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(a) Discuss 2 method to obtain user requirements [4m]

• Questionnaire - A set of written questions, often sent to a large number of

people involved
• Observation - Watch processes being performed
• Joint Application Design (JAD) - A structured group process focused on
determination requirements
• Interview - Meet respondents to discuss and answer questions
• Document studies - Study of existing material describing the current system
- review of existing business documents

(b) Context Diagram [4]

2. (a) State 3 guidelines [3m]

1. Focus on basic objectives

2. Build an interface that is easy to learn and use
3. Provide features that promote efficiency
4. Make it easy for users to obtain help or correct errors
5. Minimize input data problems
6. Provide feedback to users
7. Create an attractive layout and design
8. Use familiar terms and image

(b) Explain 3 deliverables in the design phase [6m]

(i) Logical data design - shows what the system must do regardless how the
system will be implemented physically
(ii) User interfaces - what users see on the screen
(iii) Form design - screen used to key in data and display information
(iv) Report design - to produce specific format of reports
(v) Program structures using structure charts - overview of the general system
3. (a) Data duplication means having the same data stored at separate places. [2m]

(b) Explain 2 implication of data duplication. [4m]

• Duplication is wasteful because its required additional space

• There are increase effort to keep all files up to date
• Data values may not agree and may be inconsistent
• Data may not be reliable

4. (a) State the similarity and the difference between alpha and beta testing. [2m]
• Both alpha and beta test are user testing.
• Alpha test are conducted by software tester while beta test is conducted by
actual system user.

(b) Explain the purpose of the alpha and beta testing. [3m]
• To test the overall system to see whether it meets the design requirements.
This test uses simulated data prepared by the tester.
• To test the capabilities of the system in the user environment. This is actual

(c) What will happen when the acceptance test is carried out without the beta testing?
• The system may show that it meets all the requirements that was specified in
the design of the system.
• Without the beta test, the system will not be tested with actual data from the
real user environment.
• When the system goes life, it may encounter error, which could have been
detected during the beta test.

5. State three structured analysis tools for system development in the design phase. [3m]

• Structure English
• Pseudocode
• Flow Chart
• Decision tree


• Entity: [5x1/2 m = 2 1/2 m]

• Attributes: [8x1/2 m = 4 m]
• Primary key: [5x1/2 m = 2 1/2 m]
• Cardinality: [8x1/2 m = 4m]
• Relationship: [4x1/2 m = 2m]

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