MNG Theo II Post Test 5 Artifact

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Planned Parenthood South Texas 1

Planned Parenthood South Texas

Liliana E. Ochoa

South Texas College- Summer 2023

Management Theory II CBE-ORGL 4351

Planned Parenthood South Texas 2


As most of us know Planned Parenthood South Texas is a non-profit organization that

must follow all sorts of techniques/structure to complete the organization’s goals. In order to help

this organization, excel, a plan must be set for the upcoming years to continuously accomplish

Planned Parenthood 's mission of providing healthcare to the community of South Texas. Now,

changes must be made to the structure, and the hiring process for employees and volunteers

amongst the other departments and it will help make the organization more efficient for the

community. Employees and volunteers are a substantial part of the organization: therefore, they

will be the areas to focus on. Employees and staff help patients by providing different services

which determines the future of Planned Parenthood. Reviewing policies is the manager's

responsibility, therefore, to keep patients and staff satisfied the managers must make sure to keep

up to date with all policies. Several ways to increase the numbers of volunteers and customers

satisfaction would be to promote the positions available on social media. If Planned Parenthood

decreases in patience due to unsatisfied individuals Planned Parenthood will have negative

consequences. This essay will describe in detail the areas that will have different structures and

procedures in place to make Planned Parenthood even more successful than now to continue

helping the community as it is a high resource in South Texas.

Planned Parenthood South Texas 3

Planned Parenthood South Texas

Planned Parenthood South Texas is a non-profit organization that provides health

care and information to individuals that are planning their future or current families. If this non-

profit organization did not help the community, women would have to pay for high costing

medication and doctor visit expenses out of pocket. The plan that I want to describe will help the

organization accomplish their goals carefully but more practical and it will benefit the customers.

The different services that Planned Parenthood offers are testing and treatment for infections,

lifesavings cancer screenings, and providing health education for people in South Texas (Planned

Parenthood, 2019).

Planned Parenthood must be very clear of their objective in order to be successful. The

initial step that I would take in place would be setting a plan for the organization’s goals and

mission to have a clear understanding throughout the organization. Having a welcoming

environment with staff is critical to ensure patients feel comfortable and open to sharing their

issues. The goal that Planned Parenthood has for the community is to help create a healthier

world for women, men, and young people (Planned Parenthood, 2019). This non-profit

organization aims to inform individuals of safety options and to provide the correct health

education to the South Texas Community. Most individuals are scared or nervous to reach out

not only for the help, but the information needed due to privacy concerns, but Planned

Parenthood is a source to help all individuals.

Planned Parenthood is an organization that enables volunteers to be part of helping the

community. Volunteers have the option to help by working in the health centers or even working

from home. Volunteer positions are able to help the organization grow and be successful in

customer service areas. The more time volunteers spend helping the organization is a great way
Planned Parenthood South Texas 4

to improve the service being provided for patients. The following figure provides the goals for

the upcoming years of Planned Parenthood. The yearly goals are attainable with different

policies set in place. Planned Parenthood has many employees and with volunteers helping there

will be more time and funds available to provide additional services for patients. A great way to

increase the number of volunteers is to advertise on social media platforms. Advertising on social

media platforms is the fastest way to market and attract volunteer positions. If more individuals

knew what Planned Parenthood aims to do for the community, then it can have a positive

reaction and motivate others in participating with the organization to accomplish those goals.

Volunteer Goals for the Upcoming Years

2024 2025 2026


Organization is critical in any organization/business. Next, I would make sure to evaluate

what can be improved in the organization system. If an organization does not have an effective

organized plan system, it can be detrimental. As a manager, I would review how Planned

Parenthood has been conducting its practices. Departmental decision making is what I would

implement to allow managers to make decisions based on the present situation if given.

Parenthood will have the specialized employees that will have access to make decisions.

Structure of the organization is very important this is an area to focus on to establish all the
Planned Parenthood South Texas 5

improved procedures. It is always important to have the appropriate individual designated with

the expertise to operate such decisions for their department. The decisions would be conducted

by someone local vs waiting for a higher ranked corporate individual to come up with the

ultimate decision.

All organizations have leaders, which consist of different leadership methods they

implement. Depending on the individual and what they the outcome to be from their

subordinates should determine the style of exercise when it comes to leadership roles. Leaders

conduct many decisions that can impact an organization which is why leaders should be cautious

but effective when making decisions. Leaders for non-profit organizations should always make

sure to let the staff and volunteer’s the value these individuals bring and all the involvement they

have in the organization. This sort of involvement and dedication should be a good impact and

noticeable difference to encourage employees to do the same. Communication is just as crucial;

employees and volunteers need to understand the overall mission of the organization to

accomplish its task. When employees know what goals need to be achieved, tasks tend to be

completed efficiently and in a timely manner. They studied 271 organizations through an

interview survey and reported four standard components of the Korean accountability obligations

i.e. integrity, civic engagement, inter-organizational partnership (activist-oriented and

professionalism-oriented). (Ahmed, F., Bahoo, S., & Ayub, A. (2019). If managers are good leaders,

the employees under them will find executing organizational objectives a positive challenge.

Also, organization involves how to design and improve individual jobs. This concept

would allow employees to have a better understanding of what is expected from them. It is very

important to train employees to have the knowledge and skills to perform all parts of their job

and give them the authority and accountability to do so (Creative Commons, 2012). In order to
Planned Parenthood South Texas 6

have a successful organization, an organization must have employees who understand their

duties and work efficiently. A big factor that can help Planned Parenthood is to include diversity

to the organization with individuals whom also have the adequate experience. Now, a days many

organizations benefit of the inclusion of more diversity on to their company. When diversity

becomes an inclusion to an organization individuals contribute with different ideas and

viewpoints which in hence can help attract more patients. Planned parenthood should keep an

open mind when it comes to their hiring process.

Moving forward to the controlling process, it would be my responsibility as a leader ti

continuously review and update Planned Parenthood’s controls as needed. Control in a non-profit

organization is a must have in order to prevent penalties. Exploratory research is conducted to

investigate the awareness among the auditors regarding the implementation of blockchain

technology in the audit trails. (N. W. Deepashika Jayathilake, & S M Chaturika Seneviratne.

(2022). Performing mid and yearly audits internally and externally is a good concept to see if the

current controls are working properly. The blockchain purpose will help trace any transactions

authorized and not authorized by the organization and this will detect any possible fraud.

Planned Parenthood receives donations therefore, having controls in the finance aspect is

important to prevent any theft. This will provide an in-depth comprehension of using blockchain

technology in audit trials to clients, professionals, and overall society. (N. W. Deepashika

Jayathilake, & S M Chaturika Seneviratne. (2022).

Customer Satisfaction for Upcoming Years


78% 79% 80% 81% 82% 83% 84% 85%

Planned Parenthood South Texas 7

Customer satisfaction is what keeps any organization such as Planned Parenthood successful. If

patients do not request to attain a service, the possibility of donations and governmental help

could come to a halt. In order to prevent this situation, patients should feel safe and comfortable

of the services they receive. The figure above represents the goals set to increase customer

satisfaction rate for the upcoming years. In order to keep patients’ visits growing, patients should

know that their private information is confidential. Generally, all these NPOs are working in the

various sectors for the social benefits of communities on issues of education, food and poverty,

fundamental human rights (safety, respect, avoid harassment), provision of basic necessities of

life (house, shelter, and electricity), research and youth development, and social

entrepreneurship, respectively. (Ahmed, F., Bahoo, S., & Ayub, A. (2019).). Patients that go to

organizations such as Planned Parenthood should feel confident and at peace that they are able to

confide in the medical professionals with their private health information. As the leader of the

non-profit organization, I would ensure that all services are up to Planned Parenthood’s standards

to provide the community with the any resources they might need.

Planned Parenthood employees’ work ethic is extremely important because if these

individuals are not satisfied with their position in the organization, Planned Parenthood can

suffer negative consequences due to their employees’ actions. Proper training for all employees

is the responsibility of managers by specified department. Training control procedures should

also be implemented for the volunteers. Having competent staff is important, especially in the

medical field in order to provide professional feedback to all patients and have them return in the

future. However, Lawry defined it as: “accountability is a willingness to endure public scrutiny,

even an invitation for the public, to scrutinize the behavior of the organization’s leadership”

(Lawry, 1995). (Ahmed, F., Bahoo, S., & Ayub, A. (2019). Ultimately, Planned Parenthood is
Planned Parenthood South Texas 8

responsible for hiring experienced employees that are able to take care of patients in a

professional way without any judgement.

To finalize, the organization should function more effectively with the new goals that

have been aligned to execute the overall mission of Planned Parenthood. With this new structure,

there will be an increase if volunteers, customer satisfaction and exposure for the organization

overall. The structure of the organization will be modified to accommodate the staff and to

ensure employee and customer satisfaction. The new plan that has been analyzed and set for

Planned Parenthood will also help increase the donation funds received amongst the

government’s help to continue helping the community of South Texas as needed.

Planned Parenthood South Texas 9


 Ahmed, F., Bahoo, S., & Ayub, A. (2019). Accountability, Governance and Structure of Non-Profit

Organizations: Evidence from Ghana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. New Horizons (1992-4399),

13(2), 19–36.

 N. W. Deepashika Jayathilake, & S M Chaturika Seneviratne. (2022). The Investigation of the

Awareness of Implementing Blockchain Technology in Audit Trails among the Auditors. Journal of

Accounting Research, Organization and Economics, 5(2), 109–123. https://doi-

 Planned Parenthood: This is who we are. (2019). Retrieved December 4, 2019, from


 3.2 Ancient History: Management Through the 1990s


 Creative Commons. (2012). The Changing Role of Strategic Human Resources

Management in Principles of Management. Retrieved March 1, 2020, from


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