Briefer Proclamation 311

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Project Title: Consultancy Services in the preparation of master plan and site development plan

for Proclamation 311 for the Municipality of Real

Activity: Presentation of Situational Analysis and Preliminary Conceptual Master Plan

July 6, 2022 @ 3rd Floor SB Session Hall Municipal Government Center, Joel Amando A. Diestro Building

Participants: TWG – Proclamation 311

Consultant: Palafox Associates

Contract Amount: Php. 7,388,888.99 (General Fund – MMO)

 Proclamation 311 “Establishing as a civil reservation for the additional townsite of Real
Quezon a certain parcel of the public domain situated in the Municipality of Real,
Province of Quezon” signed by the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos on December 4,

 The Local Government Unit of Real recognized the inherent potential of the area to
become an economic hub, which has proposed the construction of a terminal complex,
trading post, commercial stalls for micro small medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and
offices in order to establish an agricultural and fishery value chain.

 The overall objective of the project is to prepare the Master Plan and Site Development
Plan for the remaining 11 hectares of the Proclamation 311

 Situational Analysis is one of the deliverables of the Palafox Associates along with the
Conceptual Master Plan & Financial Study, Site Development Plan and the Rendered
Concepts and 3-D Animation

 The Situational Analysis is the result of series of public consultations conducted by the
Palafox Associates last April 6, 2022 and April 21, 2022. This were attended by the TWG
of Proclamation 311 and stakeholders from different sectors.

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