TQ Mapeh 8-2022-2023

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Name: Date:_____________________
Grade & Section:__________________________________
______ 1. The following are countries that belong to Southeast Asia except.
a. China c. Cambodia
b. Thailand d. Philippines
______ 2. Rasa sayang is from ______ which is a Southeast Asian music.
a. Singapore c. Malaysia
b. Vietnam d. Indonesia
______ 3. Which of the following is a Southeast Asian music that became popular in Singapore?
a. Rasa Sayang c. Chan Mali Chan
b. Burung Kakatua d. Loi Loi Gratong
______ 4. An Indonesian folk song that compares a beloved old parrot to a grandma.
a. Rasa Sayang c. Chan Mali Chan
b. Burung Kakatua d. Loi Loi Gratong
_______ 5. Rasa Sayang literally means?
a. Loving feeling c. Where is the love?
b. The cockatoo d. Where is my lamb?

Duration Tempo Pitch Timbre Texture Dynamics Structure

_______6. The length of time a pitch or tone is sounded.
_______7. The volume within the song.
_______8. The speed of the music.
_______9. It is the degree of highness and lowness of a tone.
_______10. The characteristic quality of a sound which make it unique.
_______11. Combination of melody, rhythm, and harmony to create overall quality of music.
_______12. The form and arrangement of a piece of music.

1. Analyze the Indonesian batik below and identify what are the elements and principles of art are

A. Value and Emphasis

B. Shapes and Balance
C. Line and Variety
D. Space and Contrast
2. It is a puppet shadow play which traced to be originated in India.
A. Songkok B. Wayang Kulit C. Merlion D. Wau Kite
3. What do you call the festival considered good luck to release a sky lantern and many Thais
believe they are symbolic of problems and worries floating away?
A. Loi Krathong Festival in Thailand B. Deepavali in Malaysia
C.Tet Trung Thu inVietnam D. Choul Chnam Thmey Cambodia
4. The “drop” action in batik refers to the process of dyeing the fabric by making use of a resist
technique: why does hot wax is being utilized in this process?
A. To prevent cloth from absorbing color
B. To enhance the color
C. To be able to put lighter and more vibrant colors than deep colored
D. All of the above
5. In what aspect does Malaysian batik differs from Javanese Batik?

A. The geometric shapes B. The patterns are larger and simpler

C. The silk D. The raw materials being used
6. Nowadays, batik is featured in as the uniform of flight attendants for the official flag carrier
airlines of ______________________.
A. Singapore B.Indonesia C. Malaysia D. All of the above
7. Songkok in Malaysia: Sikh in India ,Batik in Indonesia: Malong in ______________
A. Japan B. Thailand C. Philippines D. Laos
8. A Malaysian kite wherein its wings are similar to Arabic letter.
A. Songkok b. Flying lantern C. Wayang kulit D. Wau
9. Handicraft: Cambodia ; Silk Painting: ____________
A. Brunei B. Vietnam C. Thailand D. Indonesia
10. These are made up of rice paper with a bamboo frame which contains a fuel cell or small
A. Flying carpet B. Flying Lantern C. Wayang kulit D. wau kite
11. Depicted as a mythical creature with a lion’s head and a body of a fish.
A. Wayang kulit B. Wau C. Merlion D. Songkok
12. Considered to be one of the finest arts in the world because of its uniqueness and cannot be
A. Batik B. modern Batik C. Thai Silk D. Merlion
_____ 1. What health related component of Fitness that needs running, walking swimming, and
A. Muscular strength. B. Cardiovascular endurance C. Flexibility D. Body composition

_____ 2. Andrea wants to know her Body mass index (BMI). Her weight is 36kg and her height is
1.50 cm. What is her BMI?
A.12 B. 14 C.16 d. 18
_____ 3. Student C always has a practice in basketball pass or chest pass. What skill related of
physical fitness he applied?
a. Agility B. Speed C. Power D.Balance
______ 4. Which of the following do not belong to the Health-related fitness?
a. Increases muscle tone and strength
b. Decreases susceptibility to injuries and illness
c. Reduce risk of osteoporosis
d. Decreases energy level and academic achievement
_____5. A free throw is worth how many points?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D.1

_____6. To acquire the ball after missed shot is called_______.

A. lay-up B. foul C. free throw D. rebound

_____7. Which of the following exercises would best test the muscular strength of your legs?

A. push ups B. pull ups C. curl ups d. squats

_____8. Which shot has the highest percentage of going in the basket?

A. 3 point shot B. lay-up C. half-court shot D. Free throws

_____9. The ability of the muscle to work against a resistance for an extended period of time is

A. Muscular strength B. Flexibility C. Cardiovascular endurance. D. Muscular endurance

____10. The amount of time it takes to respond to stimulus.

A. Reaction Time B. Coordination C. Power D. Agility

____11. It is a simple test of agility.

A. Stork balance Stand Test B. Hexagon Agility Test C. Juggling D. Long jump

____12. It is designed to assess one’s general health before starting any exercise plan_____

A. Laboratory Test B. Parent Consent C. PAR-Q D. Survey


Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the space provided
before the number.
______1. What term defines a man or a woman based on the biological characteristics?
a. androgyny b. gender c. sex d. sexuality

______2. What particular word refers to femininity or masculinity of a person’s role and behavior?
a. androgyny b. gender c. sex d. sexuality

______3. Which of the following that describe sexuality involves in mental self?
a. The way you feel about yourself and others. c. The way you interact with others
b. The way you think as a man or a woman d. The way you value relationships

______4. Which of the following illustrates gender?

a. Men have no right to cry in public
b. Both parents are responsible to take care of their children
c. Teaching is a job for women
d. Police Officers is for men only

_____5. Who among the students is wise in dealing with his/her sexuality?
a. Arnold who makes 3 girlfriends at the same time.
b. Nora who maintains intimate relationship with her boyfriend.
c. John who sets goal of finishing studies with her girlfriend.
d. Shane who smokes and drinks alcohol with her boyfriend.

____6. Rona is now on her puberty stage. Which practice could be done in order to protect herself
from unwanted pregnancy?
a. Hanging – out with her friends often
b. Learn the right information about her sexuality
c. Watching pornographic scenes in the internet
d. Have boyfriend right away
____7. I know myself well. I know how I react in some situation. This indicates
a. Self-love
b. Self-knowledge
c. Self-respect
d. Self-expression
____8. If other people treat you very bad, you wanted to fight back but you are aware the
consequences. You regard yourself as worthwhile person as:
a. Self-love
b. Self-knowledge
c. Self-respect
d. Self-expression

One night Ambyo Family talked about what happened to the daughter of Deffel Family; after, the
parents of Ambyo Family advise her daughter the effect of pre-marital sex, early pregnancy and
abortion and telling them to not discriminate the daughter of Deffel Family but instead encouraging
her to go forward and continue her life.

______9. If you are the parents of Deffel Family, what should be the right things to do?
a. Do not allow her to show into public due to she is shameful to the family.
b. Keep your daughter to the man so that people will never know.
c. Let your daughter to have a vacation and come back after the delivery
d. Encourage your daughter and give her time to correct their mistake.

______10. As Grade 8 students, how will you handle the problem of Family B if you are the
a. Go into suicide. c. Go into boyfriend’s house.
b. Go into abortion. d. Go home, talk to Parents and face the consequences.

_____11. One of your friends got pregnant. What would you do in order to help her?
a. Bring her to the doctor for check-up
b. Tell your parents about it and ask them to help you inform your friends parents.
c. Call your friends parents and inform them that their daughter is pregnant.
d. Both b & c

_____12. In the Philippines, gender equality was already practice. Which of the following does not
show gender equality?
a. Right of suffrage
b. Equal chance to land a job
c. Protection for sexual abuse
d. A philandering woman are more immoral than man

“Understanding a question is half an answer”


1. A
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. C


1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. C


1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D


1. C
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. D
13. D
14. D
15. C

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