EDITORIAL Article Class Disruption No More. D.O

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Princess Stella Marie O. Quijano

The Department of Education created DepEd Order 34., s2022 which states that there will be
no disruption of classes allowed to happen. This is an important step to restore slowly the broken parts
of Education caused by the pandemic.

Despite the effort created by our government and education sectors both public and private, the
alternative learning modalities both online and offline did not manage to assess and sustain the
students’ learning needs. They had a very distracting environment, surrounded by noise and devices
that stray their focus away from their school task. Family members such as parents could not also cater
to tutor their children due to the fact that they also had jobs and other works resulting to children
cheating and copying their answers online and or the answer key at the back of the printed modules.

The lack of guidance, proper environment and motivation left our Filipino learners with poor
reading and comprehension skills, basic numeracy and literacy skills. In order to address this problem,
additional undisrupted number or days in school are required to take place. This will aid the teachers to
create activities and tasks that will help the learners. It is no secret that our education system is far
behind from other countries, but with DepEd’s plans, the dedication of our stakeholders and parents,
this problem can be solved eventually.

Disruption of classes are only performed for severe weather disturbances, emergencies, and
calamities, such as typhoons, earthquakes, and fire. In addition, Deped Order 37., s2022 states that
classes from K-12 will be suspended under tropical cyclone wind signals. Safety and security of our
learners, teachers and staff remain the top priority because learning do not only happen on classrooms
but as well as in a community that cares and loves each other.

DepEd Order 34., s2022 indeed strengthens the goal of delivering continuous quality
education. This will answer the education gap brought about by the pandemic.

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