A - /RRR: LLWR, - G @R

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TASK TWO: Think obout the colours Uou ore going to use in gour logo design.

List ot leost two

colours Uou ore going to use for gour logo in the box below.

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TASK THREE: Produce some initiol ideos for gour project logo. Fill the boxes with gour ideos ond
odd colour if thot is port of gour design (oim to design ot leost 6 different ideos): You ore going
to do this ot home on o piece of poper.

1 2 3 4
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TASK FOUR: Decide upon the best two ideqs ond veru neotlg drow them below using the
colours gou selected in TASK THREE. Fill eoch box to moke the logo big enough to be sconned or
photogrophed. Then Uou ore going to odd the photo of gour hond-drown imoges.


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