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4. Deploy marketing combination program.

4.1. Product

 The core product:

As a beverage made from coffee with outstanding quality, Starbucks products are not
only a "drink" to satisfy the thirst for refreshment but also for customers to "enjoy". .
Customers come to Starbucks not so much for the perfect cup of coffee, they come to
enjoy a lifestyle that they feel extremely close to. Not only selling coffee, Starbucks also
"sells" passion to customers.

 The actual product:

- At its stores, Starbucks has installed automatic coffee machines to speed up customer
- Delivering an espresso of exceptional quality (Starbucks only procures the finest arabia,
unique roasting techniques that combine latte with steam)
- Starbucks provides more snacks, free wifi, ... creating an environment for customers to
drink coffee and work together.
- Serving premium coffee with quality service and a great environment to create fun and
comfort every time customers come to Starbucks coffee shops.

 The augmented product:

- Starbucks creates loyalty for customers, making Starbucks stores a “third place”
(“home” and “office” are “first” and “second” places).
- Expand and speed up internet connection, meet customers' needs for internet while
enjoying Starbucks coffee at stores without paying anything.
- Applying pre-payment by card mode helps to reduce transaction time by half.
- Starbucks Express coffee service combines online ordering and express delivery.
- Starbucks buys a company that specializes in picking and mixing. Build the presence of
the Starbucks brand through songs that add value to the customer experience.
- Enjoying coffee and music at the same time at Starbucks stores has become a habit of
many people.
- Starbucks has the advantage of coffee quality and music enjoyment space; Starbucks is
also a brand associated with coffee that has been developed and has a long standing.

Brand name
Starbucks is the name inspired by the name of the main character in the work Moby Dick
(White Whale) by famous American author Herman Melville. Right from choosing that
name, they thought it would create a romantic feeling about the traditional sailing of the
old coffee merchants.
Logo meaning
As one of the most famous coffee brands in the world, Starbucks is not only known by its
users for its distinctive coffee flavor but also remembered by the brand's logo.
After 4 changes, the current logo that the company uses is the change in 2011. The main
symbol of the logo is the image of a mermaid with 2 tails on either side. Her warm,
confident eyes and side parted hair give the logo a strange charm. In particular, the green
color and the color of nature also contribute to affirming the connection of Starbucks with
customers, a message about the commitment to health as well as the sustainable values
that the ground coffee brand holds. the reputation this wants to bring.

Initially, the Starbucks brand owned the slogan "It's not just coffee it's Starbucks coffee",
then they changed to "Coffee is culinary", and more recently, "Let's Marry". These three
slogans all have one thing in common, which is the description of the customer's feelings
and experiences. That is the fun, relaxed spirit that each Starbucks customer is welcomed
when coming here.

Featured music
Listening to music and enjoying coffee at Starbucks stores has become a habit of many
people. In 1999, the company also purchased a company specializing in selecting and
mixing to create unique songs that only customers who visit Starbucks can get.

Starbucks has used a strategy of product diversification to attract customers and serve the
diverse needs of target customers.

Some of the main products of Starbucks can be mentioned as:

• The coffee
• Tea
• Frappuccino
• Vitamin
• Other foods and beverages
• Commodities (cups, instant coffee, etc.)
In addition to products sold year-round, Starbucks constantly refreshes its products and
product lines with seasonal products, limited edition products, products for the holiday
season, and more.
Besides diverse products, Starbucks also always focuses on improving the quality of its
products and services. Starbucks always wants to bring aromatic coffee cups, cakes and
teas with unique flavors and professional service style of staff. These are the USPs
(Unique Selling Propositions) of Starbucks to attract its customers.
Starbucks has always innovated products to match the needs of customers. In addition to
the coffee with a strong flavor, other products such as fruit tea, seasonal products, limited
products... are constantly changing to suit the taste of each season. It is a fruity berry
scent to help cool the summer, or a warm and sweet chocolate flavor indispensable in the
Christmas season.
Starbucks products have such a consistency that they may be willing to give up their
products or product lines if those products have a major impact on their core products.
Starbucks once removed their sandwich line because it affected the taste of coffee - the
key product that this brand offers to customers.
Basically, Starbucks' main marketing strategy for products is to diversify its product
lines, and at the same time focus on innovating and improving product quality to better
serve customers.
4.2 Price
For Starbucks' marketing strategy on price (Price), this brand used a premium product
pricing strategy (Premium Pricing Strategy).
With this strategy, businesses price their products high to show that the product is of high
value, luxury or premium. Premium pricing focuses on the perceived value of the product
rather than the actual value or cost of production.
Premium pricing is an important function of brand awareness and brand perception.
Brands that adopt this pricing strategy are known for providing premium value through
their products. That's why they are priced higher than other competitors.
With Starbucks' marketing strategy, through the pricing of high-end products, this brand
hits the trend of consumer behavior who always thinks that expensive products will have
a high value, which has helped the Starbucks brand maintain its reputation. image of a
high-end and extremely high-quality beverage brand.
It can be seen that the drinks and bakery products sold by Starbucks have higher prices
than usual. To explain this, it can be seen that Starbucks focuses on product quality and
conveys the message that the products provided to customers are products of high value.
From the careful selection of coffee beans to the rigorous processing with professionally
trained staff, Starbucks products cannot be cheap.
The tactics that this famous brand has used, include:
 For just $1 more, customers will be able to get an unlimited cup of coffee for their
next purchase. This price is much lower than other cafes.
 Offer attractive prices for customers to choose large-sized drinks.
 Product combos such as cost-effective breakfast, etc.
 Launching more cheap coffee products
 In Vietnam market, the brand offers a policy of reducing 10k / drink when member
customers use its cups and bottles to store drinks to limit plastic waste polluting
the environment.
 Promotion programs on holidays, Starbucks anniversaries or customers' birthdays.
Through this pricing strategy, Starbucks maintains its image as a premium coffee brand.
However, the company still strives to grow to truly deliver high-quality products and
improve the customer experience at its cafes.

4.3. Marketing Channel

Starbucks used the following forms:
 Word of mouth
 Advertising
 Promotions
 Public Relations
If to compare the investment in communication compared to other brands in the F&B
industry. Then Starbucks' willingness to spend is somewhat "modest". Starbucks
focuses more on store space and its products than on advertising. They PR the brand's
name through store opening events, new product launches. In addition, Starbucks also
launched items such as thermos bottles, thermos cups, etc., limited editions with
"brand-worthy" designs.
Starbucks knows the brand's position in the market, so it only focuses on traditional
marketing channels. Using Gift Card extremely wisely in the brand's PR strategy, has
attracted a large number of new customers. In this way, old customers become the
ones who indirectly advertise the brand to their relatives and friends. Besides,
Starbucks also launched promotions and incentives for membership cards.
Instead of Starbucks' "specific" marketing strategy by deliberately "writing the wrong
name". Starbucks coffee brand used paper stickers to stick on cups. This move has
once again created a strong communication effect. When it is the customers who share
their feelings about this change. The effectiveness of the business strategy has spread
to the whole world.

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