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Post Distribution monitoring

Hygiene NFI Provision through Cash
Assistance with E-Voucher Modality
to Gure-Shembola Camp Refugees
Bereket Seifu [
1/12/18 C
(NCA, Emergency Program Officer)
0 | Page u
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. ii
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Objective of the PDM ......................................................................................................... 2
3. Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 2
3.1. Questionnaire .............................................................................................................. 2
3.2. Training for enumerators ............................................................................................ 2
3.3. Sample size .................................................................................................................. 2
3.4. Digital data survey ....................................................................................................... 2
3.5. Data Analysis ............................................................................................................... 3
4.1. Demographics.............................................................................................................. 3
4.2. Usage of the E-voucher ............................................................................................... 4
4.3. Usage of the Hygiene wallet ....................................................................................... 4
4.4. Usage of Unrestricted Wallet ...................................................................................... 6
4.5. Beneficiary satisfaction level ....................................................................................... 8
4.6. Time Analysis ............................................................................................................... 9
5. Limitations of the PDM ..................................................................................................... 10
6. Learnings and Recommendations .................................................................................... 11
Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 13

i | Page
List of Figures
Figure 1 Respondent proportion per zone ............................................ 3
Figure 2 Respondent Gender segregation............................................. 3
Figure 3 Family size of the respondents ... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4 Usage of the E-voucher ......................................................... 4
Figure 5 Number of soaps bought by different HHs, which have different
number of family members ................................................................ 5
Figure 6 Number of Jerry cans bought ................................................. 5
Figure 7 Liquid soap bought by different HHs with different number of family
members ......................................................................................... 6
Figure 8 Sanitary Pad bought by different HHs with different size of family
members ......................................................................................... 6
Figure 9 Household numbers purchasing each group of Non-food item from
the unrestricted wallet sales basket .................................................... 7
Figure 10 Number of Households purchased Food items ........................ 7
Figure 11 Beneficiary overall satisfaction ............................................. 8
Figure 12 Reason for not satisfied ....................................................... 8
Figure 13 Beneficiaries satisfaction on the selection of hygiene items in the
market ............................................................................................ 8
Figure 14 Beneficiaries satisfaction on the selection of other items in the
market ............................................................................................ 8
Figure 15 Different family size respondent response on the top up
sufficiency for their HH ...................................................................... 9
Figure 16 one-way time to travel to the market Vs beneficiary Number . 10
Figure 17 Waiting time in the shop to buy.......................................... 10
Figure 18 Waiting time to collect the E voucher .................................. 10
Figure 19 Limitations of the PDM ...................................................... 11

ii | P a g e
1. Introduction
As the title of the project indicates, the project was implemented jointly by
LWF and NCA. LWF was a lead agency as LWF is currently working in the
camp and responsible for the WASH component on the accountability
matrix. The project funded by NMFA to address the whole population in the
camp. The two specific objectives of the project are to provide hygiene NFI
kit using e-voucher system to improve the hygienic practice of the targeted
community and to improve the overall health of communities by
implementing emergency hygiene activities that encourage households to
adopt improved hygiene practices to 3,303 individuals (854 HHs).
Before the implementation of the project, the need assessment has been
carry out with joint TWG of LWF/NCA. The objective of the survey was to
identify the needs and gaps regarding food and non-food items (NFIs), with
a particular focus on hygiene. There was a big need of hygiene, Non-
Hygiene NFIs and food items according to the findings of FGD, KII, ARRA
and UNCHR. According to the findings from the FGDs and KIIs, soap, jerry
can, washing basins, food items, clothes and blankets were identified as
the most needed items. Other identified hygiene NFI needs include sanitary
pads, underwear, bucket, mosquito net, torch and more. Of food and other
non-food items, blankets, clothes, mats and milk powder, sugar, salt,
wheat, meat, spaghetti and rice were identified. A list of about 31 unique
hygiene commodities, including different types of soap, jerry can, washing
basin, sanitary pads, and underwear was chosen for the hygiene basket. In
addition, a list of about 43 unique commodities food and non-food items
was selected for the unrestricted basket. So that, in order to address
hygiene NFI need and other NFI needs two wallets were provided. The size
of hygiene wallet was determined in consideration of sphere minimum
Each E voucher top upped with 1050 ETB out of this amount 700 ETB is for
hygiene wallet and the remaining 350 for the unrestricted use. The sales
basket under each wallet were displayed On the vendors smartphones in
the Red Rose One app to the beneficiaries.
Two vendors were selected based on defined open procedure with certain
criteria. The agreement contract with the vendors signed between LWF and
Vendors. This agreement document consist of obligation and right of both
parties including the agreed Maximum price for each items, which are in
the sales basket. Accordingly, the prices have feed in to the system.
The training on the system of transaction (Redrose OneSOLUTION
Electronic Cash Transfer System training) including field demonstration
given for all project stakeholders (5 NCA staffs, 12 LWF staffs, 1 UNCHR
staff and 2 vendors) before the project start up.

1 | Page
As the PDM conducted 848 HH were received their E-voucher and made the
transaction through the system.

2. Objective of the PDM

The Post-distribution conducted with the aim of:
 Assess how the beneficiaries have used the E-voucher.
 Determine the effectiveness of the intervention in relation to address
the needs of the community and beneficiary satisfaction level.
 Documentation of Project achievement and failures for future
learning and project improvement.

3. Methodology
3.1. Questionnaire
The questionnaire designed targeting the household level to be responded
by the delegate (representatives of the people who were not able to come
to the market place i.e PWD, elderly) or head of the HH. It consists of 75
questions, which could be answer directly by the respondent and by
interviewer simple observation as well.

3.2. Training for enumerators

Short on site training and orientation conducted before the survey start.
The PDM survey have done by six LWF/NCA project staffs including the
market facilitators. As these staffs have been doing the same activities
during the project implementation i.e. collecting the feedback/complaint
from the beneficiaries through this platform, it was easy to do the PDM with
the same procedure.

3.3. Sample size

According to LWF’s (project implementation lead agency) standard
operating procedures (SOPs), a 10– 15% post distribution sample needed
when dealing with cash/vouchers. Accordingly, 124(15 %) sample size took
in to consideration for this PDM. The samples have been selected randomly
within independent ballot for each zone to ensure equal representation and
coverage of the whole distribution.

3.4. Digital data survey

The Redrose OneSOLUTION Electronic Cash Transfer System has been used
as a platform to implement this cash assistance project. The survey also
has done through the same platform. As Red Rose is the only one who can
work on the platform, NCA prepared the PDM questionnaire and shared this

2 | Page
with Red Rose. Red Rose digitalized the questionnaire and uploaded it to
the system within one week.
The survey done using the smart phones procured for the project. The
system requested to scan the beneficiary e-voucher card and enter the PIN
code before proceeding to the questions to verify the beneficiary. Once the
data collected and submitted, the information saved in to the phone and
transferred in to the platform immediately when the device connected to
the internet and synchronized.

3.5. Data Analysis

Data analyzed and visualized by using the Red Rose affiliated website called
Pentaho ( and Excel for
analyzing some of the data.

4. Findings
4.1. Demographics
The PDM survey conducted in 124 beneficiary households that covered 15%
of the total beneficiaries. 65% of the household interviews were conducted
in zona A (the biggest zone). Two thirds of the respondents were women,
while one third of the respondents were men. The average family size also
considered in selection of samples The average family size was 5.

Zone A
Zone B 92

Female Male

Figure 2 Respondent Gender segregation

Figure 1 Respondent proportion per zone

HH Respondant Vs Family Size


20 22


Unique Beneficiary

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 3 Family size of the respondents

3 | Page
4.2. Usage of the e-voucher
All the e-vouchers were used by the beneficiaries and almost all (98 %) are
used the whole balance. 80% went to the shop 1-5 times to buy something
using the e-voucher. 2% of the respondents did not used the whole amount
of the e-voucher. of the reasons given were the very low balance remaining
and nothing to buy with it and because of different problems that not
allowed to them to go to the market place.

Figure 4 Usage of the E-voucher

4.3. Usage of the Hygiene wallet

Total of 135 bathing and laundry soaps have purchased by the surveyed
households i.e. By average every household had bought one bathing soap.
Most of the items bought by families having a family size of four, five and
six. this is true for the liquid soap and sanitary pads as well.
Out of the total survey, 77(62%) households bought 84 medium and small
washing basin and 4(3%) households bought four Jerry cans.

4 | Page
Family Size Vs Number of soap bought
Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Commodity Diva (200 g) Commodity Diva (250 g) Commodity Duru (180 g)

Commodity Economy (200 g) Commodity GIV (80 g.) Commodity LUX (75 g)
Commodity Micky(200 g) Commodity Micky(200 g)

Figure 5 Number of soaps bought by different HHs, which have different number of family members

number of Purchased Jerry cans and Washing basins by PDM surveyed HHs



44% 23% 1 1% 3 2%


no of the items % HH sold the items

Figure 6 Jerry cans bought

5 | Page
Family Size vs Number of soap bought(Liquid Soap)

15. 13.

10. 9.
5. 3.
. . . . 0
Largo Liquid soap

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 7 30 % of the HHs bought by different HHs with different number of family members

Family size Vs Sanitary Pad bought

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total Family Members

Commodity Sanitary Pads

Figure 8 17 % of the HHs bought different kinds of sanitary pad

4.4. Usage of Unrestricted Wallet

Form the non-food items (NFIs) that could be accessed through the
unrestricted wallet toothbrush and toothpaste were bought by 58%,
blanket and thin blanket together covered 59 % of the HHs and cloths and
shoes follows as shown in the figure below.

6 | Page
% H H P U R C H A S I N G E A C H P R O D U C T G R O UP O F N O N F O O D I T E M S
















B U G S P R A Y ( 2 5 0 … 1%
M O S Q U I T O N E T … 1%
M O S Q U I T O N E T … 1%

N A I L C U T T E R … 1%

T O R C H S M A L L … 1%
T O R C H B I G … 0%
















Figure 9 % HH purchasing each group of Non-food item from the unrestricted wallet sales basket

As it found from the need assessment result through FGD and KII during
the initial stage of the project, food items have bought by the beneficiaries
as expected through the e-voucher system. Sugar bought by more
households than any food item in the sales basket and it covers 56.4% of
the HHs, macaroni (54.8%), wheat flour (51.6%), Anchor 35 gram and
Anchor 400 gram have purchased by 79% Households, pasta spaghetti
(40.3%), Rice (34.6%) and tomato powder (24.1%).

HH purchasing each productgroup of Non food Items using unrestricted


55% 56%
44% 47%
6% 5%

Figure 10 ouseholds purchased Food items

7 | Page
4.5. Beneficiary satisfaction level
out of the result 91% of the beneficiaries were satisfied with the items,
which are selected in the sales basket of both in hygiene and unrestricted
wallet as well as available in the market.
Three forth of the beneficiaries were satisfied on the availability of urgently
needed items in the market.
The reasons given for dissatisfaction were the high price of some items and
insufficient amount of top up. Families having one, two and three family
members responded that the top up amount was enough to cover their
family needs throughout the project period. However, the information
analysed shows it was not enough starting from family size four.


Reason for not satisfied
100% 7
80% 5
60% 3
40% 2
20% 0
Some items were the top up was not
expensive enough to buy all items
that I need for my
Figure 11 Beneficiary overall satisfaction

Figure 12 Reason for not satisfied

Are you satisfied with the selection of other

items in the market?
Are you satisfied with the selection of other
No items in the market?
9% No

95% No Yes

Figure 13 Beneficiaries satisfaction on the selection Figure 14 Beneficiaries satisfaction on the

of hygiene items in the market selection of other items in the market

8 | Page
HH respondant Vs Response on availability of the
item which is needed urgently by the beneficiary

28; 23%


96; 77%

E-voucher balance vs family size

Total Respondant HH Family Members

The evoucher top up amount was enough for our family
The evoucher top up amount was NOTenough for our family











FAMILY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 15 Different family size respondent response on the top up sufficiency for their HH

4.6. Time Analysis

The analysis in the below figures shows the time required to travel from
home to market place (one way), waiting time in the available two shop to
buy and waiting time which have been taken to collect the e-voucher card
during the initial stage of the project.
During the e-voucher card distribution days 44 % of the beneficiaries
waited for thirty to sixty minutes, 31% of them waited for less than thirty
minutes and 10 % of them were waited for more than an hour.
For more than 60% of the beneficiaries it took thirty or less minutes to
travel to the market. However, majority (54%) of them have been waited
in the shop queuing line more than an hour to buy. Long queuing line
observed during the first week of the distribution began.

9 | Page
How long time did it take to travel to the market (one way)?

Don’t know

>60 min

30 min- 60 min

< 30 min

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Zone B Zone A

Figure 16 one-way time to travel to the market Vs beneficiary Number

Waiting time in the shop to buy the items Waiting time to collect the E voucher from the
distribution center

19; 15% 13; 10% 19; 15%

<30 min
31 - 60 min 13; 10%
38; 31%
>60 min <30 min
Don't know 30 - 60 min
26; 21% >60 min
Don't know

67; 54%
54; 44%

Figure 17 Waiting time in the shop to buy Figure 18 Waiting time to collect the E voucher

5. Limitations of the PDM

The PDM covers 14.6 % of the total beneficiaries of the Refugee camp.
More than 60 % of the respondents information converges to the system
information. So that the selected households gives somehow respective
picture of the beneficiaries.

10 | P a g e
PDM v System Data

Data from the system Data from the PDM

Figure 19 Limitations of the PDM

6. Learnings and Recommendations

 The PDM survey done digitally through the platform. This ensured the
quality of data and minimized time needed to collect the data.
 The allocation of money among the two wallets helped us to meet our
objective and project goal as the beneficiary has the opportunity to
fill other prioritized need from their unrestricted wallet.
 The delay in the signing of the relevant agreement document by
UNCHR and ARRA side considerably affected the project actual start
date and shorten the time that the beneficiaries should spend the
money. This enforced to change the instalment from two to one time.
 It was observed that using PIN as beneficiary verification was difficult
for most of the beneficiaries, most of them were needed market
facilitators or promotors help to insert their PIN in to the system, as
most of they are not illiterate. Therefore, finger prints can be
considered as a possible solution for the future CBI. This will require
finger scanner, which connected with the system.
 The local vendors should get high priority to be involved in the CBI
projects. In the time of no qualified vendors around the localities it is
still good to allow some time for potential vendors to process all the
necessary documentation making them eligible as vendor. So that,
this may have a very high contribution for the sustainability of the
market, contributing much for the peaceful coexistence of the host
and refugee communities and the local government to get some
revenue from the vendors to execute the development activities for
the same community.
 The no price escalation and high quality items provision in the market
have been ensured through insertion of maximum price for each item
into transaction system and tight monitoring of the market

11 | P a g e
facilitators. Moreover, the binding agreement that signed by the
vendors have list of obligations by all stakeholders, list of items,
which should be available in the shop, every time and maximum price
of them.
 Feedback and complaints collecting through RR collect app provided
by the Red Rose platform was very good in order to report the
complaints very fast to all the platform credential users to get the
possible solution.
 In this project, the households received the same value of e-voucher
regardless of their family size. For the future cash based intervention
the providing top up should be based on the number of household
 The location of the market should be within the centre of the
community and should be very convenient to reach by all kinds of
peoples with disability who are available in the camp.

12 | P a g e
Question / Type of alternati
heading question ves Comments

voucher pilot
Monitoring (title/informa
survey tion)
Household (title/informa
questionnaire tion)
Gure Shembola (title/informa
Refugee Camp tion)

Introduction (title/informa
and guidelines tion)
yourself and
the purpose of
the visit to the
clearly. (information)
Please seek the
consent of the
proceeding (information)

13 | P a g e
with the
Please explain
that you are
not going to
provide any
additional items
but that the
questionnaire is
only to help
distributions in
the future. (information)
Please try to
keep the
interview as
confidential as
possible to
avoid bias. This
may mean
politely to
move away,
and/or finding a
space where
people are not
able to
overhear. (information)
Please confirm
that the Head
of Household
and/or the (information)

14 | P a g e
individual who
was registered
and who
ht the at
shopping time
is available for
you to be

(*may be
into Choose
one with
names when
name of
Name of enumerator
enumerator Text* confimred)
Date Date

Pre conditions
for the
Do you give
your consent to
be If no, jump
interviewed? Choose one Yes No to the end
Are you the
head of
household (or
the one If no, jump
registered to Choose one Yes No to the end

15 | P a g e
receive/use the
Did you (the
receive a e-
voucher in the
distribution If yes, skip
done by next
NCA/LWF? Choose one Yes No question
Why did you Missed Jump to end
(the household) the Was not of the
not receive an distributi on the Don't questionnair
e-voucher? Choose one on list know Other e

Zone A B
Block Integer
Community Integer
Gender of
respondent Choose one Male Female
How many
members are
living in the
household? Integer

Use of e-
If yes, skip
Have you (the next
household) Choose one Yes No question

16 | P a g e
used the e-
Didn't E- Market
Why did you Lost the know Didn't voucher not
not use the e- e- It was how to need the wasn't accessi Don't
voucher? Choose one voucher stolen Sold it use it items working ble know Other
Have you used If yes, skip
all the credit on next
the e-voucher? Choose one Yes No question
small Didn't
rest have the
balance Didn't items I Proble Didn't
(not have the wanted ms have
sufficient items I in the going sufficient
Why have you to shop wanted selectio to the time to Don't
not used all? Choose one for) in stock n market spend it know Other
Out of the Please
hygiene items display the
you bought, correspondi
which items are ng pictures
you still using from the
(or have Econo Crow sales basket
available)? Lux (75 Giv (80 (Duru Diva Diva Micky my Picollo n (200 in the
Choose all g) g) 180 g) (200g) (250g) (200g) (200g) (200g) g) platform
that apply Sanita
Plastic ry
kettle Jerry Jerry pads
Largo (for Washin Bucket can can (Anna
Larfo (1L) (2L) toilet) g basin with lid (10L) (20L) Broom )
Sanitary Underw
pads Underw ear Tooth Toothpa Razorbla Torch Torch Nail
(Eve) ear (girls) brush ste de (big) (small) cutter

17 | P a g e
o net Mosquit
Bug (circular o net
spray ) (square)
Out of the Please
other items you display the
bought, which correspondi
items are you ng pictures
still using (or from the
have available)? sales basket
Anchor Anchor Spaghe Flour in the
Nido (400g) (35g) tti Sorghum (wheat) Salt Sugar Oil platform
Tomato Orange Macaro Blanke
Choose all powder Buscuits Tea powder Rice ni Blanket t (thin) Mat
that apply Cassero
le Casser Pan
Kettle Kettle Cup Casserol (mediu ole (small
(small) (large) Plate Glass (plastic) e (small) m) (large) )
Pan Knife Shoes
(medium Cutting (kitche Shoes (childre Sandals
) Ladle board n) (women) n) (men) Jacket Skirt
T-shirt Sweater
(childre T-shirt (children Sweater
Dress Trouser n) (adult) ) (adult)
HYGIENE display the
ITEMS: Ask the Choose all correspondi
respondent to that apply Econo Crow ng pictures
show you the Lux (75 Giv (80 (Duru Diva Diva Micky my Picollo n (200 from the
g) g) 180 g) (200g) (250g) (200g) (200g) (200g) g) sales basket

18 | P a g e
items they still in the
use/have. platform
Plastic ry
kettle Jerry Jerry pads
Largo (for Washin Bucket can can (Anna
Larfo (1L) (2L) toilet) g basin with lid (10L) (20L) Broom )
Sanitary ear Underw
pads (women ear Tooth Toothpa Razorbla Torch Torch Nail
(Eve) ) (girls) brush ste de (big) (small) cutter
o net Mosquit
Bug (circular o net
spray ) (square)
OTHER ITEMS: display the
Ask the correspondi
respondent to ng pictures
show you the from the
items they still sales basket
use/have. Anchor Anchor Spaghe Flour in the
Nido (400g) (35g) tti Sorghum (wheat) Salt Sugar Oil platform
Choose all
Tomato Orange Macaro Blanke
that apply
powder Buscuits Tea powder Rice ni Blanket t (thin) Mat
le Casser Pan
Kettle Kettle Cup Casserol (mediu ole (small
(small) (large) Plate Glass (plastic) e (small) m) (large) )
Pan Knife Shoes
(medium Cutting (kitche Shoes (childre Sandals
) Ladle board n) (women) n) (men) Jacket Skirt

19 | P a g e
T-shirt Sweater
(childre T-shirt (children Sweater
Dress Trouser n) (adult) ) (adult)
Have you
traded any of
the items If no, skip
bought with the two next
e-voucher? Choose one Yes No questions
ed for
How did you Choose all Sold other
trade? that apply items goods Other
What did you Shelter ol or If other,
trade the items Choose all material cigarett please
for? that apply Food s Clothes es Other specify
Was there any
other item(s)
that you
needed at the
time of this
that you did not
find in the
allowed item If no, skip
lists in the next
shop? Choose one Yes No question
Please specify
the items Text
Was there any If no, skip
items from the next
available items Choose one Yes No question

20 | P a g e
list that you
wanted to buy,
that neither of
the vendor had
in store?
Please name
the relevant
item(s) Text

Are you
satisfied with
the selection of If no, skip
hygiene items next
in the market? Choose one Yes No question
of the Didn't
Why were you Choose all items I like the
not satisfied? that apply wanted brands Other
Are you
satisfied with
the selection of If yes, skip
other items in next
the market? Choose one Yes No question
of the Didn't
Why were you Choose all items I like the
not satisfied? that apply wanted brands Other

21 | P a g e
Were the e-
voucher credit
sufficient to
cover the most
urgent needs? Choose one Yes No
Overall, were
you satisfied
with the e- If yes, skip
voucher you next
received? Choose one Yes No question
Choose all
Please specify that apply

Information &
From who did
you get the
about the Hygiene
distribution and Choose all LWF/NC promoto UNHCR ARRA Word of
e-voucher? that apply A staff rs staff staff mouth Other
Did you receive
information in
order to use the
e-voucher If yes, skip
without any big next
problems? Choose one Yes No question
What did you Limitati
not receive How to How to on of
enough use the use a the e- E- If other,
information Choose all Distributi e- PIN vouche voucher The two please
about? that apply on voucher code r value wallets Other specify

22 | P a g e
Did you need to
show any proof
of identification
when receiving
the e-voucher Don't
(during the rememb
distribution)? Choose one Yes No er
Did you need to
show any proof
of identification
when using the Don't
E Voucher Card rememb
(in the shop)? Choose one Yes No er
How long time
did it take to
collect he e-
voucher card
(during the 30 - 60 Don't
distribution)? Choose one <30 min min >60 min know
How long time
did it takt to
travel to the
market (one 30 - 60 Don't
way)? Choose one <30 min min >60 min know
How long time
did you have to
wait in the shop
to buy the 30 - 60 Don't
items? Choose one <30 min min >60 min know
how many More
times have you 1 -5 6 - 10 than 10
gone to the Choose one times times times

23 | P a g e
market to shop
using the e-
Were you able
to check your
balance upon Don't
request? Choose one Yes No know
Did you face
any problems
receiving or
using the e-
voucher`? Choose one Yes No
Distance Security Use of Lack of Unused have
Choose all to the concern Technica PIN informati rest items
Please specify that apply market s l issues code on balance in stock Other

Feedback Information
Any feedback is
very valuable
and highly
appreciated in
terms of
programs Information
Do you have If no, skip
any complaints next
or feedback? Choose one Yes No question
Please specify
the complaints
or feedback Text

24 | P a g e
Thank you so
much for your
time and
contribution! Information

25 | P a g e

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