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Toward/Towards= Nearer, In the direction of

• He is walking towards me

• He went towards the line

• They went towards the beach.

WARDS: In the direction of

Inward, outward, forward, backward, upward downward


To specifies “ end point of a path”.

I went to the house= I am at the end point of my path(ie, house)


I went towards my house.

I went to my house.

Difference between “to” and “into”

In 10 seconds I ran to the tree and came back again.

I went to the library.

In 10 seconds I ran into the tree and came back again.

I went into the library

• He ran into the building.

• He lost control of the car and ran into a wall.


We slept in the car/ We crashed in the tree

We slept into the car/We crashed into the tree.


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