List of Abbreviations 2023 Fundamentals of Smart Grid Systems

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List of abbreviations

AC alternating current
ACSR aluminum conductor steel reinforced
AE autoencoder
AMI advanced metering infrastructure
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ARIMA autoregressive integrated moving average
ARMA autoregressive moving average
BAN building area network
BB-PLC broadband-programmable logic controller
BEV battery electric vehicle
BDC bottom dead center
BNN Bayesian neural network
BoS balance of system
BPNN back-propagation neural network
CAE convolutional autoencoder
CAES compressed air energy storage
CB circuit breaker
CE Coulomb efficiency
CF capacity factor
CGT combustion gas turbine
CHP combined heat and power
CNN convolutional neural network
COE cost of energy
DC direct current
DES data encryption standard
DFIG doubly fed induction generator
DG distributed generation
DIAC diode for alternating current
DMFC direct methanol fuel cell
DNN deep neural network
DOD depth of discharge
DoS denial of the service
DR demand response
EM energy management system
EMF electromotive force
ESS energy storage system
EV electric vehicle
FC flying capacitor
FC fuel cell
FCEV fuel cell electric vehicle
FES flywheel energy storage
FFNN feedforward neural network
FiT feed-in tariff
FLC fuzzy logic control

xvi List of abbreviations

FL fuzzy logic
GHG greenhouse gas
GPRS general packet for radio service
GSM global system for mobile communication
GTO gate turn-off
HAN home area network
HAWT horizontal axis wind turbine
HEMS home energy management system
HES hybrid energy system(s)
HEV hybrid electric vehicle
HOMER hybrid optimization model for electric renewables
HRSG heat recovery steam generator
IAN industry area network
ICE internal combustion engine
ICT information and communication technologies
IEA International Energy Agency
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
IG induction generator
IGBT insulated gate bipolar transistor
IGCT Integrated gate-commutated thyristor
INC incremental conductance
IoT Internet of things
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
IRR internal rate of return
ISO International Organization for Standardization
KCL Kirchhoff’s current law
KVL Kirchhoff’s voltage law
LA lightning arrester
LCOE levelized cost of energy
LCS load commutation switch
LOA level of autonomy
LOLE loss of load expected
LPSP loss of power supply probability
LSTM long short-term memory
LTE long-term evolution
LTE-A long-term evolution-advanced
LTF long-term forecasting
MAC media access control
MAE mean absolute error
MAPE mean absolute percentage error
MCFC molten carbonate fuel cell
MIMO multiple input multiple output
MLI multilevel inverter
MOV metal oxide varistor
MPPT maximum power point tracker
MSC mobile switching center
MTF medium-term forecasting
NAN neighborhood area network
NB-PLC narrow band-programmable logic controller
NEM net energy metering
NPV net present value
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NWP numerical weather prediction
OFDMA orthogonal frequency-division multiple access
List of abbreviations xvii
OC open circuit
P&O perturb and observe
PAFC phosphoric acid fuel cell
PCA principal component analysis
PCC point of common coupling
PEM proton exchange membrane
PEMFC proton exchange membrane fuel cell
PHEV parallel hybrid electric vehicle
PHEV plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
PID proportional integral derivative
PLC power line communication
PMSG permanent magnet synchronous generator
PSCAD Power Systems Computer Aided Design
PSO particle swarm optimization
PV photovoltaic
PWM pulse width modulation
QoS quality of service
Re-LU rectified linear unit
RES renewable energy system
RF random forest
RMS root mean square
RMSE root mean square error
RNN recurrent neural network
ROI return on investment
RPM rounds per minute
RPS renewable portfolio standard(s)
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
SCR silicon-controlled rectifier
SCS silicon-controlled switch
SG synchronous generator
SHEV series hybrid electric vehicle
SMES superconducting magnetic energy storage
SOC state of charge
SPDT single pole double throw
SPST single pole single throw switch
SRF-PLL synchronous reference frame-phase locked loop
SSCB solid-state circuit breaker
STCs standard test conditions
STF short-term forecasting
SVD singular value decomposition
SVM support vector machine
SVR support vector regression
TDC top dead center
TEL total energy loss
THD total harmonic distortion
TRIAC triode for alternating current
UMTS universal mobile telecommunication system
V2G vehicle to grid
VAR vector autoregression
VAWT vertical axis wind turbine
VSTF very short-term forecasting
VSC voltage source converter
VSI voltage source inverter
WAN wide area network
WPD wind power density

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