A Sense of Direction Rubric. Theater 145

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THEATRE 145 Writing Assignments

Reaction Paper to William Ball’s A Sense of Direction

DUE: Thursday, February 23

This paper should be 3 to 5 pages, formally written. The paper should include an
introduction and conclusion, plus a body with the following main points, each point
supported by examples cited from the text. Additionally, grammar, spelling, punctuation,
proofreading and writing style all contribute to the final evaluation of the paper.

Please include in your main points:

I. Your summation and understanding of the key points in the text. Cite direct
examples from the book. Examine the text carefully. These are the facts of
the book, as you understand them, not your opinions of the author’s work.
Class discussions were designed to help you understand the key points; use
your notes.

II. Cite examples of how you applied the points of the book to your own
directing in class (or outside). Explain how the book was useful to your
directing. Cite examples from your directing work in class. Be specific.

III. Discuss your own response to the book. What ideas were new to you? Which
ideas did you particularly respond to? Besides the practical lessons, what was
your response to the artistic ideas and theories in the book, and how did both
the practical and aesthetic ideas affect your approach to your own work in
class (or outside)? Cite direct examples from your directing (and acting)
experience in class. Explore what provoked your responses; cite examples
from the text; don’t stop at “I liked it” or “I didn’t”.

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