthe United Statos, Bail and Great Britain, for example \Color or other description — This crea provides information 'o solidly identification of stomp. In many recent cases, ¢ escription of the stamp design appears in this space, ralher than @ Tisting of colors, (@ "=: of issue — In stamp seis that have been released in a ‘period that spans more than a oat, the number show in paren theses is the year that stamp frst cppeared. Stamps without @ date peed dung the st year of the issue, Dates are not civays ‘given for minor varieties. Value unused and Value used — The Scott catalogue val- tues cre based on stamps that are in a grade of Very Fie unless stated otherwise. Unused values zefer fo items that have nol seen ‘postal, revenue or eny other duty for which they were intended, Pre- 1900 unused stampsthat were ised with gum must have ct leas most cf their original gum. Later iseues are assumed to have fll onginal ‘gum. Ftom’ breckpoints specified in mast counties’ lings, stamps {re vcluod as nover hinged. Stamps issued without gum are noted. ‘Modem issues with PVA’ or othor synthetic cdhesives-may cppear ‘ungummed, Unused salt adhesive stamps are valued as appearing undisturbed on their original backing paper. Values for used sol ‘adhesive stamps aro for examples either on piece or off piece. For @ ‘more deiailed explanation ofthese values, ploaso soe the "Catalogue Value," “Condition” and "Understanding Valuing Notations” sections elsewhere inthis introduction. In some cases, where used stamps are more valuable than unused, stamps, the value is for an example with « contemporaneous cancel, rather than a modem cancel ora smudge or other unclear marking. For those stamps that were released for postal and fiscal purposes the used value represents a postally used stamp. Stamps with 1ev- ‘enue cancels generally sell for less. Stamps separated from a complete sefenant multiple usuclly will bbe worth less than a pre-rcied a perin ofthe sedencol mule, and stamps lacking the attached labels that are noted inthe listings will be woth lee than the values shown. (Seances in basic set information — Bold ype is wed to ‘show ny changes in tho basis dota given fore oto amp These bovic data cetogeries include perforation gauge mousur real paper te, printing maod gad wetermare. Total valve of « set — The total valve of sel of three or ‘mote samp ised afer 190 ae shown. The eine lao nce the range of Scot mimbers ond ota mbes neue inthe reaping. The acral oe of ast consisting precorinenly of straps raving tho minimum va of 25 conte mary be les than he otal vale ‘howe Stary he octclvlve or ectlegue wae of sect pas of locks conssing of sams ving the minima vue of cots ‘hay bo es hon the atlogue valve lhe component pat. INTRODUCTION 158 ScorT NUMBER ILLUS. ‘NUMBER PAPER COLOR LISTING STYLE DEEP) King George VI AT Engr. o"= green (42) 25 1.75 dark carmne «4100 6.00 gray (42) 25 5.75 gray 5.00 125 dark car ('42}————25 2-00 blue 60 1.00 rose lac 1180 2.00 dark violet 200. 2.00 olive bister 200-754 orange & dk = 210 3.254 Typo. Perf. 14 Chalky Paper 63 a7 2sh ultra & dl vio, bY 7.00 17.50 6 p-fod-blk, bl 8.00 19:50 85 A7 Ssh red&gm, yel 95.00 30.00 MINORS 66 67 1. Ssh di red & dp gin, ya (44) AT 40sh_ red & grn, gr wmk. 3 A7 £1 blk & vio, red 30.00 48.00 ‘Nos. 54-67 (18) 136.05 216.35" Ok brown ('42) dark brown————258—35} Set, never hinged Perf. 12% 25 225 55.00 140.00 35.00 70.00 220.00 BASIC INFORMATION ON STAMP OR SET DENOMINATION COLOR OR OTHER DESCRIPTION YEAR OF ISSUE CATALOGUE VALUES CHANGES IN BASIC SET INFORMATION 168 Catalogue Listing Policy 1s th ent of Aes Mada Co ot el pete sar ot owed ie oh aoe deus See as decreed age for postage by he oer f lcs i pom ec gel ee re Soe rn nena eel ren Sige geen, er rerio lees denen So ta Sis a Fare eeu cerns Siar See ot ot SP ce ee rere pierre om eco en ce Ser rege et cca robe soepoe neem eat hou eed, soe ah ser rae eae re ee WE ry eatin pacts eae ares sai et ete neem oc eel Bf Soety Be cme grapes ated ie ce ies Shey a ae Seka seem ngemers cras palen se a ae ne a ee eae near coarse See aera) a Rend Sosa Sk Ste, es SS oie one Sahn Siete ec an mera e eg el ee ee ee ea aoe en eee ere Seneetieeemeea ere ee OR oeroe ened arcane hea ah ieee areca ee ceo ee EE Sn Sh iieiac emia aanet eer nies ao eRe eck eee tt pret Pee es eatin fy Sele ees oe ee, eas ees IE ae ol te Sr ey aan Oa bene ae oS bn Secon es ceive Stampe oll nly accion wilh clber proses Alef ate beso pies es sree pe rscigghcterm wernt s ee mec Sr ae EI a tnaed eines eeaees Ze eearelirarees op init gr, Sas plate a os Mee cere ee oe semen Hn tema le teins eons acer aes bebe tere se Soe pe a ee ee ene Coe ee ee Sete me oa oper et ee hemes erp ol om on ace ie or ee ee ea rare Le ge or eal go egies ageistar tage Eats ¢ ae ’ eM WO whic eer cee! 2 ope setae eg ete te enon cree Pi aaa ares Bicones = Achar rang de eel sped RE pacmis agree a Stereos i pee ta na a omer re es rae eens Se cer fe Set Sees eae ey een one guy ae eg meee ee meh ur ae ee tg mes Saye ee cee ten ae _ ee ee eet Seren er re ea eer als Capi wt 1 de Coenen orem ee So eC se on a mere cree Sree rer: samp Hearty tions Geis ne mnemonics say rel gue ve gc {or definitive ses, based on previous experience wath any given coun ‘gz lc fow more stamps were iened in at than o expected, they oten have been {nto the orginal set wih a cupitalieier uch as U.S, Scot 1058A. fit eppear that many mote stamps INTRODUCTION than the originclly alloted block willbe released before the sets com- ited, c new block of numbers wil be reserved, with the orginal one ‘closed off. in some eases, auch as the US. Transportation and Great Americans series, severe blocks of numbors ex. Rppropaaialy placed footnotes will guido you to each sols continuation. ‘New country —~ Membership in the Universal Postal Union is act 4 consideration for listing status or order of placement within the Catalogue. The index will el ou in what volume or page number the stings begin sorb loue dete" tems — The anosn! ot nomation vache 5 any given stamp ius aris grocly from county fo Suny cn (ren fiom time o Sine, eremely comprehensive fon Shout ‘ew stamps is aveilablo from somo countries wal belore the stamp te released, By conlrast some counines do net provide infermaten Shout stamps of rpleasa date, Most countries, however fal botween thee exemes, A county may provide denominctons of sued Sonelties pti apehes ose rete kms redo opreseal mea, gilgtei agencies, thors pate preset counties Gd these teria fen pst wall te he emal ‘lease ‘me period can range from woos fo years I these {ome were ofciclyrleasod by tho county thoy willbe added tothe ppropiate spot tho ot In any case the spec rlece date © Gverpts "Tae col eka ovrpin is lays noted sok ats i overpin is aways noted iit is thee than Bleck. Where. more thon one color of in has Deen used on overphinis of single set, the color uae isnot. Easy overprint ond Suicharge Ulustaions were cliered to prevent thei use by forges Poronalzed Stampe — sinog 190 the spel snc po sonaliing stomp vigettes, oF labels cached fo stamps has been ‘llored to customors by postal administatsons ok mony counts. Shoots of these stamps cre eld, singly or in quantity, only trough special ordere made in powon, or hrougy solo onc mputer website wih the posal deiniststions or their agente for ic gn ota eee cre hough some court io cle {ors at face value personalized starips having generic images in the metes or on te attached label, tis impossible for any eciclogue {plow what images have been chosen by customers. mages can bo'l)otmod or erected by tho customer 2) genenc image, or 8 an Image pulled tem e library of tock images on the stamp creation Impossible to ney the quontiy prcted for on Stamp having «particular image. So tom a valalag stendosin Sey nag i egivlnt to ysber Ie for any persone ‘Satnp lcving the same catalogue number Hiustratios of personel {zed Stamps inthe catalogue ote not always thove of stamp having ‘generic mages. Potgonalzed ims cro listed with some exceptions, These inhide: 1 of shoot thot havo attached labels het he cuter connct 8, cre nopetholoes marketed ao ‘personae, Eu ao sold lr far mors tan the ranking vat. 2) Stamps o: shecs that can be persondlized by the customer, but pegs poe othe rin nun mbt be code tothe fsuingcouisy slo to ober eustortrs. ‘S'Stamps or sheets tht ae created exclusively for pastcularcom- ‘eraal clon orien, neiuding stamps that Sie Hom any sar ‘tap that has been made availble tothe publi "Stamps or shools that aro deliberately Conceived by the fsuing Guthonty that have been, or are likely to be. erected with an exces ‘Sve nutter of diferent face values, saes, or olor loatrs tht aro changeable. 5, Stamps oi sheeis that are created by postal administrations using the same system of sonal ete a re eee Boryienic ai oomactviatacme ero Perec aa a eh Sear Fe Atha ta cb omen et ely ated or controlled by c postal administration. " Excluded items may or may not be footaated, ‘Se-tenants — Connected stamps of difering features (e-tencnts) will be listed in the formal most commonly collected. This includes ee eee Baltics fea eva cits tiatnas Ea liga emecperaceri ie Se maybe sataned 15 hemp. wis mors Geng fo coca Seas hat canon cena Seerat Stay Wee meee cher atta be ty eee sabato casbn on INTRODUCTION Special Notices Classification of stamps | ‘The Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue lists stamps by coun ‘ny ofisue. The next level of organization isa listing by section on the ‘basis ofthe function of the slampe. The principal sections cover requlat postage, semipostl, cit post, special delivery, registration, postage

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