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Lit Ing-4

Bali, Indonesia-the island of Gods- lost its innoce at around 23:15 on Saturday, 12th
October 2002, when terrorists triggered bombs placed in two popular nightclubs, Paddy’s and
Sari Club, killing almost 200 international tourists and locals alike, with many more injured. The
effect of the blasts triggered crisis and the like which had never been seen in Bali before and
indeed shocked the world.

The tourism industry obviously was devastated. Hotel room occupancy rates, which for some
properties were close to 100 percent prior to the attacks, plummeted to single-digit levels for
many establishments as the mass exodus of international visitors gained momentum. Inbound air
capacity was slashed, businesses closed and many Balinese found themselves unemployed.

1.What does the text tell us?

A. The effect of the bombs on industry in Bali.
B. The tourism industry in Bali was totally devastated
C. All business in Bali was closed after the bomb tragedy
D. The terrorist triggering a bomb placed in front of a hotel
E. Mass exodus of international visitors in Bali

2.We know from the text that...

A. Almost two hundred local people were killed in kuta
B. Many people were injured when the terrorists triggered a bomb in Kuta
C. Bali had ever had such a tragedy
D. The tragedy was shocking the world because there were a lot of Tourists
E. Several people from other countries have been coming to Kuta

3.“The tourism industry obviously was devastated” (paragraph 2) The underline word is closest
in meaning to...
A. Fascinated
B. Developed
C. Improved
D. Destroyed
E. Admired

Taufik Hidayat (born 10th August 1981 in Bandung, West Java) is a retired Indonesian
badminton player. He is a former World and olympics Champion in men’s singles. He has also
won the Indonesian Open six times ( 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003,2004 and 2006). When he was
young, he joined the SGS Club, a club badminton in Bandung, where he was trained under lie
Hidayat won the men’s single’s competition at the 2004 Summer Olympics. In August
2005, he won the men’s single’s competition at the IBF World Championships. He also won the
gold medal at the Asian Games twice, at Busan 2002 and Doha 2006. He maried Agum
Gumelar’s daughter, Ami Gumelar, in 2006. In August they were blessed with a daughte, Natarin
Alika Hidayat. A few day after Alika was born, he left for the capital og Malaysia, to attend the
planet Championships.
Hidayat’s main qualities are his backhand is perhaps most famous for his backhand
smash, revered for its unusually high generation of power), forehand jump smash, drop shot
(reverse slice particular), smooth footwork and deceiving net play. Hidyat’s forehand jump
smash in the 2006 World Championships is currently the fastest smash recordin the single’s
competition. He recorded a 305 km/h in a match againts Ng Wei.

4.Which of the following statements about Taufik Hidayat is stated in the text ?
A. His daughter Alika was born in Malaysia
B. He is an active Indonesian badminton player
C. He won the Indonesian Open in 2001
D. The speed of his forehand jump smash in 2006 was 305 km/h
E. He lost the men’s single’s competition at the IBF World Championship in 2005

5.The main idea of the last paragraph is...

A. Taufik Hidayat is an excellent badminton player in many ways
B. The fastest smash was recorded in his single’s competitions
C. Taufik’s main qualities are his backhand smashes
D. Taufik is know as a unique badminton player
E. Taufik has unusually high generation power
6.“......they were blessed with a daughter.....” (paragraph2).
The underline word is closest in meaning to...
A. Impressed
B. Prayed
C. Sacred
D. Privileged
E. Given

Last week was a hectic week. I have been touring East Java and Bali. There were somany
things that I’ve experienced that it’s difficult to write about all of them.
I arrived in Yogyakarta, on Sunday. I stayed in a cheap accommodation, a wisma. The
room was clean and I cloud get hot water to bathe. On Monday , I went with a tour group to visit
Borobudur and the Hindu tamples in Prambanan. Some of these tamples are more than twelve
hundred years old. They date well beyond the churches in my hometown in Europe, I was
amazed at the enormity of the construction. I’m sure they did not have today to raise and lay
those huge blocks of stone. The carvings on the walls were another feature of the construction.
I’m getting used to the spicy food served here. I have eaten fresh fish, lamb, and beef. I
know you dont eat all this but I’ve got used to it. On Tuesday i decided to go for a hike to Mount
Merapi. But I found out that it was a difficult climb. So I went to the forest park in kaliurang.
That was a lovely walk that made m hot and tired. But I managed to cool off in waterfall in the
park then walked up to a hill nearby where I could see the smokey, fiery Mount Merapi.

7.The writer comes from...

A. Bali
B. Europe
C. Surabaya
D. East Java
E. Yogyakarta

8.The main idea of the second paragraph is...

A. The writer arrived in Yogyakarta
B. Borobudur, Prambanan temples and the carvings amazed the write
C. The writer visited Borobudur and Prambanan temples with a tour group
D. The temples are older than the churches in Europe
E. The writer spent the night at a cheap wisma

9.From the text we can conclude that the writer...

A. Enjoyed tour
B. Liked mountain climbing
C. Had experienced in writing
D. Was used to eating spicy food
E. Visited Yogyakarta a week before

10.“Last week was a hectic week” (Paragraph 1)

The synonym of the underlined word is “very...”
A. Idle
B. Busy
C. Quiet
D. Relaxed
E. Tied up

There residents were killed, while dozens of other were wounded after a pick-up truck
they were taking to attend a marriage ceremony overturned in Jingkang village, Banyumas
Regency, on Sunday.
The pick-up was carrying 30 passengers, mostly women, when it failed to ascend a steep
road on its way back from ceremony
As a result, the passengers were squeezed. The wounded passengers were later rushed to
the Ajibarang regional public hospital. Local police are investigating the cause of the accident.
11.What type of the text above?
A. A news item
B. A report
C. A. decripive
D. A. recount
E. A. review

12.What the purpose of the author in writing the text ?

A. To persuade the police to work seriously

B. To advise the reader to be careful on the road
C. To describe how an event happened
D. To inform the reader about a worthy event
E. To warn the reader that dangers may happen unexpectedly

One day in July 2005, I went fishing on Sodus bay. I casted under our own dock with a
rubber worm and Boom!
A big bass took off to the other side of the dock and I was sure the line was going to
break because his pulling was rubbing line againts sharp rocks. Three times I pulled him back to
my side of the dock and three times he got got back to the other side of the dock. Finally, I got
him to my side and he was tired.
I knew that this was the biggest bass I had ever seen. I worked him towards me and got
down and gripped him. However, I didn’t have a good trip at first and I let him down to the water
for a few seconds to get a better grip. The next thing I knew he was swimming away. No!
Screamed louder than I ever had. It was the first time I cried over a fish. What a huge fish. This
is a true story and sad one for me.

13.Where did the writer cast his line ?

A. At his cottage
B. On his own dock
C. Under his own dock
D. On a bay
E. At home

14.The main idea of paragraph 2 is...

A. The writer pulled the bass
B. The writer got a big bass
C. A big bass took off the sea
D. The bass made the writer tired
E. A big bass broke the writer’s line

15.What happened after the writer could grip the big bass ?
A. He picked the big bass up
B. He cleaned the big bass up
C. He laid down the big bass
D. He stored the bid bass in his dock
E. He lost the big bass

Human body is made up of contless million of cells. Food is needed to build up new cells
and replace the worn out. Howover, the food we take must be changed into subtances that can be
carried in the blood to the places where they are needed. This process is called digestion.
The first digestive process takes places in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into
small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with salvia containing digestive juices which moisten
the food, so that it can be swallowed easily.
From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus-the food passage into the stomach.
Here the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours.
Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular wall of intestine are
squeezing, mixing, and moving the food on wards.
In few hours, the food changes into acids. The acids are soon absorbed by the villi
(microscopic branch projection from the intestine walls) and passed into bloodstream.
16.Which of the following is the most title for the text ?
A. The process of Saliva
B. The Digestive System
C. The Food and its Process
D. How the Food Changes into Acids
E. The Process of Building up New Cells.

17.Where does the first digestive process take place ?

A. In the mouth
B. In the stomach
C. In the esophagus
D. In the muscular wall
E. In the small intestine

18.The food can be swallowed easily because...

A. it has been digested
B. it is carried by the blood
C. it is moistened by the saliva
D. it will pass the esophagus
E. it is already in the stomach

19.What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To describe human body
B. To show the function of blood
C. To tell the work of intestine
D. To explain the process of digestive system
E. To inform the readers the necessity of food

20.All the time the muscular walls of intestine are squeezing.... (paragraph 3)
The underline word means...

A. To hug
B. To push up
C. To obtain slowly
D. To produce
E. To press firmly

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