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Assignment : 6_1

1.Table name student1: (Perform DDL AND DML command)

Columns : Student_id, student_name, student_age, student_std
5 rows data :

Answer 1:
show databases;
use rahul1;
create table student1 (
student_id int(10) not null,
student_name varchar(20),
student_age int(10),
student_std int(10)
describe student1;
select* from student1;
insert into student1(
student_id, student_name, student_age, student_std)
select* from student1;
insert into student1
select* from student1;
-- DDL and DML commands (create, alter, drop, truncate, rename,
insert, update, delete)
Alter table student1 add column student_contact int(10);
select* from student1;
Alter table student1 rename column student_contact to
select* from student1;
truncate table student1;
select* from student1;
-- DML commands
insert into student1
values(101,"Ram",25,12,98765438), (102,"Ranjan",23,10,98473216),
(103,"Ruhi",21,11,89764215), (104,"Ruchi",20,08,63157895);
select*from student1;
update student1
set student_mob = 56437853
where student_id = 101;
select*from student1;
delete from student1
where student_id = 104;
select*from student1;
delete from student1
where student_id in (102,103);
select*from student1;
drop table student1;
select*from student1;
select*from student1;

2. Table name customer1:( Perform TCL command)

Columns : c_id, c_name, c_age, c_billamount
5 rows data:
use rahulsaini;

create table custmor (

c_id int(10),
c_name varchar(20),
c_age int(10),
c_billamount int(10)
select*from custmor;
insert into custmor
select*from custmor;
insert into custmor
select*from custmor;

delete from custmor

where c_id = 105;
select*from custmor;

select*from custmor;
insert into custmor
select*from custmor;

savepoint rahul;
select*from custmor;

delete from custmor

where c_id = 105;
select*from custmor;
rollback to rahul;
select*from custmor;
3. Table name student_details:( Perform primary key)
Columns : Student_id, student_name, student_age, student_std
5 rows data :
use rahul1;
create table student3 (
student_id int(10) not null,
student_name varchar(20),
student_age int(10),
student_std int(10),
primary key(student_id)
describe student3;
select* from student3;
insert into student3(
student_id, student_name, student_age, student_std)
select* from student3;

insert into student3

select* from student3;
insert into student3
select* from student3;
drop table student3;
select* from student3;

4. Table name student_info:( Perform foreign key)

Columns : Student_id, student_name, student_age, student_city1
5 rows data:
Table name city_info:
Columns: city_id, student_city
5 rows data:
use rahul1;
create table city_info(
city_id int(10),
student_city varchar(20),
primary key(city_id)

select * from city_info;

describe city_info;

INSERT INTO city_info Values(1,"mumbai"),(2,"delhi"),(3,"kolkata"),

select * from city_info;

create table student_info(

student_id int(10),
student_name varchar(10),
student_age int(10),
student_city1 int(10),
primary key(student_id),
foreign key(student_city1) references city_info(city_id)
Select * from student_info;

INSERT INTO student_info

Values(101," Ajay ",18,5),
(102," Rohit ",16,4),
(103," Akash ",17,2),
(104," Rahul ",16,2),
(105," Vijay ",19,1),
(106," Rohit ",14,3);
Select * from student_info;
select * from city_info;
SELECT * FROM student_info JOIN city_info
ON student_info.student_city1= city_info.city_id;
SELECT * FROM city_info JOIN student_info
ON city_info.city_id = student_info.student_city1;

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