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Conventional sources of


Fill in the blanks

1. Coal is a ............... solid stratified rock of

organic and mineral matter.
2................ coal has ............... per cent of
carbon content and is the most preferred
variety of coal.
3. Bituminous coal is also known as ............... .
4. Anthracite is ideal for domestic use as it is
smokeless and has high ............... value.
5. .............. is also known as brown coal and is
lower grade coal.
6 ........ is the oldest coalfield in India.
7. The Neyveli Lignite coal field in ............... is
the largest lignite deposit field in South
8. The liquid petroleum is called ............... .
9. Light distillates : gasoline :: middle
distillates : .............. .
10. _ is the main component of LPG.
11. ............... is the first refinery in the private
sector in India
Answer key

1. Combustible
2. Anthacrite and 90
3. Coking coal
4. Calorific
5. Lignite
6. Raniganj
7. Tamil Nadu
8. Crude oil
9. Diesel
10. Butane
11. The reliance petroleum Ltd.

Give geographical reasons for the following

1. Anthracite is used for domestic purposes.

Ans. Anthracite is used for domestic purposes
as it is a smokeless fuel with high calorific value.

2. Oil refineries are located close to oilfields or

near ports.
Ans. Oil refineries are located close to oilfields or
near ports to minimise the cost of transport and
to avoid the risk of transporting the oil inside the
country due to its inflammable nature.
3. The location of coalfields is an important
factor in industrial development.
Ans. Location of coal fields is an important
factor in industrial development because it is the
basic source of power and it is heavy and bulky
also, hence difficult to transport.

4. Petroleum is called 'liquid gold'.

Ans. Petroleum is called 'liquid gold' because
there is not even a tiniest part of crude
petroleum which goes to waste or remains

5. Natural gas is a fossil fuel.

Ans. Natural gas is a fossil fuel because it has
been formed by decomposing remains of dead
animals and plants buried under the earth.

6. CNG is an eco-friendly fuel.

Ans. CNG is an eco-friendly fuel because it
causes less damage to the environment as it is
made up of methane and results in less carbon

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