Day 3 PBIAgenda

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Day-3 Agenda:

1] Filter Data Dynamcially using Parameters in Power Query

- Create Parameter
- Suggested Values
- Any Value / List of Values / Query
- Default Value
- Current Value

2] Refresh
3] Sorting
4] Row Number Using Index Column
5] Fill the Values
6] Custom Function in PowerQuery and Invoking the Custom Functions
7] Conditional Column
8] Understanding about Types of Filters in PowerBi

Understanding About Power Query and Power Pivot and Power View:
PowerQuery - That is called as Transform Data (Fix Metadata Strcuture) in Power BI
where we perform the ETL operations

Power Pivot - The 2 icons what we see in the Left Side next to Report Pane Icon are
called as PowerPivot where we do the following:

- Enhancing Data Modelling - This is the second icon (EDM) (Table

View) - where we can enhance by DAX queries etc...
- Data Modelling -The deicated place for creating a Relationships
in PowerBI (Data Modelling Icon)

Power View:
Power View was a data visualization tool in Microsoft Excel, introduced in Excel
2013 as an add-in for creating interactive reports and dashboards. However,from the
recent update, Microsoft had shifted its focus away from Power View in favor of
other tools like Power BI for more advanced and comprehensive data visualization
and analysis.

Power BI, on the other hand, is a robust business analytics tool that allows users
to create interactive visualizations, reports, and dashboards using various data
sources. Power BI offers more extensive capabilities compared to Power View,
providing a wide range of visualization options, data connectivity, and advanced
analytics features.

With Power BI, you can connect to different data sources, transform and model data,
create visualizations using drag-and-drop features, and share reports and
dashboards with others.

While Power View in Excel offered some interactive visualization capabilities,

Power BI expands on this by providing a more comprehensive suite of tools for data
analysis and visualization across different platforms.

Create Hierarchy in Power BI:


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