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Ministry of Higher Education and Year: 4th year

Scientific Research Subject: Reservoir Simulation

University of Zaxo Time: 2 Hours
College of Engineering Date: 11/05/2019
Petroleum Department Solved Questions
Midterm Exam

Q1). Which one of the following is not the main uses of simulators? (5 Marks)
a) Sensitivity studies
b) History Matching
c) Gathering data
d) Coning studies (method of developing simple models)
Q2). Specify which of the following are True or False. (20 Marks) (Red: False, Green: True)
a) In the modern reservoir simulation, a part of processing section is gridding.
b) Overall workflow of reservoir simulation includes 4 section of process.
c) In the pre-processing section we can model all faults which are vertical or
d) For illustrating the results of simulation, we use visualization vs time.
e) Pressure maintenance is an artificial method of tertiary hydrocarbon recovery.
f) The smearing phenomenon grows as an artifact error with increasing blocks.
g) The volume of oil in place has the main effect on history matching, on the other
hand, controls the simulated model.
h) Compressibility reduces with increasing formation volume factor.
Q3). Using the formation volume factor of the black oil model, specify in which
pressure compressibility get to 4.297 × 10−5 when formation volume factor
of this point is about 1.31 if pressure increase what will happen for
compressibility? (10 marks)

Black Oil Model


oil formation volume factor







pressure (P =3000 psi)

By Abdolsalam Daneshvar, Petroleum Engineering
Ministry of Higher Education and Year: 4th year
Scientific Research Subject: Reservoir Simulation
University of Zaxo Time: 2 Hours
College of Engineering Date: 11/05/2019
Petroleum Department Solved Questions
Midterm Exam

−1 Bo P Bo
a) Co = B  P ,  −Co dP =  Bo
o Pb Bob

Bo = Bob exp ( −Co ( P − Pb ) )

Co = 4.297×10( −5) , Bob = 1.35 , Bo = 1.31 , Pb = 3000 psi
B 
− Ln  o 
Bo B   Bob  + P
= exp ( −Co ( P − Pb ) ) → Ln  o  = −Co ( P − Pb ) → P = b
Bob  Bob  Co
 1.31 
− Ln  
P=  1.35  + 3000 → P = 3700 psi
4.297×10( −5)
b) Before bubble point, when pressure increase to bubble point pressure the compressibility will
decrease after the bubble point, compressibility increases with higher pressure.

Q4). Upscale the permeability of the following reservoir with 4*6 blocks to lighter
blocks. Note three methods of averaging like arithmetic, geometric and
harmonic should be used. (30 Marks)
100 118 125 85
114 140 42 100
115 200 220 180
90 35 155 145
200 125 70 120
70 65 90 60

Block A

k i
100 + 118 + 114 + 140
for block A: ka = i =1
, ka = = 118
n 4
1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
=  , =  + + +  → k h = 116.315
k h n i =1 ki k h 4  100 118 114 140 
k g = n  ki , k g = 4 100*118*114*140 → k g = 117.146
i =1

By Abdolsalam Daneshvar, Petroleum Engineering
Ministry of Higher Education and Year: 4th year
Scientific Research Subject: Reservoir Simulation
University of Zaxo Time: 2 Hours
College of Engineering Date: 11/05/2019
Petroleum Department Solved Questions
Midterm Exam

Ka= 118 Kh= 116.315 Kg= 117.1463 Ka= 88 Kh= 74.66276 Kg= 81.73246
Ka= 110 Kh= 74.93697 Kg= 92.25918 Ka= 175 Kh= 170.5817 Kg= 172.7224
Ka= 115 Kh= 93.74195 Kg= 103.2733 Ka= 85 Kh= 79.37008 Kg= 82.06694

Ka=114.34 Kh= 91.99 Kg= 103.73 K= 116 Kh= 94.17 Kg= 105.02

Ka=115.167 Kh= 93.07 Kg= 104.37

Q5). According to the FVF curve below explain the relationship between pressure
and formation volume factor, also which kind of system is? (5 Marks)



At the figure, FVF is increasing with the high pressure, but this extending will be
continued till Bubble Point pressure, after the BP, formation volume factor declines,
also figure shows through curves A and B, it means the bubble point of this system
not unique and change with the location or time, so in this system bubble point
pressure is not static but may vary from location to location or throughout time in
the same location in the reservoir.

Q6). Find the Taylor series for the blow functions. (10 Marks)

By Abdolsalam Daneshvar, Petroleum Engineering
Ministry of Higher Education and Year: 4th year
Scientific Research Subject: Reservoir Simulation
University of Zaxo Time: 2 Hours
College of Engineering Date: 11/05/2019
Petroleum Department Solved Questions
Midterm Exam

a) 𝑙𝑛⁡(1 + 𝑥) fourth order

b) √𝑥 2 fourth order
f ( x) = ln(1 + x) → f (0) = 0
f  ( x) = → f  (0) = 1
1+ x
a) f ( x) = −(1 + x) −2 → f (0) = −1
f ( x) = 2(1 + x) −3 → f (0) = 2
f 4 ( x) = −6(1 + x) −4 → f 4 (0) = −6
x2 x3 x4
ln(1 + x) = f (0) + f (0) x + f (0) 
+ f (0) + f (0) + ...... →

2 6 24
x 2 x3 x 4
→ ln(1 + x) = 0 + x − + − + .....
2 3 4
f ( x) = 3 x 2 → f (0) = 
2 − 13
f  ( x) = x → f  (0) = 
2 − 43
b) f ( x) = − x → f (0) = 
8 − 73
f ( x) = x → f (0) = 
56 −10
f 4 ( x) = − x 3 → f 4 (0) = 
x2 x3 x4
x 2 = f (0) + f (0) x + f (0) + f (0) + f 4 (0) + ...... →
2 6 24
→ 3 x 2 = ,  teylor − series − undefined

Q7). Find the first three terms of the Taylor series for 𝑓(𝑥)
centered at the given value of 𝛼. (5 Marks)
𝑓(𝑥) = (2𝑥 − 3)3 , 𝛼 = 3
Answer: three terms means till third order

By Abdolsalam Daneshvar, Petroleum Engineering
Ministry of Higher Education and Year: 4th year
Scientific Research Subject: Reservoir Simulation
University of Zaxo Time: 2 Hours
College of Engineering Date: 11/05/2019
Petroleum Department Solved Questions
Midterm Exam

f ( x) = (2 x − 3)3 → f (3) = 27
f  ( x) = 6(2 x − 3)2 → f  (3) = 54
f ( x) = 24(2 x − 3) → f (3) = 72
f ( x) = 48 → f (3) = 48
( x − 3)2 ( x − 3)3
(2 x − 3) = f (0) + f (0)( x − 3) + f (0) + f (0) + ...... →
2 6
→ (2 x − 3) = 27 + 54( x − 3) + 36( x − 3) 2 + 8( x − 3)3 + ....

Q8). Explain briefly the following terms as applied to reservoir simulation. (15 Marks)
a) History Matching
After a reservoir model has been constructed, it must be tested to determine whether it can
duplicate fluid behavior. Also describes reservoir as accurately as possible with the available
data History matching process led to the following outputs:
1. Historical Production data
2. Pressure data
3. Past performance of individual well

b) Transmissibility
Flow coefficient in discrete equations that when multiplied with pressure difference between grid
blocks yields flow rate. 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐿

c) Transient vs. steady state flow (with graph)

Transient and steady state pressure distributions are illustrated graphically in the figure below
for a system where initial and right-hand pressures are equal. As can be observed, for some period
of time, depending on the properties of the system, the pressure will increase in all parts of the
system (transient solution), for then to approach a final distribution (steady state), described by a
straight line between the two end pressures.

By Abdolsalam Daneshvar, Petroleum Engineering
Ministry of Higher Education and Year: 4th year
Scientific Research Subject: Reservoir Simulation
University of Zaxo Time: 2 Hours
College of Engineering Date: 11/05/2019
Petroleum Department Solved Questions
Midterm Exam

The analytical solution of the transient pressure development in the slab is then given by:

It may be seen from the solution that as time becomes large, the exponential term approaches
zero, and the solution becomes:

This is, of course, the solution to the steady state equation above.
d) Black Oil
First definition:
Black Oil simplified Hydrocarbon description mode which includes two phases (oil, gas) and
only two components (oil, gas), with mass transfer between the components through the solution
gas- oil ratio parameter.
Second definition:

e) Write the expression for the relationship between porosity and pressure.

Good Luck

Abdolsalam Daneshvar

By Abdolsalam Daneshvar, Petroleum Engineering

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