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Class VI English Literature Total Marks: 20

Topic: Unseen Poem ‘You Will Never See Me Fall’ Duration: 25 minutes

Name: ____________________________Sec: ______________ ID: ____________Date: ___________

Q.1) Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

You Will Never See Me Fall

By Joyce Alcantara

You may see me struggle

but you won't see me fall.
Regardless if I'm weak or not
I'm going to stand tall.
Everyone says life is easy
but truly living it is not.
Times get hard,
people struggle
and constantly get put on the spot.
I'm going to wear the biggest smile
even though I want to cry.
I'm going to fight to live
even though I'm destined to die.
And even though it's hard
and I may struggle through it all.
You may see me struggle...
but you will NEVER see me fall.

A. Tick (√) the correct answer. (1 × 5 = 5)

a. According to the poet Joyce Alcantara, ‘living’ not easy because:
i. people struggle in life
ii. times get hard
iii. people constantly get put in the spot
iv. all of the above
b. What is the poet going to do even though she wants to cry?
i. She is going to laugh
ii. She will wear the biggest smile
iii. She will cry in silence
iv. None of the above
c. What type of poem is ‘You Will Never See Me Fall’?
i. Nature
ii. Friendship
iii. Inspirational
iv. Romance
d. “I’m going to fight to live”, is an example of the literary device:
i. alliteration
ii. imagery
iii. metaphor
iv. none of the above
e. What is the poet determined to never let the world see?
i. To see her fall
ii. To see her fail
iv. To see her get up
v. To see her cry

B. Identify any ‘two’ literary devices from the poem ‘You Will Never See Me Fall’, and explain
with examples, each of their significance in the poem. (2+2=4)

Ans: The two literary devices from the poem are; (Students will answer in their own words)
1. Imagery. Imagery is used to make readers understand things using their five senses. For
example, (Student may choose any one) “I’m going to wear the biggest smile”, “I’m going to
fight to live” and “I’m going to stand tall.” It is important in the poem because it helps to paint
a clear image of how the poet encourages us to fight even if life throws difficulties at us.
2. Symbolism. Symbolism is the use of symbols to show someone’s ideas and qualities, giving
them symbolic meanings that are different from literal meanings. For example, “I’m going to
stand tall” and “biggest smile”. These words symbolize the determination of the speaker with
which she wants to challenge the difficulties in life, instead of the literal meaning of standing tall
or smiling.

D. What important message can you obtain from the poem, ‘You Will Never See Me Fall’? (4)

Ans: Students will explain the following in their own words.

You Will Never See Me Fall is an inspirational poem written by Joyce Alcantara. The main
message of her poem is the determination we should have to overcome the struggles in life. She
says life is difficult because it puts people in difficult spots but they must never give up and have
the determination to come out of the situation. People struggle and times get hard but we must
fight through. Every human being must die at the end of their life, but we should make consistent
efforts to make it easy and livable. Even if the world sees our struggles but they should not see
our weakness. We must fight and never fall down.

E. Explain the following lines with reference to the context: (4)

“I'm going to wear the biggest smile
even though I want to cry.
I'm going to fight to live
even though I'm destined to die.”

Ans: Students will explain the following in their own words.

The lines have been taken from the poem, ‘You Will Never See Me Fall’ by Joyce Alcantara. In
the first two lines, she says even if the struggles of life make her cry or feel upset, she would
rather wear the biggest smile which shows her strength. She wants people to see her as a strong
person rather than one who breaks down and cry.
In the next two lines, she mentions that ultimately every human being’s life has to end and so
will hers, but she will fight till her last to live a good life. She would rather show people she is
struggling but fighting to survive rather than fall and break down.

F. What do you think of Joyce Alcantara’s approach in facing life’s struggles? How did you
approach the biggest difficulty you have faced in life? (1+2=3)
Ans: Students will answer in their own words. They may find Joyce Alcantara’s approach either
effective or ineffective, motivational, inspirational, etc.
They will write about the biggest difficulty they had faced and how they overcame the situation.

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