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3 Grammar Talking about predictions

A Choose the correct option to complete the responses.
1 A: I think we’ll send people to Mars in the next ten years.
B: Well, based on everything I’ve read, as easy as people think.
a it’s not going to be   b it isn’t being   c it can’t
2 A: Do you think there will be any breaks during the exam?
B: I’m not sure, but I think you’ll have a fifteen-minute break after the listening and writing parts of the test.
a you’ll finish   b you’re going to finish   c you’ve finished
3 A: When will we know the board’s decision?
B: They’re probably an announcement later this afternoon.
a go to make   b will make   c going to make
4 A: Who do you think will win the match tomorrow?
B: I think Colombia Uruguay easily.
a will have beaten  b will beat  c beats
5 A: I think paper money will completely disappear within the next fifteen to twenty years.
B: Are you sure? I think a lot of people that idea.
a aren’t liking   b will not have liked   c might not like
6 A: Do you think within ten years we will all drive electric cars?
B: I think it probably quite that fast. Maybe in twenty years’ time.
a won’t happen  b might not  c doesn’t happen
7 A: Does your son have any plans for next year?
B: Not yet, but I think looking for a job as soon as he graduates.
a he starts   b he’ll probably start   c he might
8 A: Do you want to have a picnic in the park tomorrow?
B: I don’t know. It looks like .
a it’s raining   b it might rain   c it can rain

B Work in pairs. Finish the sentences with your own ideas. Then discuss your sentences with a partner.
• In 25 years, there will be certain food we won’t be able to eat anymore, because

• As a result of new technologies, by 2050 our daily lives will have changed in many ways, for example

• One hundred years from now, robots are going to do many common jobs now done by humans, such as

• As soon as it’s possible to travel to space, people will want to

• In the near future, we’ll probably see big changes in education like

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