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PMAL304: Human Resource Management & Development

Unit 4: Learning Activity

Reflection Questions

No. Question Response

For the given scenario, I understand that an effective onboarding program could
have helped Maria by providing comprehensive training on all dishes served at
Nina's Kitchen, ensuring she feels confident and competent in her role. For
example, during her onboarding, Maria could have received hands-on training
sessions where she practiced making various dishes under the guidance of
How could an
effective experienced chefs. This would have familiarized her with the cooking
techniques, ingredients, and presentation standards, reducing her stress during
onboarding busy service times. Additionally, a structured onboarding program could have
1. program have
helped Maria with included regular check-ins with Maria to assess her progress and address any
concerns or gaps in her training. This would have provided her with
her struggles in the opportunities to ask questions and seek clarification on tasks she found
challenging, preventing situations where she felt overwhelmed and unsure of
how to proceed. Overall, a well-designed onboarding program would have
equipped Maria with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in her role,
fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where she feels
empowered to ask for help when needed.
2. How can employers For the given scenario, I understand that employers can ensure their training
ensure that their programs align with business goals by tailoring them to address specific skills
training programs needed for success. For instance, in Nina's Kitchen, if the business goal is to
are aligned with maintain high-quality, authentic cuisine, training should focus on mastering
business goals? traditional recipes like bannock. By providing clear instructions and hands-on
guidance, Nina ensures her staff can meet customer expectations and maintain
the restaurant's reputation. Additionally, fostering a supportive environment
where employees feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help ensures
continuous improvement and contributes to the overall success of the business.
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This approach ensures that training directly supports the business's objectives,
enhancing both the quality of service and customer satisfaction.
For the given scenario, I understand that the five steps in the training process
evident in the scenario are: Assessment of Needs: This step involves identifying
the areas where an employee needs training. In the scene, Nina notices Maria
struggling with the orders, indicating a need for assistance. Setting Objectives:
What are the five Clear objectives are crucial for effective training. Nina's objective is to help Maria
steps in the learn how to make bannock properly to keep up with the orders. Instructional
3. training process, Design: This step involves planning the training content and method. Nina
and why is each decides to personally demonstrate how to make bannock to Maria, ensuring
step important? clear instructions and tips are provided. Implementation: This is the actual
delivery of the training. Nina guides Maria through the process of making
bannock, demonstrating each step carefully. Evaluation: Evaluation helps assess
the effectiveness of the training. Nina praises Maria's quick learning, indicating
successful training.
For the given scenario, I understand that special-purpose training refers to
targeted instruction designed to address specific skills or knowledge gaps within
an organization. In the scenario at Nina's Kitchen, an example of special-purpose
training is when Nina takes the time to personally teach Maria how to make
bannock, a traditional dish on the restaurant's menu. Such training is crucial for
What are some
examples of organizations because it ensures that employees have the necessary skills and
knowledge to perform their duties effectively. In Maria's case, learning how to
4. make bannock properly not only improves her confidence and performance but
training, and why
are they important also enhances the overall quality of the restaurant's offerings. By addressing
Maria's struggle directly and providing hands-on guidance, Nina demonstrates a
for organizations? commitment to employee development and the preservation of authentic
culinary traditions. Special-purpose training also fosters a supportive and
collaborative work environment, as employees feel valued and empowered to
seek assistance when needed. This ultimately leads to increased productivity,
customer satisfaction, and organizational success.
5. How can employers For the given scenario, I understand that employers can ensure their employees
ensure that their receive adequate training and development opportunities by fostering a
employees receive supportive and open learning environment, like Nina does with Maria in the
adequate training scenario. First, they should encourage open communication, making it clear that
and development it's okay to ask questions and seek help without fear of judgment. Second,
opportunities? employers should provide hands-on training with clear instructions and
demonstrations, as Nina does when she shows Maria how to make the bannock.
Third, they can offer ongoing feedback and support, acknowledging progress and
addressing areas for improvement. Finally, employers should offer opportunities
for continued learning and growth, such as workshops, courses, or mentorship
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programs. By following these steps, employers can ensure their employees feel
confident and capable in their roles, leading to improved performance and job

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