Valencia-Bsa 1 - Final Exam

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Jean Bhea H.

Valencia The Life and Works of Rizal

BSA 1 Monday and Thursday 10:30 am-12:00 pm

Answer briefly the following questions:

1. Briefly outline the Execution of Dr. Jose Rizal.

 Gov. Gen. Polavieja signed and ordered Rizal's execution on December 28th,
without hesitation.
 He received formal notification of his death sentence 24 hours before his
 On December 30, 1896, at 7 a.m. at Bagumbayan, he was executed.
 Rizal was moved to the chapel at the prison.
 The image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was brought by Father Viza.
 Fr. Antonio Rosell ate breakfast with Rizal
 Fr. Balaguer at three o'clock in the afternoon he returned and attempted to
persuade Rizal to give up his masonic beliefs, but Rizal refused.
 Rizal spent his final 24 hours in his death cell, where he received family members
and wrote a farewell letter.
 He gave his sister, Trinidad, an old gasoline lamp and told her in English that
there was something inside the lamp and that she should look inside his shoes
after he was executed.
 Thus, Rizal’s famous farewell poem "Mi Ultimo Adios" was discovered.
 A draft of retraction from Archbishop Bernandino Nozaleda arrived around 10
 Another draft of retraction was made by Fr. Pio Pi
 Rizal signed his retraction at 11:30 a.m.
 Fr. Balaguer officially approved at the marriage of Rizal and Josephine.
 He was taken from his cell around 6:30 a.m. and the march to Bagumbayan
 Rizal requested that the firing squad spare his head, which was granted.
 He also requested to shot him at his front, but it was denied
 The commanding officer directed his men to aim with his saber, and there was a
burst of gunfire.
 His final words were, Jesus Christ "consummatum est."
 Rizal made one last effort to lie down on his back with his face to the sun.
 The Spanish spectator shouted Viva Spania
 Rizal body was secretly buried at Paco Cemetery
 His remains were laid to rest inside the Rizal monument in Luneta
2. What were some of the charges against Rizal during the trial that he refuted to be
baseless and unfounded?

The charges were formally charged to Rizal on December 11, 1896, while
he was in Fort Santiago, his prison cell. Accusing him of committing a crime of rebellion
and organizing the Philippine Revolution. Since his deportation to Dapitan within the
period of four years he had not engaged in any political activity, the declaration of
witnesses against him were fabricated and not true. This is the charges were refuted by
Rizal. He also state the he had nothing to admit on the charges against him and he had
nothing to admit on the declaration of the witnesses, he had not met nor knew, against

3. Briefly describe the life of Rizal in Dapitan?

His life in Dapitan was meaningful because he was a physician who
practiced medicine and treated patients, particularly the poor, for free. He became an
engineer because he built the water works system. He was an educator who
established a school, but he was also a scientist because Rizal discovered Dapitan and
other places in Zamboanga that were ideal for collecting specimens and conducting
scientific studies with his students. In Dapitan, he discovered a lot of animal species:
Draco rizali, Rhacophorus rizali, and two beetle species. As payment for these valuable
specimens and in recognition of his efforts, the European scientists sent him a variety of
scientific books, journals, and surgical instruments, which he shared with his students.
He became a farmer because, rather than wasting his time doing nothing and thinking
about his exile, he decided to put it to good use by purchasing sixteen hectares of
agricultural land on which he planted fruit bearing trees and he took care useful animals
like horses and sheep. He spent his time serving in the community. In Calamba, he
invented a cigarette lighter called the sulpukan, and in Dapitan, he invented a brick-
making machine. Rizal was a linguist who instructed his students and the public in
different languages. He wrote a lot of poems, novels, essays, and so on. Rizal was able
to make his situation productive while being in exile in Dapitan.
4. What are the reasons of Rizal's deportation to Dapitan?
Rizal was deported in Dapitan for these reasons first is to serve his
Filipino people as a medical doctor. Second Rizal decided to go home because he was
encourage by governor Despujol to volunteer in their place to settle the land reform
problem to Burneo. When he arrives in the Philippines companied by his elder sister, he
immediately goes to Malacañang to pay courtesy and to see Gov Gen Despujol where
he agreed to lift the exile of his father and siblings. Then Gov Despujol tried to dissuade
him from going to Burneo and instead Despujol promise to give him a land anywhere in
the Philippines. He receive communication from Andres Bonifacio and others which he
told them the objectives of La Liga Filipina which he establish in Madrid and he decided
to return home because the propaganda movement was failed. So he went back to
organize again La Liga Filipina and he talked to his friends about his plan. He formally
organized La Liga Filipina in Tondo, Manila. Four days after he founded La Liga Filipina,
Rizal was ordered arrested by Gov Gen Despujol. They accused Rizal for reading a
booklet about the poor friars which they saw in his baggage where Rizal denied having
those leaflets against friars.

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