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a ——— = i , ae 0 J SECTION -1 (MATHEMATICS) J Hetan¢ d at ute angle such that tang 2/3, thenevaluate | 5 ogg }| sees aA, A. oS (oF 2 ii \ and a, <4 A sequence [0 ]is generated by the rule a, =a, ,~a, ,for 1 3, Given 4, t » of the first 2019 terms of the sequepeeds given by > 2692 € 2692 8 The remainder of f(x) =x" 4.x" 4x" 4° 6 when divided by x° ~1 1S ® Aa 2 c? > 2 The angle bisector BD and CE of a triangle ABC are divided by the incenire | in the ratio 3 2: 1 respectively. Then the ratio in which | divides the angle bisector through A is (A)3:1 (B) 11:4 (C)6:5 (0)7:4 BAC. Point In AABC, AB=6, BC =7 and CA=8. Point D lies on BC and AD bisects E lies on AC and BE bisects ZABC. If the bisectors intersect at J*, then the ratio AF: FD is ei: Ce a De: Let a, b,c be real numbers such that the polynomial f(x) =x° +x +.x+ l@nas three distinct roots and each root of f ()is also a root of the polynomial h(x) =a* +x° +bx* +J3x+0 ry the value of /i())is = As Bx c4# de 7 wy There are two values of m for which the equation 4x° +mx +8x +9 = 0 has only éne solutinn for The sum of these two values of m ie ry ‘ Cn R-6 dr ‘Space for Rough Work and /(3) © 8, then v ¢ vy” 3m, then the value of ; 8 . 's a feal number such that m’ 4 | 5 (log, Tog, 4) then the value of "is A. 3%: 62 Dd: VAli6sin' 0 + cosec'd +8) ~4 Ay 2sind-cosecd Brsind + coseco © 2cosecd + cos D 2cosed-2sind PORS is a square of sie 6 cm each and mid point of YR. Ywnat is the radius of 6rcle inscribed in ATSR g The sum of all three digit even numbers divisibié by seventeen is A iooe Bicess b ‘ 14688 ve In the adjoining figure segment AD, BE and Cl’ are the alitudes of triangle ABC, Find ADxBC it ABx AC = 409.6, BExCF = 202.5 225 Be « 28 Dw 21 Sy The roduct of the roots of thd’équation 9x iy Cn -log,,VI+x + 4log,,fi=x = log, ~10x- Let D and E be’ points on sides AB a 3y-2=0, then the value of d ry, $ Dd. Dability of two events are 0.25 and 0.50. The probability of both happening together is Which of the following is the Probability of none of the events happening? 0.25 d None of these then 10Ux equals - bs ) 99 2), then x equals & ? and AC respectively of a triangle ABC, sth that AD BD =2.1 and AE-CE=2:3. If the area of the triangle ADE is 8 sq cm, then the area of the triangle ABC, in sq cm is 28 Cc” Bx» Dd® > Three positive integers We =S(y4 SY Nd are in arithmotic progression V2), then 2 ¥ » Ae equals c" 12 10 Suppos @ one e nd «are Of the roots of the equation a’ bry e=0 is 2 vi, where a, and Numbers a ; WS and #0. It bc! then ja gquals Cc ! vp" 24 Ht log. [3 +1op. 4 1 8:3 How, {4+ Nog, (r~1)}}-2- 0, then 4x equal 5 | é Bw a : 7 Dow 25 ) 1 for all For a sequence of real numbers x)... x) 4, Way -ayexy HC) x em 42M Natural numbers n, then the sum x,, + ¥,, equals A 200 2 u -20 \ S 2 26. In the following figure, the diameter of the circle is 3 cm, AB and MN are two diameters such that MN is perpendicular to AB In addition, CG is perpendicular to AB such that AE ; EB = 1: 2 and OF is perpendicular to MN such that NL: LM = 1: 2. The length of DH in cm 8 aN > In a plane, 5 lines of lengths 2, 3, 4, § and 6 cm are lying. What is the probability that by joining the three randomly chosen lines end to end, a triangle cannot be formed? Di A teacher has 3 items viz @ pen, @ pencil ang ya boys and 8 girls in a class ch student. What is the Probab 28. There are ys each 5 in number He distributes the items. ‘one to boy selected at random has either @ pencil or an e/aer " ' None of these 14/45 ee 29. The maximum value of the sum of the AP 50,48, 46, 44... '§ 65 450 558 i‘ f en b? 4c equals 30 If the roots of the equation x° - hx +c = 0 béstwo consecutive integers then b° - 4c equal B 2 4 ; c L b cos | t 0° < 8.< 90°, then the 1+ tand is ie sind 5 Av RY B rs . 15 C 13 d i; In AABC, 4 is (0, 0) Bis(18, 21) and C has integer co-ordinates. The mini*hum non-zero area of AABC, in square units, is hee 5/2 ce 7/2 9/2 Let A(-5, 5), B(4,-5), and (4, 5) be the vertices of the trianale ABC\S# a circle passes. 33. ae thoverticos-of MMBC, then the arca ( in sq. units) lyigg insidé'the circle but Outside the Is 181 ‘8i poem ASD I 4s 3 aS 40) 1817 U B45 1812 — —-4 oats ry" / : If cot A cot B=3, then the value of cos(4.« R),secl Ay B) is A: a LL 60), where 1 15 @N ACU ay H cos! 0+ 2sin’ 0+ 3eos’ Odin’ 4.1 20080 @ 100 ee the value of (sind scosd) As 4 BB: \ C: D h OY Wan > wo APS Such that Of = 120.0, 40 4a OA o AWW ———>—J 20 } i | pe nex in which maximum heat will be produced is Q 22 « 5a ee 3. Inthe circuit shown in figure 20 Current passing through 2 2 is zero is zero g Pimeot passing through 4 Qis 5A urrent passing through 5 Qis 4A b All of the above a 20V on 4. Sixteen resistors each of resistance R are connected in the circuit shown in figure. Find equilibrium resistance between A and B Ace 8* tas aula loop of sie 2L and cating @ Curent i riangulat loop © field at the centre of an equilalera 0 length equal to 1.5 A charged particle enters at right angles to the magnet field. The fiet id exists fo bt eq times radius of circular path of the particle. The particle will be de viated from it's path by Cw ' 180) Find the magnetic field at P due to the arrangement shown’ . « 8. ‘A conducting loop carrying a current | is placed in a uniform magnetic field pointing into the plane of paper as shown. The loop will have a tendency to pontract Expand move towards +ve x axis WA D move towards -ve x axis

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