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Calcula on:

 Bedsheets in Circula on (The number of bedsheets currently being used and not yet sent for
laundry.): Since the average bedsheet usage per day is 50, and the laundry turnaround me is
24 hours, the bedsheets in circula on would be equal to the average daily usage.

Bedsheets in Circula on = Average Number of Bedsheet Usage per Day = 50 bedsheets

 Bedsheets in Laundry (The number of bedsheets being laundered and not available for use.”):
The bedsheets in laundry would be the number of bedsheets used in the past 24 hours, as
they are currently being washed and not available for use.

Bedsheets in Laundry = Average Number of Bedsheet Usage per Day = 50 bedsheets

 Bedsheets Required (The addi onal bedsheets needed to ensure a con nuous supply.): To
ensure a con nuous supply, we need addi onal bedsheets to cover the laundry process. In
this case, since the laundry turnaround me is 24 hours, the number of bedsheets required
would be equal to the average daily usage.

Bedsheets Required = Average Number of Bedsheet Usage per Day = 50 bedsheets

Therefore, the total number of bedsheets needed to maintain a smooth inventory flow would be:

Total Bedsheets Needed = Bedsheets in Circula on + Bedsheets in Laundry + Bedsheets Required

= 50 bedsheets + 50 bedsheets + 50 bedsheets

= 150 bedsheets

Based on these calcula ons, we need a total of 150 bedsheets in inventory to maintain an op mal
supply considering an average daily usage of 50 bedsheets and a laundry turnaround me of 24 hours.

We need to keep approximately 50 bedsheets separately to ensure an adequate supply for emergency
situa ons like increased pa ent admission in the hospital.


Allocate Bedsheets to Each Ward:

Divide the total number of bedsheets evenly among the 4 wards. This will ensure a fair distribu on
and equitable access to bedsheets in each ward.
By implemen ng these proposed measures, we expect to achieve the following benefits:

 Improved availability and access to bedsheets for pa ents and their a endants.
 Enhanced efficiency in managing the bedsheets inventory and distribu on process.
 Reduced delays in laundry turnaround me by closely monitoring the bedsheets in circula on
and promptly sending them for laundering.
 Increased accountability and oversight through the appointment of floor incharges
responsible for each ward's bedsheets management.
 Clear and organized records of bedsheets movement and usage, enabling effec ve decision-
making and resource alloca on.

I believe that implemen ng this improved bedsheet management and distribu on system will
significantly enhance the overall pa ent experience, improve staff produc vity, and contribute to our
hospital's reputa on for providing quality care.

I kindly request your approval and support for the implementa on of this proposal. I am confident that
with your guidance and the commitment of our dedicated staff, we can successfully address the
current challenges and achieve a smoother and more efficient bedsheet management system.

Thank you for your me and considera on. I am available to discuss this proposal further or provide
any addi onal informa on as needed.


Dr. Sourav Nath Most. Tahmina. Akhter Md. Kamrul Hasan

RMO Matron HR Manager

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