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0) Prim(n) ↔ n >1 &(∀k ≤ n)(k|n → k=1  k=n)

One place relation holding of the prime numbers
(2.1) pr ( 0 )=1
pr ( k +1 )=(μn≤ pr ( k ) !+1)(n> pr ( k )∧Prim ( n ))
Function. Returns the value of the kth prime.
[n]k = ( μi ≤ n ) ( pr ( k ) ∨n∧pr ( k ) ∨n )
i i+1
Two place function. Returns the exponent of the kth prime in the prime factorization of n.
(2.3) Seq(n)↔(∃ k ≤ n)(∀ i≤ n)( pr (i)∨n ↔i ≤ k)¿
One place relation. Hold if n is a sequence number, meaning that its prime factorization involves
just the first k primes, for some number k.
(2.4) l ( n )=(μk ≤ n)¿)
One place function. If n is a sequence number, then it returns the number of primes in the prime
factorization of n. Called the length of n.
(2.5) m∗n=¿( μk ≤bg (m+n)¿¿
(∀ i≤ l ( n ))(i>0 → [ k ] i+l ( m)= [ n ]i )¿
Mirroring lemma: If m is the GN of a string s, and n is the GN of a string t, then m*n is the GN
of the string st (the string that results from concatenating s and t).
(2.6) paren(n) = 29 * n * 210
Mirroring: if s is a string, then paren((s))=(‘(‘ ͡ s͡ ‘)’). Less pedantically: if n is the GN of
string s, then paren(n) is the GN of s encosed in parentheses.
(2.7) Var ( n ) ↔n ≥ 17∧n is odd
Mirroring lemma: n is the number of a variable. I.e., n= (u) for some formal variable u.
Attm(n)↔(∃k ≤ n)(n=2 ∧( k=1 ∨Var ( k ) ) )
Mirroring: Attm(n) holds if n is the GN of an atomic term.
(2.9) ¿ ( n ) =2 ∗n
Mirroring: If n is the GN of a string s, then succ(n) is the GN of the string Ss—i.e., the string s
with an "S" in front of it.
(2.10) plus ( m, n )= paren ( m∗23∗n )
Mirroring: if s and t are strings, and (s)=m and (t)=n, then plus(m,n)=(s+t)).
(2.11) ¿ ( m , n )= paren ( m∗24∗n )
mirroring: if s and t are strings, and (s)=m and (t)=n, then times(m,n)=(s×t))

(2.12) Tmop (i , j , k ) ↔k =¿ ( i ) ∨ k= plus ( i, j ) ∨ k=¿ ( i , j )
Mirroring incorrectly: k is either the successor of i, or k is (i+j), or k is (i×j).
Put more correctly: If k is the GN of string s, and i is the GN of string t, and j is the GN of string
u, then Tmop(i,j,k) holds iff s is either the successor of t or s is (t+u) or s is (t×u).
(2.13) nmrl ( 0 )=2 ; nmrl ( n+1 )=¿ ( nmrl ( n ) )
Mirring: numrl(n) = the GN of the formal numeral n.
Tmseq ( n ) ↔ Seq ( n )∧( ∀ k ≤ l ( n )) ¿
( ∃i , j<k ) (Tmop ( [n]i ,[n] j ,[n] k ))
Mirroring: Tmseq(n) holds iff n is the GNN of a sequence of strings t1,t2,…tl(n) with the following
property: each tk is either an atomic term, or, for some strings ti and tj earlier in the sequence, tk is
Sti or (ti+tj) or (ti×tj).
(2.15) Tm ( n ) ↔ ( ∃m ≤ bg ( n ) ) ( Tmseq ( m )∧n=[ m ]l ( m) )
Mirroring: Tm(n) iff n is the GN of a string that is a term of LPA
(2.16) Atform ( n ) ↔ (∃ j , k ≤n ) ( Tm ( j )∧Tm ( k )∧n= j∗25∗k )
(2.17) ¬ ( n )=26∗n
(2.18) cond ( m ,n )= paren ( m∗27∗n )
(2.19) gen ( k , n )=2 8∗2k ∗paren ( n )
(2.20) Formop (i , j , k ) ↔k =¬ (i ) ∨k =cond ( i , j ) ∨(∃m ≤ k )(Var ( m) ∧k=gen ( m ,i ) )
(2.21) Formseq ( n ) ↔ Seq ( n )∧(∀ k ≤ l ( n ))¿
( ∃i , j<k ) Formop ( [ n ] i , [ n ] j , [ n ] k ) ¿
(2.22) Form (n)↔(∃ m≤ bg ( n ))( Formseq ( m )∧n=[ m ]l ( m) )Mirroring: Form(n) iff n is the GN of a
(2.23) Bound ( i ,k , n ) ↔ Form ( n ) ∧Var ( k )∧(∃ p , q , r ≤n)¿
l ( p )+ 1≤ i≤ l ( p )+l ( gen ( k , q ) ) ¿
Mirroring: Bound(i,k,n) holds if
n is the GN of a formula F,
k is the number correlated with a variable v,
within F there is a subformula of the form v(G), and
the ith place in F is within v(G)
(2.24) Free ( i , k , n ) ↔ Form ( n )∧Var ( k )∧[ n ] i=k ∧Bound (i , k , n)

Mirroring: Free(i,k,n) if n is the GN of some formula F, k is the number correlated with a
variable u, and u occurs free at the ith spot in F.
(2.24a) ( max k ≤ m ) R ( k )=(μk ≤ m)(R ( k )∧( ∀ j≤ m ) ( j>k → R ( j ) ))
Returns the value of the largest number k (within the bound of m) for which R(k) holds , and 0 if
it doesn't hold for any number.
occ ( 0 , k , n )=¿
occ ( m+1 , k ,n )=¿
Mirroring: If n is GN of a formula F and k is the number of a variable v, then occ(0,k,n) gives
the position of the rightmost free occurrence of v in F. occ(1,k,n) gives the position of the
second rightmost free occurrence of v in F. And so on.
(2.26) nocc ( k , n )=( μm ≤l ( n ) ) ( occ ( m , k , n )=0 )
Mirroring: if n is the GN of a formula F and k is the number of a variable v, then nocc(k,n) yields
the number of times that v appears free in F.
subat ( n , p ,i ) =( μm<bg ( p+ n ) )
( ∃ q , r ≤ n ) ( n=q∗2[ n] ∗r ) ¿

i=l ( q )+1∧m=q∗p∗r ¿
Mirroring: If n is the GN of a string s and p is the GN of a string t, then subat(n,p,i) is the GN of
the string that results from substituting t for whatever appears at the ith place in s.
subst ( n , k , p , 0 )=n
subst ( n , k , p , i+1 ) =subat ( subst ( n , k , p ,i ) , p , occ ( i , k ,n ) )
Mirroring, incorrectly put: n is a formula, k is a variable, and p is a string; subst(n,k,p,1) is the
result of substituting p for k in the right most occurrence of k in n. subst(n,k,p,2) is the result of
substituting p for k in the two right most occurrences of k in n.
(2.29) ¿ ( n , k , p )=subst ( n , k , p , nocc ( k , n ) )
Mirroring incorrectly: sub(n,k,p) gives the result of substituting string p for every place where k
occurs free in n.
Mirroing: if n is the GN of a formula F, k is the N of a variable v, and p is the GN of string t,
then sub(n,k,p) is the GN of the result of substituting t for every free occurrence of v in F.

( 2.30 ) diag ( n ) =(n , 19, nmrl ( n)) ¿


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