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1 _______ means job analyzing, recruitment and hiring AdministraStaffing

i Recruiting
2 Personnel Management deals with -------- Man Machine Money
3 Following is/are the objectives of Human Resource Employee Employee SBoth A and
4 A premises including precincts thereof is a ‘factory’ 10 or more20 or more15 or more
5 According to Lewin, Lippet and White's 1939 experimDemocrati Laissez-FaiAutocratic
6 The following is (are) concerned with developing a poDevelopmeTraining Recruitmen
7 Human Resource Management helps to improve ---- ProductivitProfit Production
8 The order of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, from bottoSafety, Est PhysiologicPhysiologic
9 Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic A Pay incr PromotionGood Worki
10 The process of analyzing jobs from which job descriptJob AnalysiJob Evalua Job Enrich
11 Working Capital is required for__________. PurchasingDay to DayBoth A & B
12 Following is the example of Internal sources of financPublic DepoRetained EBank Loan
13 In which year Industrial Dispute Act come into operat 1947 1949 1953
14 What is the face value of Debenture? 200, 500 400, 2000 300, 700
15 Following is (are) are the function of Financial Mana Managemen Management Both A & B
16 ________ method of training is connected to real lifeRole Play Case StudyIn-Basket
17 For finding Labour cost which two factor is consider…No. of HourNo. of LaboNo. of Day
18 Asset acquired for long period of time in the busines Fixed AssetCurrent AssFictious As
19 Profit & Loss Account statement is also known as__ Statement Statement Statement
20 __________ is the major source of revenue of any busPurchase Sale Interest
21 ___________ is not an intangible asset. Cash BudgeLand Goodwill
22 Who bear the ultimate tax burden of GST? Seller ManufacturConsumer
23 The term _________denotes the cost of services and Expenses Income Loss
24 ____________ gives detail of profit and loss incurred Bdalance ShTrading AcProfit & Lo
25 Financial Management function comprises of______ Safe custodExpenditure Procurement
26 Following is not an example of fixed capital. Telephone Land
B Machinery
27 JIT stands for Just IncreaJust in TimJust Impro
28 Which is not the assumption in calculating EOQ? Ordering coRate of de Lead Time i
29 Which of the following are not the Financial Instituti State FinanIndustrial Industrial
30 The main objective of budgetary control is… To define tTo coordinTo plan and
31 Which of the following is not an inventory? Finished p Raw materMachines
32 ABC analysis plays a vital role in ……………… managem Finance Inventory Both a and
33 What is the function of inventory? Minimize thUp to dateBoth A & B
34 JIT is combination of techniques used to improve___ Quality PerformanOperation
35 Improving quality through small, incremental improv KAIZEN Six Sigma TQM
36 Which is not included in 5 ’S’? Sort Solve Shine
37 Which one of the following is not a part of an ERP i Vendor RepEmployeesConsultant
38 Which one of the following is not a myth about an ERERP meansERP makesERP integr
39 Forecasting of required man power is called as --------ManpowerManpowerManpower
40 Planning, Organizing, Procuring and Maintenance of emp Personal Personnel Personal D
41 Following is/are the objectives of Human Resource Employee Employee SBoth A and
42 Which one of the following does not come under the Ict has long It’s appro Changes ass
43 Which statement is wrong about kaizen? It needs h It gives co It is a Jap
44 Personnel Management is called as -------- Personnel ManpowerBoth A and
45 Who bear the ultimate tax burden of GST? Seller ManufacturConsumer
46 Followings is (are) the activities of financial managemPlanning ofAllocating Both A & B
47 Net Working Capital = Liability-AsAsset-LiabilCurrent Lia
48 Which one of the following is the characteristic of critIt is the longe
It has zero Consumes m
49 The critical path is the long is a combinis the shor
50 Who invented levels of hierarchy of human needs? Henry FayoAbraham MF W Taylor
51 Which is the third level of Maslow theory of Motivati Physiologi Self-Estee Social Nee
52 In a CPM/PERT network, an event refers to The occurreAn activity The beginni
53 Activities on the critical path are critical because theyrepresent cannot tolerepresent
54 Working Capital is required for__________. PurchasingDay to DayBoth A & B
55 Who are the owner of the company? Employee ShareholdeDebenture
56 Which of the following are not the Financial Instituti State FinanIndustrial Industrial
57 The main objective of budgetary control is… To define tTo coordinTo plan and
58 Which budget is used to forecast the quantity of pro ProductionSales BudgeMarketing
59 Personal Income Tax was levied on the income of Salary Business House Prop
60 Which of the following taxes will be levied on the im CGST IGST SGST
61 ABC analysis plays a vital role in ……………… managem Finance Inventory Both a and
62 JIT is combination of techniques used to improve___ Quality PerformanOperation
63 Six sigma methodology defines three core steps: Analyze, Impro
Define, MeDefine, Me
64 The critical path is the long is a combinis the shor
65 CPM is Critical P Critical P Critical P
66 At breakeven point there is Profit Loss No Profit N
67 Who get the fixed rate of interest on their investmen ShareholdeEmployee Customer
68 Production Budget is_____________ DependentDependentDependent
69 The main objective of budgetary control is… To define tTo coordinTo plan and
70 What are the five phases of 5S? Shine, ShutSort, SustaStandardize
Hiring Staffing
Material Man
None of thBoth A and B
50 or more20 or more Workers
None of thAutocratic
All of the Recruitment
Power Productivity
Self-ActualPhysiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, Self-Actualization
Satisfactio Satisfaction in a Job well done
Job Enlarg Job Analysis
None of thDay to Day Activities
DebentureRetained Earning
1963 1947
100, 1000 100, 1000
None of thManagement of Cash
Business Case Study
No. of HouNo. of Hour, Rate/Hour
None of thFixed Asset
All of the Statement of Income
Loan Sale
Building Goodwill
None of thConsumer
Profit Expenses
None of thProfit & Loss account
Procuremen Procurement & effective use of funds
Building Telephone Bill
Both A andJust in Time
No discount Ordering cost is Variable
Reserve Ban Reserve Bank of India
All of the To plan and achieve its goals related to income and expenditure
Consumable Machines
None of thInventory
None of thUp to date and accurate record
Delivery Operation
Sustain Solve
Customer Customer
ERP is the ERP integrate and automate organization process
ManpowerManpower Planning
Personnel Personnel Management
None of thBoth A and B
It works w It’s approach is based upon individual ideas and efforts.
It is a con It needs heavy investment
None of thBoth A and B
None of thConsumer
None of thBoth A & B
Current AssCurrent Asset-Current Liability
All of the All of the Above
is any pathis the longest path
Douglas MAbraham Maslow
Safety NeeSocial Need
The earliestThe beginning or completion of an activity or project
represent tcannot tolerate any delay in completion
None of thDay to Day Activities
None of thShareholder
Reserve Ban Reserve Bank of India
All of the To plan and achieve its goals related to income and expenditure
Material B Production Budget
All of the All of the Above
Exempt IGST
None of thInventory
Delivery Operation
Define, MeDefine, Measure, Analyze
is any pathis the longest path
Crash Proj Critical Path Method
None of thNo Profit No Loss
DebentureDebenture Holder
Not dependDependent on Sales Budget
All of the To plan and achieve its goals related to income and expenditure
Shine, StanStandardize, Sort, Sustain, Shine, Set-in-order.

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