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EXP – 1 : Installation of MONGO DB

EXP – 2 :

Create a collection Hobbies with following keys :

 Roll Number
 Name
 Age
 Gender
 Mobile Number
 Hobbies

Create a collection of 60 students data


- Display all the students all the students who are boys
- Display the names of students starting with letter ‘S’
- Display the students whose name ends with ‘S’
- Display the students who have sports as their hobby
- Display the students who have more than two hobbies
- Display the details with roll number, name, and mobile number
- Display whose age is less exactly 20.

EXP – 3 :

Create collection marks and store your Sem 4 data with columns as roll number, gender,
subject/course code : Marks , Total and Percentage

Create student marks with roll number, name, branch and three subject marks

o Implement CRUD Operations

o Create collection with only roll number and 4 subject marks
o Add new column as total and percentage [using formula]
o Display the students who failed in MGT41
o Display the students who got above 70 in MGT42
o Display the students who got 60%-70% on an aggregate
o Display the class toppers in each subject – gender wise

EXP – 4 :

Implement aggregate functions for the following :

o Sort
o Count
o Projection
o Skip
o Limit


o Skip first four documents from student collection

 db.student.find().skip(4).pretty()
o Skip first four documents from student collection and limit to two documents
 db.student.find().skip(4).limit(2).pretty()
o Display last 5 documents
 db.student.skip(count()-5).limit(5)

EXP – 5 :

Implement null values in documents.


o To add new column to the collection as category

 db.student.update({},{$set:{category:null}})
 If update is used only one document will be updated. To update all documents,
use update many
 db.student.updateMany({ }, ($set:{category:null})
o Update category with your category for your roll number :
 db.student.update({roll number : 202805},($Set :{OC})
o Remove category field from student collection where value is assigned as BC
 db.student.updateMany({category: ‘BC’},{unset: “BC”})

EXP – 6 :

Implementing arrays.


o Create collection food with columns as fruits and vegetables, custormer ID. And total

Custoemer ID Fruits Vegetables

1 Apple, grape , banana Carrot
2 Watermelon Potatoes, Peas
3 Mangoes, watermelon Broccoli, lettuce

o Create database as market

 Use market
o Create collection food
 Db.createcollection(“food”)
o Insert docs all at a time
 [{Cust ID : 1, {fruits:[ ]},{vegetable :[ ] },

{Cust ID : 1, {fruits:[ ]},{vegetable :[ ] } ]

o Find the document containing fruits as ‘banana’ and ‘mango’

{fruits : [‘banana’,’mango’]}).pretty()
o Display the number of customers who purchased mangoes
{fruits : ‘mango’ }).count()
o display customers who purchased only two types of fruits :
o display the documents who purchased three vegetables but display only first two
o update the document with mango at index 1 and replace it with cherry
{“fruits.1”: “mango”},{$push:{fruits: “cherry”}})
To create a database , command : use <dbname>

To create collection : db.createcollection(name,options)

To display the collections : Show collections

To create document : db.dbname.insert( )

To find : db.sem4.find()

EXP – 4 :


The table contains following information : roll number, name, m1, m2 and m3

o Display the columns roll number, m1

 db.collectionname.find({ },{roll number :1 , m1 : 1 })
o Arrange the data in descending order of m2
 Db.collectionamme.find().sort({m2:-1})
o Display the roll numbers and marks above 60 in m3
 Db.collectionname.find({ m3:{$gt:60}}, {Rollnumber:1,m3:1}).sort({m3: -1}})
o Display the number of students failed in m2
 Db.collectionname.count({m2:{$lt:40}})

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